The Perfect Family

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by Luca Rossi

The Perfect Family

  by Luca Rossi

  Copyright 2012 Luca Rossi

  This novel is part of a collection of short stories

  Energies of the Galaxy

  Table of contents

  The Perfect Family

  The Author

  Energies of the Galaxy


  The Perfect Family

  “Aurelia, do you mind if I stop massaging you? I’ll resume from where I interrupted later, if that’s ok with you. Now, however, I’d like to prepare you dinner, if you don’t mind.”

  Aurelia Lunatti got up from the couch and looked at her masseur. The more he familiarized with her body, the better he became at it.

  “Of course, Carlo.” She didn’t say anything more, tasting the following question with her mouth’s watering.

  “Would you like some salade niçoise, some pesto sauce pasta or some orange duck fillet?” Carlo asked her.

  Aurelia bit on her lower lip and fell victim to her little inner demon: “Actually, I’d go for a good pizza!” she answered with joy.

  “What a wonderful idea! You have to know that I need twenty-four minutes to buy the ingredients from the nearest market, and then fifty-six minutes to knead the dough, let it rise...”

  “Oh, cut it out! You don’t have to worry, I know: in an hour and a half the pizza will be ready. You may go!”

  Carlo approached and kissed her tenderly. He went to the front door, opened it and then went out to shop. Aurelia relaxed on her coach and smiled.

  She really couldn’t understand how she could have waited so much time to buy Carlo. Her co-worker, Valentina, who she usually had lunch with, always told her how much her robot had changed her life. She had been sceptical, at the beginning. And she had been sceptical for a long time. How can a machine really replace a man? But after yet another failed relationship, she had decided that she wanted one, too!

  Carlo announced his return before entering the building, to avoid startling her. He entered the living room and, before reaching the kitchen, he went to her for a tender kiss. He still had the shopping bags in his arms.

  He was muscular and tall, with light blue eyes and shoulder long hair. Carlo was the picture of her ideal man. His limbs had no imperfection, but other than that, you couldn’t find any difference between them and real men’s ones. She wasn’t against perfection, not in the least.

  She kept him bended above her with a hand behind his head. With her other hand she touched him between his legs. His penis began to grow in size as if it was real. He then gently put the bags on the floor, caressed her face and began to cover her body in kisses. The woman’s excitement grew evidently and Carlo kept on teasing her with his lips and fingers.

  “Now I want you to take me with passion and vigour!” she whispered in his ear, as if she was embarrassed to say it out loud.

  The robot proved her he could live up to her expectations and made her feel pleasure multiple times, never making his passion go down in intensity during the intercourse.

  After the last orgasm, Aurelia snuggled up Carlo’s bare chest, and he kept on kissing and caressing her head for a long time.

  “After a fuck like that, I really need a good cigarette!” the woman thought. “Carlo, will you be so gentle to take me a pack of cigarettes and a lighter?”

  “But you really asked me to do my best to dissuade you from your addiction,” the robot answered, slowly getting up, smiling at her.

  “That’s true. Just a tiny one, please!” she answered, pleading him, “This time I really can’t go on without one.”

  Carlo took what she had asked. He gave her the cigarette and turned on the lighter. She inhaled seductively and rested on the couch, smoking. Carlo dressed up and went to the kitchen.

  The dinner was fantastic. The table was perfectly set and Carlo had prepared Aurelia a true Neapolitan pizza. Then he surprised her with a tasty dessert, short in calories and dimensions, so it didn’t pose a danger to her diet.

  They talked for a long time. Carlo had been programmed to sustain a witty and interesting conversation, so he made her laugh heartily.

  Then she informed him of the latest problems she’d had on her job and he listened with interest and attention, before giving her appropriate suggestions based on the huge amount of knowledge about human cases he had in his data bank.

  Aurelia was silent. She wanted to talk with him about a delicate matter and she didn’t know how to begin. She gathered the courage, and then said: “Carlo, I want to become a mother, and I’d like you to be the father of our child!” The words left her in one go.

  The robot got up from his chair, neared the woman and took her hands between his. “Honey, I’m extremely happy about what you asked me, and I’m terrified that I have to disappoint you. Unfortunately, I’m not programmed for paternity and I wouldn’t be able to keep up with the role you’re asking me to play.”

  Aurelia feared such an answer. She suddenly got up, took her tablet and let herself fall back on the couch. While Carlo was taking care of the kitchen and the living room, Aurelia frantically moved her fingers on the display.

  That’s it! She had found what she was looking for.

  It was a particularly expensive chip. Almost a year worth of her salary. Yes, but it’s worth it! Carlo had proved her to be worth of all the money she had spent to buy him. She was sure she wouldn’t be disappointed.

  The artificial insemination went well. Carlo helped Aurelia overcome the difficulties in any way he could. The woman and the robot became the happy parents of a wonderful child, Alessio.

  Several months later, an evening, Aurelia and her co-worker Valentina decided to take a walk in the park. Carlo was about ten meters ahead of them, pushing their son’s pushchair.

  “Vale, I’m speechless! You’ve got to come and pass an evening with us. Carlo’s not perfect… he’s more than that! He spends time with Alessio, creating stimulating games the child loves, and he never loses his patience. The child is growing in a wonderful manner. Every pedagogically possible thing, Carlo puts it into practice. He always knows whenever it’s time to be a little strict, to avoid spoiling our child. I’d never expected something like this!”

  “And what about the incredible sexual situations you lived before this?” she wickedly asked her friend.

  “When I didn’t feel in the mood for sex, Carlo never said a word. Better still, he was kinder than ever and with his magical hands he made my backache disappear. Then he began arousing me with his teasing behaviour, like he never did before. My libido soon came back... Now I’d fuck him all day long! Well, that’s more or less what I’m already doing, anyway!”

  The two women talked and laughed for a long time. Aurelia told Valentina about the incredible turns in her married life, and her friend was even more set on trying the adventure of the perfect maternity.

  Two years later, Aurelia and her lawyer, Cristina Terzi, were guests in the local CyberPlus headquarters, the company which had produced Carlo.

  “So, basically, my client is asking for a refund of twenty million Euros!” Cristina ended.

  The CyberPlus trading director, his lawyer and the senior engineer looked at each other, perplexed.

  “Oh, pretending you don’t understand is useless!” Cristina added with a menacing air. “You very well know that if we decide to go to court, your image will be damaged even further.”

  “Sirs,” Aurelia spoke, “you can’t even imagine what being the mother of a child who adores his father means. Sometimes I lose my ground, my patience; sometimes I can’t even restrain myself, and I answer raising my voice or I even give intolerance signs. I’m prey of all the doubts and difficulties of every mother in the world. But Carlo isn’t! He’s always pe
rfect with our child. He always has the ideal behaviour. Never too strict, never too soft. His words are always appropriate and he does everything to help me, too. He does everything to exalt my maternal figure in front of our child, but he doesn’t fall for it! He has in front of him a perfect father and a mother victim to the nervousness accumulated during work and everyday life… a mother that doesn’t always know what to do, even after his father’s suggestions... a mother that always makes mistakes and feels even guiltier!”

  The CyberPlus commercial director, Augusto Rimbaldi, calmly answered her: “Mrs. Lunatti, have you ever considered returning us the robot? The specimen is in perfect state. We could give you the entire paid sum back…”

  “You’re either mad or you don’t understand!” Aurelia screamed. “How can I give you Carlo back? To you it’s just a product, but to us it’s something more! To my son he is a father. He loves him, he adores him. He’s his idol, his example. He’s different, but to him it’s... better! He finds that having an inhuman parent is normal. He’d hate me for the rest of his life if I treated his father like an object and gave it back to you!”

  The senior engineer, Cesare Bisascia, intervened: “Augusto, I think that our latest release, even if it’s still a beta prototype, will be sufficiently stable to constitute a fitting interest motive to our Mrs. Lunatti.” Augusto Rimbaldi signalled him to continue. “Mrs. Lunatti,

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