Tangled Hearts

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Tangled Hearts Page 18

by Laurie Ames

  “I am so pleased to meet you Frederica, it’s wonderful to be here, everything is so very.…umm beautiful here” said Giorgia tongue-tied as she tried desperately to not stare into her big gorgeous eyes.

  “Giorgia, I have brought a bottle of local Tuscany red wine, along with a fresh Italian loaf. If you like, I can gather some herbs from the garden, and prepare some bread and drinks in your kitchen”.

  “That sounds perfect”, Said Giorgia readily agreeing. “Thanks for welcoming me with these wonderful acts of kindness”.

  “I know where everything is kept in your uncle’s house, as I often helped mother work there. If you like, after a bite to eat and some of this very special Italian wine, I can give you a detailed tour of your new estate”.

  Giorgia started to feel weak in the knees from listening to Frederica’s sexy accent. It was like nothing she had ever felt before. She realized her lesbian feelings were kicking in but she knew it was forbidden to ever reveal her true desires.


  Frederica poured some virgin olive oil in a bowl and added a few fresh herbs, balsamic vinegar and other ingredients, then mixed it around.

  “Giorgia, please take a piece of this delicious bread, then dip into your bowl of oil mixture. I’ll pour us both a fine glass of my red Tuscan wine”.

  They sat out on the terrace enjoying the wine while taking in the scenic Tuscany countryside, but also admiring the captivating beauty of one another from across the table. Their conversation became very lively and Georgia soon took notice that Frederica was a very sensual woman and often would touch her hand in a caring manner. The afternoon was passing by in a blur.

  “Our lunch together has been so enjoyable that I completely forgot to mention that the village priest is coming by on Saturday afternoon, to have a small service for my uncle. After the service I will be spreading his ashes into the garden, as his wishes requested. You and your family are more than welcome to join me for this small service, if you wish. Can you make it?”

  “Thanks for letting me know and yes of course I will be there. Would you mind if others from the village came and paid their respects?”

  Giorgia soon realizes that her uncle Antonio was a well-loved resident and will be missed by many of his friends and neighbours. “Yes, please invite them on my behalf” replied Giorgia as she reached across the table and to give a warm embrace.

  Frederica starts to realize there is going to be many people visiting on Saturday and gives Giorgia a concerned look. “You will need much help over the next couple of days to plan for Saturday. I would love to help get things organized such as food, drink, tables and chairs for the many guests at the service. What do you say?”

  “Yes, Oh Bless you, I would appreciate that so much” Giorgia replied. She thought she would be doing a simple little ceremony. She was not aware of just how many others were touched by her good uncle Antonio. Giorgia was glad she had Frederica's offer of help. She did not know how she could do it alone and secretly was delighted in working side by side with this beautiful sexy Italian goddess.


  Many people of the village came to pay their respects to her uncle that day. Giorgia was able to see for the first time just how well-respected her uncle was within his community. It had been an exhausting day, but she was delighted that her uncle's neighbours and friends were able to join her to say their goodbyes. She was overwhelmed by all the people she met that day. Frederica had been such an amazing source of support. Frederica had pretty much handled getting all the food, chairs, tables and a tent for the guests to socialize comfortably. Giorgia also met Theresa, Frederica's mother that day. She exchanged numbers with Theresa to discuss the items that her uncle had left for Theresa. Even at her age, she was still a lovely vibrant looking woman and Giorgia could see where Frederica had gotten her attractive looks. She was a widow going on five years and living not far from Frederica in the village. She expressed her shock at the generous amount of money and furnishings left by Antonio for her, she was not expecting this. But in her mind, she was not really surprised, in fact she knew that it was going to go to Frederica, to the rightful heir.

  It was a long day and after everyone had left, Giorgia made her way to run a relaxing hot bath for herself. She added some Epsom salts and essential lavender oil to her tub. She stepped out of her robe and then slowly immersed herself in the lovely heated water. She stretched out in the huge Jacuzzi tub, just taking in life and unwinding. She soon found herself thinking about the lovely Italian goddess 'Frederica' as she imagined her lovely naked body with her in the tub. She envisioned scrubbing her back and then reaching around to lather her large breasts. Her hands soon began wandering over her own body as she had these thoughts. All she could think about was Frederica’s dreamy voice and sexy body. All the while, Giorgia was moaning with horny excitement, squeezing her hard nipples and touching herself more and more while fantasizing about Frederica. She was looking forward to spending more time with her. But her hopes were soon dashed when she reminded herself that this Italian goddess was married. Even so she still had a sense or feeling that Frederica had feelings for her too. They seemed to be drawn together by some unknown, unseen power, it was in their destinies for them to both meet. Giorgia was not the least bit surprised that this lovely woman was married. She was a woman that was meant to be wrapped in the throes of passion. Giorgia desired this Italian beauty—she was totally immersed in her thoughts of this ravishing Italian woman that had just walked into her life.

  After her bath Giorgia put on a t-shirt and track pants. She made her way down into the large kitchen to pour herself a glass of red wine and slice some pieces of cheese, along with some grapes into a bowl. She made her way out to sit on the back terrace to enjoy the peaceful evening. The wonderful blazing orange color of the setting sun was impressive to gaze at, as she sipped and munched her drink and food. Her uncle's estate was a bit run down, but she could see the beauty beneath the overgrowth of the unattended gardens. She had decided that she was going to hire a gardener to get the gardens back to their former glory, she knew this would certainly please her deceased uncle's spirit.

  She would wait to ask Frederica tomorrow if she knew of a local man that would be able to take on the job of gardener of her estate. She looked around herself, admiring the lovely Tuscany countryside. She vaguely remembered visiting here so many years ago. She could see that there were still big grapevines, where she had picked grapes as a child. Now she was the only living person in her immediate family. Giorgia felt more alone than ever before, with the realization that she was truly alone in this world. Giorgia spent the next few hours wandering around the estate inside and out, until she finally decided to retire to her bedroom for the evening. It had been a long day. There was much to sort both inside and outside this big estate. She and Frederica certainly had their work cut out for them. With this thought Giorgia quickly fell into a deep sleep on the large four-poster bed; in the same guest room where she had stayed as a child so many years ago.

  Chapter 3. Discovery of Ancient Family Recipes


  Frederica and Giorgia were going through hundreds of old books on a large floor to ceiling bookshelf that was in her late uncle's study. He had collected a vast array of impressive and very collectable books. Frederica suddenly turned around and handed Giorgia a very precious old family heirloom. It was a large faded leather-bound book that was filled with ancient family recipes from Giorgia's family ancestry. It had been passed down from previous generations for hundreds of years.

  “Your uncle prized this book in a special way and often had my mother make many of these special recipes”.

  Giorgia looked up into Frederica's eyes, and gently brushed her fingers over Frederica's hand. Her beautiful Italian skin felt like soft rose petals.

  “Thank you for finding this amazing book for me, I would have never known it was here. It will always be so very dear and special to me. This book will be goi
ng back to America with me, that’s for sure. These old Italian recipes will allow me to bring an authentic menu like none other in the New York area. I will use them with great family pride in my fine cuisine restaurants”.

  “Your uncle has often talked about you and how successful your Italian restaurants are in America. Your uncle Antonio was very proud of you. I am glad you are going to take your family recipes and share their goodness with the world” replied Frederica smiling up at Giorgia, as she gave her a light touch on her face. “You are a very impressive and attractive woman, Giorgia. You have certainly done very well for yourself in life.”

  Giorgia shrugged her shoulders and let out a deep sigh.

  “Yes, thanks Frederica for the kind words, but for all the monetary riches and success of my businesses, I feel so lonely that I have no one to share my life with. Now that my uncle has passed, I have become even more aware of my loneliness. It feels worse now that I am the only living person left in my immediate family.”

  Frederica looked down and away, as she wiped a small tear from her eye.

  “Sorry Frederica, I didn't mean to get into a depressing conversation, please forgive me” said Giorgia softly. “I guess I am a little stressed with all the things lately that I must sort out and get in order. I’m so glad that I have you to help me wade through the contents of this big house.”

  “Don't worry Giorgia, soon you will find the right woman for you, hopefully sooner than you think” replied Frederica with a smile.

  “How did you know that I am a lesbian—is it that obvious?”

  “Oh, I am sorry, I hope that you do not mind, your uncle told my mother a long time ago, and she mentioned it to me. He was worried about you being left all on your own, he too was hoping that you would meet that right girl. Your uncle loved you dearly, he only wanted his darling sweet niece to find happiness and peace in life. I hope that you are not upset that we know this?” asked Frederica.

  “No, I’m not upset. I was just curious how you knew, that is all.”

  The two women continued to sort through the piles of books within the study. Giorgia suggested they stop for the day, as she was pleased to have found the family cookbook. She suggested they go and enjoy an afternoon glass of wine on the terrace.

  Frederica told Giorgia that she was married to a deckhand of a cargo ship, called “Valentia.” Her husband was a big man with a big temper to match, especially when he had been drinking too much, which was often, as it happens. His name was Bruno, Giovanni. She had two grown sons that were married with children, Veto, the eldest of twenty-six, and Marco the youngest, who was twenty-three years of age. They both lived in other towns with their families and had left home at a young age to get away from an unhappy household. Frederica confessed to Giorgia that the only reason she married Bruno was because she become pregnant at seventeen years of age. This was the result of her being raped by two men. She never told anyone about this for fear of them coming back to harm her and her family. But, in order to save her parents the embarrassment of having an unwed pregnant daughter, she married Bruno quickly. She knew he was fond of her, so she started dating him and pushed for a quick marriage, then told him after they started having sex that she had become pregnant. She had hated herself for many years for deciding to marry a man she did not love. But over the years she tried to make the best of a bad situation for her boy’s sake, but it was hard to hide the loveless relationship between her husband and herself.

  The men that had raped her had been two nineteen-year old’s that were just transients passing through her town. They were working at one of the local wineries doing seasonal work, picking the grapes for wine. She too, was working at the same winery. The rape occurred after one of the men tried to date her and she rejected him. Afterwards, he and his friend thought she was some kind of freak that needed to be taught a lesson. She knew that she was attracted only to women but was far too afraid to let her feelings be known to others. So, she instead accepted her fate, and lived in a loveless marriage for twenty-six years.

  “Bruno has always been gone for weeks at a time on his ship. I think we are both glad about this arrangement, as I am sure he sees other women in the many far away ports of his travels. To be honest I am glad because I really don’t want him to touch me. I have been living in fear of this man for my entire married life. He has even threatened to strangle the life from me if I try to leave him. But in a strange way, I feel that I owe him loyalty since he has raised my first boy Veto as his own. I have guilt for not telling him the truth that he is not Veto's biological father. But that Veto's biological father is actually one of the men that raped me. I have never shared my story of rape with anyone, until now with you. It is this terrible guilt that has caused me stay in this loveless marriage for as long as I have,” said Frederica as she wiped away tears that were streaking her makeup.

  “Also, I have never told my son the truth. I am worried that he will become very angry with me for not being truthful about his real father. But, to be honest, I really don't know which of the two men is his father. Of course, now with DNA testing that can be easily determined, but that would involve tracking the two men to retrieve a DNA sample. I am so confused; I don't know what I am going to do. I know in my heart it is the right thing to tell both Bruno and Veto the truth. I guess I have just been putting it off. Giorgia I am sorry I am loading this all on your shoulders like this.” Said Frederica feeling very ashamed.

  Georgia reached out to hold Frederica’s hand.

  “You have had a very hard life and have done nothing to deserve this. Is there anything at all that I can do to help?”

  “Oh, you have already been so kind to me. There is something so special about you, I have felt very drawn to you from the first moment we met. Georgia, I need to get something off my chest, I want you to know that I am quite attracted to you,” replied Frederica, her face turning slightly red with embarrassment.

  “Oh yes, I also feel the same attraction. I could feel it the first time I looked into your beautiful eyes. Behind those eyes is sadness but also I see a beautiful happy woman that is waiting to come out” said Georgia. She was pleased to hear about Frederica’s true feelings, even though she already knew in her heart.

  Giorgia was filled with mixed emotions after hearing this story from Frederica. It seems that she has spent most of her life living in misery with a man she had never loved. The upside from this story was that Giorgia now believed Frederica could indeed be her “golden girl.” She was quite surprised to hear that this lovely goddess was attracted to women but had never actually been with one. Instead, she married a nasty man, never having the chance to experience true love and passion. Giorgia desperately wanted to shower this woman with affection and to try make up for the miserable life that she had endured.

  “How would you like to go with me tomorrow to the town of Certaldo for lunch? It will be a lovely drive in Uncle Antonio’s convertible, and we could spend some time getting to know one another a little better. Instead of hanging over old dusty books, we could make it a special day. It would be a nice change of pace”.

  Frederica smiled and at first tried to speak but the words did not come out as she became choked with emotion. She just nodded her head in agreement.

  “Okay then, no need to say anything” replied Giorgia. “Tomorrow is definitely our lunch date. I will pick you up tomorrow at around half past noon”.

  “I will be ready and waiting, I am so excited about seeing you again.” smiled Frederica.

  “Can I give you a lift home?”

  “No, I would like to walk back to the village, I will be fine.”

  Frederica waved back at Giorgia with a big sexy smile as she started walking towards the village road. ‘This was starting to feel like the beginning of something very magical’ felt Giorgia.

  Chapter 4. Theresa Reveals the Heart-Breaking Truth


  Giorgia was sitting in a big comfy leather chair
in her uncle's study, looking through the family recipe book. She began thinking how great it will be to bring these recipes back home and use them in her restaurants. Her cell phone started to ring, she pulled it out of her pocket and answered to find it was Theresa, Frederica's mother. She presumed that she must be calling to set up a day to pick up the furnishings that were left here for her in Giorgia's uncle's will.

  “Hello Frederica, what a pleasant surprise.”

  “Hello Giorgia, I am calling to ask if I may pay you a visit? There are some things that I want to discuss with you. Is now a good time?

  “Sure, you are always welcome to come to this house. I would love to have a talk with you.”

  About half an hour later a small light blue car pulled into the front of the house. It was Theresa, looking as lovely as ever. Giorgia thought she must have been a stunning beauty in her youth, just as her daughter is now. Giorgia invited Theresa into the house, a house that Theresa knew very well. Giorgia offered Theresa a drink, which she chose to have a glass of red wine. The two women went into the large living-room to sit down in front of the massive big windows that faced out onto the garden. Theresa seemed a little nervous as she began to speak to Giorgia.


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