( Ānanda).
In any NL-alignment religion, everything
depends upon whether your curriculum of
perfection & reinclusion in El is intended to be
accomplished in the course of one lifetime. If it is,
the Jewish linear-time model suffices. This is the
strategy of Torah Cabalism.
B u t i f y o u r c u r r i c u l u m p r o v i d e s f o r
incompletion, or inadequate purification, then
you’re up against a dilemma: If there’s an inevitable
Heaven/Hell, and instead of a life of passive
obedience and/or the acceptance of Grace, you’ve
“brazenly” presumed self-purification/perfection
through Cabalism, any inadequacy or incompletion
will doom you not to Anaheim, but the L.A. freeways
rush-eternity of Sheol.
The Catch-22 of the Eastern reincarnationist
religions is that your previously identity & memory
are flushed with every reembodiment. If you made
the mistake of murdering a bodhisattva, resulting in
your punitive reincarnation as a centipede, you can’t
learn not to bite another one’s ankle.
At least if you’re a Christian or a Muslim, Jesus
or Mohammed has promised to intercede for you ...
maybe, if you don’t fall below the Grace standard.
If you’re Jewish, you’re screwed, because
unless an acceptable Messiah shows up before you
kick the bucket, no redemption for you is possible,
53 with an appreciative, sentimental nod to Peter, Paul, and
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and you’re headed inevitably and eternally to
Sheol. 54
3. Satanic/LHP Religion
Satanists will doubtless be gruntled to hear that
you’re neither going to reappear as a centipede nor
rot in Sheol, nor frantically abase yourself in hopes
of getting on Jesus’ or Mohammed’s Grace roster.
As previewed in Chapter #13.C, the priests of
Egypt discovered a far more interesting transition in
your postcarnate Xeper. Peter Pan got it right: “To
die will be an awfully big adventure!” 55
B. ExTensions
Cultural Recording
In Earthly affairs of concern to Satanists, OU
4D measurements are of interest in the linear
division of major cultural movements, for instance
the Renaissance and Enlightenment of Europe.
However such delineations become decidedly
more problematic and less reliable as one looks
further back into the periods before permitted
2. Metamorphosis
Our earliest evidence of mankind dates to
about one million years ago.
In South Africa a large number of fossil
remains of mutated apes has been found. Classified
54 Sheol is sort of like Mordor, only worse. Cf. Chapter #13.B.
55 Barrie, J.M., Peter Pan, 1904.
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as Australopithecines, these pre-men possess
human-like hip and thigh bones in addition to
enlarged cranial capacities of between 400cc and
600cc. Conventional theories of evolution can
substantiate the continued mutation of this man-ape
to the stage of Pithecanthropus Erectus - a skull
fragment found in Java with an estimated capacity
of about 900cc.
Later versions of Pithecanthropus have
evidenced skulls of up to 1,100cc. And here we
encounter the enigma of the “missing link”. 56
3. Modification or Mutation?
The Java remains date to the Lower-Paleolithic
period - about 800,000 years ago. The next two
definitive ancestors of modern man, Cro-Magnon
and Neanderthal, did not appear until the Middle-
Paleolithic period - about 100,000 years ago.
There is some question, then, about the interim
700,000 years. Nor is this the only “missing link”
Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal, who were
approximate contemporaries, possessed cranial
capacities respectively of up to 1,700cc and 1,500cc.
How and why did these startling enlargements
occur? And why was Cro-Magnon’s cranium in
particular larger than that of present-day man, who
averages 1,400cc?
The Diabolicon identifies this change in
protohumanity as the Black Flame of Satan. In the
56 “Missing link” is out-of-favor among contemporary
paleontologists, because it implies too simple & linear a chain
in theoretical ape-to-human evolution. The politically-correct
replacement is “transitional morphologies”, which only blurs
and jargonizes the phenomenon.
- 133 -
Egyptian Book of Coming Forth by Night and Word
of Set, it is known as the Gift of Set.
Less shockingly to profane sensibilities, it is
euphemized as a rectangular black monolith in
2001: A Space Odyssey. 57
4. 95,000 Years of ?
In addition to the “link” (which could have
been instantaneous or gradual, and longer ago than
100,000 BCE), there is the obvious follow-up
question of what humanity did with its new
potential thereafter - roughly the 95,000 years until
the earliest surviving recorded history of ancient
Egypt. Consider: 95,000 years is rather a long time
to do nothing, then suddenly embark upon a 7,000-
year binge of “civilization”.
Inevitably this resurrects the ghost of Plato’s
Atlantis, as representative of a higher human
civilization prior to the earliest accepted records of
dynastic Egypt. Observed one noted archæologist:
Hoffman brings out in his book that the
hook we hang Egyptian dynastic dating on,
particularly the early dynasties, is a list from
Manetho, an Egyptian priest at Sebennytos in the
Nile Delta around 280 BCE. We have it today only
in fragments, but it’s still the hook, so to speak.
That’s how we get the usual 30 dynasties, and
conventional Egyptologists are more or less happy
with that.
57 This 1968 film was a collaboration between two avowed
atheists: director Stanley Kubrick and author Arthur C. Clarke.
While Clarke took the idea of a “human development monitor”
from his 1948 short-story The Sentinel, less-known is that the
concept of external alteration of human intelligence came from
his 1953 novel Childhood’s End, in which it was the gift of
Devil-image aliens.
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What they’re not so happy
about is that Manetho’s list goes on quite a ways
before Menes, before the accepted date of 3100
BCE going backwards:
350 years Thinites;
1,790 years other Memphite kings; 1,817 years
other kings; 1,255 years “Heroes”; and before that
13,900 years in which the Neteru - the “gods” -
reigned physically on Earth. That’s where Manetho
stops. 58
Christianity’s and Islam’s diligence in
obliterating “heathen” history leaves modern
historians and archæologists with s
fewer resources than would otherwise survive.
Concerning just the famous Library of Alexandria:
In 389 CE a Christian mob, acting on the
orders of the Christian Roman Emperor Theodosius,
burned the great library to the ground. 59
Even so, millions of book-rolls were rescued or
gathered together from other repositories and the
library was reestablished - until 636. In that year
Alexandria was taken by Omar, the Third Caliph of
Islam, who decreed: “The contents of these books
are in conformity with the Koran or they are not. If
they are, the Koran is sufficient without them; if not,
they are pernicious. Therefore let them be
destroyed.” They were burned as fuel to heat the
city’s baths; it took six months for all of them to be
consumed. 60
58 Jones, Harford I., conference call with Paul Kantner, Linda
Reynolds, & M. Aquino, 11/7/1994. The book Dr. Jones
mentions is Michael Hoffman’s Egypt Before the Pharaohs.
59Tompkins, Peter, Secrets of the Great Pyramid. New York:
Harper and Row, 1971, pages 3-4.
60Berlitz, Charles, Mysteries from Forgotten Worlds. Garden
City, New York: Doubleday and Company, 1972, page 36.
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While “accepted” archæology shies away from
Atlantis as being as reputation/tenure-threatening
as UFOs, the same was not true of the Ahnenerbe-
SS, Heinrich Himmler’s “Ancestral Heritage”
research department, which in the pre-World War II
years conducted major expeditionary explorations in
locales from Tibet to Iceland to pre-Columbian
America, with Atlantis being of particular interest.
After the war the Ahnenerbe’s records were
confiscated by the U.S. Army, microfilmed, and
promptly forgotten in the basements of the National
Archives building in Washington, D.C. - much like
the famous last-scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark. 61
Indeed more than a few “Hollywood fictions”
have obscure bases in fact, as in certain files at the
Cheyenne Mountain Complex while an obscure
scholar was giving a modestly-attended lecture a
thousand miles away:
Which leads to my central question about
the ancient Egyptians: Why didn’t their culture
“develop”? I believe that the evidence shows that
their arts, sciences, mathematics, technology,
techniques of warfare are all there complete from
the beginning. What I want to argue here today is
that the Egyptians of the pre-Old Kingdom era
somehow “inherited” all these arts and sciences.
Then after a short “getting acquainted” period, we
61 The complete archæological, magical, and administrative
records of the Ahnenerbe are contained on microfilm rolls
#120-211, Microcopy T-580 (10-135-4) in the National
Archives Building of the United States, Washington, D.C.
These papers were never sorted, indexed, and annotated in
detail until I discovered them and did so. Cf. M.Aquino, We
Break the Sword (San Francisco: Barony of Rachane, 2016) for
some “truths stranger than fiction”.
- 136 -
see the full flowering of what we call ancient
Egypt ... 62
5. The OU Satanic Age
If there is an OU Satanic Age, it falls generally
within the OU 4D of 100,000 BCE to [ongoing]. If
there is a question concerning this situation, it may
have more to do with its OU-byproducts than
humanity’s own utilizations and satisfactions. As the
world is generally aware, scientific knowledge of
atomic disruptions has resulted in weapons which in
a matter of minutes could extinguish life on the
Also uncontrolled overpopulation and overuse
of resources threaten to destroy the biospheric
balances which have made Earth a generally
hospitable environment.
To the extent that humanity’s discretionary
intelligence has made these irresponsible and
ultimately self-destructive excesses possible, it is a
Gift that definitely has its ominous side.
Brought to mind are is the admonition of Belial
in the Diabolicon:
For Hell doth bequeath to man his perfect
freedom, and such a gift can never be
62 Lecture, Daniel Jackson, Ph.D., Scottish Rite Temple, 4357
Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, California, 12/11/1992. As
one of the U.S. Army’s first Joint Space Intelligence Officers
#35B3Y, I was the J2X Officer at USSPACECOM 1990-94.
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C. Subjective Universal Time
Since all elements of a SU are willfully created,
time-factors and measurements thereof are
infinitely malleable and variable, including
inconsistency and contradictory interrelationships.
At first glance this appears to be insanity, but
under the control of a seasoned magician it simply
augments a medium of complete, discretionary
In a given SU the magician can accelerate,
slow, or freeze time. He can himself move and act
separately within any such adjusted scenario, in
order to effect or facilitate the desired outcome.
The utility of such options and skills increases
with SUs which are extended to others’ perception
and influence. A common example is stage-magic, in
which the magician intentionally distorts and
deceives the audience’s senses of time and space to
create entertaining illusions of altered, seemingly
impossible reality.
In mundane human affairs, such as politics and
economics, CSUs are routinely created and
merchandised to manipulate populaces and/or
customers. Such creators usually don’t think of
themselves as “magicians”, of course, but rather as
advertisers. publicists, or politicians. But the
operational methods have a common basis; the
principal difference lies in the true magician’s far
more knowledgeable subtlety and rigorous sense of
personal and professional ethics.
At the sociocultural level, CSU time may be
promulgated to be one of the principal determinants
of the social order. In ancient Egypt, for instance,
the operative CSU time was circular, not linear [as
the Hebraic and most modern habit]. Civic virtue in
- 138 -
Egypt was to be found in an appreciation of and
alignment to the neteru; perfection was exemplified
in recurrence, such as the Sun’s and stars’ “orbits” of
the Earth.
Another, less-refined and -inclusive model is
that of cyclical time. This was characteristic of
social systems, as those of pre-Christian Europe, in
which linear change was perceived and tolerated
where necessary or functional; but other periods,
among them the seasons and flora/fauna cycles
needed to be respected for the society to survive and
prosper. The famous Stonehenge is an example of a
/> cyclical calculation mechanism. 63
D. Æons
As far as most occultists are aware, references
to æons began with Aleister Crowley’s much-
advertised Æon of Horus, which he proclaimed to
have followed first the Æon of Isis (roughly pre-
Christian paganism) and then that of Osiris (roughly
2,000 years of Christianity). Since Crowley’s
understanding of Egyptian mythology was
essentially that of the Osiris/Isis/Horus trinity, this
tied Western civilization up into a nice, neat
Not only was Crowley responsible for bringing
about the Æon of Horus, we are told, but that of
Osiris as well - in a previous incarnation as the High
Priest of Osiris [and Priestess of Isis] Ankh-f-na-
khonsu. The story of this is told in his memoir of
that incarnation, “Across the Gulf”, in Equinox #I-7:
63 Cf. Hawkins, Gerald & White, John, Stonehenge Decoded.
New York: Hippocrene, 1988.
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But Thoth the mighty god, the wise one, with
his ibis-head and his nemyss of indigo, with his
Ateph crown and his phœnix wand and with his
ankh of emerald, with his magic apron in the three
colors; yea, Thoth, the god of wisdom, whose skin
is of tawny orange as though it burned in a
furnace, appeared visibly to all of us. And the old
Magus of the Well, whom no man had seen outside
his well for night threescore years, was found in
the midst; and he cried with a loud voice, saying,
“The Equinox of the Gods!”
And he went about to explain how it was
that Nature should no longer be the center of
man’s worship, but man himself, man in his
suffering and death, man in his purification and
perfection. And he recited the Formula of the
Osiris as follows, even as it hath been transmitted
unto us by the Brethren of the Cross and Rose unto
this day ...
In his own writings Crowley does not indicate
where he came by this concept of “æons” or exactly
what is meant by it. A little detective work, however,
takes us back to the days of the Golden Dawn and
the writing of a book entitled Egyptian Magic by
Florence Farr, Scribe of the G.'.D.'., in 1896. This
book, part of a 10-volume series Collectanea
The Satanic Bible Page 11