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Gabe Page 11

by Lagomarsino, Giulia

  “It’s not that I just want to have fun. I’m still married and until I’m actually divorced, it could be confusing for the kids. I just don’t want to get in too deep when I can’t actually offer you more.”

  He pulled into my driveway and put the truck in park. We sat there for a good three minutes while I waited for him to say something, anything. I started to get worried that I had just offended him. Finally, he turned to me and what I saw sent shivers down my spine. His eyes were dark and smoldering. If I didn’t already know what he could do to me in the bedroom, I would definitely want to find out based on the look he was giving me.

  “Here’s the thing,” he finally said. “I don’t trust very easily. I’m a suspicious person and I probably always will be. But for some reason, I trust you completely. Now, that’s not to say that I won’t get jealous if that douchebag husband of yours is around or calling you. I don’t like him based on the few things you told me about him. It’s not that I won’t trust you, but I won’t trust him and I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure that he doesn’t try and pull any shit with you.”

  “But why? Why would you want to look out for me like that? We don’t even know each other that well.”

  “If I tell you, you’re going to think I’m a psychopath.”

  “I promise not to judge you for any psychotic tendencies.” Maybe that was taking it too far. “Unless you have plans to wrap me up in a rug and take me to some hideout for the rest of my life, however long that may be.”

  “If I wanted to keep you in a hideout, I’d just drug you with sex until you were completely worn out and then throw you over my shoulder and kidnap you.”

  “Well, that’s a relief. I was beginning to get worried.”

  He nodded, almost to himself with a little smile, but then his face turned serious. “I wasn’t going to come back over after your brother caught me with you. He was really pissed and his friendship is something I take seriously. But then I spent the day with your kids and as fucking weird as that was, because I’ve never really been into kids, I couldn’t help but get a kick out of it. Still, I wasn’t completely convinced that it could be anything more, but then I spent the night with you and…I just wanted you. I don’t really know how to describe it. I felt something I’ve never felt before and I wanted to keep that feeling going. Then your kids came in and joined us in the middle of the night and it was like a lightbulb went off. Suddenly, I could see myself with you and those kids in another five years and what it would be like for us to all be a family. It just struck me so hard and I had to have it.”

  Wow. I wasn’t really sure what to say about that. I don’t think I even felt that way about Matteo. And sure, Gabe was hot and the sex was great. I would be lying to myself if I said I didn’t fantasize about what it would be like to have him in my life forever, but I also knew that I had to take this slow because I was just getting out of my messy marriage. Logically, I knew I needed time to sort out my feelings and make sure I didn’t screw this up for both of us.

  “I see the wheels turning over there,” he said. “I know it’s a lot to take in. I’m not saying that I need a commitment from you right now. I just want you to know where my head is. That’s not going to change. I won’t put demands on you and I’ll let you take things at your own pace, but this is it for me. You and I are something that’s going to happen. Those kids will be mine and we’re going to have more of our own. We’re gonna be a family eventually, when you’re ready. I just know it, and when you’ve figured that out too, you let me know. For now, we’ll have fun and I’ll be here whenever you want me or need me.”

  “Whew, no pressure,” I chuckled nervously. “Are you sure you want to take us on? I mean, kids aren’t something you can just decide to walk away from. They don’t understand anything that’s going on right now. I mean, you’ve made this appearance in their lives, and right now, you’re just someone that’s new to them. But if you kept coming around…”

  “I’m not gonna hurt them or you,” he said fiercely. “I don’t say anything that I don’t mean, especially since kids are involved. This isn’t something that I take lightly.”

  I didn’t want to talk about this anymore. I could see that he was being sincere. The way he was talking was making me want things, things that I couldn’t give yet. But it also made me crave him. I wanted him. I needed his touch. I stepped out of the truck and flicked my head toward the house. He got out and followed me, snatching my hand in his and giving it a tight squeeze.

  When we got inside, I led him back to my bedroom. Before I could even do anything, his hands were on my waist, spinning me around and pressing me up against the wall. His lips molded to mine and his hands slid up my waist, brushing against my breasts until his hands were in my hair. The weight of his body against mine sent a searing need through me.

  His fingers grazed against my thighs and slowly, he lifted my dress until it was scrunched up around my waist. He stepped back, pulling the dress up higher until it was off and I was left standing in just my bra. His eyes were focused on my naked mound. I would have felt uncomfortable with his scrutiny, but the way he was licking his lips made me bold. I spread my legs, giving him a peek of my lips. I undid my bra and let it slide down my arms.

  Stepping forward, I slowly removed each button from his shirt until it was hanging open. The tats across his chest could barely be seen in this light. Pushing the shirt off his shoulders and down his arms, I took in the strength of his arms, remembering how it felt to have them wrapped around me. I would stare at his chest all day if I could, but when I got sight of that sexy v that led to what I wanted, all thoughts of his chest went out the window, along with all my control.

  I couldn’t take this slow anymore. I needed him inside me. I yanked down his pants, taking his boxers down too. Soon, he was naked in front of me and I was pulling his face down to meet mine. His hands were all over me, his fingers pushing inside me until I was screaming his name.

  I needed to touch him, to feel his cock and taste him in my mouth. I rolled over, shoving him down as I moved down his body. The fire in his eyes spurred me on and I took my first taste of him. It was amazing and…floral?


  “Yeah,” he groaned.

  “Is there some reason that it smells like flowers around your dick?”

  He groaned and sat up to kiss me. “Please don’t make me talk about this right now. I’ll tell you everything later, after I’ve been inside you.”

  I didn’t get another chance to take him in my mouth. He flipped me over and crashed into me, his mouth taking mine and his cock shoving inside me. He possessed my body with everything in him. With every jolt inside my body, I began to accept that he was serious about me, about everything that we would be. I could feel it in the way his eyes trailed over me, like I was something he needed to possess for the rest of his life. Even if I wasn’t ready yet, I knew that I was his and always would be. There was no turning back now. My heart would be permanently attached to his as long as I lived.


  Isabella: Do you ever get one really long nose hair that sticks out and then you have to pluck it?

  Aurora: Can’t say that I have.

  Isabella: What about coming out of your chin?

  Aurora: Not there either.

  Isabella: Shoulder?

  Aurora: Again, no.

  Isabella: Forehead?

  Aurora: Are you just picking random places for hairs to grow?

  Isabella: I think I’m turning into an old man. Soon I’m going to have hair growing out of my ears. Come to think of it, I have found a long hair growing on the shell of my ear. Do you think that’s a sign of my impending doom?

  Aurora: I think that’s a sign that you spend way too much time searching for random hairs growing out of your body.

  Isabella: You have kids. Hasn’t anything weird happened since you had them?

  Aurora: Sure, I pee when I sneeze.

  Isabella: That’s not weird
. That’s just what happens after you have kids.

  Aurora: Is this really what you wanted to talk to me about?

  Isabella: I’m back with the hottie.

  Aurora: What does this have to do with random hairs growing out of your body?

  Isabella: What if I don’t catch them in time and he sees them?

  Aurora: Do you look like a hairy monster when you don’t pluck them?

  Isabella: No, it’s just a hair here and there.

  Aurora: And you think that’s going to make him flee in horror?

  Isabella: I haven’t been in the dating world in a long time. I’ve gotten used to not shaving my legs and taking showers when I feel like it. Now I have to actually do that stuff.

  Aurora: And you wonder why Matteo strayed.

  Isabella: He strayed long before I stopped shaving my legs. I’m afraid that I won’t be all that sexy to Gabe once he gets to really know me.

  Aurora: Like what stuff, besides the random hairs, never shaving, and not taking a shower? By the way, that’s just gross.

  Isabella: I don’t know. Just weird habits that I have. Like, I love to do those nose pore strips and see all the crap I pull out. When it looks like a forest, while disgusting, it’s so cool to look at. I grew that!

  Aurora: A forest of clogged pores. Nice.

  Isabella: And when I get my period, I consume everything in sight. I can’t stop myself.

  Aurora: Every woman does that.

  Isabella: I think it’s cool when I find ingrown hairs, just so I can see how long they’ve gotten.

  Aurora: …

  Isabella: Sometimes, I would rather use a vibrator instead of a man so I can just go to sleep.

  Aurora: Then he’s not doing his job.

  Isabella: No, he’s definitely very good at that, but sometimes I’m tired and just want to go to sleep. I have kids and they wake me up early. I need my sleep! What if I can’t keep up with him? What if he wants more sex than I can handle? I’ve been trying to keep up, but I’m already feeling like it’s too much.

  Aurora: I think you’re reading too much into this. Haven’t you only seen him a few times?

  Isabella: He says he wants more. What if more isn’t that appealing to him? What happens when he sees me in my ratty t-shirts and shorts that I sleep in?

  Aurora: I’m sure he’ll keep you naked for the most part.

  Isabella: But he can’t. There are kids in the house. I can’t risk them walking in on us naked!

  Aurora: You need to chill out before I come there and slap you silly. You’re freaking out over things that don’t matter right now. When you guys get comfortable around each other, you’ll see that he does things that you find disgusting too. Remember when you started living with Matteo?

  Isabella: Yeah, I couldn’t go to the bathroom after him unless I wanted to throw up from the smell.

  Aurora: And what about when you would catch him picking his nose?

  Isabella: Gabe’s not like that though. He would never pick his nose or leave stink bombs in the bathroom.

  Aurora: You have blinders on right now. Every guy does stuff like that. Give it a few months and you’ll be calling me and complaining about him.

  Isabella: Not possible. When you meet him, you’ll know what I mean. There’s no way a man that good looking could have any bad habits.

  Aurora: Did you ever stop to think about how good looking you are?

  Isabella: *insert snort* I think I understated the beauty of his body when I said good looking. Insanely hot would be more accurate. A gift sent from the Gods.

  Aurora: I’m done with this conversation.

  Isabella: A body so chiseled that I’m afraid I’ll cut myself on his abs.

  Isabella: Did I mention that his chest and arms are covered in tats?

  Isabella: Aurora?

  Isabella: Rora belle?

  Isabella: Fine, don’t speak to me.

  Isabella: I didn’t want to have to do this, but you gave me no choice. I kept your secret from Sam about the guy that groped you at work. I’m sure he’d love to know that his baby sister didn’t report that.

  Aurora: Bitch!

  Aurora: I get it. The man is amazing and wonderful and you’re afraid you’re going to scare him off with your saggy belly and your insanely weird need to squeeze other people’s pimples. But he’s already seen your saggy belly and I’m sure it won’t take long until he sees the rest of your freakishly weird tendencies. But he’s not going to get to see all of that and how great you are if you push him away. Either he accepts you for who you are or he doesn’t. If he doesn’t, then he wasn’t good enough for a kook like you to begin with.

  Isabella: You say such sweet things.

  Aurora: Can I go now? I actually have shit I have to get done.

  Isabella: Geez, talk about feisty. I ask one simple question…


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