The First Intermission

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The First Intermission Page 9

by Samantha Lind

  “Can we order in some dinner? I actually feel like eating, but I don’t feel like either of us getting up.”

  “Of course, what do you feel like eating?”

  “I’m having a sudden craving for Chinese.”

  “Okay,” Richard says, picking his phone up from the coffee table and pulling up the GrubHub app. “Chinese, it is then. What do you want?”

  “Some Crab Rangoons, Egg drop soup, and Almond Chicken.”

  Laughing, he types everything into the app. “I guess someone is a little hungry now that she isn’t puking her guts out.”

  “Guess so. That, and I am eating for three,” I tease him, feeling elated referring to the babies like that. Holy shit, b.a.b.i.e.s. We’re having two babies.

  “Food should be here in about forty-five minutes,” he says, setting his phone back down. The movement causes Max to wake up. He hops off the couch and heads outside via the dog door. “I think he realizes you’re pregnant. Have you noticed how much clingier he’s been to you the last week or so?”

  “I have, and I find it sweet,” I tell him. “I’ve been thinking since we’ve been sitting here that I don’t think I can wait to tell my dad. How about we FaceTime with him and then we can FaceTime your parents?”

  “Whatever you want, babe,” he tells me, kissing my shoulder.

  I grab my phone from next to his and pull up my dad’s contact information, then hit the FaceTime button. It rings a few times before he finally answers and connects the call.

  “Mads! How’s my favorite girl?” my dad asks, smiling into the camera.

  “I’m good, Dad. How’s the trip so far?”

  “It’s fantastic. Maria and I are having a great time. We’ve seen so much already. How are things back home?”

  “I checked on the house today, things are fine,” Richard pipes up.

  “Good, good. Thanks for doing that for us.”

  “Of course,” he tells Dad.

  “Where are you guys now?” I ask, wanting to make sure now is going to be a good time to tell him our news.

  “We just got back to our campsite. We lucked out and got the last spot this place had with full hookups when we arrived yesterday.”

  “That’s good, how long do you plan to stay there?”

  “We’ve got tonight and tomorrow night, and then we’ll be back on the road to the next stop.”

  “Hello!” Maria says, popping into the camera view over my dad’s shoulder.

  “Hi, Maria,” Richard and I greet her.

  “Kids say the house is fine when they checked on it today,” Dad tells her quickly.

  “It sounds like the two of you are having a great time on your trip,” I say to her.

  “We really are. So much to see and do that it’s hard to pick some days.”

  “Well,” I say, needing to get the news out before I chicken out. “We got some news today that was a little shocking.”

  “Everything okay, Madison?” my dad asks, his tone going serious.

  “It will be, yes,” I say, assuring him I’m fine. “We actually found out before you left that we’re expecting!”

  “Congratulations, honey!” Maria exclaims. “That’s wonderful news. Thomas, you’re going to be a grandfather!”

  “Oh, Madison! I’m so happy for you, and you, too, Richard!” my dad cries. I can see tears start to run down his face.

  “That’s not all. I’ve been pretty sick the last couple of days, so my doctor got me in to see her today. She decided to do a quick ultrasound, and found two,” I state, holding up two fingers, “heartbeats. We’re having twins!” A smile breaks out on my lips.

  “T-twins?” my dad asks in shock.

  “Yep, twins,” Richard confirms.

  “How amazing is that!” Maria says. “We’re super happy for the both of you!”

  “I can’t believe it. My baby is finally having a baby of her own, and she’s getting two at the same time!” my dad says, rambling a little in his shock.

  “We’re still trying to wrap our heads around it, as well. The positive test was a shock, so to be told we’re actually having twins was nothing either of us even considered.”

  “You said you’ve been pretty sick. Any other complications besides that?” Maria asks, concern lacing her voice.

  “Nope, my doctor said everything looked great on the ultrasound and her exam. She gave me a script for some medicine and that seems to be helping me this afternoon. I actually feel like eating tonight and made Richard order us some Chinese food,” I say on a laugh.

  “That’s a good sign,” she tells me, her years as a nurse coming out in her concern.

  “I’m just still so shocked, but so happy. I wish I was there to hug you,” my dad says.

  “I know, and we considered trying to fly to meet you guys somewhere along your adventures, so that I could tell you in person, but I just couldn’t hold it in any longer tonight. I needed you to know.”

  “I understand. Doesn’t mean I won’t hug you tight when we do come back.”

  “I bet by the time we’re back, you’ll already be showing!” Maria states.

  “Maybe. The little I’ve read online so far says that I will show earlier since it’s twins, which is understandable.”

  We visit with my dad and Maria for a few minutes longer until the doorbell rings, signaling our food is here. Richard gets up while I finish up the call, bringing the food back to the living room with him.

  “Well, it was great to talk to you guys, and congratulations again!” Maria says before she steps out of the camera view.

  “I’m so dang happy for you, Mads. Your mom would be so proud of you, as well, and it kills me she isn’t here to celebrate this happy occasion with you.”

  “Thanks, Dad. I miss her so much and wish I was calling the two of you. But I know she’s looking down on us, happy as can be,” I tell him.

  “I know, sweetheart. You take it easy and call me whenever you need to. I’m only a call away. Love you.”

  “Love you, too, Dad. Talk soon,” I say before we disconnect the call. I set my phone down and Richard hands me a plate filled with a little bit of everything I ordered.

  “Thank you,” I tell him, looking down at my plate. “This all looks so good.”

  “Good, now eat up. You’ve got to keep my babies fed,” he says, kissing my cheek. “Want to watch a movie or something while we eat?”

  “Sure, you pick,” I tell him as I dig in to the food.

  “Of course you make me pick.” He laughs as he turns on the TV and starts flipping through the channels.

  “Wait, stop on that game,” I say, as he flips by a Lightning Baseball game. One of my clients, Derek Smyth, is a starting pitcher for the team and can sometimes be a bit of a diva of a client.

  “I thought you didn’t care what we watched,” Richard teases.

  “I don’t, just checking to see how my client is doing.” I stick my tongue out at him. “You can take the sports agent out of the office, but you can’t take the girl out of the agent,” I state in my own defense.

  “I know, babe. I’m just giving you a hard time,” he says, setting the remote down and leaning over to give me a kiss.

  I love these easy, laid-back nights with just the two of us. Oh, how things will be different a year from now when we’re a family of four.

  Chapter Thirteen



  “How you feeling, Momma?” I ask my very pregnant wife. We’re in the final weeks of her pregnancy and she’s been trying to hide the fact she’s uncomfortable in the seat next to me while I drive for the last twenty minutes.

  “Fine,” she huffs out. “Just can’t get comfortable.”

  “Would you like me to pull over so you can get out and stretch for a little bit?” I offer. We’re still a little over an hour away from her parents’ house, on our way back from a week at the beach in Florida for our babymoon. The time away, just the two of us, was just what we needed. Time to relax
and reconnect before our lives are turned upside down by the arrival of our baby.

  “No, I just want to get there,” she insists as she changes positions again.

  Not listening to her, I take the next exit as she protests.

  “I need to use the bathroom,” I lie to her. “And if I’ve got to go, then I damn well know you need to, as well.”

  “Fine, I need to pee. Again,” she huffs once more, and I laugh at her stubbornness.

  I pull into the truck stop and park as close to the doors as I can get. Reese has definitely morphed into the pregnant waddle as she nears the end of her pregnancy, not that I’d ever tell her that. She’d probably smother me with a pillow in my sleep.

  “Let me help you,” I tell her as she tries to get herself out of the car.

  “I’m not broken, just pregnant.” She grunts as she gets to a standing position. “I don’t need help with everything,” she says under her breath.

  “I know,” I say, wrapping an arm around her back as I walk with her into the gas station. The smells of the hot dogs and other random foods hit us as we walk in.

  “Oh God,” Reese groans, looking around at all the food options. “I think I’m hungry again.”

  “Go to the bathroom and then we can load you up on snacks again,” I tell her, leading her back to the bathrooms. “I’ll wait for you right here.”

  “You’re the best,” she tells me, looking up and searching for a kiss. I bend down and bring my lips to hers, placing a chaste kiss against them.

  “I know. Now go,” I say, smacking her ass to get her moving.

  I go ahead and use the bathroom myself since we’re here, and then wait for her outside the bathrooms.

  Austin: Just a heads-up, we should arrive in the next hour and a half or so. Had to stop again for Reese to stretch, pee, and get another snack. She’ll probably be ready for dinner when we arrive at this point.

  I shoot off the warning text to my father-in-law to let them know when to expect us.

  Bryant: LOL, sounds like my daughter. We’ll be ready and waiting when you arrive.

  I slip my phone back into my pocket just as the door opens and she emerges.

  “Feel better?”

  “Yep. Now for that food,” she says, walking straight for the prepared food section. “Hmmm…” She hums. “So many choices.”

  “Get whatever you want, babe.”

  “I was planning on it,” she says sassily.

  I wait while Reese peruses the options. She picks up something labeled as a pizza pocket, makes her way over to the donut case and selects a chocolate glazed donut, and tops it all off with a bag of beef jerky. Reese makes one last stop at the fountain machine, where she selects the largest cup they have and fills it full of water and the crushed ice she loves.

  “I’m ready,” she says, walking back over to me, her hands full. I reach out and unload some of her food, carrying it to the checkout counter.

  “Do you want a pillow to put behind your back?” I ask a few minutes later, as we walk out to the car.

  “Maybe,” she says, undecided. After opening her door and setting her food in on the dash, I pop the trunk and grab one for her. “Here, babe, put this behind your back. I think it will help.”

  “Thanks.” She gives me a small smile as she takes the pillow. “Ahhh…that feels good,” she says as she gets comfortable, slipping off her sandals and reaching for her food.

  “You good? Ready for me to get in and start driving again?” I ask.

  “Yes. Next stop, my parents’ house.”

  Thankfully, she’s pretty content the rest of the drive. The pillow seems to be helping her stay comfortable in the seat and the snacks keep her busy, as she eats and sings along to the radio.

  “Oh, my goodness! Look at you!” Savannah, my mother-in-law, exclaims once we pull up a short while later and Reese is out of the car. She wraps Reese up in a hug. “You’re just glowing!”

  “Hi, Momma,” she says, her southern accent coming out even more than it usually does. “Hi, Daddy. Sorry we’re so late. I might have made Austin stop a million times on the drive.”

  “I know.” He laughs as he pulls her into a hug. “He kept us updated along the way,” he rats me out.

  “Brat,” she says, punching my arm.

  “I didn’t want them to worry,” I say, in my own defense.

  “Are you hungry?” Bryant asks. “I’ve got the grill already fired up.”

  “Maybe in a little bit. I’ve been eating since we left the last gas station,” Reese admits.

  “It’ll take a little while for the steaks to cook, so I’ll go ahead and get them going and you can eat whenever you want to,” he assures her.

  I pop the trunk and grab our bags before following everyone inside. I take our stuff into the guest room where we’ll be staying for the next couple of days before we return back home.

  “So, how was the beach?” Savannah asks, once we’re all seated around the patio table.

  “It was so relaxing. We were able to just be together. No real plans, just did what we wanted when we wanted to do it. Ate some delicious food, took some amazing naps. Walked around all the little touristy shops, bought a few cute things for the baby. All in all, it was a great trip. One I look forward to taking again.”

  “Were people good about leaving you alone?” Bryant asks.

  “For the most part. We got stopped when we were out shopping, by one group of girls, and one day, when we were at the beach, we were approached. Otherwise, we were left alone. It probably helped that the place we rented had access to a private beach. So, we didn’t have to deal with anyone when we were in that area.”

  “Oh, that’s nice. I didn’t realize the beach was going to be private, as well,” Savannah comments.

  “It’s what attracted me to the listing. All the other places I looked at had beach access, but just to the public beach. I was willing to pay more each night for the private beach.”

  “So, once you return home, what’s the plan?”

  “Just wait on this one to arrive,” Reese answers her dad as she rubs her stomach.

  “And for you?” he asks, pointing at me with his beer bottle.

  “I’ve got a youth camp I agreed to help out at one week in mid-August, for a couple hours a day. I won’t be required to show up at training camp until mid-September.”

  “Lots of changes coming to the team, huh? I can’t believe y’all are losing so many veterans to retirement,” Bryant states.

  “We knew Scott was retiring, as he broke the news to the team around the time the playoffs started. The news that just hit this week about Murph retiring was what took me by surprise. I’ve texted with Brian, and he assures me he isn’t leaving the team anytime soon. So, it’ll be weird for sure when we start back up in the fall.”

  “Becca told me Richard and his wife Madison are expecting twins!” Reese tells everyone.

  “That’s exciting. Do they have any other kids?” her mom asks.

  “Nope, these will be their first two.”

  “How fun is that,” Savannah says.

  “I know, so many new babies. You’d think there was something in the water.” She laughs.

  “Something like that,” I muse.

  We visit, enjoy the food her parents cooked up for us, and continue just to relax for the rest of the evening.

  “I’m excited to see Nana in the morning,” Reese says.

  “She’s looking forward to seeing you. I will warn you, though, she isn’t moving around very fast after the stroke she had last month. It has really affected her mobility. She can’t get into a wheelchair anymore on her own, so getting her out and about is almost impossible. I just want you to realize that before you go and see her. She’s still all there, mentally. It’s just physically she can’t move or get around very easily.”

  “That breaks my heart a little,” Reese states.

  “It is a little lonely for her. She can’t get out and about easily, so she’
s not interacting with the other residents,” Bryant tells us.

  “Well, I hope a visit from Austin and me will cheer her up. I think she’ll get a kick out of how large I’ve gotten.”

  “I’m sure she will. She knows you’re coming, so the last I checked, she was counting down the time until you visit her.”

  “What time can we go up and see her tomorrow?” Reese inquires.

  “Visiting hours start at nine a.m.”

  “Okay, then I’d like to plan on being there then, and spending as much time as we can together.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Bryant states. “Do you want me to get out anything from your baby containers for you to take home to have for your baby?”

  “Maybe, or maybe it’s stuff you and Mom can bring when you come to visit once the baby is born. We got the nursery all done before we left, and we got so much stuff at the baby shower the other wives and girlfriends surprised me with.”

  “That was sure kind of them,” Savannah comments.

  “It was! I was so shocked when I arrived. I thought I was just meeting Becca and Kinley for lunch, and walked in to everyone there. And the place was decorated so cute!”

  “I can’t believe my baby is going to have her own baby soon,” Bryant muses, and she smiles at him.

  “I’m exhausted,” Reese says on a yawn. “I think I’m ready for bed.”

  “Then let’s get you off to bed. We’ve had a long day.” I stand and offer my hands. She accepts and slowly pushes herself to the edge of the chair, and I pull her up to a standing position.

  “Ermph.” She groans slightly. “My back is sore tonight.”

  I lean down and bring my lips next to her ear. “I’ll rub it once we’re in bed, how does that sound? Maybe after a hot shower to relax your muscles?”

  “Yeah, that sounds wonderful,” she says, leaning her head against my chest.

  “Night, guys,” I tell my in-laws as I follow behind Reese. We head into the guest room where Reese strips down and heads into the attached bathroom to take a shower. The changes her body has made these last eight months have amazed me and made me fall deeper in love with her. She’s always been gorgeous to me, but seeing her pregnant with our baby has made me see an entirely new beauty in her.


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