Tangled Hearts

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Tangled Hearts Page 43

by Laurie Ames

  Bill leaned back in his chair, a smile spreading across his face. Liza froze for just one moment, and then her smile was big enough to match his. It was she who stood and moved slowly around the table until she was standing next to Hope. Hope pushed her chair back from the table, looking up at this beautiful woman, letting her posture show both her interest and her acceptance of Liza's authority.

  Liza reached out, tracing a line of heat from Hope's ear down her jawline, then up to pull on her lower lip. "Will you play with us tonight, dearest?"

  Hope glanced down so that she could look back up, letting her eyelashes frame her gaze. She caught her lower lip between her teeth to take the innocent ingénue moment just a little bit further.

  "If you want me," she murmured. "If you both want me that much, I don't know how I could say no to you."

  Liza smiled, reeling up the control that Hope was handing her with the experience of someone who'd played a soft Dom before. "You couldn't," she said. "You belong to me, now. You both do, because you trust me, and you're going to let me play with you like dolls. You're going to let me do anything I want to you, no matter how it makes you feel, because I want to do it."

  Heat was pooling between Hope's thighs; she didn’t have to press her thighs together to know that her panties were soaking wet. "Yes," she said, looking up at Liza, then letting her gaze flicker away as if to be carefully not challenging her.

  Liza leaned over Hope, her hands resting on the arms of Hope's chair. For the first time, Hope noticed that the other woman was wearing a blouse that was cut in a V-neck, and from this angle, she had a perfect view of the woman's pert breasts with their dark brown, tightened nipples. Hope licked her lips and found herself idly hoping that she'd get a chance to wrap her tongue around those sweet peaks before the night was over.

  "Like what you see?" Liza asked, her voice almost a purr.

  "So much."

  "I want you to go kiss my husband," she said. "I want you to kiss him and grind into his lap and make him want you. But I want you to know, while you're doing it, that he'll never want you as much as he wants me. He's only kissing you because I told him to. He's only touching you because I want him to. If I tell him to, he'll dump your ass on the floor. Do you understand?"

  "Yes," Hope said. She was glad for her yoga routine; a month ago, her hip wouldn't have stood for what she was about to do to it. She stood, swaying just a moment as her thighs and ass tingled with the electric need that was centered in her pussy. Then she walked to Bill, who had pushed himself back from the table and was watching her move, his hand in his lap, kneading at the firm thickness of his huge erection. She'd heard fantastic stories about getting a gigantic cock; she'd never been a size queen herself, but she was thrilled at the idea of fucking someone who made Michael look like a joke.

  "You okay," Bill asked, his voice shaking with something that Hope couldn't quite qualify. It wasn't exactly need, and it wasn't exactly fear, but there was something there. Something wanting and something nervous and something deep and intense.

  "Delighted," she said. "I hadn't dare to hope that someone wanted just me anymore. It was always Michael, making these things happen."

  "Liza's always wanted you," Bill said. "She's wanted you since the first day she saw you. And I always do anything to give her what she wants."

  "You're a good husband," Hope said, sliding into his lap, crouching with one knee on either side of his hips. He pressed up into the core of her cunt with the back of his hand before he gave way to her, and she hissed at the surge of need that passed through her. She leaned into him, seeking his mouth with hers, pressing their lips together as she wrapped her hands around the back of his neck. His hands came to her breasts, kneading at the softened flesh that did a lovely job of reminding her how good it was to have someone teasing at her nipples.

  "Yes," she heard behind her, and then a hand grabbed her hair, tugging her head back so that her throat was exposed. She stared up at Liza whose eyes were wide with excitement. Bill's mouth closed on her throat, and she cried out, her hips grinding down into his erection.

  "You chose well," Liza murmured towards Bill but also to herself. "She's gorgeous."

  Bill broke off the teasing torture of her flesh to make a scornful noise. "I always choose well," he murmured.

  Hope ground against him, her hands still wrapped around his neck, her voice making kittenish keening sounds. Her body was on fire, the good kind of fire, the best kind of fire that ever existed. She'd forgotten what it felt like, to be wanted, to feel needed, to feel something other than the pressure of her own hand in her pussy.

  "God, she's needy," Liza murmured to her husband. There was no scorn in her voice, only admiration. "I think she could come just from grinding on your lap. What do you think?"

  Bill knew his lines perfectly. "I think she will if you want her to, and she won't if you don't," he said. Hope could have kissed him, and would have if Liza had let go of the cruel grip on her hair.

  There was a dragging sound of wood over laminate, and then the angle of the pull changed. Hope went with it, and after a few moments, she found herself leaning back against Liza's breasts, her hips still arching up into Bill's body.

  "Shame you didn't wear a skimpy short skirt," Bill murmured as he ran his hands up the insides of her thighs. "I could fuck you right here, if you'd done that. Would you like that?"

  Hope didn't answer for a moment, not until Liza twisted her fingers just a little tighter in her hair. "He asked you a question," she snapped into Hope's ear, following it up with an indelicate nip to the earlobe that made Hope whimper. "You should answer his questions."

  "I want what you want," she managed to pant, "as long as you want me to come very, very soon."

  Liza's hands, slender, but with very long fingers, closed over her breasts, her fingertips tightening almost harshly on Hope's nipples. She felt her body arch up, heard a soft keening sound that she thought came from her own throat.

  "Don't you think you can wait, pet?" Liza asked, the emphasis on the word 'pet' making Hope twist and squirm.

  "I don't want to wait," she managed to say. "I don't know if I can wait."

  "If you couldn't, would you want to be punished?"

  Something deep and dark inside Hope surfaced, and she shook her head up and down in a way that conveyed her pleasure at the idea.

  "Oh my God, I thought you would never ask," she said, and that same darkness was quickly relieved when both their hands fell away from her body, giving her space to talk. "I think I love the punishment side of things. Humiliate me, tease me, make me beg and beg for more, spank me good but don’t hurt me."

  "That’s perfectly okay," Liza said. She glanced at her husband, and they exchanged some careful looks. "But I want your dress off now. How do you feel about that?"

  "Good," Hope said, heat suffused over her again. Ever since she’d seen those spanking porno movies, she'd been trying to get Michael to fulfill her fantasy. Now, here with Liza and Bill, her dream might finally come true. She started to sweat and squirm in anticipation of the pleasure she knew was soon coming.

  Liza stood, bringing them both to their feet. Hope reached to lift her skirt but found Bill swatting her hands away. He lifted off her dress and dropped it to the floor, then kicked it out of the way. Hope had a moment of being thankful that she'd worn a matching set of lingerie before Bill leaned forward to mouth her pussy through her underwear.

  "Christ," she moaned, her hands grabbing the back of his head. "Oh Christ."

  He moaned against her flesh, and then pushed the thin lace fabric out of the way, as his tongue moved to her slit. Stars burst in front of her eyes and her hands went wild. She couldn't support herself, couldn't lock her knees, and she was so close it hurt, the orgasm burning a frustrating urge inside her. She knew not to come, she knew to wait for permission.

  Liza caught her weight and teased at her nipples again as Bill lapped at her soaked pussy, then pushed two fingers roughly inside of her.
She shrieked, riding his hand and panting, forcing herself to breathe deeply enough to keep the orgasm at bay. Her belly twisted, needing the release she'd been denied for so long.

  And then Liza's voice, Liza's gorgeous, sweet voice barked in her ear. "Don’t you dare come, I haven’t given you permission! If you come, you will regret it.”

  It wasn't like in the porn flicks she used to watch with Michael – as if she could just come or not come on command. It took a long moment for her body to get the memo, but then it was too late. Her breath caught in her throat, and everything around her shattered into a thousand spectacular, sparkling pieces. Bill groaned below her, the vibrations driving her just a little bit further over the edge, into the realm of over sensitization and almost pain. Liza noticed, and while Hope was still gasping from the intensity of her orgasm, she pushed Bill aside, and grabbed Hope firmly by her hair.

  “I’m sorry.” Hope’s eyes dropped to the floor as she whimpered, trying to catch her breath. She knew excuses wouldn’t matter. In the pit of her stomach, she knew there was going be consequences.

  “Saying you’re sorry is not good enough!” Liza said, giving her hair another tug. And you will refer to me as Ma’am. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Ma’am.” Hope grew more and more nervous. Finally, after what seemed like forever, Liza walked around to the other side of a desk and grabbed a small leather riding crop from a drawer. She made certain Hope saw it as she circled back and handed it over to Bill. He didn’t speak. Hope wondered if Bill’s silence was just his way of waiting for instructions from Liza.

  Suddenly Bill yanked her lacy panties down to her ankles and pulled them off to the side. He nudged her feet further apart until her legs were spread wide enough to be just a little uncomfortable. The cool, air-conditioned air teased across her fully exposed cunt. Hope shivered slightly in both fear and anticipation, feeling deliciously vulnerable.

  “You naughty little thing, dripping wet already,” Liza said, almost in disgust. “How dare you come without my permission.”

  She felt the tip of the riding crop lightly trace a line up her inner thigh. After teasing the crop up and down her slit, Bill gave her a quick tap across her now swollen clit.

  ‘Oh, that felt delicious,’ Hope thought to herself. But before she could do much more than catch her breath, the riding crop began to crack down across both ass cheeks. It was beginning to leave a cute pink line of heat on her bottom. Bill laid on another smack, and then another, not too hard at first, but steady. The strength of the blows began to gradually increase. The pain began to increase but she still held strong. Her ass felt warm, then hot, and soon despite herself, a whimpering sound began escaping from her lips. She was losing all track of time. The only thing that existed was the rhythmic and painful strikes across her ass and the growing ache that pulsed between her legs. Then tears of pleasure and pain came from somewhere she'd never expected, a place she'd never been before. She let them flow; there was no way to hold them back any longer.

  “Have you learned your lesson?” shouted Liza. “You’ll cum only when I say so, and not a second before.” Bill laid two final quick, sharp strokes, criss-crossing them, almost like a kinky kiss.

  “Yes Ma’am, thank you for correcting me. I have been very naughty.” Hearing herself say those words made her feel warm and fuzzy inside, strangely as if they were almost taking care of her.

  Suddenly the reality of all this began to sink in. Although she felt slutty for being spanked, she also felt alive and reborn. A single tear slid down from her warm, butterscotch eyes, followed by another one, until soon, a steady stream of salty tears flowed down her cheek. She would always describe crying as her emotional release and wasn't ashamed to easily cry. She saw it as a healthy way for her mind to deal with happiness in her life. They were tears of joy and she was crying in sheer bliss.

  That’s when her friends reached out. They were there for her, patting and rubbing her shoulders. Liza passed a tissue before speaking in her slow and measured voice.

  “You may have had a sound spanking but you have also made two good friends, I promise you,” Said Liza.

  Liza pulled her into her chest where she stayed until the tears subsided. When Liza looked at Hope, her beautiful brown eyes were swollen and sore from crying.

  Chapter Three


  She felt awful for crying, it was awkward and immature. The initial rush of crying had passed quickly enough, but the tears kept falling. Together, Bill and Liza had led her to their couch, wrapped her in a blanket, and pressed themselves close to her, cocooning her in a careful warm embrace.

  Part of her felt like she should just stop, pull herself together, apologize, and go on her way. They hadn't invited her to their home to become a horrible mess; they'd asked her here for a bit of sexual delight. After a little bit of time, they led her to a bed and tucked her in. She found herself falling gratefully asleep. She didn't dream.

  She woke to gently muffled moans and soft cries that clearly indicated a couple who’d needed to soothe their own fires while wanting to remain respectful of the fact that she was still there. She thought for a moment about being indignant to them fucking right next to her, but the idea of them together, so intimate and close, was wonderfully delicious.

  They’d found the perfect patch of moonlight in the room, its rays highlighting both of their forms as they moved together. They weren’t actually on the bed; they had moved to a chaise across the room from where they’d tucked her in. Bill was stretched out on the chaise, and Liza’s head was bobbing in his lap, her hands tucked somewhere around his thighs. His head was thrown back, that gorgeous neck exposed, and he was thrusting fast and violently into her mouth. And she wished it was her mouth that he was fucking. And she started to fantasize about getting another good spanking.

  Her pussy was still wet and swollen, and she needed to touch herself as her fingers swirled around her still sensitive clit. She couldn’t have been asleep for more than ten minutes, but it was enough; her eyes were feeling less sore, and her body was feeling fully aroused again. God, it felt so good to touch herself. It felt good to be on a hair trigger because she’d been so hot for so long. She felt like she wanted to come a thousand times, until she was soaked with sweat and panting with exhaustion.

  She let the fingers of her right-hand play with her soaking slit and brought her left up to twist at her nipple. The pain shot to her cunt like a lightning bolt, and she couldn’t swallow the cry that rose from her throat.

  The cry made the pair on the chaise slow down. Bill let out a low groan as Liza slid him out of her mouth with a pop. Looking over her shoulder, her mouth spread in a wide grin.

  “Oh dear,” she said, her tone completely feigned. “Did we wake you? Well, we’re not sorry. There is still some unfinished business. You are not broken in yet.”

  “Please,” she murmured, her fingers flicking herself a little faster, “Don’t stop on my account.”

  “But we barely got started before,” said Liza as she stood up and glanced at Hope. “There’s so much more that we want to do with you.”

  Liza stood there momentarily with her chin up and hands placed firmly on her jutting hips. She looked proudly provocative and was absolutely drop dead gorgeous. Hope stared at her in silence, almost mesmerized. A figure hugging black corset that ended at her navel girdled her hourglass waist and was cinched in tightly. This had the desired effect of emphasizing her bare boobs that quivered on her chest. Two garters held up her thigh high black stockings. On her feet were high black leather pumps that gave her a new majestic stature. She wore black kid gloves, the colour matching her mascara painted lashes. But it was the sight of her bare and exposed mound at the juncture of her thighs that made Hope feel all fluttery and tingling in anticipation. With her upper legs slightly parted, she was given an excellent view of her plump labia. She looked divine! “Mistress, please spank me!” begged Hope in her own mind.

  Liza swayed her hips
as she crossed over to the bed. She pulled back the sheets, exposing Hope’s body to the moonlight. She’d never felt shame about her body, and she didn’t now. She was proud of her body, proud that she’d fought so long and hard to survive in a world that told her she was too proud, too eager, too wanting. She let them see her pride, especially her pink and red bruised buttocks and she let them revel in it. Hope was sure they would be pleased.

  “Goddamn, pet,” Liza murmured, “You’re just gorgeous.”

  “Why thank you,” Hope purred back.

  “I’m going to spank you myself this time, are you up to it?” Said Liza wickedly.


  “Yes what?” demanded Liza.

  “Yes, Ma’am.”

  "Shall we begin?" Suddenly from out of nowhere, Liza snaps, “Down! Drop to all fours, and start crawling in a circle around me.”

  Hope at first hesitates, then obeys, but is not prompt enough to please Liza.

  “Now sit Up!” She snaps her fingers, like ordering a dog to beg, and she kneels up, looking just inches from Liza’s crotch. She pauses, anticipating the next command.

  “Now put on these black heels.” Liza drops them and they tumble across the floor. “Hurry up,” Liza barks, “don’t keep me waiting.”

  Liza reaches into a drawer and pulls out a leather dog collar. “Bow your head to me!” She slips the leather collar over Hope’s head and around her neck. She clicks the leash to the collar and gives a hard firm pull.

  “Now you belong to me,” she says with a grin.

  Then Liza reached into the drawer and pulled out two items. She sauntered over to Bill and placed a leather padlock on his wrists to prevent him from jerking off. “You will only be allowed to watch me administer my spanking to Hope.” Bill nodded in agreement.

  She walked back to Hope and picked up the other item from the drawer. She wielded a large red hairbrush that was god awful long. Liza then pulled her by the dog leash and led her to the living room. She guided her to stand beside the couch and placed her hands on the arm so that she was bent over slightly, wobbling slightly from the high heels.


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