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The Satanic Bible Page 22

by Michael A Aquino

  discontinuing degree color-coding for medallions.

  Detailed information concerning the Church’s

  original initiatory-degree system is contained in my

  The Church of Satan documentary history.

  Post-May 1975, accordingly, a sincere Satanist

  may wear a Baphomet of any color personally


  131 In this case it is not the “signature” of the ominous Khabit,

  but the deeply personal one of the Ab (Chapter #13.C.4, page


  - 244 -

  E. Oath

  Just one more thing:

  Before you decide to undertake Satanic Ritual -

  to perform Black Magic in his name, it is well to be

  quite certain of your sincerity and to so state it by

  oath in your very first working.

  The most defining characteristic of the Satanist

  is the complete, ecstatic glorification of the Black

  Flame and its transcognitive power.

  Your Oath can and should be your own, as most

  personal and meaningful to you. Here are two


  Among the ceremonies of the Church of Satan

  was an “adult baptism” but not an induction or oath-

  taking per se. Therefore I composed the oath, first

  administered at the chartering of the Nineveh

  Grotto in 1970 and subsequently incorporated into

  the Baptism contained in the Satanic Rituals. If you

  feel so moved, here is the original:

  I, [name], having forsworn the divine

  mindlessness, do proclaim the majesty of my own

  being among the marvels of the Universe. I reject

  oblivion of Self, and I accept the pleasure and pain

  of unique existence. I am returned from death to

  life, and I declare my friendship with Lucifer, the

  Lord of Light who is exalted as Satan. I receive the

  Sigil of Baphomet [here the Baphomet medallion

  is touched to the Initiate’s brow], and I embrace

  the Black Flame of the Order of the Trapezoid.

  [Here the medallion is passed through the Flame

  and then placed around the Initiate’s neck.]132

  132 Aquino, Michael A., Priest of Mendes III°, Nineveh Grotto,

  Brandenburg, Kentucky, October 31, 1970.

  - 245 -

  The Church of Satan was not the first to so

  formalize Satanist allegiance. In The Devil’s Disciple

  George Bernard Shaw’s title character affirmed:

  I was brought up in the other service; but I

  knew from the first that the Devil was my natural

  master and captain and friend.

  I saw that he was in the right, and that the

  world cringed to his conqueror only through fear.

  I prayed secretly to him, and he comforted

  me and saved me from having my spirit broken in

  this house of children’s tears.

  I promised him my soul, and swore an oath

  that I would stand up for him in this world and

  stand by him in the next.

  That promise and that oath made a man of

  me. From this day this house is his home, and no

  child shall cry in it; this hearth is his altar, and no

  soul shall ever cower over it in the dark evenings

  and be afraid. 133

  133 Shaw, George Bernard, “Richard Dudgeon” (Kirk Douglas)

  in The Devil’s Disciple, 1959.

  - 246 -

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  Gloria Aqua

  - 248 -

  - 249 -


  The Enochian Keys

  A. Enoch


  Long-Lived Sex Maniac

  Who’s Enoch?

  You already know who he is, but you may not

  know that you know it.

  This is because Enoch, the seventh master of

  the world after Adam in the “Old Testament”, is

  considered to be the Hebrew equivalent of the

  Phœnician Cadmus, the Greek Hermes, and the

  Egyptian Thoth. As such he is the reputed author of

  the Tarot, the Cabala, and the apocryphal Book of


  He receives only a brief mention in “Genesis”,

  where the fifth chapter recounts:

  And Enoch lived sixty and five years, and

  begat Methuselah: And Enoch walked with God

  after he begat Methuselah three hundred years,

  and begat sons and daughters: And all the days of

  Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years:

  And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for

  God took him.

  - 250 -

  365 years is quite a lifespan, but to find out what

  he did during them, we have to turn, not

  unreasonably, to his own memoir.

  2. Book of Enoch

  a. Apocalypticism

  The Book of Enoch comprises a part of what is

  called “Apocalyptic” literature. The Apocalyptists

  were a school of pre-Rabbinical Jews who believed

  that the world was in such a hopeless mess as to be

  incurable by any of man’s efforts. Thus it was only a

  question of time, they said, before El would schedule

  another Great Flood, clean house, and have a third

  go at it.

  Their name - Apocalyptists - meant “revealers”,

  and they spent most of their time revealing this

  rather pessimistic prediction to any & all who would


  Apocalyptists were the first “predestinarians”,

  inasmuch as they believed that the progress of man

  was mapped by El from start to finish.

  They also believed in the spirit of El’s law, not

  the letter. In this they differed from the other major

  branch of the Jewish faith, Pharisaism.

  b. Origins & Authors

  The Apocalyptic literature is generally fixed to

  the period 200-150 BCE, which makes it

  comparatively recent. Thus its value lies not so

  much in its own existence as in the possible

  significance of the old legends which were

  incorporated into it.

  - 251 -

  Most scholars agree that the Book of Enoch is the

  oldest of the Apocalyptic works. It seems to have

  been written by a number of various authors, the

  earliest being a Jew from the Land of Dan in

  northern Palestine.

  The original text was probably written in either

  the Enochian dialect134 or Aramaic. Later it was

  translated into Greek and Latin, both of which

  translations didn’t survive the eclipse of the Holy

  Roman Empire.

  The Greek version was translated into Ethiopian,

  however. It was this document which was brought to

  light in our own time, when an explorer named

  Bruce brought back a copy from Abyssinia in the

  year 1773 CE.

  This curious odyssey of the Book of Enoch has

  been remarked upon by more than one student of

  ancient literature. It was to become a model, for

  instance, for H.P. Lovecraft’s fabled Necronomicon,

  paralleling much of its content as well as its


  In non-fiction it bears a strong resemblance to

  the Diabolicon and to what is perhaps the single

  most powerful text to have come down to us from

  ancient Egypt - the XVII Chapter o
f the Egyptian

  Book of the Dead.

  The most complete version of the Book of the

  Dead is included in the Turin Papyrus, XXVI

  Dynasty, in the Egyptian Museum at Turin, Italy. Its

  full title is “The Praises and Glorifyings of Coming

  Forth by Day”, and it is the only known Khemite

  134 An ancient Hebrew dialect - not related to the text of the

  “Enochian Keys”.

  - 252 -

  work which proposes to explain the actual creation

  of the cosmos. 135



  The Book of Enoch is sometimes referred to as “I

  Enoch” to distinguish it from “II Enoch”, or The

  Secrets of Enoch, a later work executed in Slavonic.

  The Book of Enoch contains six chapters:

  1. The Book of Enoch

  2. The Parables

  3. The Book of the Courses of the

  Heavenly Luminaries

  4. The Dream-Visions

  5. The Conclusion

  6. The Noah Fragments

  Following is a synopsis of the more important

  parts of the entire work:

  (1) The Book of Enoch

  In a dream Enoch is asked to intercede for the

  so-called Watchers, a group of fallen Angels who

  departed from Heaven to mate with human females.

  The chief of the Watchers is Semjaza, identified with


  The results of such unions were monstrous

  giants who destroyed the Earth and practiced both

  cannibalism and vampirism.

  Enoch writes out the petition and receives his

  answer in the form of visions. The request is refused,

  135 See The Book of the Dead by E.A. Wallis Budge for an

  excellent translation.

  - 253 -

  and Enoch is instructed to tell the Watchers, “You

  have no peace.”

  An account is then given of Enoch’s subsequent

  journeys through certain areas of Earth and Hell

  ( Sheol). Worthy of note are his impressions of the

  Heavenly Palace of pre-Fall Satan:

  And I went in til I drew nigh to a wall which

  is built of crystals and surrounded by tongues of

  fire, and it began to affright me.

  And I went into the tongues of fire and drew

  nigh to a large house which was built of crystals.

  The walls of the house were like a tessellated floor

  of crystals, and its groundwork was of crystal. Its

  ceiling was like the path of the stars and the

  lightnings, and between them were fiery Cherubim

  amidst a background of water.

  A blazing fire surrounded the walls, and its

  portals were covered with fire.

  And I entered into that house, and it was as

  hot as fire yet as cold as ice.

  There were no delights of life therein. Fear

  covered me, and trembling gat hold of me.

  And I quaked and trembled and fell down

  upon my face.

  Shortly thereafter Enoch beholds the Black Flame:

  From thence I went to another place to the

  west of the ends of the Earth.

  And I saw a burning fire which ran without

  resting, and paused not from its course day or

  night but blazed without respite.

  And I asked, saying, “What is this flame

  which burns unceasingly?”

  Then Raguel, one of the holy Angels who

  was with me, said, “This is the darkish Fire in the

  West which persecutes all the luminaries of


  - 254 -

  (2) The Parables

  There are three of these, each having as its theme

  the destruction of injustice. For the first time in

  Hebraic literature, vengeance is promised on Earth -

  in this life - rather than in an afterlife.

  In the First Parable El - herein called the “Lord

  of Spirits” - and the Elect One or “Son of Man” are

  identified. The four principal ArchAngels are also


  The Second Parable speaks of the joy to be

  found in vengeance by the righteous against their

  persecutors. This also is a somewhat peculiar theme

  for the Hebraic religion.

  The Third Parable is generally a continuation

  of the Second, being a commentary upon the Day of

  Judgment. It is incomplete in the transcript which

  has come down to us, however, since the theme has

  been haphazardly intermixed with references to the

  Noah legend.

  (3) The Book of the Courses of

  the Heavenly Luminaries

  And the Sun and the stars bring in all the

  years exactly, so that they do not advance or delay

  their position by a single day unto eternity, but

  complete the years with perfect justice in 364 days.

  This is the keynote of this chapter - that the

  passage of time is to be calculated by the Sun, not

  the Moon.

  Quaintly enough, it is fairly obvious from the

  observations set forth in the rest of the chapter that

  the author was familiar with the actual solar year of

  365-1/4 days! The erroneous statement seems to

  stem from his reluctance to honor the “heathen”

  - 255 -

  mathematics of the Egyptians, Sumerians, and

  Greeks. In any case he is definitely opposed to the

  Pharisaic system of reckoning time by the Moon.

  The chapter closes with yet another curious

  notation: that man’s natural sinfulness will cause

  the Sun and Moon to mislead him. 136

  (4) The Dream-Visions

  Here is recounted a contemporary history of the

  ancient nation of Israel. It is followed by

  (5) The Conclusion

  This predicts the coming of a new kingdom - but

  on Earth, not in an afterlife.

  The destruction of the existing Earth and Heaven

  is foretold, followed by the institution of a “new


  The final section of the book is

  (6) The Noah Fragments

  A narrative of the deluge, with nothing out of the

  ordinary to distinguish it from more familiar

  versions of the story.

  d. Significance

  (1) The “First Commandment”

  Why did the Judæo/Christian El-cult survive and

  eventually capture the entire Roman Empire? The

  136 Presumably by those sneaky eclipses.

  - 256 -

  answer is not at all elusive: stupidity and


  All of the major rival, preexisting religions of

  Mediterranean antiquity by the time of the cross-

  culturism of Alexander’s empire - Greek, Roman,

  Egyptian, Persian, Indian, Babylonian, Odinic - had

  highly-elaborate metaphysical elements, utterly

  bewildering to the unsophisticated, illiterate masses.

  Exclusive, exhaustively initiated priesthoods were

  necessary to interpret them.

  While this sufficed intellectually, it did not

  satisfy emotionally; ordinary people wanted divine

  attention, even if it were oppressive: Better to be

  punished than ignored.

  Secondly the alternative religions had long since

  become accustomed to existence in a multicultural

  world. They were confident enough in theirr />
  respective substance as not to feel threatened by

  competition. Pagan Rome had temples of Isis next to

  ones for Jupiter and Mithra without friction. Indeed

  many Romans “mixed and matched” between deities

  - resulting, among other things, in the crazyquilt of

  day- & month-names, along with variable-theme &

  overlapping holidays and festivals, which have

  survived to modernity.

  El, on the other hand, was a jealous, murderous,

  and totalitarian god - an absolute intolerance

  enforced by his prophets, priests, and of course

  proclaimed son.

  So this Hebrew cult was not only easily

  understandable by even the most stupid and

  ignorant; but everywhere it advanced, it denounced,

  suppressed, and finally exterminated all other

  beliefs - indeed reviling other gods as “devils” and


  - 257 -

  (2) And the First Heretic

  Enoch not only petitioned El on behalf of Satan

  and his followers; he visited his palace and, like

  Ayesha of Kôr, dared to approach the Black Flame

  itself. He anticipated further changes in the race of

  Man from its intermarriage with Angels, and the

  complete recreation of not only Earth but Heaven as


  These blasphemies were clearly enough to ban

  his Book from the “Old Testament” or other

  sanctioned Hebraic texts.

  (3) And That “Missing Link”

  Running throughout LHP cosmology is the

  tantalizing, indeed inescapable premise that

  humanity is not just another OU-animal born of NL-

  happenstance: that the phenomenon of isolate self-

  consciousness is fundamentally alien to NL - and

  nowhere-else echoed by EL or DL.

  As discussed in “Lucifer”, we also know the

  approximate date of this event: ca. 100,000 BCE.

  [No] thanks to the most determined efforts of

  profane religions to obliterate anything & everything

  threatening their totalitarianisms, we can trace

  recorded history back only 5,000 years.

  It is beyond rational question that one, indeed

  probably several advanced civilizations rose and fell

  during those missing 95,000 years. Questing minds

  have collectivized this under the heading of Plato’s


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