Tangled Hearts

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Tangled Hearts Page 28

by Laurie Ames

  “Yes, I understand that, but I really think you should do it this way and I think Natasha would agree,” Sylvia replied softly. It made her nervous to assert herself, especially as someone’s superior considering the fact that she was younger, less experienced, and “still wet behind the ears.”

  “Of course, you’d know what Natasha would want. I know you two are…” she paused, narrowed her beady eyes behind horn rimmed librarian glasses and eyed Sylvia up and down, crumpling her nose almost imperceptibly and finished her pronouncement … “very close.”

  The blood drained, very visibly from Sylvia’s visage. Her eyebrows shot upward, and her red ringed mouth fell quite unappealingly agape. Though Sarah-Lynn had said what might be liberally called tactful, the simple implication was enough to floor Sylvia. She stammered and shook her head, then attempted to assure Sarah-Lynn, virtually out of nowhere, that she could simply talk to Natasha herself if she had any issues with the project.

  She then sped to the bathroom. She sat in the bathroom stall for three agonizing minutes, processing what had just occurred. Her shoulders were slumped, and her eyes gazed down at the floor. A single tear ran down her face and stained her blouse as she tried not to ruin her mascara. With her head in her hands and her heart beating out of her chest, she tried to breathe regularly but had difficulty doing so. She didn’t recognize her own voice that kept repeating, "I can't take it anymore."

  It took awhile to clear her head, but eventually told herself ‘I need to accept adversity and use it my advantage.’ Thinking that, she delved back into happier thoughts. She regrouped and tried going back into the office like nothing had happened.

  Up until now, Sylvia had been able to brush off the strange looks and annoyed stares from her fellow employees. She had just assumed it was due to her youth, not the fictitious and slanderous idea that she had become intimate with Natasha in order to get the assistant’s position. Now, Sylvia was noticing those looks. They began upsetting her more and more, especially because she knew there was a kernel of truth in it. She was in fact incredibly attracted to Natasha and indeed felt some chemistry there. She knew that Natasha might feel the same way, but truly had no way of really knowing. She became worried that the only reason Natasha hired her was because she was young and attractive.

  From then on, Sylvia became intolerably aware of every microscopic detail of her body language around Natasha. If they were discussing issues and Natasha came too close to her, she would take a half step back, almost self-conscious of the intentional repulsion of her movement. If Natasha tried to touch her in a friendly manner, Sylvia would maneuver herself so it wouldn’t happen.

  Natasha immediately noticed this new behavior and wondered what it was all about. After a while, she heard a couple of employees talking by the water cooler. They were gossiping disdainfully about Sylvia. “She doesn’t deserve to be manager!” They said while laughing maliciously about the idea. “She had to go down on Natasha just to get hired.”

  Emotionally ablaze, Natasha approached the two.

  “Excuse me,” she said seriously, but with a sardonic smile on her face, “I just overheard the two of you talking, and I would like to discuss this in more detail.” Natasha was talented with handling situations under pressure like this, having become skillful at overseeing office employees for so many years.

  They stammered, choked, aghast, and unsure of what to say.

  “Just so you two know, the info you’re taking for granted is completely untrue and it would behoove you not to discuss such fictitious rumors in the office. Sylvia got this job because she is talented at what she does. She is a fantastic designer and has worked as an assistant. She has the experience and professionalism to work in this industry. It doesn’t seem as if you two are able to hold a candle to this.” Natasha said angrily before strutting back to her office.

  Once she got to her office, she laid her head in her hands, contemplating her next move. It was obvious that she needed to do something. Rumors do not just randomly spawn between two people. If she overheard two people talking, then it goes without saying that the whole office is buzzing about Sylvia and herself.

  Before starting damage control with the rest of the office, she knew she had to first speak with Sylvia. It suddenly occurred to her as to why Sylvia had been more avoidant in the last week or so. She had noticed it, but figured it was nothing, that she was probably not a touchy-feely person, or needed her physical space. With this new information, she realized that Sylvia must have become aware of these rumors.

  Natasha felt frustrated with herself. She wondered if she had subconsciously behaved in a manner that the office might misinterpret her actions around Sylvia. The truth was that she was quite attracted to her; to the extent that she had difficulty stopping her intimate thoughts about Sylvia. She had tried her hardest not to make it an issue, but what if she had accidentally acted in an unprofessional manner? Was that why these rumors had started?

  She sent an email to Sylvia asking her to come to her office at the end of the work day. She figured this would be a good time since it’s likely that Sylvia would be upset, and Natasha did not want to put her in any more awkward situations at work.

  Chapter 3


  When Sylvia got the email, she was nervous about how to respond. She was not sure about the subject of the meeting since Natasha had not made it explicit - but she had a reasonably good idea. She started to worry that Natasha might conclude that the fault for the rumors was on her. Maybe she would be fired for not gaining her subordinates respect?

  Nonetheless, she was glad that Natasha had reached out and perhaps become aware of the situation. Once the workday ended around 5:00, she headed over to Natasha’s office, took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

  “Come in,” Natasha spoke from her desk. Sylvia opened the door and sat down in the chair across from Natasha as she finished typing.

  “How are you doing?” Natasha said, looking up from her computer and smiling warmly at Sylvia.

  “I’m doing alright,” she replied simply.

  “That’s good…. So, I guess I need to jump right into this. I’m very sorry if this is uncomfortable for you, I promise it’s not my intention. It has come to my attention that there are rumors circulating about the two of us. To be very blunt, the rumors are that you slept with me in order to get this position. Obviously, we both know better, but I just felt we should talk about this. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable in the office. This is unacceptable coming from the other employees. I’m ashamed they don’t know better,” Natasha said, “I wasn’t sure if you had heard the rumors already. I figured I should check in.”

  Sylvia looked down for a moment, withholding tears.

  “I definitely heard them,” she said softly, her voice shaking. “I’m sorry. I’m not sure why I’m even crying right now,” she said as she pre-emptively wiped away a forming tear.

  “No. Please don’t be sorry. It is totally reasonable for you to be upset about these accusations,” Natasha assured her, carefully studying Sylvia’s face.

  “It’s just so upsetting because I really worked hard to get this job, and I feel like I’m doing the best I can, but it just feels like everyone in the office thinks I’m a phony and has no respect for me,” Sylvia lamented.

  “I know. I’m considering a meeting with the office or sending out an email to everyone about the fact that they are disrespecting you. At the end of the day, you’re in a position of authority. They need to listen to you and to respect you,” Natasha said softly, “but it ought to be up to you. Whatever is most comfortable for you is the way that I will proceed.”

  Taking a deep breath, Sylvia responded, “I think an email would probably be best. It makes me nervous... I mean, the idea of you talking to them because I don’t know how they’ll respond. I don’t know, though.” She looked very upset about the whole situation.

  “Listen,” Natasha said with a soft voice, “You want some time to
think about it. That’s fine. It’s entirely up to you. You’re new to this company. I’m mortified that this is happening. This is beyond unprofessional.”

  “Thank you,” Sylvia said quietly, dripping sincerity.

  “Listen, if anyone makes you feel uncomfortable, please let me know immediately. I don’t want you to feel as if you can’t talk to me about this kind of thing. I mean, about other employees disrespecting you and making you feel bad.”

  “Thank you so much. You’re really being amazing about this whole situation and I truly appreciate it,” Sylvia responded gratefully.

  “Of course. Is there anything else you want to talk about related to this?”

  “Yeah, I mean. I don’t know. I think a big part of this is I’m so young and inexperienced in this industry. I just feel like people are really latching on to that and think I don’t know what I’m doing,” Sylvia responded, “And I mean, I think that’s also one of the contributing factors to this rumor being started and circulating like it is. As if people are frustrated that I’m in a management position because of my youth.”

  “Yes, I agree.” Natasha said, “I think a lot of people are focused on that. I plan on addressing it in the email, or in a group meeting- again, whatever you would prefer to happen. Again, I want you to think about it. Let me know when you’re ready.”

  “Thank you so much,” Sylvia said. She wanted to bring up the fact that she was deeply attracted to Natasha and felt that was a major reason why people were circulating these rumors.

  “I just want to be candid with you right now. I hope you don’t take this the wrong way. My intention is honesty and not to make you uncomfortable.” Said Natasha as she hesitated to take a deep breath. “But I have to admit that I do feel some attraction to you. I’m worried that this might also be why this fiasco is happening. I’ve never intended to make you uncomfortable or give this impression, but if I ever do anything to make you feel uncomfortable...I would really like for you to let me know.”

  Sylvia blushed. She couldn’t help it. That affirmation felt incredibly validating since she felt the same way.

  “No. I mean, it’s okay,” Sylvia said, making deep eye contact with Natasha, “If we’re being honest, I feel the same way.” She decided to just leave it at that as she was unsure what else to say.

  “Well…,” Natasha responded, almost surprised “What should we do about that?” She suddenly realized it was too late to keep the question from coming off as slightly flirtatious, but she was excited that Sylvia felt the same way. She was now starting to feel a little turned on.

  “I don’t know,” Sylvia responded in a sort of innocent-but-still-up-for-interpretation sort of tone.

  Both of their hearts began to flutter as they could feel the electricity in the room. They began testing each other, now more in earnest - first with glances, then with more intense looks, unspoken confirmations of H.R. – forbidden desires. The tension had been building for quite some time now. Sylvia made the decision to take a risk; Natasha’s hands would be legally and ethically tied if she’d been the one to have initiated anything, and that was exactly what Sylvia intended to do - initiate. She temporarily stowed her hands tied fantasy for later use. She stood up and boldly walked around to the other side of the desk.

  Natasha opened her mouth as if to say something but could not stand up to protest this unforeseen turn of events. Sylvia, having arrived, had kneeled slowly and seductively. Her face was level with Natasha. She placed her hand on Natasha’s face, moving it softly down her neck while stroking the curves of her clavicle and feeling the softness of her skin. Natasha responded, putting her finger on Sylvia’s chin, pointing her face up so that she could lean in for a kiss. Sylvia met the kiss with infinite tenderness, running both her wet lips over Natasha’s lower lip. The smallest sigh escaped Natasha.

  Their kissing began slow and tender as they explored each other’s soft lips, then quicker than either could know, as they explored each other’s mouths, sliding their tongues deeper and smacking their lips together.

  They became wholly lost in the moment as their passion was building for each other. They wanted more and began kissing each other, ever more passionately. Their heads began moving diagonally, their lips linking up, mouths wildly agape, their bodies getting closer as Sylvia stretched higher up to massage her body into Natasha.

  The magnetic electricity finally gave way.

  They began violently clinging to each other as they kissed with total abandon, completely forgetting the busy office environment around them. Natasha then kneeled along with Sylvia, then gently laid Sylvia down, climbing on top of her. Natasha began running her impeccably manicured hands along Sylvia’s whole flank, grasping her curves, experiencing the shape of her breasts, and savoring the forbidden moment. She kissed with breathless abandon until she found her fingers pinching the left nipple of this hot woman in front of her.

  Suddenly pulling her face away, Natasha, visibly shaken, whispered “You’re my employee, what the hell are we doing?”

  “This!” Sylvia gasped, pulling her boss’s hand back to the crisp pastel red point at the center of her breast. She reached her face up to meet Natasha’s lips, but she pulled away once again.

  “No, I mean…” Natasha said, distressed, becoming more frantic than Sylvia thought possible. She abruptly got off Sylvia and sat rigid on the floor, looking stunned. Sylvia straightened her tousled hair while repositioning her body to mimic Natasha’s stance.

  “I know…” Sylvia said sadly, deflated - still anxious, still wanting. She didn’t want to consider the implications of what they were doing, all she wanted to do was get more intimate.

  “I don’t think we can do this,” Natasha said.

  “But we already are!” Sylvia replied, wanting Natasha even more.

  “I know,” Natasha replied, “But... I mean, you know, you’re my subordinate. It’s unprofessional. It’s unethical.”

  “But don’t you think… I mean, there’s going to be even more tension between us now,” Sylvia said.

  “I know. You’re right.”

  “So what do we actually do about it?”

  “Well one solution is to fire you.” Natasha said with a giggle, not really meaning it.

  Sylvia just pressed her eyebrows upwards, not saying a word.

  “Okay, I have…umm…a bit of a nefarious idea,” Natasha said, crinkling her face in depravity at the thought, “What if we just have one wild night? Get out all that sexual tension. Then we can move back to being colleagues. We’ll never talk about it again. I’ll clear up the rumors and we can just go on without all that tension.”

  Sylvia tipped her head beaming at the suggestion. She liked it, simply because she was just so attracted to Natasha. She wanted her so badly that refusing the offer was unthinkable. But still… she was drunk with desire for the idea, but sober enough to wonder if it was a solution. What if it just made things harder?

  “I don’t know… Do you really think that’s a good idea?” Sylvia said. She found herself hesitant despite how much she really wanted this.

  “Well, what do you think? I feel it might clear things up for us so we can proceed as we should. I feel that if we have all this sexual tension, it’s going to just build up and up until something happens. Or the other workers in the office will continue to see how attracted we are to each other and start to redouble their rumors.”

  “But what if it doesn’t work?” Sylvia said.

  “Well, I can keep my end of the bargain if you can,” Natasha said, unable to contain the flirtatiousness of looking into Sylvia’s eyes, “Besides, one night of fun can’t hurt, right?”

  “I guess so…” Sylvia responded, “I’ll think about it and get back to you over the weekend or something?”

  “Okay” Natasha said gently, putting her hand reassuringly around Sylvia’s waist. But it didn’t abate any feelings, it relieved nothing. All the gesture served to do was make Sylvia desire Natasha even more, just from her
touch alone.

  “Okay,” Sylvia responded in turn, smiling at Natasha.

  “You have my cell,” Natasha said, “Just call me up if you decide that’s what you want. Don’t think about it too long.”

  “Well do,” Sylvia said.

  They left it at that, and Sylvia went home to contemplate the proposed arrangement.

  Chapter 4


  Sylvia arrived home and set her keys down. She immediately went to her bedroom, tugging at the zipper on her dress until it slid down her back. She swapped her dress out for pajama shorts, a loose tank top, and her pair of fuzzy pink slippers. As she flopped down on the couch and flipped the TV on, she couldn’t help but think about this new turn of events.

  She started agonizing about all the office rumors, and it made her stomach tighten. It made her feel embarrassed and ashamed, but at the same time, deep within her, it just did not matter. They were completely wrong about how she earned her job. She knew that Natasha hadn’t just hired her because she was attractive. She hired her because she was the best person for the job, and she knew that. But it still upset her to dwell on it.

  She thought about Natasha saying she would talk to the rest of the staff. She intuitively trusted that Natasha would do a good job. She knew these people, she had been working with them for quite some time, and Sylvia was sure Natasha would handle the situation properly and efficiently. It still made her nervous, though. She was afraid of what everyone would think, even though she knew that was foolish. She wondered if it might be better for Natasha to talk to them in person: it might make the others consider it more carefully. She decided that would most likely be the best course of action.

  But that just got her thinking about the other offer… the naughty proposition that Natasha had suggested. She wanted to give in badly but was nervous that it might be a reckless choice.


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