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Bloodless Page 17

by Roberto Vecchi

  "Your intentions be damned along with you!" was the final statement she made before a very long period where silence was again called king.

  He was certain had she not been seated firmly behind him on the Dragon's back, she would have left him forever, but circumstances prevented her from doing so. He was also certain that she did not know exactly how accurate she had been regarding his damnation. He was damned, or at least he had been. Before his death at her hands, he had been so lost in his own estimation of himself that had it not been for the direct encounter with the man named Jesus, he was certain he would have rejected everything the Man and God could deliver.

  Though now, having been touched by the heart of The One True God, he could not deny the all-encompassing Love responsible for bringing him back to life and introducing him to a purpose fueled by selflessness and nothing more than for him, Eriboth, to be everything he was intended to be. Through his acceptance of the Love of Jesus, he was no longer damned, he was freed; but more than that, he was catalyzed into a mobilization greater than he would have been capable from any mortal motivation in existence. For that, and so many other things, he was able to find gratitude where none had previously existed.

  "When?" she asked with a strong voice, finally breaking the profound silence.

  "Pardon me, Lady Soliana, but to which are you referring?"

  "You said you felt pain at my hands and that you returned. I want to know when?" she said as more of a statement of the inevitable than a request.

  "I am not sure that information would cause you to feel the peace you desire," he said.

  "When?" she said even more forcefully.

  "So be it," he said. "It was the day you were wed."

  There were moments of silence they had shared before, while they were lying in bed at the Dragon's Lair so long ago, and again when they danced at Princess Glinovia's Indri Primos celebration, and most recently while riding on the dragon's back, but none spoke of eternity as the one following his rather simple statement. While waiting for her response, no doubt held static in her throat by the revelation and the resulting consequences of what he had just said, he began to hear another voice. It was gently calling his name, as if it was trying to draw his attention somewhere else, but he could not imagine where else his attention should be if not on Soliana. He heard it again bidding his attention with more of its quiet force.

  "That is it. Open your eyes. You are safe," he heard the voice say, but not only had it grown very close, it was also very familiar to him.

  As his eyes opened, he heard it say, "Oh my."

  Before she was able to say more, Eriboth felt who she was. "Do not worry about the condition of my eyes, Nadalize. I can assure you my sight, while limited physically, is functioning quite well in every aspect that matters," he said while fighting a parched dryness in his mouth.

  "I wanted to let you sleep longer, but there was a strain on your face for the last several minutes and I feared you were having a nightmare. It has been so long. Forgive me for asking, but how did you get here and how did you get like," she paused searching for the correct description of his beggar-like appearance, "this?"

  Trying to sit up, he felt the woman's hand on his chest bidding him to lay back down. "I would not exactly say it was a nightmare, but yes, it did cause me some much-deserved strain."

  "Eriboth, I have so many questions I do not even know where to begin," she said as she put a cool cloth on his head.

  "Indeed, much has happened since our paths last crossed, but our time to reminisce as friends will have to wait. There is a much more pressing situation that necessitates all other endeavors be suspended. Tell me, can you deliver me to the audience of High King Yahnaros?" he asked.

  "Something told me your presence here indicated greater things were in the works. I am in the trusted employ of The King, as such, I do not think it would be difficult at all. Even without my recommendation, I feel he would be intrigued to see you again. After your rumored death so soon after you departed, I am sure his intrigue would be enough. But it might not be immediate. He is currently entertaining Lord Hinthial. Their heirs were just wed," she said as she shifted her sitting position.

  "His presence may prove counterproductive. He and I did not part under the best of circumstances," he said as he too adjusted his posture.

  "Why do I sense you are understating? What exactly transpired between you and Lord Hinthial?" she asked him.

  "Oh, I am afraid it was not simply a matter between he and I that caused me to leave the elves under duress," he said as he adjusted himself further to a seated position.

  "Why is it never simple where you are concerned," she asked with a bit of affectionate sarcasm. "Tell me, what obstacle have you created for yourself this time?"

  Sighing deeply, he answered her, "I killed King Rendunial. But greater than that, if there can be something greater, I openly called into question the faith of all Elfkind."

  "You did what?" she asked with exasperation lining her voice.

  "I denounced the stars," he said.

  "Enon esthudia," she said, leaning backward in her chair. "Are you sure your pressing endeavor cannot wait until he has left?"

  "It cannot," he said staring at her with a piercing sight only his all white eyes could convey. "The Stone Keep has fallen."

  Because of the lavish and woefully indulgent celebrations of last night, there was nowhere near the level of activity present within the Silver Castle’s grounds as there normally should have been for a brisk autumnal morning. So, when Nadalize and her husband, Geromain, were absent from their normally habitual activities, it was noticed without further inquisition because quite frankly, not one of the other nobles was in any condition to engage in their habits either. But this is not to say neither of the two of them were inactive, for much had to be accomplished and quickly if Eriboth was to be granted the uninfringed upon audience with High King Yahnaros.

  Clearly, he could not be introduced in the King's open court, for the Elven contingency would surely be present. Nor could his introduction be during the normal operating aspects of the kingdom outside of the castle walls as at least one of the hundred or so elves from Lord Hinthial's contingency would surely be present. Consulting Geromain, both Eriboth and Nadalize agreed the best opportunity to secretly present Eriboth to High King Yahnaros would be during the next gaming hunt, three nights from when Nadalize had found him. True, it was to be accompanied by Lord Hinthial and some of his closest advisors, but it did present with the opportunity to both conceal Eriboth's presence, and separate the king from the Elf Lord's far reaching presence. As it was, it gave Geromain just enough time to make the arrangements allowing them to maintain the necessary secrecy.

  Eriboth could feel a growing urgency, but behind the ever-present nagging to become active against Satan and the dark forces led through his very own son, he felt a peace settle within his soul regarding their decided upon timing and approach to King Yahnaros. In fact, since his death and subsequent return, he did all things by feel. Not necessarily the feeling of right verses wrong, because those subjective doctrines were the battle field for his two current combatants; mortal subjective interpretation and divine objective truth. Before his awakening, there was no battle at all except that which was present within all mortal beings. Yet now, even though he knew the truth of the Man called Christ, there was still a constant struggle. And for three days, the struggle had grown largely because he had been forced into inactivity and concealment within Nadalize's lavish quarters.

  Staring out of her window, but being conscious to stand far enough away so the shadows of her chambers concealed his presence, he gazed into what he once saw as the rising sun. But now, blind to all physical splendors of sight, he could not see the vast colors any longer. The fading oranges and reds, growing less prevalent as the rising orb turned from orange to yellow giving way its multi-colored, complex brilliance to the crisp, clean and purely blue ski against a backdrop of splendidly changing autumnal colo
rs was nothing more than a memory for him. But even that memory seemed diffuse and distant, as if it was a different person's lent him only through a complex spell.

  Yet, he did see, in a way. And that way was ever so much fuller of life's beauties than anything he had encountered before, because what he saw was not the visual input of a million points of reflected light, but rather a million points of reflected divinity. In everything, he saw God. He saw Love. And he knew They were One and the Same. And through his new sight, his understanding of Them was opened to the true meaning of infinity.

  "Eriboth, it is time," said Nadalize as she interrupted his thoughtful consideration of God and purpose. "We must go now so we can arrive at our places before you are discovered."

  Eriboth turned and walked over to stand in front of the short woman, and although he could not see the single grey lock of hair betraying her age, he did not need to. "Thank you, Nadalize. One day I will repay you for all of your kindness. But I am afraid it will have to wait."

  "You will repay me by ending this threat," she said before her emotions were allowed to catch up to her thoughts. "Just make sure you end it."

  "Before we go, I would like you to consider something for me," he said drawing her back from her two steps toward the exit.

  "Yes, anything," she said.

  "Thank you," he said as he placed a hand on her shoulder.

  "Are you not going to tell me what I need to consider?" she asked quizzically.

  "No, but you will know the time," he said gripping more firmly.

  "Why am I not surprised," she said shaking her head. "Now, if there are no more cryptic delays, we really should depart."

  He smiled and followed her lead out of the exit and through yet another doorway leading to the dual possibilities of success and failure. Though he was not fully eased by their use of deception, they could see no other way to conceal his presence form Lord Hinthial, who would, no doubt, insist on apprehending him as a traitor. In truth, according to the elven customs, he was a traitor. But his atonement for his crimes against his elven kin would have to hold until the threat to Avendia had been dealt with. However, he was sure the rationality the Elves were known for would not reign over their insistence for recompense, a recompense he had to avoid. And to avoid it, he needed a plan focused on deception.



  There would be a reckoning. She knew this. But the day when the reconciliation of her emotional upheaval at discovering the life she thought she had ended and was finally free from was solidified beyond the safe confines of her memory, would still have to wait. There was work to be done. Regardless of her emotional state, which admittedly was beyond her full comprehension, work, duty, and its completion comprised the paramount focus of her thoughts and actions. And as such, her attention was singularly focused on the task of successfully evacuating as many of The Stone Keep's inhabitants as was possible. Though, in spite of her resolve, she had to recognize she lacked a plan sufficient in its logistics to competently complete her task.

  A good portion of her training with Psumayn had included various defense techniques for prolonged sieges as well as the evacuation of a large towns and cities. However, much of their success depended on a lengthy period of preparation wherein there would also be time allocated to its practice prior its implementation. Grossly lacking in this preparation time presented her with what she felt was an insurmountable obstacle, she did not have a plan. As she watched Eriboth exit through the large gate, for the first time in a very, very long time, she felt ill prepared to face her current charge. As was her habit, whenever she was presented with a situation that left her lacking, she revisited the training that had propelled her so far in life.

  "What is always primary in your assessment of any situation, including battle?" the elder, grey-hair man asked as he attempted to deliver a kick to her midsection.

  She dodged deftly. His kick met air. "To ascertain the variables," she answered as she blocked another of his kicks, this one aimed at her temple.

  "And how does one accomplish this," he asked her, dodging one of her well-aimed punches.

  "By observing," she said feeling as though she had the upper hand in their training session. She advanced her position and surged with her hip seeking to grapple him and displace his balance enough to allow her to sweep his exposed right leg.

  "That is obvious, Soliana," he said as he stepped back in anticipation of her next effort. "But you must seek beyond the obvious and into that which is less visible," he retorted, positioning himself behind her allowing him to repulse her confident plan.

  As she landed hard on her back, he advanced and jutted his foot to her neck, pinning her to the ground, "You must never accept what is given in battle and in life. For those are existences wherein only that which is seen can be taken, and you did not take the opening I gave you."

  "Why must everything be a riddle from you?" she asked as she pushed his foot to the side in a gesture of defeat.

  "Why must you see only the riddle behind my words?" he said as he walked away from her.

  "Why?" she asked as she stood up and dusted herself off.

  "To which unanswered question are you referring?" Psumayn answered as he assumed his fighting stance.

  "All of them, any of them," she said, clearly frustrated.

  "When you can pick one above the other, I will answer, but not before," he said as he squared his shoulders placing his hands on his hips.

  "How can I possibly do that when I have so many unanswered questions? And you provide no answers for any of them, only more riddles!" she said, accusation implicit in her response.

  "My dear Soliana, it is not my endeavor to provide answers for your questions because they are yours and not mine. As such, they can be answered only by you and not me. I can only show you the path that will lead you to all of your own answers," he said preparing to continue the sparing lesson.

  "And when will that be?" she asked.

  "When you are ready for truth."

  "I am ready now," she said advancing upon his position with a feint to the right and trying to strike him with a backhand.

  As he met her attack, blocking it completely, he drew her close by grappling her extended arm, "And what are you ready for? Surely not the answers you seek."

  She stood there, locked in the power of his grasp and his ability to dissolve away any argument she might have constructed. She could neither physically move within his tight grasp nor emotionally move with the even tighter grasp of his truth because she was not ready. And she knew it.

  And as she looked around at the enormity of the task facing her now, having been given no time to prepare and no familiarity with the Stone Keep's current evacuation plans, or if they even had any, she had to admit that she was not ready for the task Eriboth had assigned to her.

  "Excuse me," she heard a voice say from behind her, "but are you the ‘Woman on Fire’?"

  She had not heard that name in such a long time. At first, she ignored the question, thinking it must have been a conjuration of her memory of simpler times, times when her only dilemma was figuring out how to escape the throng of people wishing to congratulate her after one of her performances. A pause followed confirming her first estimation and dismissal, but when it was asked again, she could not deny its genesis was not from her past, but standing behind her. Instantly, she turned to address the voice, but instead of seeing one person, she saw ten, all of them looking expectantly at her. "I have not been called by that title in a very long time. Yes, I was once that woman, but my performing days ended many, many years ago. Though I do thank you for remembering."

  "Pardons m'lady, but I cannot take credit, nor can any of us gathered here, for remembering your performing days, though worthy of it they may be," he said.

  "How then did you come to know that name? It is not commonly known any longer," she said as she tentatively placed her hand on the hilt of her sword.

  Holding up his hands, he took a
small step toward her, "M'lady, we mean no confrontation. We are here for your leadership, as it were."

  "Leadership?" she questioned him, easing her tension.

  "Yes, m'lady," said the man as he took another small step toward her, “This might sound difficult to believe, but we were told to be here, at this hour, too seek the ‘Woman on Fire'."

  "Why do you assume it is me?" she asked as she looked around noticing that more and more citizens of the stone keep were slowly gathering.

  "M'lady, surely you have seen your hair. I can tell you, with the sun shining through it at this precise hour, it stands apart like a blazing bonfire!"

  Drawing her attention to the sun, she squinted as she looked at it. At this hour of day, it had become a deeper shade of orange than at mid-day. And when combined with her radiant blonde locks, at this precise angle, they became the bright orange-red of flame.

  "By whom were you given this directive? And for what purpose was my leadership called upon?" she asked them as the ten continued to multiply in number.

  "It was the God of dreams," said another voice from behind the man. Soliana looked to find him but could not distinguish the exact person responsible for the answer.

  "An Angel of power," said another voice, again maintaining anonymity as a result of the growing masses.

  And finally, "The God of All," said a last unknown voice.

  "M'lady, they are all correct. From speaking with my friends, I can only surmise they all had the same dream experience I did. Regardless of the form the messenger chose to take, we were all given the same message. Whether it was an angel, God, or ghost from the past, we were all told to seek the ‘Woman on fire’ at this specific time, on this specific day, at this specific place," he said taking yet another step closer to her. "And here you are. To the blessings of God, here you are."


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