Captured by the Alien Dragon

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Captured by the Alien Dragon Page 9

by Stella Cassy

  Surely this escape will go better. I just need to stay strong and keep pushing forward. There isn’t a pirate behind every moon lying in wait to abduct me or anything. Carissa of the Maeberry should know because she looked behind every single one. Unlike Tarion, speaking about myself in the third person seems weird and totally self-absorbed.

  My fighter jerks slightly and I know before I even look what’s happened. Palm smacking myself hard, my brain scrambles to make sense of the situation. How in the name of all that is holy did that ridiculous man catch up with me so quickly? I took so many precautions to make sure this went off without a hitch. I grabbed the food bars, hydro packs and blanket from my old cell to make sure I had enough supplies. Hell, I even zig-zagged my course a dozen times to disperse my exhaust trail, causing it to decay at an accelerated rate.

  Slamming my fist down on the console, I curse, “Hell, fire and damnation, what does a girl have to do to catch a freaking break?”

  Bellying up to the console, I decide to fight. Why should I let him drag me back into the sewer just to make a quick buck? He’s turning me into a total nut job. I don’t know whether I love him or hate him. The one thing I’m pretty sure of is that the only thing he feels for me is lust.

  Switching off the automatic pilot, I draw on my remaining power and try to break free. Even accelerating at maximum speed, the fighter can’t break free of Tarion’s tractor beam. Unafraid to play my one remaining card, my fingers fly over the controls, launching every weapon this small fighter has. All of them are heading in his direction. It’s not enough to cause any damage to his ship, but that’s not what I’m after. Watching breathlessly, I’m praying for their shields to drop or weaken. Just a second is all it will take for me to make a clean getaway, but the shields don’t even crackle.

  My anger explodes. “I hate my fucking life!”

  Flinging myself back into the pilot’s seat, I seethe as my mood blackens. I’m going back and it’s not fucking fair. I don’t even fight the big brutes that come to drag me out of the fighter.

  The top of my flight suit is pulled open and hanging down around my waist. Underneath, I’m wearing some kind of Drakon pullover made of thin fabric that I’ve ripped to fit me better. I know my midsection is exposed and if the warriors aren’t careful, the bottom of my boobs will be flying in the wind. Luckily the flight suit is designed to tighten up, so at least that isn’t falling off.

  They drag me before his majesty of grumpiness and I smile brightly. “Honey, I’m home.”

  Fury is radiating off my crimson friend like steam. My little joke escalated the situation, judging by his stiff posture and flared wings. He takes a step closer and glares at me with menace playing across his handsome features, his eyes narrowed in deadly rage. “You dare to run from me?”

  “I ran from slavery, not you.”

  “You lie.”

  “Only when absolutely necessary and I never tell lies without a really good reason.”

  “You shot at my ship.” His tone is harsh and I feel a little guilty for upsetting him, but quickly remind myself that he’s the bad guy. Me? I’m just the woman trying to be free. Therefore, I let him have it. “You started this grudge match by abducting me, not once but twice.”

  “Stop talking. I have no time for your petty manipulations.” Taking another step closer, he gets into my personal space. “You no longer have to worry about being sent back to your rightful master.” Sliding one razor sharp claw through my hair, he stares me down. “I don’t suspect you’ll last the night, much less until we get to a proper trading center.”

  He’s bluffing and we both know it. That belief makes me braver than I might otherwise be. “Have you ever fought a fair fight in your entire life? Every time I get pulled onto this stinking vessel, it’s me against a half-dozen warriors. Do you gang up on everyone or just the small defenseless brooders?”

  Though I loathe the term, it’s gratifying to see the insult I carefully crafted just for him hit its mark. He jerks slightly and drops my hair. Keeping his eyes locked on mine, he states flatly, “Take her to my quarters. I want her chained to my overhead.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  While we’ve been having our little staring contest, I notice something. He truly looks like shit. Struggling to look back over my shoulder as they drag me away, I’m shocked at the transformation that’s taken place in my crimson dragon. He looks like he hasn’t had a bath the entire five days I’ve been gone. His hair is dirtier than ever, and he has deep maroon circles under his eyes. The edges of his wings are pale, and his claws are a mangled mess, chipped and broken as if he’s been fighting. Turning around, I let them lead me to his quarters. After thinking it over, I decide that I’m truly worried about him.

  Images of him losing a battle or being hurt in a sparring match float through my mind. Glancing to one side, I realize one of my handlers is the guy I hit over the head the night I left. He still has a bit of a bump. For it to be that size now, it must have originally been gigantic. “I’m sorry about your head. I didn’t mean to hit you so hard.”

  He doesn’t reply. Of course he doesn’t. What was expecting, forgiveness? More importantly, do I deserve forgiveness? Deep down inside, I know that I probably don’t. The pirate might not be innocent of all serious crimes and misdemeanors, but he didn’t do anything to deserve being knocked out cold. I hurt him to get my freedom. Being desperate, I wasn’t careful and innocent people got hurt. Why the hell is life so unfair?

  They bind me to a metal bar running around the top of Tarion’s round bed. Glancing up, I realize it’s not meant to hang drapes on. It’s meant to hang women from. I should have known the damn sadist would have a special place for tying up his victims. My toes don’t entirely touch the floor. Squirming, I try to free my arms. They don’t budge. The man I bludgeoned was thoughtful enough to wrap the ropes holding me in place all the way down each arm past my elbows. I honestly can’t tell if he’s doing me some kind of favor or not. Being tied like this takes the weight off of my thin wrists, but it makes getting loose impossible. Why am always and forever trying to get away from someone?

  For the first time in my life, I begin to honestly doubt myself. Tarion was good to me. He was patient, kind and generous with his time and resources. Images of the amazing sex we had drift through my mind. He was open and vulnerable with me and I walked out as if what he was offering didn’t mean a thing. I repaid his kindness by hurting one of his crew and stealing a valuable space craft. I can’t imagine him ever forgiving that kind of betrayal.

  My handsome crimson dragon looks terrible. He’s let himself go. He looks slightly thinner and his eyes have lost their shine. When we first met, he was proud, arrogant, and witty. I really liked those things about him. Now, my naughty guy seems miserable. The mischievous glint in his eye has been replaced with darkness and he’s not willing to joke around with me at all.

  Whether from grief over losing me or pure blind fury at being betrayed by a lowly slave, leaving affected him in a very negative way. I deserve to be free, but I can now see that betraying his trust has damaged him. The realization causes my world to shatter into a million pieces. Shame and regret war with each other for the top spot in my emotions.

  I’ve accidentally broken the strong warrior. Granted, he was pretty broken before, but not like this. Tarion losing his spark for life makes the universe a much less interesting place.



  I walk back and forth in my office, trying to cool my raging emotions. Seeing her in the flesh shook me to the core. How can I still have a semblance of affection in my heart for this wretched creature? I’ve been unable to eat, sleep or concentrate on anything for days. The little sleep I’ve gotten has been riddled with dreams of chasing her down in my fighting form. Why am I allowing one small human to upset me so much?

  I need to be rid of her once and for all. Heading for my quarters, I frown as a plan forms in my mind along the way. I’ll use her hard, forcing her to
right what her betrayal has wronged in me. Once I am myself again, I will put her down on some isolated planet and be done with her. It’s a sound decision. I’m sure of it right up until I open the door and see her hanging above my bed. With her hands strung up high, her torn shirt is riding up to reveal the bottom of her pale breasts.

  Lifting my eyes from her breasts to her eyes, I can’t help but notice her expression is pained. Of course it is. She was forced back into my quarters. I decide that for tonight she will behave like a proper pleasure slave. It matters not that the client isn’t to her liking. I am the aggrieved party and therefore this is about me, not her. I’ll make her breathless with need. No woman can resist my mating scent, least of all this deceitful brooder. Thinking of her as a brooder seems wrong in my mind now, but I don’t understand why.

  Approaching her, I slide a sharp talon up the thin fabric of her shirt and rip it all the way down the middle. Her breath hitches but she doesn’t beg me to stop or tell me to keep my slimy claws off her like she did before. This time she just stares at me with big eyes and moist lips to match the color or her nipples. Shoving the fabric roughly aside, I cup a breast in each hand, caressing my claws lightly along the soft flesh. When she moans, I squeeze until I’m sure she’s uncomfortable, but not in actual pain. She lets out a little squeak that tells me I’ve hit the right balance.

  Staring at my own hand, I wonder if she sees me as strange while I toy with her. I only have three fingers and a talon sitting above my primary digit. To her, perhaps I am more animal than humanoid with my wings and caudal. This must be why she ran from me. I am not to her liking.

  Pulling at her restraints, she tries to get closer to me. “Tarion, I…”

  I cut her off before she can spout more lies. “Do not speak, for your word cannot be trusted.” My tone was more biting than I had intended.

  Removing one hand from her breast, I slowly wrap her hair around my palm as I look into her betraying eyes. Tugging firmly, I tilt her head back, exposing the front of her pale neck. She swallows thickly, making me wish I knew the thoughts circling around in her head.

  “I can smell your fear. Are you afraid that I’ll sink my teeth into your soft flesh? If not, you should be, because it’s what my inner dragon wants me to do. He wants you to pay for all the pain you caused us.”

  A single tear slides down her cheek, begging me to be weak and show mercy. “Tarion, please let me talk.”

  Shaking my head slightly, I struggle to keep my emotions under control. “No more talking. If you speak again without permission, I will gag you. I do not think you want that.”

  I can tell she wants to beg and plead with me, but instead she uses good judgment and keeps her pretty mouth closed. That’s a good start. It allows me to keep my emotions in check.

  Running my talons over her delicate flesh pleases my dragon. The creature is telling me to take her now and keep her as my personal brooder. The thought of keeping her all to myself is tempting. However, unlike my dragon, I’m not a mindless beast. He grumbles at that thought. I will take her once. Afterwards I will grant her that which she most desires. Freedom. How I hate that word, for it takes from me that which I most desire. Tarion of the Hielsrane is destined to travel the stars without a brooder to tend to his needs. I can see that clearly now.

  I realize my talons have been caressing her skin while I pondered what to do with the object of my desire. Rather than being frightened, she’s growing ever more aroused. Her nipples have drawn into two sharp points, proving she becomes easily aroused at my touch. She presses her body closer to mine. It angers me that she desires my touch and enjoys my company but continues to run from me. The gods must truly hate me.

  Moving so fast my hands are a blur, my talons rip all the clothing from her body. Beginning with her uniform, one stolen from my stores, I rip the fabric from her hips and legs. Normally, it would please me greatly to see the female I care for in my colors. Today I see it for what it is, a disguise to trick me into thinking she’s one of my own.

  I rip away the thin fabric covering her sex. I want nothing between us when I exact my revenge. Not only is she not objecting, she shifts her body to make my quest easier. It’s almost like she wants to be naked before my fury.

  It’s been five long days without her. Five days of worrying about her safety. Five days of longing for her touch. Pouring all my need and desire into one kiss, something loosens in my chest when she opens for me. When our tongues touch, it feels like drinking from a pure cool spring after being parched. I can’t stop. I won’t stop. The rougher I am, the more excited she gets.

  My dragon roars to life and the moment I pull back he urges me to use my breath on her. Having her soft form pressing against mine scorches away any resistance I might have had. Pulling back, I cover her in my heat. Starting at her neck, my mouth roams over her breasts, taking time with each delicious nipple. Encouraged by her throaty moans, I move down her stomach and lift her high to reach the part that smells and tastes best. Holding her up, I feast as she writhes in my arms. Her need for me salves my wounded spirit. She does want me, even if she does not yet see it. I stop before she convulses in my arms, slipping my forked tongue right back into my mouth. I hold her with one hand and open my pants with the other.

  She’s angry at being denied and tries to kick me away. One stern look quiets my impetuous female. If she will only be mine for the moment, I will force her to obey. She will learn that when she is with me, I am in charge. The way she’s looking at me tells me she does not hate that idea. Her blue eyes roam over my body, making me proud to be a warrior this day. She squeezes her legs together, hoping to secure the release I denied her. Seeing her wanton and needy for my cock makes chasing her down worth every bit of effort.

  Her sweet words come flooding back to me. You have the nicest cock I’ve been privileged to see, Tarion of the Hielsrane. I can’t wait to try it out. I want her to be mine. She is not interested in remaining at my side, however. Knowing that she rejects me even though she thrills at my touch spikes my anger.

  Pulling her down, I surge into her wet, willing body. My dragon spurns me on, eager to mate. When I move, Carissa moves with me. Like before, we are one. Yet we are not because she rejects me. Shoving my useless thoughts aside, I move on her with purpose.

  Stepping closer, I pull her flush against my body. My mouth finds her neck, nipping at her skin. She’s going wild in my arms again, but I hold her tight to my chest as I thrust into her body using long, deep strokes. She whispers nonsense to me between throaty sounds of feminine pleasure. Tucking my talon carefully back against my hand, I slip my hand between her legs to touch her clit. I have to wrap my wings around her to hold her in place.

  When I feel her reaching her peak, I whisper, “Come for me. Let me know you love my cock if nothing else about me.”

  “I love you. I do.”

  Hearing her speak those words spikes my anger, lust and something much darker. I open my mouth against her shoulder. Instead of nipping at her sensitive skin I bite, feeling my sharp teeth break the skin. She shivers in response. Something in the back of my mind knows I shouldn’t have done that, but my dragon needs it with a desperation we’ve never known. The moment I release her and lick the small wound, I feel disgusted with myself.

  She comes apart in my arms like she was meant to be mine. I can’t help but follow the moment she clamps down on my cock so tight that it feels like I’m being choked. Reveling in every single moment of the pleasure we shared, my chest immediately begins to ache. We could spend many long years in each other’s arms, if she would but accept me. I know she won’t. She’ll run the very first chance she gets. Losing the mate I marked will be endlessly painful. Why in the hell did I give her my fire?

  Pulling out, I jerk the bar down until her feet can touch the ground and step back. My eyes graze the bite I left behind and I’m unable to cope with seeing it. What should have been the most amazing moment of my life is filled with unimaginable grief. Unable to
look her in the eye, I turn on my heel and head for the cleansing unit.

  Standing under the streaming water, images of her in the throes of passion fill my head. Claiming a female that I can never have was both ignorant and short-sighted. Only a fool would do such a thing. Slamming my fist into the metal wall over and over, I release all my anger. It’s anger at her for rejecting me and anger at myself for foolishly caring about a female who does not want me. Though my knuckles are bruised and several have busted open, I’m beyond caring.

  A voice brings me back from my rage. It’s my Carissa. She’s apologizing to me for running. Empty, useless words are not what I need right now. I need to purge the beautiful brooder from my heart. She can only continue to hurt me if I care. Leaning my forehead against the cold metal wall, I realize that the water is cold because I didn’t take time to adjust the temperature. It matters little, for I have bigger problems at hand.

  Carissa is growing louder and more emotional. I wish she would just stop trying to manipulate me. Perhaps I will lock her in the room across the hall to give myself a reprieve from the war taking place in my mind right now.

  Hitting the drying unit, I stand with my eyes closed for a brief moment. When the door slides open, I step out and walk out to deal with the one who is the root of all adversity in my life. I should not have shared sex with her. It only increases my need.

  I’m disappointed that she’s worked herself into a frenzy. She’s still babbling but I can hardly understand what she’s saying.

  “Stop, before you make yourself ill.” Thanks be to the gods that she does. Our sex must have been too much for her to handle after such a long separation. Though that’s not what she was yelling, I know in my heart that it’s played a part in her breakdown. Hell, I’ve bitten her, and she probably does not know what to make of that. If she did, she’d probably be in even worse shape. Trying not to look at my bite on her lovely pale form, I try to console her. “I am moving you into another space. It’s best if you are out of my sight, then I won’t be tempted to use you in such a way.”


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