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Tangled Hearts

Page 35

by Laurie Ames

  Sasha paced around the room then stopped and stared out the window. Elaine could tell from the way she was standing that she was arguing with herself. Finally, Elaine saw Sasha's shoulders droop a little, as if she couldn't deny the inevitable anymore. She turned and looked at Elaine. Her face was still wary but at the same time, it appeared hopeful. “Being this open, this emotionally vulnerable is so hard for me.”

  Elaine watched as Sasha strode across the hospital room floor and sat down beside her on the bed. "Please, please, Elaine, promise me that you aren't just going to walk back out of my life again. I don't have anyone left. I think, though, that I love you too. "

  Elaine reached for Sasha and was delighted when Sasha eagerly climbed into her arms. Elaine kissed her passionately, right there in the hospital bed and was reminded again of just how heavenly it was to feel Sasha's body held tightly against herself. After their kiss, Sasha sat back and smiled at her. "Well, I guess I'm going to have to look after you until this foot heals. You cut it on the broken glass, but I can help look after you until you can walk again. I'll take care of you."

  Elaine smiled at Sasha and clutched her hand tightly. "I hope you won't leave me after I'm healed. Now that I have you, I never want to let you go again. So please trust me... you're the only one in my heart and soul."

  As they hugged, a wry grin formed on Sasha’s face. "I knew I'd get you into bed one day."

  Elaine felt an explosion within her, a burst of love. This was the old Sasha she had been yearning for. “You were born cheeky, and I always loved that about you.” Said Elaine.

  In that moment the people in the hospital become nothing, like they weren’t even there at all. The two women smiled at each other and kissed passionately. For the first time, both felt their insecurities finally wash away. It was good to feel whole again.

  ~The End~

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  Finding New Love

  A Lesbian Romance

  By: Laurie Ames



  Adiva is an attractive 25-year-old searching for an intimate partner to share her life. She is very financially stable and living comfortably on her own, but sadly the thing she misses most is human companionship. Adiva always found it difficult to meet women, as she wasn't much for the party scene. She always leaned toward being more of a geek and not the type for the all-night bar scene. The ladies she did date were always older and more mature than her, but unfortunately these relationships always ended badly. There is still a big empty void in her life. She needs to find a soulmate, a woman to be the love of her life.

  Adiva joined a yoga class hoping to get into better physical shape and to possibly meet other women. There she met a fantastic sexy woman named Yasmen and was immediately taken with her. She is full of life, fun for to be around, strong willed and ten years her senior. One night, she is invited to Yasmen's along with her friend 'Kathy Barton' who is a travel agent. Kathy tells Yasmen and Adiva about a great deal on a sumptuous cruise being offered in Europe, with all expenses included. She knows how much Yasmen would love to cruise through Europe. Yasmen unexpectedly begins putting pressure on Adiva to “treat them.”

  Adiva sits and considers what is being said, knowing that Yasmen is financially impaired. She wonders whether she should offer to pay for the trip that her beloved Yasmen seems keen on. On the other hand, they have only just started dating one another, it all seems a little bit too soon. Is Adiva about to manipulated yet again by an older woman?

  Chapter 1. Adiva Considers Taking Yasmen On a Cruise


  “Thanks, Kathy, for coming over, we really enjoyed having you here for dinner. We’ll talk later about that amazing cruise deal,” said Yasmen as she escorted her to the door.

  “That was a delicious meal, hope to see you gals again soon,” replied Kathy.

  Yasmen shuts the door and strolls into the living-room where Adiva is sitting on the couch. She suddenly gives Adiva a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

  “Doesn’t that cruise sound incredible? It’s a great deal for $15,000.00 and it’s too good to pass up. I sure wish this was a more financially stable time in my life. As you know I’m buried in debt, but you are well off financially. Why don’t you just treat us both to this amazing cruise? Later, when I am more financially stable, I’ll treat you the same way. What do you think?” asked Yasmen.

  “Well, I don’t know, It’s still a lot of money for me. But maybe I can be convinced,” chuckled Adiva.

  “Oh Adiva, did I ever tell you how young and beautiful you are? I am so glad to have you in my life; you are such a breath of fresh air! I feel so blessed that you are interested in me!”

  “Oh, what a load of crap! But keep it up, it’s working. You’re wearing me down,” laughed Adiva.

  “Yes! I’ll soon have you eating out of my hand.” Sneered Yasmen.

  “I have to admit I’d love to go on that cruise and if I went with anyone, it has to be you,” replied Adiva.

  “Okay, that’s better, now we’re getting somewhere. But seriously, I need to ask you something. Considering I am ten years older, you could have your choice of any young woman, yet you chose to be with me…why?” Asked Yasmen as she sat down slowly beside Adiva.

  “The reason I was initially attracted to you was that I thought you were absolutely breathtaking to look at—with those lovely big dark-blue eyes, and your gorgeous full-figure—I was hooked! Your incredible outgoing personality just adds to your overall beauty and appeal” said Adiva softly.

  “Okay, that’s a compliment I can accept.” Replied Yasmen as she leaned over and gently kissed Adiva on the lips, “Are you ready for dessert?”

  “Um…I think I will pass on desert,” She replies.

  “No silly.” Yasmen stands up holding her hand. “The dessert I have in mind is being offered in the bedroom.”

  Adiva begins to feel a little hot as she anticipates what’s coming next. She absolutely loved Yasmen’s strong take charge personality.

  “Oh! Now that sounds like a great dessert.” cooed Adiva.

  “Just follow me,” replied Yasmen as she offered her hand and practically pulled Adiva down the hall to the bedroom.

  They stood at the foot of the bed and began slowly undressing each other. As soon as their panties dropped to the floor, they fell naked onto the bed. Adiva had always been more attracted to older women with full shapely voluptuous figures and she loved Yasmen's beautiful large round backside. It was turning her on to just to feel and massage her ass cheeks with her hands. Adiva then began to cradle Yasmen's beautiful full breasts with their almond-colored nipples that were now hard and erect. She kissed and suckled her tits passionately. They both started breathing heavy and becoming very aroused. Adiva made her way down Yasmen's body, kissing around her navel, and then making her way down between Yasmen's legs that were spread wide open to Adiva. There she found Yasmen's hotspot that was wet and waiting for her. She went down on Yasmen sucking and licking her inside and out, putting her fingers in and out with ease. Yasmen was moaning with excitement as Adiva licked her, when suddenly Yasmen rolled over to pull something out of the bedside table. It was a large strap-on pink dildo. Adiva loved the way that Yasmen always took charge. She felt her pussy start to melt in eager anticipation. Yasmen strapped on the large dildo and began to mount Adiva from behind. Adiva opened wide, as she gushed her juices, almost as if to lubricate the long thick dildo. Yasmen began to thrust in and out of Adiva as it vibrated to a steady rhythmic cadence.

  Adiva had never been on the receiving end of a sex-toy like this before and this new experience was incredibly exciting. She felt so aroused when Yasmen was thrusting the dildo in and out of her hotspot, and she become incredibly wet in the process. She knew she was ready to have an orgasm at any moment.

  “Oh God, I’m going to come, do it harder and faster. Yes, that’s better, fuck me harder,” begged Adiva.

e two women were getting hot, sweaty, excited and moaning with sexual pleasure. Then, suddenly Adiva had an orgasm that had an effect like a dam had broken, squealing out in ecstasy until she finally climaxed.

  As Yasmen pulled away, Adiva just laid there thinking about how this beautiful woman might just be her 'Miss Right'. She loved the worldly experience that this older woman had to share. Never had she enjoyed such wild and pleasing sexual experiences in her whole life. Not that she had many experiences under her belt, but she knew Yasmen was uplifting her life, both in and out of the bedroom. She didn't want to rush into things too fast, she knew it would be best if they took things slow and unhurried.

  Afterwards they had a hot steamy shower together. Adiva got dressed and headed home. She was finally feeling good that she had found a woman worthy of pursuing further. She didn't want to scare Yasmen off, so she was going to take it cool and easy. It was important that they spend more time learning about each other’s nuances to ensure they are truly compatible. However so far, from where Adiva was sitting, the view was looking very promising indeed!

  Adiva walked into her apartment to find her cats, Tofu and Ming at the door to greet her. She played with them a bit, then climbed into her comfy pyjamas and made herself some popcorn to watch the movie Titanic. Soon she fell asleep on the couch dreaming about Yasmen. She dreamed that Yasmen was the older lead a movie, much like that played by Leonardo DiCaprio. They were on an old 1900’s cruise liner traveling through Europe, but this ship did not sink, it kept on sailing from one romantic destination to another. Yasmen was being very naughty and suggested they spice things up by having sex in different spots on the cruise liner. One time, they climbed under the cover of a lifeboat and made out as other couples walked by, oblivious to their lovemaking. Then another time at the deck pool, they laid under large blankets while stretched out on a full-length chaise lounge. They were moaning and groaning under the blanket as they tongued each other in the sixty-nine position. People were starting to gather around, watching the blankets move about and listening to the sounds coming from within. Then there was a deep gravelly voice. “This is the Captain; this type of activity is not allowed on the decks. I will have to make a maritime arrest for indecent exposure”. They immediately froze in position, afraid to come out from under the blankets. Then the Captain reached under the blanket to grab her nose, pinching hard. “Come out now!” he demanded. She gasped for air and started to have a panic attack. Finally, Adiva awoke with a startled lurch. It was the rough sandpaper tongue of Tofu licking her nose. “Whew,” She exclaimed out loud. “Never a dull moment with Yasmen”.

  She made her way to bed, while still contemplating the riverboat cruise. Adiva had mixed feelings about what she should do, especially with Yasmen.

  Tomorrow she was going over to Jane and Fern's to babysit for the night, as they are celebrating their wedding anniversary. Jane had previously told Adiva that Fern will be in for a big shock. She has planned this celebration for Fern as a total surprise. Jane had told Adiva that she was taking Fern to a fine dining restaurant, then off to a spectacular music concert.

  Adiva, as an anniversary gift had booked them to spend the night at a very special hotel. As a special treat to end their romantic evening, she had instructed the hotel staff to make sure there is a large bottle of fine champagne waiting in the room for their arrival. Jane was very grateful to Adiva for the anniversary gift and also for offering to babysit Molly for the evening. Jane felt good about this because she knew Molly would love having her aunt Adiva babysit for the night.

  Adiva thought she would take this opportunity to have a quick word with Fern and Jane before they left on their romantic evening, to ask them about their thoughts on taking Yasmen for a European cruise. Strangely, Adiva was a person that was willing to seek advice from others, but often would not take that advice. In the end she knew she would have to decide for herself about what to do. But it was always nice to hear the opinions of friends and family regarding important matters such as this. With that thought Adiva fell into a deep sleep.

  Chapter 2. Adiva Has a Sleepover at Molly's


  “You really should think this over; you have only been seeing this woman for a couple of weeks. Perhaps you should hold off on any trips until you get to know her better,” replied Fern as she took a sip of her soda water. “I hope I don’t need to remind you about those other women that lightened your bank account.”

  “Yes, I know what you are saying, but I feel like I have known Yasmen forever, we have this very special connection. I can't explain it, but you know how much I like the older mature women. I know it seems crazy to pay for such an expensive trip with someone I have only known shortly,” stated Adiva. “But this time it’s different.”

  “Well, I hope so for your sake” said Fern, but I remain skeptical.”

  Adiva didn’t like the advice she was getting from her friend, even though she knew it was good advice. She decided to change the topic and test the waters to see if Fern had any inkling about the big surprise tonight. “So Fern, do you have any plans to celebrate your four-year marriage anniversary,” she asked coyly.

  “Oh no, just another married couples’ anniversary, much like last year” replied Fern with an eye roll. She had been surprised to see Adiva come by for an unexpected visit, as that was highly unusual for her. But she was happy to see her dear friend and was glad she had come to seek advice about her trip with Yasmen.

  “What’s in the big nylon bag for that you have with you?” Asked Fern.

  It was Adiva's overnight bag. At first, she was at a loss for words but then quickly recovered. “It’s yoga gear for my 7:00 pm class, I’m heading over there after my visit with you.”

  Adiva was feeling confident that tonight was going to be a total surprise for Fern. She thought best not to poke around with questions anymore.

  All of a sudden, the front door opened up as Jane came walking in. Adiva's eyes lit-up at seeing Molly in tow, entering the apartment right behind her. Jane was a police officer for the New York Police Department and had just picked up Molly from nursery school on the way home from work.

  Molly ran towards her Aunt Adiva to give her some warm loving hugs. Adiva returned the hugs and gave her a big long squeeze. “I heard that your favorite animal is the elephant, so I thought you might like to have a little furry friend,” said Adiva smiling down at Molly. Adiva reached behind the couch to pick up a giant furry elephant and handed it over to her. Molly squealed with delight and jumped for joy in appreciation.

  The women exchanged greetings as Jane sat down on a stool at the kitchen bar, asking Adiva how things were going with her. They sat and exchanged pleasantries, then Jane suddenly stood up and looked at her wristwatch. She then stared straight at Fern while making a pointing gesture at her watch.

  “I better get myself in the shower or I’ll be late for my big date tonight.”

  Fern looked over at Jane confused and asked, “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “Well, it’s our big anniversary tonight, so I want to really blow your socks off!”

  “Huh?” replied Fern with a look of astonishment.

  “I am taking you out for dinner to a very fine dining restaurant called ‘Eleven Madison Park’. Afterwards we are heading over to see the Lady Gaga concert. And if that’s not enough; we will wrap the evening up at the 'Gansevoort Park Avenue Luxury Hotel,’ which is a gift from Adiva as a very generous anniversary gift. In addition, Adiva will be having a sleepover with Molly tonight.

  Fern jumped up in disbelief and began hugging and kissing Jane. She couldn't believe that Jane had planned such an amazing evening without her knowledge. She then rushed over to Adiva to give her a big hug for the wonderful anniversary gift.

  “Oh My God, I have nothing to wear for this special evening” said Fern as she began to stress.

  “That’s all taken care of” announced Jane with a sly grin. “Your dress for t
his evening is hanging at the front door. Debbie Bernstein designed a very special dress for you as an anniversary gift. Molly and I just picked it up on the way home.”

  Fern rushed down the hall to see her new dress, it was a lovely light mauve-colour in a fine satin material, it was sleeveless and fairly short, and would certainly show off Fern’s long beautiful legs. She danced around the room holding her new dress, then went off to run a bath, to ready herself for the big date night.

  Molly and Adiva sat down with a bowl of popcorn to enjoy the movie 'The Lion King', one of Molly's favorite movies which Adiva enjoyed probably just as much, being that she was a big kid at heart.

  Soon, Jane made her way out wearing a lovely light grey suit that really accented the greyish-blue color of her eyes. She was looking very smart. Molly and Adiva gave their thumbs up for looking very chic and sassy. Eventually Fern came out in all her finery, she looked absolutely dazzling. The other three turned around to look at her and they were amazed at how beautiful she looked in her lovely new mauve-coloured dress. Fern received whistles and cheers all round. It had been quite awhile since she had dressed up like this, and it felt good to feel sexy and attractive. Molly stated that Fern looked like a beautiful princess! It wasn't long before the two partners were ready to head off and celebrate their big day.

  Adiva had not seen Fern so lit up with joy in a long time. Fern and Jane really deserved this special night together because with their busy careers and raising Molly, they were left with little time for date nights—in fact this was the first in over six months—so it was well overdue. The two walked out the door carrying their overnight bags, heading for a night filled with love and passion.



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