Blue Light by Night

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Blue Light by Night Page 26

by Gerald Lopez

  “I can see why,” Alex said. “Someone would have to be nuts to go this way, no offense, Anjelica.”

  “None taken. I was nuts—and a little mad at my sister. She knew I’d been interested in Ross and flirting with him, I thought he was really good looking. Anyway, she had the nerve to ask him out herself, the bitch.”

  She started to rise up, but I reached over and held her down with my hand on her back. “Give it a minute, there may be more boats coming behind them. Anjelica, Ross and your sister didn’t have anything romantic going on. Priestesses aren’t allowed to have romantic relations with anyone.”

  “I sort of figured it was a platonic thing between them after he took a shine to you, Layton,” she said.

  “Don’t be too sure of that either,” I said. “What he did with me doesn’t mean he’s gay. It meant he was being a loyal cult member following orders, and that’s all it meant. Okay, let’s go.” I gave Alex a hand up.

  “I’m sorry, Layton, usually I’m not such a klutz, I swear,” he said. “I just don’t seem to do well in mud.”

  “You’ll get better, don’t beat yourself up over it.”

  We took advantage of being on solid ground and quickened our pace.

  “Are we gonna end up behind the Shelby Motel, Anjelica?” I said.

  “We’ve already passed it,” Anjelica said. “Now we’re heading to the waterway that runs behind the old mansion.”

  “They’ll see us if we come up through the back,” Alex said. “Do you two have guns or any kind of weapons? Didn’t you tell me Monique took your gun and knife, Layton?”

  “Yeah, but I brought more than one gun and knife with me.”

  “I have my knife,” Anjelica said, pulling a knife out of her pocket and holding it up. “And we won’t be going onto the Kennedy property anyway. The pass to the island comes well before that. But, Alex asked a good question, Layton.”

  We were still walking as we talked.

  “Layton, you didn’t have a gun in the library,” Anjelica said. “What gives?”

  “I didn’t think I’d need it doing research at the library and I’m not dumb enough to have one with me at present.” I pushed a branch out of my way before continuing. “A gun could be a liability; right now, we need to be light and able to move fast once we have those kids in hand. Bringing a gun would be like bringing a knife to a gunfight. These people have powers we can’t even comprehend. Say we take out one or two of them with a gun if we’re lucky, meanwhile two or more of them have summoned that blue light and we’re all dead. Plus they have the kids they can use as human shields. We gotta use our brains and other skills this time around.”

  “That’s a scary thought,” Alex said.

  He and I were getting used to the terrain and were better able to keep up with Anjelica. The land went from solid to wet, but we managed it well. Alex even repaid my earlier help when he kept me from falling over a fallen tree limb. If the cult members followed us, it would be tough. The only advantage we’d have is the fact that they hadn’t been over this area and wouldn’t be as familiar with it. At least, that was my hope.

  We continued onward and I tried to be wary of roots, stumps, or anything else that could trip me up. There was no time to deal with sprained ankles or broken legs, so I hoped everyone else was being just as careful. I noticed we were starting to walk downward following the land, there must be more water up ahead. We came out of the woods to a point of land with water on both sides. Anjelica was pointing to the land at least twenty feet across the water.

  “That’s it. The water is deeper on the other sides, here there’s a small strip of land that acts like a bridge to get us across. There won’t be anyone on this side of the island. The dock’s at the other end. The main section of the cemetery is in the middle, where the land has been built up the most to support the mausoleums. Do you think the kids will be there already?”

  “Or anyone else for that matter?” Alex said.

  “I honestly don’t know,” I said. “But when we get over there, we need to look for bones that are stacked up in a ceremonial type way.”

  “You mean bones they can use as an energy source,” Anjelica said.

  “Exactly,” I said. “Unfortunately the bones back at the Kennedy mausoleum closer to the house have probably been rearranged, so they won’t be without a source. We can’t risk going there and disturbing those bones now. From here on out we need to be extra careful. If we’re lucky we’ll have beaten them to the island, but there’s no way of knowing that yet. Lead on, Anjelica.”

  We walked across the narrow strip of land surrounded by gnarly trees growing out of the water, which helped shield us. From where I stood, the trees on the island grew close and thick, giving the place an eerie, haunted vibe. Once we’d crossed over I knew that we had to be ready to go into action at a moment’s notice.

  Chapter 30

  The Island

  “If I haven’t said it before, thanks for all your help, Anjelica,” I said.

  “You’re welcome,” she said. “Layton, this cult isn’t all that new, is it? How long has it been around?”

  “Since the time of the Romans from what I’ve been told, and probably even before that,” I said scratching the back of my leg.

  “Were you hired to bring them down?” Anjelica asked.

  “No, Ma’am. All I was hired to do was figure out who inherits the old estate.”

  “So you don’t know anything about the people who hired you or what’s really going on,” Anjelica said. “Surely, the people who hired you must be some sort of watch group.”

  “That would be my guess, and actually that was how Noelle described them,” I said. “You looking to get on with them?”

  “No… I don’t know. Maybe I could help them somehow, but I think I want to see what it’s like to live a normal life for a while.”

  “Amen to that,” Alex said.

  The muddy ground was studded with tree roots, but as we walked onward it began to change and grow dryer. I looked to the left and saw some small grave markers and then a large cracked concrete vault with the lid off. Walking over to it I looked inside—it was empty. Then I spotted something up ahead and to the right.

  “Stay here a second,” I said to the others.

  Looking around to make sure we were alone, I walked ahead until I got to a small mausoleum. Inside were two open and lidless concrete vaults that would’ve held coffins or at least bodies and bones, but they were both empty too. I read the names on the front; a husband and wife named Wilhelm. There were no windows, but why would there be? The dead don’t need views, however the living do. I scanned the inside and noticed that a big chunk was missing from the top of the left wall. Carefully standing on the top of one of the vaults I could see out of the missing chunk of wall. When I got back outside, I saw an old wood door propped against the side of the building. I turned and waved the others over.

  “If need be, we can hole up in there and prop the door against the front. It’s not an ideal situation though, since there’s no back door or window to get out. We could get surrounded and trapped.”

  “Oh, Layton, this is nothing,” Anjelica said. “There are bigger crypts. This place is littered with graves.”

  “But not filled with the bodies of workers or followers,” I said, as we kept on walking. “In which section of the island would they be likely to keep the kids, Anjelica?”

  “The dead center of the island, pun intended. That’s where the largest crypt is located.”

  “And I bet that’s where they have all the bones,” I said.

  We passed by smaller graves and concrete vaults covered in overgrown plants.

  “How are you two holding up?” I said.

  “I’m getting tired,” Anjelica said.

  “I’d be lying if I said anything different,” Alex said.

  “The adrenaline will kick in and refuel us when the time comes,” I said, “Meanwhile, we don’t have much daylight left. The sun is start
ing to go down, we need to get a good look at the center of the island before it’s dark, Anjelica.”

  She picked up her pace and we kept up while pushing branches and hanging moss out of our way. The land started rising even more and we found ourselves in an area with several small mausoleums and stone vaults, some of which had trees growing out of them. To the left was a larger mausoleum that was raised and had stairs leading to the front door.

  “This is the largest crypt besides the main central one,” Anjelica said.

  “Aren’t crypts typically underground?” Alex said.

  “Part of it is… that’s why it’s built up,” Anjelica said. “It’s more like a two story building, a small chapel is on top, and the bodies or bones are located on the lower level, which is probably at least partly underwater at this point.”

  “Does the center crypt follow this same model?” I said.

  “Yes,” Anjelica said, “only it’s bigger.”

  “Then we need to take a look at this one.”

  My sandals slipped a little on the stone steps leading to the door, but I made it to the door without hurting myself. Alex and Anjelica each had a hand on my shoulders as I pushed open the rusty iron door and walked inside.

  There was a small altar surrounded by statues of goddesses.

  “Reminds me of the bathroom in your modern house,” I said to Alex, trying to lighten the tension in the air. At least he smiled.

  I spotted the stairs in the back corner. The metal hand railing had come loose and part of it was on the floor.

  “Be careful and stay close to the wall,” I said walking down.

  “What if someone’s down there?” Anjelica said.

  “We would’ve heard from them by now, but stay behind me just in case.” I turned on my flashlight, as it was darker on the staircase. The walls and stairs got slicker due to the moisture. I stopped three steps from the bottom, the rest of the room was flooded. Shining the light on the water I saw a snake on its surface.

  “Go back up, there’s not much to see,” I said.

  We stood in the upper room for a minute, no one saying a word. They were tired, that much was obvious.

  “There was a snake in the water, so be mindful up here,” I said.

  “Wait,” Alex said. “Where are you going?”

  “To the center of the island. The two of you need some rest.”

  “Not a good idea,” Alex said.

  “I’ll be okay, I know how to take care of myself,” I said.

  “That may be true, but we’re a team,” Alex said, “and you’re gonna need our help getting those kids out.”

  “You two can join me there later,” I said.

  “That won’t work,” Anjelica said. “That’s the widest part of the island and a virtual city of the dead. Neither you nor Alex are familiar with the area. It would take us too much time to find each other again.”

  “Then we’ll take ten before starting back up.” When I sat down the others did also. I took a sip of water from the canteen at my side, wiped the top, then handed it to Alex. Anjelica had a canteen of her own. “I see someone used to be a scout, are you always prepared, Anjelica.”

  “I try to be,” Anjelica said, “and I think that’s the Boy Scout’s motto or close to it. As you can see, Layton, I was never a Boy Scout. I was a Girl Scout, though, so I know to be prepared. Layton, my dad’s dead, been dead for years. But what if my mom’s here tonight?”

  “Is your mom a priestess?” Alex said.

  “No, I don’t think so. She never went to any meetings like Soph. She just went to her women’s group on Wednesday nights. Oops—guess those were cult meetings, huh.”

  “We don’t know that for sure,” I said. “Could’ve been a sewing circle for all we know.”

  The three of us laughed for a minute, then I got serious.

  “Anjelica if your mom is here on this island tonight, then you need to understand something. I don’t think she’ll hesitate to kill you. The cult comes first and you’re now a threat to it.”

  “I figured that much,” Anjelica said. “If my own sister tried to kill me what’s to keep mom from trying to do the same thing. Still, I hope she’s not here, but one if not both of your sisters will be, won’t they, Alex?”

  “Probably, and I’m prepared to deal with them if it comes to it. I refuse to be used by a cult to further their cause.”

  “And I’ll deal with my mom should the need arise,” Anjelica said.

  “Make sure to stick to those words, both of you,” I said. “Put all sentimentality out of your mind, because if they’re here and they see any weakness, they’ll pounce before you have a chance to blink.”

  * * * *

  The path ahead of us split and Anjelica stopped and looked back at us.

  “If we go straight ahead we’ll end up smack in the center and right in front of the main mausoleum, crypt—what have you. If we’re getting out of there in a hurry it’ll make sense to come back that way. However, going in from the side is probably better for now, because we don’t know if anyone’s there or not.”

  “Good plan,” I said.

  We followed her down a narrow path with branches and moss overhead. It was getting dark just before we took a turn into a wide space that was brightly lit by moonlight. There was a crypt to the far left near the edge of the water. In front of it were more stone coffins, statuary, and small crypts or mausoleums. There were even more to the right, it really was a city of the dead.

  “My God, it’s unbelievable,” Alex said. “Who would’ve thought.

  As we walked, I kept my eyes open for bones and my ears listening for guests. There were none of either and we easily made our way to the center until we were standing in front of the stairs of a very large mausoleum.

  “Why is it so empty?” Alex said. “Where is everybody?”

  “They didn’t think that anyone would have the nerve to sneak onto their sacred island,” Anjelica said.

  “They’re overconfident, like DeLonn was and again that’s a weakness that could work in our favor,” I said.

  This mausoleum was well kept. The front of it was all marble, as were the stairs, which I went up. The metal gate in front of the wide entryway was in such good shape that it looked new, unfortunately it was locked. On a whim, I looked through the metal bars and called out, “Esther, are you in there?” I wasn’t surprised not to hear a reply. Turning and looking ahead, I decided to take advantage of the high vantage point to look out over everything.

  In front of the mausoleum was a circular formation of columns with a floor made of big cut stones. Metal torches stood in front of the columns and there was a long, wide, stone table in the center. It was big enough to hold two people or three small children. There was no doubt that this is where they’d be bringing Esther and the others. To the right of the circle were gravestones and two smaller mausoleums. All the way to the left I could see the water and a dock, that’s where they would arrive. Then I walked back down the stairs to Alex and Anjelica.

  “We’ve got a big advantage in being here before them,” I said. “It gives us time to find a place to situate ourselves before show time.”

  “But we still have no plan,” Alex said.

  “That would be correct,” I said. “You two will just have to keep an eye on me and wait for an opening. There’s one thing I’d be willing to bet on… this mausoleum probably houses all the bones, so if things get really bad, we can try to get inside it and—”

  “Sorry to interrupt, Layton,” Anjelica said, “but that’ll probably be the most guarded place here. We wouldn’t stand a chance of being able to disturb or scatter those bones.”

  “Hey, you didn’t expect it to be easy, did you?” I said.

  They followed me to a smaller mausoleum that had a clear view of the circular area. Inside were four stone vaults and enough room that we could hide behind them and still peer out the front opening.

  “That round area and table is where they sacrifi
ce people, isn’t it? Alex said.

  “Looks like it,” I said

  “I need to pee,” Alex said.

  “So do I, c’mon,” I said, leading him outside behind the mausoleum.

  When Alex had finished, I reached over and shook it for him. He laughed and grabbed mine as I kissed him on the lips.

  “Are we both crazy, or what?” he said.

  “Or what,” I said. “We’d better get back inside.”

  We zipped up, and when we went back inside the mausoleum, we found Anjelica leaning against the back wall sound asleep.

  “Should I wake her?” Alex said.

  “No point, there’s nothing going on yet.” I sat down behind another stone vault and leaned against the back wall stretching my legs out. Alex sat next to me, so I raised my arm for him and he got under it and cuddled close to me. “Alex, shut your eyes a while, I’ll stay awake and do guard duty.”

  He opened his mouth to say something, but I covered it with mine and he gave in and laid his head on my shoulder. Within minutes he was asleep.

  I looked down at his sweet face, then over at Anjelica. Their safety was in my hands, and I was determined that somehow we’d all get out alive.

  Chapter 31


  The sound of airboats filled the air, waking both Anjelica and Alex, but before either of them could speak I held a finger to my lips. Things were silent for a minute, then I heard voices, one of which I recognized.

  “We’ve got to prepare things in the mausoleum,” Miss Ainsley said.

  “Understood,” a woman said.

  I got up on my knees and peered over the top of the stone vault in front of me. Through the front opening of our hiding place I could see three women heading toward the large mausoleum.

  “We need to summon the energy within the bones,” a third woman said.

  I looked at Anjelica and saw a tear roll down from her eye, which she quickly wiped away. Looking at me, she silently mouthed two words.

  “My mother.”

  A loud piercing scream filled the air and brought both Alex and Anjelica up on their knees to see what was going on outside. Three men were lighting the torches. The scream came again.


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