The Satanic Bible

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The Satanic Bible Page 31

by Michael A Aquino

  Webb, Don,

  - Overthrowing the Old Gods: Aleister Crowley and

  the Book of the Law. Rochester, VT: Inner

  Traditions, 2013.

  - 394 -

  - Seven Faces of Darkness: Practical Typhonian

  Magic. Smithville, TX: Runa-Raven Press, 1996.

  West, John Anthony, Serpent in the Sky: The High

  Wisdom of Ancient Egypt. New York: Julian

  Press, Inc., 1987.

  Whitrow, G.J., The Nature of Time. New York: Holt,

  Rinehart & Winston, 1972.

  Wilkinson, Richard H., Symbol and Magic in

  Egyptian Art. London/NY: Thames and Hudson

  Ltd, 1994.

  Williams, Thomas A., Eliphas Levi: Master of

  Occultism. University of Alabama Press, 1975.

  Wilson, Colin,

  - The Occult. New York: Random House, 1971.

  - The Philosopher’s Stone. New York: Warner

  Paperback Library #0-446-59213-7, 1974.

  Wilson, Robert Anton, Schrödinger’s Cat I. 1979.

  Winkler, Franz E., For Freedom Destined:

  Mysteries of Man’s Evolution in the Mythology

  of Wagner’s Ring Operas and Parsifal. Garden

  City, NY: Waldorf Press, 1974.

  Wyckoff, James, Wilhelm Reich: Life Force

  Explorer. Greenwich, CT.: Fawcett Publications

  #449-00586-095, 1973.

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  Ab 197.

  Atlantis 134-6, 172,

  Abaddon 77-81.


  Abra=Melin 11.

  Augustine, Saint 179.

  Æon 138-44.

  Ayesha 148-9.

  Æthyr 268.

  Azazel 69-75.

  Agathon 183, 234.

  Ba 198-9.

  Agnosticism 179-80.

  Ba’al 149.

  Akh 202.

  Balance factor 214.

  Alexandria [library] 134.

  Ba-neb-Tettu 374-5.

  Alighieri, Dante 44.

  Baphomet 373-81.

  Anamnesis 194, 198,

  Barbarous Words of


  Evocation 229-30.

  Ānanda 130, 160.

  Beardsley, Aubrey 205.

  Anastasis nekron 200.

  Beelzebub 61-7.

  Anima 194-5.

  Belial 91-3.

  Animus 195.

  “Big Black Sack” [see

  Anger, Kenneth 102.


  Anubis 164, 197.

  Black Cat, The 228.

  Apocalypticism 250-1.

  Black Flame 253.

  Aquinas, Thomas 157,

  Black House 318-34.

  179, 233-4.

  Black Mass 114-5, 228,

  Aristotle 145-6.


  Asmodeus 83-6.

  Blake, William 44.

  Astaroth 87-9.

  Blavatsky, Helena 128.

  Asylum of Satan 380.

  Book of Mormon 11.

  Atheism 178-9.

  Bosch, Hieronymus 44.

  Atkins, Susan 105.

  Brandon, S.G.F. 141.

  - 396 -

  Brandy (Irish Setter)

  Dee, John 13, 258-9.


  de León, Moses 155.

  Brimstone 39.

  Densley, Sharon 24.

  Buddhism 128, 159-60.

  Devil-Father/Son 5, 10.

  Budge, E.A. Wallis 161,

  Devil Rides Out, The


  (Hammer) 44.

  Burroughs, William 316.

  Devil’s Disciple, The

  Cabalism, Jewish 130,


  154-5, 228.

  Devil’s Rain, The 380.

  Cagliostro, Count 353.

  Diabolicon 20, 45-96,

  Caldwell, Taylor 44.


  Canaan 149.

  Dianoia 147, 183.

  Cannibalism 100.

  Die Erste

  Casaubon, Meric., 259.

  Walpurgisnacht 168.

  Ceremonies 230-2.


  Chambre Ardente 115.

  - 1-3 123.

  Childhood’s End 10.

  - 4 123-4.

  Church of Satan:

  - 5 125-6.

  - Altar, nude 17, 105.

  Disneyland 317.

  - Incorporation 23.

  Doda, Carol 104.

  - Information letter 15-6.

  Doppelgänger 199.

  - Partnership 23-4.

  Dualism 150.

  Clarke, Arthur 10.

  Egypt 133, 158, 160-6,

  Cliff House 320.

  193-202, 374-5.

  Cloven Hoof, The 377-8.

  Eikasia 183.

  Consciousness 187-90.

  Einstein, Albert 122.

  Cromwell, Oliver 44.

  El 101-2, 149-59, 177,

  Crowley, Aleister 13, 17,


  138-9, 142-4, 229-30,

  Eliot, T.S. 8.

  259, 268.

  Ellroy, James 315

  Dagon 149.

  Elohim 191.

  Danton, Georges 27.

  Enoch 249-50.

  Darwin, Charles 184.

  Enochian Keys 13.

  Dashwood, Francis 115,

  Epicureanism 170.


  Ethics 233-4.

  Death, bodily 193.

  Evolution 131-2.

  - 397 -

  Exodus 150-1.

  Indulgence 39, 107-8.

  Exorcist, The 44.

  180, 182.

  Eyes Wide Shut 168.

  International Settlement

  Fantasia 44, 168, 346.

  (San Francisco) 104.

  Farr, Florence 139-40.

  Islam 130, 134, 153.

  Ferro, John 46-7.

  Israel 153.

  Fields 190, 193.

  Iyer, Raghavan 225-6.

  Fields, W.C. 355.

  Jackson, Daniel 135-6.

  Forms, Platonic [see

  Jagger, Mick 166-8.


  Jehovah [see El].

  Fowles, John 178.

  Jewel of Seven Stars,

  Galileo 179.

  The 199-200.

  Gift of Set 194.

  Jones, Harford 134.

  Gilmore, Peter 24.

  Ka 199-201.

  Ginsberg, Allen 104.

  Kant, Immanuel 121-2.

  God [see El].

  Kantner, Paul 10, 134.

  Golden Flower 194-5.

  Karloff, Boris 228.

  Grace (Christian) 130.

  Karma 159.

  Haggard, H. Rider [see

  Khabit 196-7.


  Khat 194-5.

  HarWer [see Horus].

  Klapp, Orrin 354.

  Haushofer, Karl 352.

  Knights Templar 373-4.

  Hedonism 170.

  Koran 11.

  Hegarty, Diane [see

  Kur-nu-gi-a 192.

  LaVey, Diane].

  la-Bas [see Huysmans].

  Hellfire Club [see

  Lamarck, Jean 184-5.


  Lang, Fritz 355.

  Hinduism 129, 159-60.

  LaVey, Anton 5, 15-6.

  History 215-9.

  - Aphorisms 105.

  Hittites 151-2.

  - Baphomet 377-8.

  Hoffer, Eric 10.

  - Enochian Keys 260.

  Holidays, religious 114.

  - on God 101.

  Horla 199.

  - Lectures 100.

  Horus 161.

  - on the Diabolicon 46.

  Huysmans, J-K., 235-6.

  - on love & hate 104.

  Incantations 233.

  - on morality 181-2.

  - 398

  - on the Ninth Solstice

  Mathers, Samuel 11, 259.


  Mayer, Peter 17.

  - on Satan 21-2, 43, 103.

  Mechanism 185.

  LaVey, Diane 17, 27,

  Medallion colors 243.

  100. 321.

  Melkor [see Tolkien].

  LaVey, Stanton 24-5,

  Mencken, H.L. 237-8.


  Mendes 374-5.

  Law, Thomistic:

  Meno, The (Plato) 198.

  - Divine 234.

  Merritt, Abraham 107-9,

  - Eternal 234.


  - Human 233-4.

  Metaphysics 175-7.

  - Natural 117, 158, 234.

  Metropolis 102, 318-9,

  Lévi, Éliphas 374.


  Leviathan 95-6.

  Might is Right

  Lies 156.

  (Redbeard) 17, 156,

  Lost Weekend Nightclub



  MindStar 190, 193-202.

  Lovecraft, H.P. 10,

  Missa Solemnis [see

  158-9, 262-3, 316-7,

  Black Mass].

  326, 331.

  “Missing Link” 132-3,

  Maat 197.


  Machiavelli, Niccoló 179.

  Milton, John 44.

  Magic, Black 12, 210.

  Miracles 158.

  - Greater 13.

  Mohammed [see Islam].

  -- Tools 223-6.

  Moloch 149.

  - Lesser 142.

  Moody, James 236.

  -- Tools 213-23.

  Morality 181-2, 210.

  Magic, Red 95, 339.

  Morlindalë 172-3.

  Magic, stage 219-23.

  Mortensen, William 354.

  Magic, White 209.

  Name 196.

  - Tools 212-3.

  Necronomicon, The 331.

  Manchurian Candidate,

  Nephesh 191.

  The 239.

  Nepthys 164.

  Mandala, Great 130,

  Neteru 145-7, 156, 162,


  176, 201.

  Marsh, Reginald 355-6.

  Nietzsche, Friedrich 355.

  - 399 -

  Nirvana 130, 159.

  Republic, The (Plato)

  Nœsis 183.


  Oath 244-5, 346-7

  Rite of Spring 168.

  Oblivion 191.

  Reincarnation 130.

  Odin 8.

  Religion 175.

  Orwell, George 120,

  Ren 196.

  215-6, 238-9.

  Robes 243.

  Osiris 164-6.

  Rosemary’s Baby 17.

  Paradise Lost [see

  Sacrifice, human 110-2.


  San Francisco 317-8.

  Paths, Two (initiatory)

  Satan 7-8, 43-4, 49-60,


  103, 166-70, 335-9.

  Physics 175-6, 188-9.

  Satanatheist 228.

  Pinocchio 192.

  Satanic Bible (LaVey)

  Pistis 183.

  9-24, 99-115, 359-65.

  Plato 147, 183, 198, 234.

  - 1972 Introduction

  Playboy Clubs 102.


  Pleasure Domes 102.

  “Satanic Panic” 154.

  Poe, Edgar Allan 334.

  Satanis 105-6, 322.

  Poelzig, Hans 355.

  Satanism 180.

  Priesthood of Mendes

  Saul, Barnabas 354.

  III° 367-72.

  Sauron [see Tolkien].

  Pythagoras 147.

  Scholasticism 179.

  Quetzalcoatl 8.

  Schopenhauer, Arthur

  Rainbow sheets 14-5.


  Rasputin, Grigori 353.

  Sekhem 201.

  Reality control 215-9.

  Serling, Rod 124-5.

  “Redbeard, Ragnar” [see Set 8, 142, 160-6.

  Might is Righgt].

  Seven Footprints to

  Redemption 152, 181.

  Satan [see Merritt].

  Regardie, Francis 260.

  Shah, Idreis 374.

  Reich, Wilhelm 356.

  Shemhamforash 229.

  Reinhardt, Max 354.

  Sheol 130-1, 154-5, 192,

  Remanifestation 199.


  Rephraim 191.

  Sign of the Horns 18.

  Sins, 7 deadly 102-3.

  - 400 -

  Smith, Clark Ashton 44.

  Topless Witches Revue

  Squeezer, Julius 106.


  “Soul” [see MindStar].

  Torah [see Testament,

  Soul, Judæo/Christian



  Transmigration 199.

  Stoker, Bram 199-200.

  Tuat 197.

  Sutro, Adolph 320.

  Twain, Mark 44, 356.

  Symbolism 184.

  Twilight Zone, The [see

  “Sympathy for the Devil”



  Universe, Subjective

  Tanakh [see Testament,



  - Collective 119-20.

  Tanit 149.

  - Language 211.

  Tao 194-5.

  Universe, Objective

  Tautology 156, 191.


  Teleology 185.

  - Language 211.

  Telos 177, 183-5.

  Vader, Darth 349.

  Temple of Set 22.

  Vampires 106.

  Ten Commandments

  Verne, Jules 116.


  Voodoo 195.

  Tera, Queen 200.

  West, Wayne 236.

  Testament, New ( Holy

  Wilson, Robert 191.

  Bible) 11.

  Witch 152-3.

  Testament, Old ( Holy

  Wolfe, Burton 19-20,

  Bible) 11, 177.


  Theology 191.

  Word of Set 266-7,

  Theosophical Society


  [see Blavatsky].

  Workings 232.

  Thomson, James 146.

  Xeper 177, 183, 198.

  Time 121, 127-44.

  Xepera Xeper Xeperu

  - Circular 137-8.


  - Cyclical 129.

  Yahweh [see El].

  - Linear 129.

  Yankee Rose 14, 322,

  Togare 322.


  Tolkien, J.R.R. 170-3,

  YHVH [see El].


  Zaharoff, Basil 353.

  - 401 -

  Zohar 155.

  2001: A Space Odyssey

  Zombie 195.


  1984 [see Orwell].

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  About the Author

  Michael A. Aquino was the only member of the

  Church of Satan to attain the Second Level of the

  Fourth Degree (Magister Templi IV°-II’) prior to

  1975, and was a member of the Church’s Council of

  Nine and Order of the Trapezoid 1970-75. He served

  as Editor of the Church’s Cloven Hoof newsletter


  He served as founding High Priest of the

  Temple of Set 1975-1996, was Recognized as a

  Magus V° and Ipsissimus VI°, and was founding

  Grand Master of the Temple’s Order of the

  Trapezoid 1982-87.

  In secular life he is a Lt. Colonel, Psychological

  Operations, U.S. Army (Ret.). He is a graduate of the

  Industrial College of the Armed
Forces, National

  - 404 -

  Defense University; Defense Intelligence College,

  Defense Intelligence Agency; Foreign Service

  Institute, Department of State; U.S. Army Special

  Warfare Center (Special Forces (“Green Beret”) /

  Psychological Operations / Civil Affairs / Foreign

  Area Officer); U.S. Army Command & General Staff

  College; U.S. Army Intelligence School, and U.S.

  Army Space Institute. Decorations include the

  Bronze Star, Meritorious Service Medal, Air Medal,

  Army Commendation Medal (3 awards), Special

  Forces Tab, Parachutist Badge, USAF Space &

  Missile Badge, and the Republic of Vietnam

  Gallantry Cross, Psychological Warfare Medal (First

  Class), & Air Service Medal (Honor Grade).

  Academic credentials include the B.A., M.A.,

  and Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of

  California; and the M.P.A. in Public Administration

  from George Washington University. He has taught

  as Adjunct Professor of Political Science, Golden

  Gate University.

  Past National Commander & Distinguished

  Service Award, Eagle Scout Society; Vigil Honor,

  Order of the Arrow; Distinguished Service Key,

  Alpha Phi Omega Fraternity.

  In 2006, following his retirement as a U.S.

  government officer, he was recognized by Scotland’s

  Lord Lyon King of Arms as the 13th Baron of

  Rachane, Argyllshire.

  He and his wife Lilith live in San Francisco

  with inevitable. innumerable, immortal cats.

  His published books include MindWar,

  MindStar, FindFar, The Church of Satan, The

  Temple of Set, IlluminAnX, Ghost Rides,

  Morlindalë, FireForce, Ode to Esmé, We Break the

  Sword, The Neutron Bomb, and [Edited] Pegasus in

  Pinfeathers by Betty Ford.

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