Faking It with Mr Nightshadow (Alphalicious Billionaires)

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Faking It with Mr Nightshadow (Alphalicious Billionaires) Page 6

by Lindsey Hart

  “Oh god, I’m sorry, I-”

  “No,” he ground out. “Are you kidding me? I love your hand there. Your tight little fist touching me… god, it feels amazing. Stroke my cock if you want. Touch me. Anywhere. I promise you, there isn’t a single thing that you could do that wouldn’t feel good.”

  “No? What if I punched you in the face?”

  “I’m pretty sure that even that would feel good. You could always lick the blood off after.”

  Fuck. Her body jerked hard. There was a pounding ache between her legs again. Trace said things that were unexpected, probably just to shake her up, but god, the thought of actually doing that to him of tasting his blood, it awoke something inside of her that she wasn’t quite sure she was okay with. It was roaring and primal.

  “That’s okay. I’ll keep my hands to myself.” She glanced down at where her small hand was wrapped around Trace’s massive cock. “At least where your face is concerned,” she amended.

  She did what he said and stroked him, hard long strokes that he leaned in to. His hips bucked upwards and he let out sexy male groans that heated her blood to the point of boiling. She felt like there was an inferno between her legs. She liked that she was small, so much smaller than him. Definitely way more feminine and less muscled, yet she was the one, at the moment, with all the control. He was the one who begged her with his sexy noises, the way his body responded so eagerly to her touch.

  How did I even get here? With him? In my bed? Naked?

  She had no idea, really, but she wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth. She was so hot, so full of need, the ache inside her so wild, that she no longer cared if she looked or sounded stupid or if there were weird sex noises.

  Ash pushed herself up onto her knees and Trace’s eyes shot open. His hands fell to her hips, but he didn’t grip her hard. He didn’t guide her. He let her make the moves and set the pace. She guided him to her entrance, a little shocked and enthralled to find her thighs wet with beads of her own arousal.

  She sunk down slowly, taking his thickness inch by inch, filling herself up. She closed her eyes and froze and just… savored how it felt to have him inside of her.

  It was a while before she threw back her head and closed her eyes and started to move. Trace waited. He didn’t move. At least, his body didn’t move. She felt the throbbing of his cock deep inside of her.

  She’d never felt anything like it. She’d never been with a man like him.

  Yes, he was definitely one of those guys that ruined a person for sex with anyone else after. It was a terrifying and wildly exhilarating thought and the last one she had before her brain shut off and she surrendered to the sensations taking her body captive.



  Lord, she’s tight. So hot and wet and tight. The litany repeated in his head, round and round.

  “Oh my god, it’s so good,” Ash moaned. That about summed it up. Trace answered her with a sound that wasn’t words, since he wasn’t currently capable of forming any.

  He did his best not to thrust, afraid that if he did, it would all be over. Ash was doing a fine job on her own. Trace kept his eyes open, watching the incredible show in front of him. It was, hands down, the most amazing thing he’d ever seen before. He had to keep his eyes open, to burn every single detail of that image into his brain. Ash’s glorious hair, the look of rapture on her face, her lush breasts with the straining nipples, the way her stomach muscles contracted, the way she moved- rolling those hips as she found the right spot and the right rhythm.

  Finally, he couldn’t help himself. All those gyrations on top of him, the feel of Ash’s slick, tight heat gripping his cock was too much. He closed his eyes and just savored every single fucking feeling that was crashing through him.

  Sex had been sex for the better part of his life. On the few times he’d actually got far enough with someone to get to the point of sleeping with them, it was just like scratching an itch, like he knew right from the start it would be okay, but not overly great. It was different when he was a teenager and didn’t have better sense. In his adult life though- he’d never experienced anything like Ash.

  He felt it, deep in his chest. What they were doing was physical. It wasn’t anything he hadn’t done before, but it was different. It hit him in a spot that wasn’t physical. Parts of him that had been dormant or never even used before, came alive.

  His inner caveman kept screaming at him that Ash was his. He wasn’t letting her go. He knew it before, but now he really knew it. She was his. As she rocked and swayed above him and he had to grind his teeth to powder to keep from coming before she threw herself off the edge, the beat inside of him chanted on and on. Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine.

  Ash swiveled and ground and pumped her hips hard. He hoped to hell she was close, because he’d been close before he even got inside of her. The only reason he was hanging on was sheer will power and the fucking condom that cut off just enough feeling that he was able to hold back.

  The rocking and grinding grew more intense. He felt the shivers in Ash’s thighs, which were locked so tightly around him it was almost uncertain where he began, and she ended. He certainly felt the tremors deep inside of her, the way her muscles clenched hard around his cock.

  She let out a breathy sigh right before her cries of pleasure exploded into the room. His name was dragged out somewhere in the moans and the whimpers and the hoarse screams.

  Trace lost it. He gripped her hips, dug his fingers into her ass and rocked her hard onto his cock. He drove deep inside of her, his hips flexing and pulsing since he wasn’t holding back any longer. Ash’s muscles clenched him hard, pulsing and throbbing and his whole world exploded.

  His vision dimmed, his cock went rigid, his balls pulled up so far it felt like he’d just inhaled them into his throat, and he could only say that he exploded. Trace came harder than he could ever remember coming. He came and came and fucking came until he was drenched in sweat, every single muscle in his body tight and hard as stone. He couldn’t remember what was happening or his name or anything else about what they’d done that night or what they were going to do the next night. It was just them, just him and her and their bodies. God, he felt his climax right down to his toes. He was pretty sure, just like those cartoons, that smoke exploded out of his ears.

  Ash fell forward. She collapsed against him, the sticky sweat of their bodies combining as she wrapped her arms around his neck and placed a breathy kiss on his lips. She felt good there, so incredibly right. The aftershocks of her orgasm pulsed around his cock and his throbbed inside of her in response.

  Trace studied Ash’s face for a minute before her eyes lazily flickered open. She stared at him through those adorably hooded lids. She looked like a woman who had just been thoroughly fucked and sated, though he was far from being finished with her.

  He wanted her in every way possible. His cock flexed hard, letting her know what it thought about the idea. His inner caveman was doing a fierce male war dance, beating its chest and crying out loud masculine grunts.

  “I- you’re still…” she blushed and turned her face.

  “Hard?” He grinned. He reached up and guided her back to looking at him. God, he loved her eyes. He loved the way her lips remained parted so that she could let out those sexy raspy breaths between them. “You bet. You’re so damn sexy, Ash. This is how I’ve been walking around since we met in the coffee shop. This is what you do to me. I could barely make it through dinner. I wanted to pull you across the table and pleasure you right there. I want to- I want to have you in every way, in every position, on every surface in this apartment.”

  Her eyes widened and her lips parted, but she didn’t protest. Instead she leaned forward and twined her fingers through the dark strands of his hair. “I didn’t know that- that men could- I mean, I thought it takes a while before…”

  “Not with you it doesn’t. Never with you.”

  “I’m not- I mean- I’m just average

  “No.” Trace brought her face back to his and kissed her until her body responded. Her hips ground down and her inner muscles flexed and clenched around him. “But for now, I’ll give you a break. I’m starving. Let’s order a pizza and you can put on some horrible romantic comedy and I’ll pick just where it is that I want to take you next. I think- maybe- the shower.”

  “The shower?” she gasped.

  “Yes. The shower. Unless you prefer the kitchen counter, the table, the couch, the floor, hell, we could even get one of those swing contraptions and try the roof.”

  The contractions that squeezed the life out of his cock told him that she liked that idea. Or one of them. Maybe all of them. “You’re unbelievable,” she whispered thickly. She stroked her hand down his cheek and over his jawline. He turned and pressed a kiss into her palm, and she gasped again, that sweet feminine inhale of breath that drove him mental.

  “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”

  “I- it’s a good thing.” Her smile grew, becoming sexier, and more confident. “It’s definitely a good thing.”

  Trace rolled her over in a single move, pinning her down. “I’ll order that pizza now. You- you pick the movie.”

  “What if I don’t want pizza or a movie?”

  He grinned down at her before he bent and nipped her earlobe. She writhed into him, so incredibly responsive. He sucked on the tender skin of her neck and kissed her jaw. “I’m starving. I need the pizza. The movie, we’ll put on and ignore. Does that sound like a deal?”

  “It’s a deal if you can get some dipping sauce. There are a few places that have this jalapeno ranch that is amazing. It’s my favorite.”

  “Got it.” He kissed her thoroughly, until they were both breathless. “Although I must say there is a dipping sauce I like much better. You have to try it sometime.”

  “What’s that?” She frowned up at him.

  He winked before he pulled out and rolled away to avoid the swat he knew was coming. “You.”



  After a few days of mind blowing, phenomenal, off the charts, out of the universe, better than anything sex, Ash felt like a new woman. Somehow, Trace was right. He’d actually told her it was his plan to make her more aware of how amazing she was by showing her in bed. She had more confidence. She felt like she walked around with a new glow, despite the late hours she was keeping.

  That said, the prospect of Trace meeting her family still turned her into a nervous wreck. Her mom was like a living breathing chastity belt. No, that wasn’t right. Her mom wanted her to be with someone. She spent more time worrying about Ash’s drying up uterus and ovaries than any other human being on earth, certainly more than she herself did.

  She was more like… a boner deflator.

  She was worried that once Trace met her family, he’d cut her off for good. There was nothing sexy about meeting the good old family.

  And he wasn’t even her real boyfriend.

  She’d missed him. He’d had to watch his niece the night before and she selfishly felt lost having to spend a night alone. Not that he spent nights. He didn’t. He came over in the evenings, they ordered something in, or she made something to eat, and then he fucked her senseless, usually more than once. They threw in little bits of conversation here and there, getting to know each other a little.

  She didn’t want it said that she’d just used him for his body, after all.

  Ash’s hands nearly strangled the steering wheel as she navigated her car through the city to her parent’s house. They were getting close. Time to have the conversation she didn’t actually want to have. The little pre meet my family pep talk warning.

  “So, we’re going to play the part. My mom will meet you and be satisfied for months to come that we’re still together, even though of course we won’t be. I’ll just keep putting her off and then tell her we broke up.” She white knuckled the steering wheel. They were getting close. All that stood between her sex life drying right the fuck up and her family was about three blocks.

  “Right,” Trace nodded carefully. They’d been over it a hundred times already. “And what if we don’t break up?”

  “We’re going to break up,” she ground out “Because we were never really dating.”

  “Then we can’t really break up, now can we?”

  She flashed him a dirty glare and the bastard had the nerve to laugh. Ash narrowed her eyes. She observed Trace at a red light out of the corner of her eye.

  There was something… off about him. For starters, he was sweating. Like… a lot. His black t-shirt clung damply to his body, and god, it was July and it was hot, but not that hot and the car was air conditioned. Beads of sweat rolled off his forehead and down his temples. If she wasn’t so concerned, she would have appreciated the sight of all that fabric melded to his tight, chiseled abs. Every single time they had sex she was pretty much dumbstruck by how gorgeous he was, like he somehow got hotter every single time.

  “Hey, are you alright?” She tried to reach over and palm her hand on Trace’s forehead, but he pulled back with a nervous laugh.

  “Yeah. Just fine.” He flashed her an odd thumbs up and stuck out his tongue in a completely childish manner.

  “Nervous much? And by the way, my brother is going to love you. His humor is on the same level, as let’s say… a sick five-year-old.”

  “What’s sick five-year-old humor like exactly?”

  “I don’t know. A hell of a lot of dirty minded shit that only the most basic caveman would find funny. The dumber you act, the more my brother is going to love you.”

  “Great. Did I tell you how much I love him already?”

  She laughed softly. Her hands relaxed on the wheel as she closed in the last few blocks to the house. Her brother lived in St. Paul as well. It was the natural thing to do, move to the city after getting sick of commuting from Twin Falls. She made the move first, followed by her brother, and then after he left home, her parents downsized and finally made the half hour trek to city life.

  “I hope so.” She shut off the car and turned to Trace. “Uh- are you sure you’re going to be alright? You’re sweating a lot. We don’t have to do this.”

  “I’m fine.” He flashed her a grin. “Just hot. I went for a run this afternoon and I think I overdid it. I can’t stop sweating.”

  “Geez. Here I thought you might secretly be detoxing, given that it’s been a whole day since we last had sex.”

  “Now that you mention it, I probably am going through withdrawals.”

  “Pervert.” She took a deep breath, steadying herself for the onslaught that was her family. “Did I ever tell you that my brother was the one who got me into comics? He’d ask for them for his birthday or Christmas. I’d take them and read them after he was done. He also started out watching the cartoons on Saturday mornings. I got into it from that too. I guess he’s the reason that I became a huge nerd, which is ultimately the reason that you’re here. Maybe if I was cooler, I wouldn’t have got bugged so bad and I wouldn’t be terrified of that reunion. God it’s tomorrow.” She started breathing so hard she nearly hyperventilated.

  “Hey, whoa, calm down there. I know it’s a double whammy with your mom and then the reunion but hang in there. Just remember. You. Are. A. Sex. Goddess.”

  She shot him a fowl look. “Great. Let me think about your dick right before we go in to meet my family.”

  “You were probably thinking about it the whole way over.”

  Not in the way you think. “Asshole.”

  “To the core.” Trace made a production of getting out of the car. He bent at the waist and did quite an impressive bow. “One humble asshole, at your service, my lady. Please let that service later include all sorts of sexual favors.”

  She giggled and smacked at his shoulder. She realized that he’d more than succeeded in banishing her nerves. Maybe he had some hidden super powers after all. Ones that didn’t relate to his hands and tongu
e and far-too-amazing-to-be-real cock.

  Her family, of course, was waiting like an ambush at the door. They were swept into a tide of hugs. Her mother planted a large kiss right on Trace’s cheek. She grabbed his hand, pinched his cheek right where she kissed him and began to actually tear up as she thanked him for dating her daughter.

  Ash’s dad cast her sympathetic looks and shrugged. He meandered off, in search of whatever book he was likely pretending to read before they came while her mother blistered his ear off with speculative details.

  “Hey, man.” Jason extended a hand.

  “Oh no.” She tried to pull Trace’s hand back, but it was too late.

  Jason gripped it in a killer handshake, which was more of a bone crushing squeeze. Then he proceeded to try and attempt some bro code secret handshake that Trace knew nothing about. The good sport that he was, Trace dipped and dodged, shook and slapped, tangled fingers and put his palm up to let her brother do a strange finger diddling thing to it.

  “Right on! Right up here, Ash, this guy is awesome.” Jason extended his hand for a high five and of course when she went to slap her palm to it, he moved it away and pointed an obnoxious finger in her face. Her brother was six four, so it wasn’t hard for him to move it out of her reach. He had an average build. He refused to work out and ate like a horse, but he wasn’t really fat. She remembered when she’d ridden on a quad with him the year before and her hand sucked into one of his rolls. It was weird, since he didn’t have them standing up, but sitting down… there were a couple there. He was proud of his dad bod and hadn’t hesitated to tell her that when she screamed that he’d violated her hand with his strange roll vortex.

  “Asshole,” she muttered.

  Jason doubled over laughing. “Oh my god, Ash, if you have to finally lose your virginity at the ripe old age of thirty, this is the guy right here.” Jason slapped Trace on the back. He was still sweating, even more so since her mom’s house was, as usual, sweltering. Her parents didn’t believe in air conditioning and her mom had obviously been cooking the entire day in anticipation of their arrival.


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