Fae Trials: A Paranormal Academy Bully Romance (Royal Fae Academy Book 1)

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Fae Trials: A Paranormal Academy Bully Romance (Royal Fae Academy Book 1) Page 17

by Sofia Daniel

  The branches of a weeping willow drooped into the pond. I tried swimming around them, but a current surged from the water’s edge. My arms ached with the effort of swimming, and I grabbed hold of a branch to stop myself from getting swept back in the surface, but something wrapped around my limbs and yanked me down.

  I held my breath and wrapped my fingers around something thick and slimy and cold. It gripped as tight as a fist, and I forced myself to believe it was pondweed. Anything else would be too horrific.

  The grip tightened, and another set of hands wrapped around my other ankle. My mouth opened in a scream, and all the air left my lungs. If I didn’t get a miracle, I would die, and Sicily would be lost and forever suffering.

  With the thought of my sister in the hands of those dark faeries, a newfound determination surged through my veins. I kicked out my legs, breaking the grip, and swam as fast as I could to the water’s surface.

  Just as the water pressure eased up and I reached the bank, something huge and wet and ridiculously strong gripped me around the shoulders and waist.

  Chapter 19

  For a heart-stopping moment, I sank deeper into the cold water. Panic lanced through my heart like a spear as the bindings around my arms and torso tightened. This was it. I was going to die, and there wasn’t a thing I could do to save myself.

  I struggled in the tight grip, but it was immovable. Water filled my ears, creating a painful vacuum that would only get worse the deeper I sank. I kicked out, and the back of my foot met something solid.

  Then as quickly as I sank, I floated to the surface.

  My eyes snapped open, and I parted my lips to let in a huge, noisy breath that was part inhalation and part scream.

  “Unity?” a deep voice shouted in my ear. “Are you alright?”

  “What?” I twisted my head around and met the beetle-black eyes of Pokeweed, his wet, brown fuzz clinging to his face.

  Before I could reply, he flipped me onto my back, wrapped a strong arm around my shoulders, and swam me to shore. I bobbed up and down on the surface of the water, staring down at the debris of broken lily pads and sent a silent apology to the frogs whose habitat I had destroyed.

  A green tentacle wrapped around my ankle, making me flinch, but Pokeweed continued swimming and towed the creature along.

  We reached the edge of the pond, and Pokeweed resurfaced to lift us both onto the bank. A loud, outraged gurgle filled the air, as whatever wrapped around my ankle flew into the bushes.

  “What was that?” I shrieked.

  Pokeweed pulled himself to his feet and shook the water out of his fur. “What was what?”

  “Something green and slimy clung onto my leg.” I pointed at the bush. “It’s hiding under there, now.”

  “It’s probably a baby knucker.” I gave him a blank look, and he said, “Like drakes, but they live in the water.”

  A green, snake-like creature scuttled past on oversized flippers, lashing its webbed tail. At the edge of the water, it turned a dragon-like head, flared its long, webbed crest, and plunged back into the pond with a splash.

  “That’s a knucker,” he said.

  “Right.” I turned to him and offered a shaky smile. “Thanks for saving me.”

  Pokeweed dipped his head and raised his shoulders to his ears. “I saw you flying overhead and felt that cold wind try to bring you down. It’s lucky you fell in the water and didn’t impale yourself in the winter forest.”

  “Yes, it is,” I said in a tight voice. If ever I got Prince Caulden on his own, I would—

  “What were you doing, flying outside of class?” he asked.

  “I wasn’t really.” My gaze wandered toward the west, the location of the Calf of Fae. “It’s part of the trials. I’ve got to get a lump of pyre stone before the other girls. Prince Rory gave me a boost, and my wings did the rest.”

  He paused for a moment with his brows furrowed, seeming to debate with himself on whether to say what was on his mind. I stared up at him, waiting for his decision, but he glanced away.

  “What?” I asked.

  “You seem really nice. Why would you try so hard for the likes of those princes?”

  “It’s not like I have a choice,” I muttered. “Prince Rory’s making me compete because it’s a chance to get rid of Lady Gala, and I’ve got to stay alive long enough to find my missing sister.” I wanted to tell him more, but time was running out.

  He ran a hand through his wet hair. “What are you going to do? The Calf of Fae is a forty-minute flight. Six hours if you walk.”

  “Find a friendly centaur and hold onto his mane for dear life?” I asked.

  Shaking his head, Pokeweed strode to the overgrown meadow. “I have an idea, but you have to come with me.”

  I hurried after him, my pulse thrumming a steady beat. The plants around us had stalks as tall as trees with flower heads so wide, they blotted out the fading sunlight. “What are we looking for?”

  “This.” He placed a furry hand on a stalk that led to a head of white fluff.

  “A dandelion?” I frowned.

  Pokeweed reached into his white overalls and pulled out a machete. I stepped back, wondering where on earth this would lead. After chopping down one giant dandelion, he rushed around through the maze of garlic and found another.

  My gaze rose to the gaps in the flower heads. By now, the other girls will have reached the fifth level of the Mound. “I don’t get it.”

  The dandelion fell to the ground, and Pokeweed dragged it across the meadow to the first one he had felled. He grabbed both ends, closed his eyes, and green magic surged from his fingertips into the cut stalks. I tilted my head to the side, watching them fuse, shorten, thicken, and form a saddle.

  “A broomstick?” I asked.

  “It’s not for sweeping,” he said.

  I rubbed the back of my head. Clearly, he hadn’t seen any of the Harry Potter movies. If I ever made it through these trials alive, I would find a way to thank him with an eight-DVD marathon.

  “What does it do?” I asked.

  “I’ve infused it with enough power to take you to the Calf of Man and back. Just say ‘dandelion seeds’ before giving it directions, and don’t stop on the way for any reason.

  A surge of gratitude filled my chest, and I rushed up to Pokeweed and kissed his damp cheek. “Thank you.”

  Stepping back, he gave me a tight smile. “Good luck.”

  I climbed in the middle of the dandelion and said, “Dandelion seeds, take me to the Calf of Fae.”

  The plant rose into the air and shot forward, not even giving me time to say goodbye to Pokeweed. My wings flapped, which made me go faster.

  In seconds, I soared over the overgrown meadow, over the pond and along the side of the Winter Forest. The wind blew through my hair, but this time, I didn’t whoop. I flew down the mountainside, alongside a river, which dropped into a waterfall.

  The mingled scents of moss and ozone filled my nostrils, and I inhaled a deep breath. If it wasn’t for Pokeweed, I would be long dead, an evening snack for the baby knucker and its nestmates.

  A shudder ran down my spine. At first, I thought it was my morbid thoughts, but something rose from the water and shaped itself like a hand.

  My heart jumped into the back of my throat, and I spluttered, “Dandelion seeds, fly higher.”

  The watery hand surged up and snatched me out of the sky, creating a vortex that pulled me toward the waterfall, tearing seed after fluffy seed from my dandelion.

  “Help!” I shouted, but my voice echoed back into my ears.

  Cracking sounded around me, and the water froze. Strangely, the air remained warm.

  Now devoid of seeds, the dandelion stalk fell onto the floor, along with all hope of ever completing this task.

  “Who’s there?” I shouted into the sphere and cringed at the fear tinging my voice when it echoed back.

  A patch appeared in the ice, making it bulge in the shape of a figure over six-feet tall. I ste
pped back, positioning my iron-covered knuckles. Prince Caulden stepped into the sphere and glared at me as though I was the one invading his space.

  He smoothed down his blue hair and dusted imaginary specs of ice from the lapels of his blazer. I curled my lip, remembering how arrogant he had looked that day on the docks when he and Prince August had stolen those boxes.

  “You tried to kill me,” I said.

  “Nonsense.” He waved away my accusation. “You would have been perfectly safe in the water.”

  I reared back. “What, the pond infested with giant frogs and knuckers?”

  His face stilled. I guess he hadn’t considered the creatures living in the water that were happy to pull me under. A heartbeat later, he raised his square chin. “I want you to drop out of the trial.”

  “Will you stop your brother from having me executed?” I spat. “He’s going to trump up some charges of dark magic.”

  “I’ll explain everything to the king,” he said, smugness curving his lips.

  My eyes narrowed. “That could mean anything.”

  The smile faded, replaced by eyes as cold and as hard as steel. “If you don’t drop out, I’ll freeze you until there’s nothing left to thaw.”

  “Why?” I swallowed hard.

  “No one wants to mate with a halfling,” he said.

  “Not even Prince Rory?”

  His lips tightened. “You were just a convenient diversion and a means for avoiding his rightful mate. Nothing more.”

  Despite never wanting any of the princes, his words stung. My gaze dropped down to his fingertips, which turned blue. I guessed he was readying himself to freeze me as he had threatened.

  The beginnings of a plan swirled in the back of my mind. It was risky, downright dangerous, and could get me killed four times over, but if it worked, I would survive another day to find Sicily.

  “Alright,” I said.

  His face fell. “What?”

  “I’ll drop out. Just as you ordered.”

  His arrogant expression returned. “It’s good that you’re seeing reason.”

  “On one condition.” I raised a finger.

  Prince Caulden narrowed his eyes. “Name it.”

  Flicking my gaze down to his crotch, I traced my tongue over my lips, letting my eyes linger over his fly.

  “What is your demand?” he asked, his voice stiff.

  “Mmm…” I met his gray eyes for a second and then lowered my gaze back down to his crotch. “Yum.”

  “What are you doing?” His voice was a breathy whisper and a bulge formed in his pants.

  I parted my lips and breathed hard, making sure my chest heaved. My stupid wings already glowed brighter than the noon sun. Prince Caulden would have to be a complete twit not to understand what I wanted.

  He took a step toward me but kept me at arm’s length. “Tell me.”

  “Want it,” I said through my fake panting. “Want you in my mouth.”

  “You’re disgusting,” he whispered.

  I swallowed back a snort. This was the wanker who had suggested the blowjob round. Was he chickening out or just saying that so I could talk even dirtier about how much I needed his cock. Probably the latter. This was almost like the situation with Coltrane, the horny centaur, only this now, I was bullshitting for my continued survival.

  “Have you got a big dick?” I asked.

  “Dick?” he rasped.

  “The royal cutlass, the wonderful weapon of Winter. I need to see it.”

  “You may not.” He took another step, closing the distance between us. Prince Caulden stood so near, I could feel the heat of his excitement.

  “Oh…” I placed my hands on his bulging pecs, which reverberated with the force of his heartbeat. Making a huge show of licking my lips again, I ran the tips of my fingers down his hard torso. “Please.”

  Prince Caulden shuddered. “You are a dangerous female.”

  “And I think about mating all the time.” I fluttered my eyelashes.

  His hot breaths fanned against my face. “What do you want?”

  “One taste of your huge, royal manhood before I drop out of the trial. If I’m to be executed, I need a happy memory while I lay my head on the executioner’s block.”

  “I’ll keep you safe.” He cupped my face with both hands. “When I’m mated to Salix, you will become my lover.”

  My nerve endings tingled with resentment. After three years of screwing Elijah, being the concubine of a prince should have been a step up, but the Fated were a bunch of entitled, spoiled brats who didn’t deserve a mate, let alone the future ruler of one of the four courts. But then, these assholes didn’t deserve to rule anything but their egos.

  Tamping those feelings away, I reached down and brushed my fingers over the erection bulging through his pants. Prince Caulden canted his hips forward, filling my hand with his pulsing heat.

  The tips of my wings flared with light, and I gave his balls a gentle squeeze.

  “Unity,” he whispered into my ear. “You’re absolutely gorgeous. I want you so much.”

  I rolled my eyes. Prince Caulden just wanted his cock sucked. The moment he came, he’d either declare me a disgusting halfling or a potential for his royal harem. Pushing aside those feelings, I stroked my hand up and down the fabric covering his thick shaft. I couldn’t complain because he was playing into my hands.

  “Get on your knees and unbutton my breeches,” he growled.

  “Yes, Your Highness,” I said with all the fake enthusiasm I could muster and slid down his body.

  Prince Caulden threw his head back and gasped. For the Winter Prince, he was surprisingly responsive and hot. My fingers trembled with anticipation as I slid button after button from their holes.

  His cock sprung out from his pants. It was as big as his brother’s but alabaster-white with a thick, rosy tip. Heat surged between my legs, and moisture slicked my folds.

  “You’re magnificent,” I said, meaning every word.

  “I wager that I taste even better than I look,” he said with a chuckle.

  “Yes!” Wrapping my hand around the base, I engulfed him into my mouth and hollowed out my cheeks. He slid to the back of my throat, making me swallow around his girth.

  Prince Caulden hissed through his teeth. His hips jerked back and forth in an attempt to take control of the blow job.

  The muscles of my core pulsed, sending a ripple of pleasure surging to my inner thighs, my belly, and to my tightened nipples. Fuck, this guy was so hot and hard, I wanted to slip my fingers in my panties and rub myself for an explosive climax.

  Instead, I slipped my hand in my pocket and pulled out the silk-covered cock-ring. Bobbing my head up and down, I worked him into a frenzy and had his knees buckling. As he held onto my shoulders, I slipped on the cock-ring and tugged on its silk covering.

  Prince Caulden jerked back. “What are you doing?”

  “I’ve encased your manhood in iron.”

  “What?” he glanced down at his shrinking erection. The cock-ring remained snug around his dick. “Get it off me!”

  “Not until you do as I say.”

  His eyes bulged, and his breaths quickened even more than they had during the cock-sucking. He parted his lips in silent question.

  “That pyre stone you showed me at the start of the task,” I said. “Where does it come from?”

  His brows drew together. “The Calf of Fae, of course. Why?”

  I held out my hand. “Give it to me.”

  “But that’s cheating,” he whispered.

  “So is encasing a contestant you don’t like in ice and threatening to freeze her if she doesn’t drop out. So is blowing her into knucker-infested water, hoping she’ll drown.”

  Prince Caulden shook his head. “I didn’t—”

  “Do you want to lose your cock?”

  Panic flashed across his gray eyes. “No.”

  “Give me the pyre stone.” I curled my fingers for emphasis.

  He reac
hed into his pocket and placed it into my outstretched palm. “What else?”

  “I want you to make an oath never to tell anyone about how I obtained the stone, never to retaliate, or incite someone else to hurt or kill me.”

  He remained silent, staring at me as if he wanted to freeze my body and smash it into a thousand shards of ice.

  “Alright.” I tugged on the silk encasing the cock-ring.


  “Make your oath,” I snarled.

  Prince Caulden grimaced, revealing a thin film of sweat glistening on his upper lip. After several labored breaths, he squeezed his eyes shut. “I, Caulden, son of Oberon, heir to the Court of Winter, will never harm or kill Unity Quayle. Neither will I cause or incite anyone else to do so. I will also not mention how she cheated to win this trial. This I pledge on my magic.”

  His wings emerged from his back and flared with light as bright as my own. Power surged into my wings and wrapped around my heart, making me rear back. “What was that?”

  “You now own a tiny piece of my magic,” he said. “And you will also never be able to speak of the oath or what happened in this sphere.”

  “Put this sphere down.”

  “Alright.” He swept his hand down, and we descended onto the ground.

  With a wistful smile, I slid the silken cock-ring from his dick. If only circumstances had been different and he wasn’t such an utter bastard. We might have had some fun. Leaving him still dangling from the opening in his pants, I pulled myself to my feet.

  “Unity,” he said.

  “What?” I turned to the icy enclosure.

  “Let’s mate,” he said.

  My brows drew together. “What on earth for?”

  “You’re ruthless enough to rule the Winter Court.”

  “What are you, some sort of masochist?” I shoved him hard in the chest, but he didn’t fall onto his ass as I had wanted. Growling with frustration at my inferior strength, I turned toward the ice.

  “Unity,” he said.

  “Fuck off.” I drew my fist back and slammed it, iron knuckles and all, into the sphere, making it shatter.

  I stepped out into a cool wind swirling from the direction of the waterfall and spraying tiny droplets of sweet water onto my face. I lapped them up and moved away from the Prince.


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