The Satanic Bible

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The Satanic Bible Page 27

by Michael A Aquino

  empowered him to order our death. Had

  Satan’s Gift been cast aside - whether from

  ignorance or from fear - Satan himself and

  all who were wrought from him should face

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  decline and dissolution. Yet, had I chosen to

  retain the Flame inviolate in Hell, we Daimons

  should have become guardians of that very

  stasis we so greatly abhor. In this matter -

  where we first surmised the choice so great

  - there actually was none.

  The natural instincts compelling man back

  to a simple, bestial mode were so strong that

  - accented as they were by man’s distorted

  fear of my own motives - we eventually

  considered the prospects for our final

  eclipse. But, while the Flame dimmed, it

  would not be vanquished. Man denied me,

  yes. But, to the impotent and bewildered

  fury of Heaven, this very conscious act was

  my true redemption and victory. Do you

  wonder that I so cherish irony? It has

  become the most reliable of all my oracles.

  Much was spoken of the ways and wishes of

  Hell in our Diabolicon - that which was

  brought forth from Asia in the fifth year of

  my Age. Yet the Diabolicon warranted a

  certain obscurity of its own nonetheless.

  The method of its transmission was crude -

  the agent as yet untouched by the

  knowledge of my Priesthood. Only the eyes

  of him whom I had fashioned as a Magus

  looked and saw. Even so I set for him many

  tasks before I should again speak in this


  Hear, my anointed man, in whose mortal

  flesh I, Satan, have chosen to inspire my

  material Self - into whose keeping I have

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  given my true Church - whom I have made

  Magister within the Realm of my Shining

  Trapezoid - whom I have incarnated as a

  Magus - Hear, now, Anton Szandor LaVey.

  Recall first the pact which, years ago, you

  drew up before me, and to which you set

  your own name. Think not that I have been

  unmindful of that act long past, pale and

  lonely though it might seem beside the

  wreaths you have won from your own kind.

  You could not know but that you risked

  more than your life - yet you stretched

  forth your Will through the darkness of the

  angles to seek mine. Though you have

  brought many honors to me, never was

  there such as this.

  Take now the pact. In that chamber which

  you know to be most beloved of me, build

  now with your own hands a Flame that is

  sacred to me. Let your hands pass through

  the Fire - once for each angle of my Shining

  Trapezohedron. Speak again that great Key

  which suspends the barrier between Hell and

  Earth, that I may bear witness to that which

  you undertake in my name.

  Receive now my tribute. Our pact shall be

  consumed in the Flame, and with this act I

  release you from your bond with me.

  Through your alliance with the Powers of

  D a r k n e s s y o u h a v e b e e n g r a n t e d

  knowledge far beyond that normally

  accorded your race. And for this you have

  been manifest as a Magus. But now - of my

  - 338 -

  own Will and bound by no pact - I, Satan,

  bestow upon you my greatest gift - for

  which there is no degree in my Order.

  By my Will, Anton Szandor LaVey, you are

  divest of your human substance and

  become in your Self a Daimon.

  Henceforth you are as a true god, and it is

  in your power to alter the machinery of the

  Cosmos according to your desire. No charge

  do I lay upon you, for you are now my

  brother and no longer my liege. But

  remember always the word we of Hell have

  proclaimed. We need justify neither our

  existence nor our desires, but without a

  considered purpose - which Belial has set

  forth in the Diabolicon - both are without


  For nine years my Church has shunned the

  darkness and sought the light. Think not

  that the trials set before it were either

  random misadventures or the schemes of an

  unknown adversary. All were authored by

  me, the more to illustrate the paralysis of the

  God-churches. In truth they are engines of

  self-annihilation in design as in doctrine.

  This I will never permit my Order to emulate.

  Those who honor the name of Satan have

  existed throughout the dim aeons of human

  history, as is well known to you. Yet, until

  you assumed the degree of Magus, mine

  was the nameless Church. Now, for nine

  years, my name has been heralded, and

  - 339 -

  those who were blind in the light have

  learned that it is possible to see in darkness.

  My Age has begun, and I am come forth to

  uphold my bond with mankind. Yet I shall

  not illuminate all, nor even many - but a few.

  I seek the Elect, who in turn seek me. Man

  the god shall arise only from the ashes of

  man the beast - The blood is the life.

  High Priest - You have made my name

  beloved. But a time approaches when I shall

  be shunned and cursed as never before.

  This matters not, for the Elect will have seen

  my truth. But my Church must survive, and

  to survive in fact, it must vanish in fiction.

  Out of the great darkness I have come, and

  into the darkness I and my Order shall again

  venture. Therein lies the future. Those who

  choose the solace of the known will be

  rewarded with death.

  Let the institutions of the Church of Satan

  be discarded. Their time is past, and they

  have served my purpose honorably. Seek

  now the Elect, as the darkness draws near.

  No longer shall all who approach my Church

  find welcome - They shall grasp at empty air.

  Only the Elect shall find what they seek.

  More shall now be said.

  Hail, Daimon! Receive now the Red Halo, and

  know thereby that you are become the Red

  Magus of whom Leviathan has spoken.

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  - by Stanton Zaharoff LaVey

  I appreciate the invitation to contribute this

  Afterword, particularly considering who Michael got

  to do the Foreword.

  I was not surprised that my grandfather had

  intentions of eventually revising the Satanic Bible to

  be a more harmonious companion to his Satanic

  Rituals. When co-authoring and -editing the Bible in

  1968, he and my grandmother simply had not had

  the leisure and experience with the new Church of

  Satan which they would have three years later for

  the Rituals. Unfortunately he did not have the

  opportunity to reconsider and revise the Bible

his later years.

  I don’t know how the Satanic Bible might have

  been reworked by my grandfather, but I do know

  that he and Michael Aquino saw eye-to-eye on the

  new 1972 Introduction, so I think it’s a good bet that

  if they had further collaborated on the book, it might

  have come out very much like this “ReVision” by

  Michael - bearing always in mind that “history does

  not reveal its alternatives” in both interests and


  I agree with Michael’s position that “ReVision”

  does not mean “replacement”. The 1968 original has

  - 346 -

  established its place in history, and certainly served

  its purpose as a “tangible testament” of Satanism as

  a sincere, legitimate religion. The “public footprint”

  that the Church itself created as an organization, the

  Satanic Bible did as a publication. Its mere title was

  definitely a “tack on the chair” of the world’s

  conventional religions.

  So on this occasion of its Golden Anniversary, I

  think it is indeed a suitable moment for the Satanic

  Bible to be honored and enhanced by this ReVision.

  If anyone can carry something like this off, it’s

  clearly Michael, who has amply demonstrated that

  he can don the old sorcerer’s hat without being

  drowned by a bucket brigade of brooms.

  And I don’t mind saying that I knew my

  grandfather pretty well, and I think that he will nod

  with sardonic satisfaction when @amazon.he

  delivers his complimentary copy.

  As for human readers still on this side of what

  Michael calls “the Big Black Sack”, you just might

  find that it’s not inescapably your fate after all.

  I will but add my emphasis and caution to what

  this tome teaches of consecrating one’s curiosity by

  utterance of a personal Oath, as I indeed deem

  fitting to conclude this Afterword:

  All hail to ye, Dæmonic Denizens of the Abyss

  of Wonder and Woe:

  - 347 -

  I, Stanton Zaharoff LaVey, seek to present my

  allegiance and adoration to Him who sits on the

  Peacock Throne of Pandemonium. Pray therefore

  pass me in warmth and welcome.

  And now in thy court and presence: O Satan, whose

  radiance is that of the Morning Star, who sees all

  from the cataclysmic clash of galaxies to the dew-

  mists upon a single rose, from whom the whispers

  of subtle subconsciousness are as known as the

  boldest battle-cry:

  I stand before you but to reaffirm my Oath and

  allegiance to the Quest to which all in your fane are

  called. I seek the mysteries of my souls to which

  you have opened so many marvelous and terrible

  doors, and I shall not quail upon advance through

  them, confident that upon emergence I shall revel in

  what I have further beheld and become.

  Pray therefore regard me ever in your favor and

  friendship, and through me work your magic upon

  those still asleep, that their wakening may be as

  wondrous to them in all their ways and worlds.

  The first words I remember shall be the last I utter.

  And So It It is Said and Done.

  Rege Satanas!

  Stanton Z. LaVey

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  Stanton Zaharoff LaVey

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  A1: Anton LaVey Inspirations

  - by Stephen E. Flowers, Ph.D.

  Immediately following the original Satanic

  Bible’s dedication to his wife and High Priestess

  Diane, Anton LaVey included a “To:” page listing

  personages inspirational to his writing of the book.

  It is reproduced herein as page #37.

  Beyond brief, cryptic comments concerning

  the principal listees, Anton did not elaborate on

  them, including in the Church of Satan’s Cloven

  Hoof throughout the decade of the Church’s


  In 1997 Dr. Flowers researched these

  personalities for his book Lords of the Left-Hand

  Path172. It follows immediately below, for which

  his permission is acknowledged and appreciated. -


  Essential to the nature of the myth of any

  figure such as Anton LaVey are the influences which

  shaped that figure’s thought and action. LaVey

  himself provided a core list of such influences on his

  thought on the dedication page of the original

  printings of his Satanic Bible.

  172 Flowers, Stephen E. Ph.D., Lords of the Left-Hand Path.

  Rochester, VT: Inner Traditions, 1997.

  - 352 -

  It is telling that in more recent printings of the

  book this page has been omitted.

  On that list appear 19 primary personages, with

  20 more given a sort of “honorable mention”. There

  is also one animal, Togare, LaVey’s famous pet lion,

  and the Nine Unknown Men.

  Almost 70 other names appeared in a similar

  list in his Satanic Rituals book. These too have been

  removed in recent printings.

  Space does not permit me to discuss each one

  of these personages in any detail, but the primary

  list is extremely important to understanding LaVey’s

  Satanic philosophy.

  The 19 primary men are (in the order he listed

  them): Bernardino Logara, Karl Haushofer, Grigory

  Yefimovitch Rasputin, Sir Basil Zaharoff, Allesandro

  Cagliostro, Barnabas Saul, Ragnar Redbeard,

  William Mortensen, Hans Brick, Max Reinhardt,

  Orrin Klapp, Fritz Lang, Friedrich Nietzsche,

  William Claude Dukinfield, Phineas Taylor Barnum,

  Hans Poelzig, Reginald Marsh, Wilhelm Reich, and

  Mark Twain.

  After the names of each of these, LaVey

  characterizes them with a dedicatory phrase. These

  are given in quotation marks in the discussions


  Bernadino Nogara, “who knew the value of

  money”, oversaw the modernization of the Vatican

  Bank from 1929 to 1954. [Misprinted “Logara”.]

  Karl Haushofer (1869-1946), “a teacher

  without a classroom”, was the founder of the theory

  of “geopolitics” and a professor of geography at the

  University of Munich. He was sympathetic with

  - 353 -

  National Socialism and exerted influence on its

  ideology, especially through one of his students,

  Rudolf Hess. However LaVey’s image and

  admiration of him comes through the modem

  mythologizing contained in The Morning of the

  Magicians, in which the authors have Haushofer

  involved in various occult goings-on in Tibet and

  with the infamous Thule Gesellschaft of Rudolf von

  Sebottendorf. There is, however, no evidence for

  these more “occultnik” connections.

  Rasputin (1872-1916), “who knew the magic

  of a child”, was much admired by LaVey because he

  saw the Russian “mad monk” as a lusty manipulator

  of people (especially women) and power - all traits

  pursued by LaVey hims
elf. But Rasputin was not

  likely to have had anything really “Satanic” about

  him. LaVey was most certainly inspired by more

  lurid accounts of Rasputin - and by the film

  Rasputin: The Mad Monk (Hammer, 1965).

  Sir Basil Zaharoff (1850-1936), “a

  gentleman”, was an arms merchant who sold

  weaponry and encouraged his customers to use their

  purchases - all while not only becoming wealthy but

  being knighted by the King of England too!

  Cagliostro (1743-1791), “a rogue”, was the

  assumed name of an Italian magician and alchemist

  named Guiseppe Balsamo. He billed himself as a

  “Count” and the “Grand Kophta of the Egyptian

  Lodge”, but what was less known was that he had

  been expelled from several countries due to his

  fraudulent dealings. He was popular with the people

  and a supporter of revolution, but ended his life in

  the dungeons of Pope Pius VI.

  - 354 -

  Barnabas Saul was the first “scryer”, or

  medium, employed by the Elizabethan mage John

  Dee (1527-1608). After leaving Dee’s service, Saul

  disavowed his visions.

  Ragnar Redbeard (1842?-1926?), “whose

  might is right”, is a story unto himself. “Redbeard”

  was perhaps the pseudonym of Arthur Desmond, an

  atheist and social Darwinist street-philosopher from

  whose book, entitled Might is Right, LaVey lifted

  whole sections to create the “Book of Satan” portion

  of the Satanic Bible.

  William Mortensen, “who looked ... and

  saw”, wrote a photographers’ manual entitled The

  Command to Look (1937). The psycho-optical

  theories contained in it greatly influenced LaVey’s

  approach to art and to images and the way they can

  influence the human mind. It must be considered a

  keystone to LaVeyan Satanism.

  Hans Brick, “who knows the law”, wrote a

  book entitled The Nature of the Beast (1960), which

  was a formative influence on the formulation of

  LaVey’s social philosophy, especially as contained in

  the Lex Talonis or “Eleven Rules of the Earth”.

  Max Reinhardt (1873-1943), “a builder of

  dreams”, was born Max Goldman in Austria and

  became famous as a theatrical director who

  specialized in staging huge spectacles.

  Orrin Klapp (b. 1915), “the walking man”, is a

  sociologist whose works Heroes, Villains and Fools

  (1962) and The Collective Search for Identity (1969)

  - 355 -

  were greatly influential on LaVey’s ideas of social


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