Intoxicated--A Sexy Billionaire Romance

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Intoxicated--A Sexy Billionaire Romance Page 3

by Taryn Belle

  “Scare the shit out of people much?” the man asked, finally turning to face her with a look of annoyance that matched hers.

  Laina blinked at him, rooted to the spot. Even with thunderclouds on his brow, the guy was insanely gorgeous. His thick sun-streaked hair looked freshly cut, and his green eyes stood out like laser beams in his chiseled, tanned face. He wore shorts and a plain white T-shirt, so she could admire the lines of both his arm and leg muscles, which currently looked coiled and ready to strike.

  He’s like a dream come true.

  She put her shoulders back and stood up a little taller, making the most of her five-foot-six frame. Then she glanced over at the empty nest at the edge of the tree line. It was well-camouflaged. He probably hadn’t even noticed the nest, but she didn’t want to draw attention to it. “Sorry, but this is private.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Private property? Am I trespassing?”

  “Not like that, just—no one ever comes here.” His eyes were on hers, making her squirm. God, but it was hard to stay angry with a man who looked like that. “You surprised me, that’s all,” she added.

  The man nodded, keeping his eyes riveted to her face. Why was he staring at her like that? Like he knew something about her that she didn’t. No, like he knew her. Then his gaze dropped, taking a slow inventory of her entire body right down to the silver Havaianas on her feet. Now what was that heat she could feel rising from her belly to her cheeks, and that unfamiliar flutter in her groin? She’d never had a reaction like this to anyone, much less some dude who’d invaded a sacred spot to take photos like some tacky tourist.

  When he met her gaze again, he looked slightly amused. “I see. Then I apologize. I was just...admiring the view.”

  Laina flushed again as she realized he was referring to her. Quickly she tried to remember how she’d looked when she’d left the cottage, but she hadn’t glanced in the mirror since she’d stepped out of the shower in Atlanta that morning. She was certain she looked travel-weary—bleary-eyed, static-haired and swollen-ankled from the long hours of dehydration. She tried to think of a snappy response but came up blank. “Is that what the pictures are about?” she finally asked, cringing at her stupidly obvious question. “The view?”

  That amused smile again. “Yes. This island is incredible—it’s a shame only the top point-one percent get to experience it.”

  The flutter in her belly gave way to discomfort. The fact was that she agreed with him; part of the reason she’d stepped away from her family and was currently staying in the guest cottage rather than the main house, was because the exclusivity of the island irked her. But there were other things to consider that were even more important. Just who the hell did this guy think he was? She knew almost everyone on the island, and she’d never seen him before—he was obviously some tourist who’d made himself an authority on something he knew nothing about.

  And just like that, her brain kicked into gear again. “Actually, it’s for the island’s own good,” she snapped. “There’s a reason only ninety-two homes are allowed to be built here—it can only support so much growth. Do you know what would happen to the ecosystem of a place like this if it were allowed to be overrun by tourists? Just look at a place like Boracay—it’s a perfect example.”

  “You sound very protective.”

  “I’ve been coming here since I was two. I’m more than a little invested.”

  “So it seems.” A smile played at his lips. Sure, they were sexy, but was she really imagining them on her neck, trailing down to her breasts, finding her nipples...she never had thoughts like this. So why was she looking for a wedding ring on his hand?

  This wasn’t good. In fact, it was ridiculous—and she still had a date she needed to cancel.

  “Hey, you know what?” she said, holding up a hand. “I’ll just leave you to it, but next time? This isn’t a tourist spot, so please enjoy the view somewhere else.” And with that she turned on her heel and left.


  IT HAD BEEN HER, and she looked like an angel.

  Strolling onto the pier and making his way to the luxurious yacht waiting at the end, James spotted her standing amid the circulating guests, engaged in conversation with another woman. She had that distracted look of someone occupying themselves while waiting for another to arrive, her eyes scanning the crowd every so often as she laughed with her companion. The top of her hair was swept up, leaving the rest loose down her back. She had just enough makeup on to bring out her gorgeous eyes and lips. And her body under that dress...

  Seeing her eyes tracking in his direction, James ducked his head to avoid detection. If their first meeting was any indication, this was not going to go well. He knew he shouldn’t have let her walk away. He should have told her who he was right then and there, getting the awkwardness over with, but it wasn’t like she’d given him a chance. And it didn’t help that James had been practically dumbstruck. Standing on the cliff in a tank top and denim cutoffs, she’d been a million times more gorgeous than her photo, even with no makeup on. And so unbelievably sexy. Dark, wavy hair that fell to her nipples. A youthfully rounded face that didn’t detract from her enviable cheekbones, and a small dimple in her chin. At first he’d been stunned into silence by her beauty, and by the time he’d registered that it was her, she hadn’t even given him a chance to make the connection aloud. Just like she had apparently dismissed his offer, through Kiki, to arrange a meeting before the wedding. He would have liked to take her out for a drink before the cruise, made sure she was comfortable with him, exchange some basic information so they could make their display for her ex believable—or at least have a phone conversation. But she didn’t seem to care, which made him wonder why she’d agreed to the ploy in the first place. And now he’d somehow blown it before he’d even officially met her. Once she figured out her date was one and the same as her cliff invader, she’d probably call the whole thing off and spend the week ignoring him. And beyond wanting to jump her on the spot, James needed her for another reason. Not only would he have to win her over, he’d have to make her get past the fact that she already hated him.

  Accepting a glass of champagne from a passing waiter, James watched as Laina’s companion gave her a quick hug and moved on. Laina sipped her drink, turning her back on him to take in the blazing sunset over the ocean—which was beautiful, but nothing compared to her. Finally James could allow his eyes to rove freely over her body. She was wearing a shimmery pale yellow sheath dress that just skimmed the tops of her knees, displaying her firm ass to perfection. Spaghetti straps crossed at her back, where the fabric plunged down to the indentation of her spine at her waist. He felt a bolt of heat shoot through his groin. He could imagine running his hands up that back, under the straps, slowly pushing them down...he could practically feel her satiny skin against his. She turned toward him again, and he stole a glance at her face. There was that beautiful mouth, those huge brown eyes under delicately arched brows, that cascade of chestnut hair that he longed to wrap his hands in, claiming her as his for the night. Or perhaps even the week—a quick, sex-fueled fantasy in paradise that would dissipate for both of them with their return to reality in seven days. Then James would go home to his freedom with his goal accomplished. Perfect.

  It was time to strategize.

  Since she didn’t know who she was looking for, James still had the element of surprise on his side—which meant he had to wait for just the right moment to strike. A moment that would bind them together in not only her eyes, but the guests’, as well.

  Through the crowd, he saw an underdressed man with a hipster haircut spot Laina and start making his way toward her, pulling his overly buxom date along behind him. When Laina spotted him, her face told James everything he needed to know.

  This was his chance.

  Moving along the edge of the crowd, he sidled up behind Laina and slid an arm around her waist. She turned to
him with raised eyebrows, her mouth an O of surprise.

  “Babe, I’m so sorry. That took forever,” he said with a bright smile, holding her tightly. This close, he could smell the vanilla scent of her perfume. Just the curve of her waist under his hand made his libido rage. He switched his gaze to the couple. “Warning—if you need to go to the bathroom, leave a trail of bread crumbs behind you. That boat is like a maze! I don’t think we’ve met. I’m James Ellison,” he said, sticking his hand out to the couple.

  The woman took it first, giving him a name he immediately forgot, and then after a heavy pause the man followed suit. “Ward Harris,” he said with a curt nod.

  “A pleasure.” Keeping his smile on high-voltage, James turned toward Laina and circled his other arm around her, and then he reached up to stroke her hair. It was as soft as he’d imagined, taking his mind to thoughts of it trailing down his torso toward his cock. As her eyes met his, he felt another electric bolt to his groin. In his arms she felt amazing, firm and taut. And furious, like a cobra waiting to strike.

  “I missed you,” he said in a voice just loud enough for the couple to hear. “Ten minutes away from is that even possible? I swear to God, I am the luckiest man on earth.” He tipped her chin up toward his face and gazed into her eyes. “You. Are. So. Beautiful.”

  “Um...” she stammered, “thanks.” Her cheeks were burning hot, but he could tell she was enjoying this. And was it his imagination, or was her body relaxing slightly in his arms? In any case, hipster dude looked like he wanted to kill—perfect. Mission accomplished. Even though he knew he should pull away from her now and sweep her toward the boat as a final touch, leaving the guy fuming in their wake, he didn’t want to stop touching her. But he had to do something before his barely restrained cock made her think he was some goddamned pervert. He stepped away from her slightly to put the brakes on his arousal, but then she surprised him by yanking him back toward her.

  “We should really get on the boat, darling,” she said, finally falling into the role. “I can’t wait to see what the staterooms look like.” She nodded at the couple. “Have a wonderful evening.” James released his grip on her, but not before her hand slid down to give his rear end a playful squeeze. Then she took his hand and pulled him down the gangway into the yacht.

  * * *

  “What the fuck?” Laina sputtered at him the second they were on the boat, ripping her hand out of his. Her question was directed at the man who’d just manhandled her in front of her ex—the same guy she’d blown a fuse at on the cliff, no less—but it might have been directed at herself. Her entire body had gone to mush the second his arm had gone around her. After she got over the initial shock of both who he was and what he was doing, all she’d been able to think was that she wanted more of him. Considering both of her encounters with the man, it made absolutely zero sense. And of course the whole thing had been nothing but a role play anyway.

  He was looking at her with that teasing grin again. “Listen, do you think we could talk somewhere a little more private?” he said in a loud whisper. “You’re going to blow our cover.” Without giving her a chance to answer, he took her arm and steered her toward a bathroom.

  Laina had been so distracted that she’d barely had time to glance around, but as they cruised through the saloon, she had a moment to absorb her surroundings.

  She’d seen plenty of luxury in her life, but she’d never been on a boat like this before. This room alone was as big as her entire Castleberry Hill condo back in Atlanta, and everything about it screamed opulence. The room was circular, laid with blond wood flooring. The furniture was all white leather and sparkling glass. Tuxedoed staff circulated among the guests with platters of gourmet appetizers. The stern side of the saloon opened onto a huge deck, where guests were lounging on outdoor beds or streaming toward the bar, which was framed in billowing fabric that fluttered in the wind. Above the bar was a silver sign with Kiki and Dev spelled out in pink lights. Laina took a quick glance around for the happy couple, not wanting to miss their entrance—she hadn’t even talked to Kiki since she’d arrived on Moretta—but they were nowhere to be seen.

  “In here,” James said, pushing her gently through the bathroom door and shutting it behind him. She took in the large room quickly—polished ebony vanity, ornate gold mirror over a waterfall sink and a chaise longue sitting alongside a table displaying every toiletry imaginable. The word head just didn’t seem right for luxury like this.

  Laina crossed her arms over her chest and fixed her eyes on his. “Really nice way to introduce yourself,” she said testily. “You might have told me who you were today when you had the chance.”

  “Chance? Is that what you call that nanosecond between telling me to get the hell off your cliff and dressing me down for taking photos on it?”

  “Well, excuse me!” she said, throwing her hands up. “You could have, I don’t know, gotten in touch with me afterward—”

  “Exactly how? You wouldn’t let Kiki give me your number, remember?”

  “—or at least introduced yourself like a normal person just now, instead of...pawing me in front of my ex—” She was advancing on him now, hands waving wildly, but he wasn’t budging.

  “Aha! So it was him—I knew it!” He gave a self-satisfied grin.

  She finally stopped in front of him, her toes inches from his. She could smell his aftershave now, woodsy, intoxicating...a smell that had her imagination going to places beneath his clothing. And the way he looked in his khaki pants and white linen shirt, sleeves rolled up to reveal muscular forearms...his eyes on her, those lips she longed to kiss—good God. Okay, so the guy was hot, but that was no excuse for such inappropriate thoughts. What was wrong with her?

  “We put on a great show. Isn’t that what you wanted?” he continued. “He bought every word. Not that I didn’t mean them, by the way.”

  Laina felt a flush that moved all the way from her toes up to her hair...and she could tell he was enjoying her discomfort. Shit, but he was unnerving. Men didn’t call her beautiful without an ulterior motive, and Laina was certain there was no way James could have one—she’d been too careful to hide her true identity. “Still,” she said, softening a bit. “That didn’t mean you had to get all handsy with me.”

  James lifted a hand to his chin, as if he were pondering her words. “Hmm. Okay, so what you wanted was a ‘boyfriend’—” he added air quotes “—who politely stood at your side without touching you. Who made small talk with your ex instead of showering you with the attention you deserve.” He shook his head. “Maybe you need to raise your standards a bit, Ms. Rose.”

  Laina could feel her face tighten with fury, and it wasn’t because he was wrong; what did she know about choosing a man? She’d almost married a guy who’d let her pay all the bills and then cheated on her. All she’d cared about was that he didn’t seem to care about her family fortune, unlike every other man she dated. She knew she had to hold out for more than that—but she wasn’t about to admit that to the person who’d just called her out on it. “You don’t know the first thing about me—or my standards,” she retorted hotly.

  He stepped a little closer to her, removing the last inch of space between them. She could feel his shoes touching the tips of her toes, the heat radiating off his body. “Maybe not, but I’d sure like to.” His gaze was steady on her face, his lips within reach of hers. Her stomach flopped over. Did she want him to kiss her? What would she do if he did—pull away or kiss him back?

  It depended on whether she listened to her brain or her body.

  Do it, she thought. I dare you.

  Just then, she heard a roar go up from the crowd outside; Kiki and Dev must have arrived. Reaching his arm past her, James put his hand on the doorknob. “That must be the happy couple. Enjoy your evening, Ms. Rose.”

  And then he was gone.


the edge of the saloon, trading how-do-you-know-the-bride-or-groom stories with a circle of guests. But his mind wasn’t on his cousin and her famous fiancé—it was on her.

  He hadn’t made the progress that he’d hoped to so far, but if he knew anything about women, he knew that to a certain type, unavailability was the ultimate aphrodisiac. And judging by his interactions with Laina so far, she was that type. All he had to do was bide his time circulating among the crowd and avoiding eye contact with her, perhaps engage in some mild flirtation with another woman when he knew she was watching, and bang—before he knew it she’d be stammering an apology, shortly after which she’d be heading for his bed. It was a why was he feeling reticent?

  Because she’d already had her heart busted by some asshole. Or because he could tell she wasn’t a one-nighter kind of fact, judging by her refusal to play games and her discomfort with his flirting, she probably didn’t have much experience in that department at all.

  The problem was that that made her all the more appealing. When he thought about the things he could teach her and the pleasure he could give her, it was enough to pump lust through every cell of his body. In fact, just the thought of it—


  James turned to see Kiki rushing toward him. She was wearing a body-hugging fuchsia number that ended at her slender ankles, a cascading diamond pendant and the biggest smile he’d ever seen. “You look gorgeous.” He grinned, giving her a quick hug.

  “Not bad yourself,” Kiki said. She stepped a little closer and lowered her voice. “So have you met Laina yet? Has Ward seen you together?”

  “I did. He has.”


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