The Nice Guy and the Therapist (New Hampshire Bears Book 11)

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The Nice Guy and the Therapist (New Hampshire Bears Book 11) Page 12

by Mary Smith

  “Don’t worry. I won’t cause a scene,” Jackson said with the harsh tone everyone was used to.

  “I want to talk to you—”

  “Look.” Jackson jumped up and put his finger right in his face. “We talked yesterday.”

  “No.” Cabel shook his head. He wanted him to drop his finger but allowed him to keep it there for the time being. “You shouted and acted like a child. Therefore, I treated you like one.” Cabel slowly stood up, balancing himself awkwardly with his brace.

  Jackson dropped his hand. “I’m not a child.”

  “Then maybe you should act like an adult. When you do, then I’ll treat you like one. However, right now, you need to catch a plane.” Cabel walked away from him without looking back.

  It killed him to be mean but tough love would be a last resort in any situation. He just hoped it would work.

  As the team got off the plane, the mood was solemn. Coach Long tore the team apart after their eight to zero loss in Utah. Cabel and Oliver stood behind Taden. At the beginning of the season, the Bears were projected to win it all, but now they sat almost in last place. Even though they had been here before and fought their way back, this felt different.

  The chemistry was gone.

  Walking into the house, he smiled inhaling a delicious smell.

  “Dad!” Bria yelled, jumping from the couch, running over to him and hugging him.

  “Hey, what’s going on here?” He hugged her back, kissing the top of her head.

  “We made you dinner.” Leia came into the room.

  Cabel glanced up to greet his oldest daughter, but his heart stopped when he saw Caryn’s face.

  “Yes, we did,” she confirmed.

  He didn’t know what to say. Not that he wasn’t happy to see her, just shocked she stood in his home, behind Leia. “It smells delicious.” He finally found the words to say.

  “It’s ready. So, come on,” Leia announced and Bria rushed to the kitchen following her.

  Once they were out of ear shot, Caryn strolled over to him. “I’d say I could explain why I’m here, but it’s hard to do so.”

  “How so?”

  “Are you mad?” She took a step back.

  He grabbed her hand, pulling her closer to him. “I’m not mad.”

  Caryn smiled. “Leia came to my office.”

  Cabel’s mouth dropped.

  “I was shocked to see her as well. She convinced me to come to dinner.”

  He smirked. “She can talk people into just about anything.”

  “Are you sure this is okay?”

  “Yes.” He took her hand and moved toward the kitchen. “How long have you been here?”

  “About an hour. The girls have been entertaining.”

  Cabel chuckled. “Have they been driving you up a wall?”

  “No.” Caryn smiled. “They’re wonderful girls. Leia was quiet at first, but Bria made up for it.”

  “She is the talker of the family. She gets it from Chloe.” He wasn’t joking. Chloe talked more in their marriage than he ever had.

  Cabel held out Caryn’s chair as the girls brought out the food. Cabel grinned at the large platter of tacos. He figured it was going to be chicken nuggets.

  “This looks great,” Cabel praised them.

  “Caryn helped, Dad.” Bria sat next to her.

  “Thank you for helping.” Cabel was still grinning.

  “You’re welcome,” she said as Bria handed her the tongs to get a tortilla.

  The four of them talked for several minutes about the food. Cabel enjoyed the easiness of the conversations between the girls and Caryn. The stress of Jackson fell away as he sat at the dining room table. When the food was gone, all four of them cleaned up the dishes and the mess. Leia went to her bedroom to finish homework and Cabel walked Bria back over to Chloes.

  Walking back into his house, he watched Caryn holding a glass of wine and staring at pictures he had set up on his mantle. He watched her for several seconds before coming up behind her. She jumped slightly but then relaxed against him.

  “Did you have fun tonight?” he asked kissing right below her ear.

  “I did.” She twisted to face him. “Did you?”

  “Very much so.”

  Taking the wine glass from her, he sat it down and led her to the couch. Caryn curled her feet under her and leaned against his chest.

  “Are we going to talk about the Bears or Jackson first?” She took the glass from him and took a sip.

  Cabel began to tell her what happened. The first time on the plane he sat with Jackson and tried to start a conversation but was ignored. When they checked into the hotel, he tried again, but Jackson continued to ignore him. At practice, Jackson remained to himself and puck hogging. Afterward, Jackson slammed into the office Cabel was at and told him to leave him alone.

  Then how Zerrick told them about Jackson going to Jerrys. Cabel’s anger raged because he involved Caryn. He finished the tell-all with sending him to the farm.

  “I’m sorry you’re feeling down.” Caryn kissed his cheek. “I did make a decision about the Jerry situation.”

  “Oh?” Cabel leaned back a bit.

  “I talked to Oliver today, and we’re going to meet up and release a joint statement.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Nodding, Caryn stated confidently, “Yes. It’s time for me and the world to accept the truth.”

  “I’m here if you need me.” He gently kissed her lips. He knows this step would be huge for her.

  “I’m still not ready to call him dad yet,” she quickly added.

  “You’ll figure out when the right time will be.” He kissed her again, holding it longer this time.

  He couldn’t stop himself when she sat close to him. She got up on her knees and straddled him. Opening his mouth, he swiped his tongue across her lips. Moaning, she pushed her hips down on him. Their tongues battled to bring them closer. Pulling the back of her shirt up, he splayed his hands across her back. Touching her ignited a fury within him. He wanted to feel more of her.

  “Hey, Dad.”

  The entire room became vacant of air as Caryn scrambled off Cabel’s lap, yanking at her top to put it back in place. Cabel leaned over to try his best to hide his hard-on.

  “OMG!” Leia exclaimed. “I’m sorry.” Her back hit the doorway as she raced backward, covering her eyes. “I’m so, so sorry.” She bolted out of the room, still apologizing.

  Caryn covered her face with her hands. Cabel noticed how red her neck was. He wasn’t much better. Being caught by your daughter constituted as a mood killer.

  “I should go.” Caryn jumped to her feet, not making eye contact with him.

  “Hey, wait.” Cabel did his best to catch up with her, managing to grab her wrist before she opened the door. “Caryn.”

  “I’ve never been this embarrassed in my life.” She hung her head.

  “Stop.” He cupped her face, forcing her to look at him. “It’s fine. I’ll talk to Leia, and it’ll be okay.”

  “I’ll text you later.” She moved away from him, gave a quick kiss on his cheek, and ran out the front door.

  Sighing, Cabel slowly made his way upstairs and knocked on Leia’s door.

  “I’m so sorry,” Leia said yanking open her door.

  He smiled. “It’s okay. I didn’t mean for you to see all of…that.”

  She went over to the side of her bed and sat down. “Well, Caryn might need to refer me to a therapist because I did see my father hooking up.”

  Cabel chuckled and sat next to her. “We were just kissing.”

  Leia scoffed. “Sure, Dad.”

  “Nonetheless, I’m going to apologize because I got carried away.”

  “Dad.” She held up her hand, stopping him from going on. “I’m sorry because I don’t want to disrupt your happiness.”

  He opened his mouth, but she kept talking.

  “I know you’re going to say I’m not, but…” she trailed off.

  “Talk to me.” He urged her on.

  “You’ve been single since the divorce. It’s unhealthy. I like Caryn, and I know you do too.”

  Cabel gave her a small smile. “I appreciate your concern. I do like her, and I’m thrilled you girls like her as well.”

  Leia’s face turned solemn.

  “What’s wrong? Do you not like her?” Confusion swept over him. Dinner seemed to go so well.

  “I adore Caryn. She’s really awesome, but you more than like her…don’t you?”

  It took him several seconds to think if he would or wouldn’t tell her the truth. However, in front of him might be his little girl, but she was also a mature female. “Yes. I more than like her.”

  Surprisingly, Leia threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. “I’m happy.” She sniffled and Cabel felt wetness on his cheeks.

  “Hey.” He held her close. “You don’t need to cry.”

  Leia released him. “I don’t want you to be alone.”

  “Leia, I’m not alone. I’ll always have you girls and your mom.”

  “But you need more like on the couch more.”

  Cabel laughed heartily. “You’re worried about me having sex.”

  “Eeewww. Dad, don’t say it out loud. I’m just saying.”

  He calmed down his laughter. “Okay. Okay. I won’t say it but thank you for the concern. Truly, I love you.”

  “I love you, Dad. I’m glad you’re happy.”

  It’s been a long time, but he really was…happy.

  Cabel almost jumped up and down when Janan came into his office. “You are my lifesaver.”

  “Be thankful I like you and Trish will be back Wednesday.” She picked up the stack of papers on the corner of his desk.

  “I never realized how much paperwork was involved in this job. Nor how important having an assistant is.” He signed his name to yet another form.

  “You should see the paperwork Uncle Oliver goes through,” Janan commented while shuffling the papers into order. “Although, his desk never appeared to be thrown up on by Staples.”

  “Hey.” He tried to refute. “It’s not that…” Glancing at the desk, he couldn’t finish the sentence.

  “See,” Janan said and went back to the papers. “I’m right.”

  He ignored her and signed his name, yet again, to another piece of paper. He had never signed his name this much in his entire life.

  “Jackson apologized, right?” Janan asked as she began to divide the papers.

  Cabel scoffed. “No.”

  “How’s he doing?”

  “Everyone said he’s still hogging the puck and keeping to himself.”

  He had spoken to the Nashua Tigers coach just that morning. Jackson had made no attempts to change.

  “Trade him.” Janan’s matter-of-fact tone made Cabel smirk.

  “I wish. Oliver and I went over his contract and he can’t be traded for two years.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Guess the Tigers have a new—and permanent—player on their roster.”

  Cabel hated to admit she was right because Jackson had been an outstanding player. “I wish he’d talk to me. Maybe figure out why he’s behaving this way.”

  “Um…hello.” She tossed her hand up in the air.

  Cabel glanced up at her. “What?”

  “Men are dense,” she muttered. “Caryn.”

  He stared at her unsure of where she was going.

  “Really?” His eyes narrowed at her question. “Are you forgetting your girlfriend is a trained psychologist? And are you forgetting she can get anyone to talk about anything?”

  Opening his mouth, he almost said no, but honestly, he never thought about Caryn talking to Jackson. Janan had been right—again.

  “I’ll see if she’s able to talk to him.”

  Janan smiled knowing she was right.

  When Caryn opened the door, Cabel’s heart began to race. It seemed like ten years since he saw her. Truthfully, it had been a week. They had talked every day on Facetime and filled in the gaps by texting but nothing compared to holding her in his arms.

  Which was exactly what she did when he stepped in and she kicked the door shut.

  Their lips were sealed tightly together, but he wanted more of her. Sliding his hands up her body, she opened her mouth, moaning as she slid her tongue into his mouth.

  When he finally pulled away from her lips, they were both breathless. “Dinner smells good.”

  “It’s takeout.” Her eyes glazed over in a sexual haze. “It’s still very hot. Might need time to cool down.” She bit down on her bottom lip.

  “Does it now?” He grabbed her ass, squeezing it.

  He couldn’t remember who did what, but in a flash they were both undressed and on her couch. Cabel was able to keep his brace leg straight, still pounding into her. It gave him pain, but he pushed through it. Feeling Caryn’s legs around him, hearing her moans, made him feel like a superhero. No one ever made him feel this way.


  Beads of sweat had collected around his brow and down his back. Caryn appeared the same, even with the same bright smile he carried.

  “I think you shouldn’t stay away for so long,” she teased.

  “Or maybe I should?” he joked back, kissing her lips softly. “Now…I’m hungry.”

  Laughing together they got up, cleaned up, and went to enjoy their dinner. The conversation ranged from Cabel’s monstrous amount of paperwork to Caryn’s growing waitlist at The New Outlook.

  “I’ve been thinking about doing some outreach centers. Especially in the lower income areas. They need it the most.”

  Cabel felt pride for her compassionate heart and wanted to help her in any way possible. He would do whatever was needed to help her and told her so.

  “I know, but I have some ideas. I’ll try to do it on my own before asking.” She picked up the now empty plates.

  “You know I’m here. No matter what. Even if it’s just a sounding board.” He followed her to the sink and wrapped his arms around her.

  “I love you, Cabel.”

  “Impossible because I love you more.” He kissed the side of her neck.

  Giggling she squirmed in his arms. “I’m happy.”

  “Me too,” he replied by kissing the other side of her neck.

  Together they finished cleaning up from dinner and curled up together to watch a movie. He didn’t care what was on the TV, he just wanted to be next to her. Her body on his had been more comfortable than any bed he ever stretched out on.

  He didn’t feel his eyes growing heavy as her warmth put him to sleep.


  He felt like he was in a tunnel.

  “Cabel, you need to wake up.”

  He heard Caryn’s voice.

  “I have coffee.”

  Slowly, he opened one eye. Above him was the most beautiful woman. And she was his.

  “Wait.” Confusion hit him. “Am I…” Glancing around he realized he was still in her home, laying on her couch, covered with a blanket.

  “Yes, you stayed the night,” she confirmed.

  “You’re already dressed.” He sat up and she gave him a fresh cup of coffee.

  “Yes. I must get to The New Outlook. I believe you have to go to work as well.”

  “Shit.” He groaned. “Leia has to be wondering where I am.” A shot of panic ran through him.

  Caryn held up her hand. “She called me this morning. I told her you were here. She’s okay.”

  He felt relief take over. “Good.” He knew she would worry because they always have breakfast together when he was home.

  “I’m sorry I fell asleep.” He laced his fingers with hers.

  “I fell asleep too.” She leaned in and lowered her tone. “I believe I even drooled on you.”

  Cabel chuckled, sitting back. “I really have to go.” She stood up and kissed him. “The keys and security code are on the counter. I’ll text you later.”

  With that,
she left and put Cabel into a deep confusion whirlpool. She left keys and a code for him. She trusted him to lock up her house. Yes, they loved each other, but were they there?

  He put his coffee down and strolled, as best he could because his leg hurt, over to the counter. Right there—in plain view—a silver house key set with a post-it.


  “Wow,” he breathed.

  Pushing his hand through his hair, he tried to rationalize why five numbers meant that much to him. But they did. Trust in a relationship meant everything to him.

  Closing his eyes, he thought about his marriage to Chloe. He loved her from the moment he saw her in grade school. Even though the term soul mate hadn’t been part of his vocabulary at the time, he knew they were meant to be together. Forever. The day he proposed to her, he remembered there was no hesitation in her yes. The wedding had been perfect. Their marriage couldn’t be any more pristine. Not to forget their beautiful, amazing daughters, but one day it all stopped.

  And his heart broke.

  Moving quickly, well, as quickly as he could, he locked up the house, jumped into the Hummer, and raced over to Chloe’s house. His mind raced with all sorts of thoughts. His emotions ran high like they never had before.

  Parking in her driveway, he didn’t hesitate to go up to her door and knock on it.

  Chloe opened it with a smile, and then it dropped. “Rough night?”

  “We need to talk.”

  She stepped to the side letting him into her house. “Want coffee?”

  “Sure.” He followed her to the kitchen. “Anyone home?”

  “No.” She made him a cup just the way he liked it and set it on the counter next to him.

  He didn’t touch it, just hung his head. Anger, hurt, betrayal all ran through his veins. For the first time, he couldn’t articulate any words. Expressing himself became a disability to him.

  “Just say what you need to.” Chloe moved closer to him but still at an arm’s length away.

  He pulled the key out of his pocket and showed it to her. “Caryn gave me a key and code to her house.”

  “That’s great.”

  He heard the sincerity in her tone and knew she meant it.

  “It scared me,” he admitted.


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