Faking It with Mr Nightshadow (Alphalicious Billionaires)

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Faking It with Mr Nightshadow (Alphalicious Billionaires) Page 13

by Lindsey Hart

  Her teeth sunk into her lower lip. “Please do. Please, please do. Because I can’t hate you. I can’t even be mad at you anymore. I think I cooled off over the week. You stayed away and it gave me time to miss you. I don’t feel complete when you’re not with me. That scares the hell out of me. So please, don’t fuck up again because neither of us needs another video like that.”

  “I promise I’ll do my best.”

  “Me too. Now, are you going to take me to the bedroom and show me what a bad villain you are?”

  Trace grinned. He couldn’t even believe he was standing there, holding Ash, that she’d agreed to give him a second chance, that despite everything, she still felt the way he did.

  He bent his head and kissed her until they were both breathless and it was obvious, through that thin black fabric, that he wanted her. Her and no one else. She was the one for him. He knew it. He’d always know it. Just like he’d promised, he’d spend every single day proving it to her.

  He swept Ash up into his arm and she clung to him, giggling nervously as he carried her to the bedroom. He shut the door, locking her cat out, and set her down. She waited, staring up at him expectantly.

  “I’m going to punish you,” he promised her, feeling entirely happy and completely ridiculous. “But first you’re going to have to help me get out of this. It’s insanely tight.”

  Ash’s giggle filled up the room. “It would be my pleasure, Mr. Nightshadow. My complete pleasure.”


  “I thought you were just kidding about all the private island stuff, but now I see that I was wrong.” Ash turned slowly from the huge jutting rock she’d just climbed onto with more grace that Trace was going to manage stepping out of the boat.

  Her eyes glistened, reflecting the blue of the cloudless sky and the shimmering waters of the lake. Her hair was mussed from the wind. Though she’d tied it back, strands escaped on the boat ride across the lake. Her cheeks were tinged pink and her skin glowed, like being out in nature excited her. In faded jean cut offs and a simple black t-shirt, no makeup and hiking boots, she was beyond gorgeous.

  “It’s not what you were thinking of. No yachts, no Caribbean, no high price tag, but it is far away from everything and everyone. I thought it was an excellent vacation spot, to get away when we’re overwhelmed.” He tied up the small aluminum fishing boat to one of the nearby trees. The natural bay surrounding the island gave way to a sharp bank of rocks. Once they scaled those, the trees made room for a clearing with grass, a rustic log cabin, and a small outhouse.

  “It’s really…”

  “Rustic? Amazing? The best thing you’ve ever seen?”

  Ash laughed. “You said we were just taking me on this fishing trip. I should have known something was up when you wouldn’t tell me where we were boating off to.”

  “I had to surprise you. I swear that if I told you I’d bought his tiny little island in the middle of a lake in Northern Canada with almost no habitation other than the fishing camps and lodges around, you’d think I was crazy. I almost thought you wouldn’t agree to come if I told you how remote it was. Since you are a city girl, after all.”

  Ash swatted at him. “I might have been raised in the city, but we went camping when I was a kid. I can start a fire and I’m not afraid of mice or- or snakes.”

  “What about the spiders?”

  “Spiders, uh, I guess it depends how big they are.”

  Trace laughed. He wrapped an arm around Ash’s waist and pulled her in against him. “I’ll protect you from the arachnids and all the other creatures living here, I promise. I’ll even stand right outside the outhouse when you go in if you’re scared.”

  “I think I can manage.”

  Trace stared down at the woman he loved. She was constantly amazing him, even after two years together. “Really, I bought this place as an investment. They aren’t developing any more islands on the lake. This was a great price, since the last owner just wanted to get out of it and needed the money. I know it’s run down. I was thinking we could fix it up together. My plan was to flip it, but maybe…”


  “Maybe if you fell in love with it, we could stay here during the warm months. The summer months, some spring and fall. The fishing is excellent here. I thought it would be a great place for our families to come. We could build a guest house over there.” He pointed to the bald patch of land beside the cabin. “The island really is quite large. The bay is perfect for swimming, but there are other, natural beaches on the lake too. Like I said, the fishing is great. I thought it would be a nice place to get away from the city.”

  “I’d… I’d have to quit my job.”

  Trace softened. “I know. Like I said, this can be just an investment if you don’t want to come out here. I know how much your job means to you.”

  “Thank you for saying that. I know you probably don’t get why I work when I don’t have to.”

  “I understand perfectly why you want to work. Money doesn’t have to change a person. Weren’t you the one who said that? I know you love it at the store. I know you have friends and game nights and you love the owners. I never thought you’d quit, even after you moved in with me. I’m proud that you do something you’re passionate about.”

  Ash’s eyes sparkled. Her hand slipped into his as he led her towards the cabin’s front door. “I have honestly been thinking about taking a break. I was going to tell you way before this, but I’ve really struggled with the decision. I want to focus more on writing. My books are so popular, and they’ve taken off in ways I couldn’t imagine. I- I kind of want to make that work. I really enjoy it and I just feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day.”

  “Am I too demanding?”

  “Certainly.” Her laughter echoed through the trees. The sun shone down overhead, and the blue sky seemed to stretch on for miles. The smell of the wilderness, the sharp tang of the trees, the earthy scent rising from the lake, the fresh crisp air- it was calming and incredible and completely infectious.

  Trace laughed. “Really, though. I don’t want to be. I- I know how important your time is. I know you cut your hours back at the store so that you could write more, and I’ve really tried not to intrude on your time.”

  “You can intrude whenever you want,” Ash winked. She stopped near the weathered front door. It was as rustic as the old wood logs, wood and greyed out with time and from withstanding the harsh elements throughout the years.

  “So, you’re really thinking about giving up the store?”

  “I would still go in for games night now and then. I’d still see everyone.” She turned and looked off into the distance, where the lake shone on in an endless blue that seemed to touch the very horizon. “Besides. I’m not going to have time for that, the writing, you, this place, and a baby.”

  Trace nearly fell over. He stumbled, reached out, and set his hand on the soft grey log. “I’m sorry- what?”

  Ash whirled, a huge smile lighting her face. She was radiant, beautiful, his queen. “Yes. Are you- is that okay? I mean, I know we’ve talked about it in abstract. I- I know we weren’t trying or not trying, but I’ve been off the pill for four months now and we weren’t exactly careful.”

  “I- I just didn’t think it would happen so fast. I thought they said it takes six months for the pill to even completely leave your system.”

  “Well, obviously it didn’t take that long. It’s not for lack of trying either.”

  Trace finally recovered. He pushed away from the cabin. He scooped Ash up in his arms and held her close against his chest. He planted a firm kiss on her lush mouth. That kiss stirred something else. He couldn’t wait to take her inside that cabin, hell, maybe outside too, and let her know just how happy he was, just how much he loved her.

  “A baby,” he said breathlessly. “I- I know we talked about it, but it always seemed so abstract. I’m still in shock, but once the idea sinks in, I know I’m going to be a wreck.”

  Ash s
troked his cheek. “You won’t be a wreck. You’ll be perfect, like you always are.”

  “I might cry. I might bawl.” He stared at her stomach in wonder. “I can’t believe there’s a baby growing in there.”

  “It’s early. I just found out before we left. I took the test. I’m only a month along, so we still have lots of time to make plans and get everything ready. And if you cry… that’s okay. I did. I wanted to tell you when we were out on the lake here, catch you by surprise.”

  “Obviously that worked.”

  “Yes.” She stroked his cheek again before she tangled her fingers in his hair. “I’m so excited. I can’t wait. A little Mr. or Miss Nightshadow.”

  Trace’s laugh boomed through the woods. The lake echoed the sound back strangely, wildly, mysteriously. He spun Ash around in a circle before he set her down. He gripped her shoulders and kissed her again. “I love you, Ash. So damn much. I can’t believe this is ours. This island, this place, this life. I love that we’re a family. You and me. My sister and my mom. Your parents and your brother. I love it all. Slappy…”

  “I’m not sure he’s going to be excited to be a big brother.”

  “He’ll adjust. We’ll bring him out here next time. He’ll love it.”

  “You think he’d like the long drive and the boat ride too?”

  “Probably not, but he’d miss us if we left him behind.”

  “He’s an old cat, but maybe he’d like it out here. He’d probably love getting into trouble and chasing birds and mice and basking in the sun. This was a really, really good surprise.”

  “I like yours better.”

  “Me too,” Ash laughed. She set a hand on her flat stomach. Her other hand gripped his. “Should we go see what you’ve bought?”

  “I’m almost afraid to open the door.”

  “Nothing is so bad it can’t be fixed.” Ash turned her face and the love there stopped his heart. He still couldn’t believe, even after a few years together, that she was his. “This is going to be our second home. It’s going to be a great place to write. Honestly, I didn’t expect it, but I can’t wait. Change is good. This change is good.”

  “Let’s go then.”

  They walked into the cabin together, into their future, into the promise of a new adventure and many more years of laughter and board games, grouchy cats and bad jokes, families and astoundingly- children. Ash didn’t even know about the ring in his pocket. She’d got to announce her surprise before he could fully complete his.

  He’d ask her soon enough, under the endless blue sky, on their island.

  He couldn’t wait for her to be his wife and for them to truly be a family. It was more than anything he’d ever dared to hope for. She was his and he was hers. Always. Her Nightshadow.

  The End


  Married by Mistake

  Available in the kindle store HERE

  What do you do when you wake up in bed next to an Adonis god with a wedding band on your finger and no recollections of the night before?

  And, you sure as hell do not agree to stay married to the Greek God and be his wife!

  I mean what if he had a crooked dick or something. There was bound to be a catch, right?




  Holy mother of Hannah- whoever that was. Waking up with a splitting headache compliments of an epic hangover next to a burly, handsome, ash-blonde giant of a stranger was one thing. Waking up with a hangover, no memory of the night before, a stranger, and a simple gold band glistening on her left ring finger was quite another.

  June Lashinsky bolted upright, which was hangover rule number one mistake. She never took her eyes from the glistening ring, not even when she leaned forward and dry heaved nothing but glistening lines of spittle onto the white hotel sheets.

  The beast beside her stirred and let out a caveman worthy groan. “What the fuck?” he mumbled sleepily, confused. He stared at her until she managed to get her rolling stomach under control. Thankfully nothing came up. The sour taste in her mouth lingered disgustingly. Obviously, it was the least of her worries.

  The caveman with the strong brow, the square jaw, the straight nose, full lips and piercing dark midnight eyes, ran a hand through his long, already disheveled ashy blonde hair. Even half sitting up, it was obvious that he was over six feet of pure jacked sin. He was bronzed. Bronzed. He probably had dimples when he smiled.

  Even through the pain knifing through her head, the gut twisting tornado she had going on and the wall blocking her memories, June realized the guy was handsome. Not just handsome. Total fuck worthy material. Which was… well… obviously the case. She didn’t even need her drunk goggles to want to jump his bones. He was the kind of guy that could walk into a room full of women and up the estrogen production tenfold. What the heck am I doing in bed with a guy most women would give their left tit to have a baby with? He probably causes spontaneous pregnancies just by breathing.

  A jolt of hot electricity burned its way shamefully up her spine. June gripped the sheet and tugged it up when she realized the beast was eyeing her naked breasts. Oh god. Oh god. Is that what we did last night? “What the hell?” she asked harshly. Unfortunately, the sheet slipped down, revealing an already pert dark bud. “You are a pervert or something?”

  The guy ran a meaty hand through his hair again. His flawless bronzed brow crinkled in confusion, pulling his brown eyebrows closer into the bridge of his nose, which was a nice nose, solid and straight and strong. “Uhh… honestly, at the moment, I don’t know. I hope not though.” He looked her up and down and June burned under the frank inspection. “Judging from the fact that we’re both naked and this is Vegas and my head is splitting, and you look to be in the same boat, I would say it was consensual.”

  June let out a low moan. “Why on earth would you say that? Do you ever have non-consensual sex?”

  The guy’s frown deepened, and something knifed through his azure eyes. Eyes the color of a dark abyss you could get lost in. What the hell. Seriously? I’m already Grade A pathetic. I don’t have to make it worse.

  “Never. Why would you even say that?”

  “Because of what you said!”

  “I thought you might be an escort or something, okay!”

  “An escort!” She choked. “What- that would still have to be- consensual.”

  “I’ve never had any sex that wasn’t consensual!” The guy barked. “Jesus!”

  “What does he have to do with it?”

  The guy rolled his eyes. “I’m hung over as hell at the moment. All I have is a blank sheet in my mind about what happened last night. I have never, ever, ever forced a woman to have sex with me.” He nailed her with a direct stare. “Do I look like I need to?”

  “Oh, that’s just great!” June threw back the sheets and exploded out of bed. “Not only did I just spend the night sleeping beside some kind of pervert, I also picked the most humble man in all of Nevada.”

  “I’m sure they’re in abundant supply here in Vegas. And I’m not a pervert.” The guy’s icy eyes raked down her body, her naked body, appreciatively. “None of that was what I meant to say. I meant instead of consensual, I meant- god, I can’t think of the word. Mutual, that’s what I meant. And I don’t know where the escort thing came from. I guess I just wanted to see what you’d say. You never know…” He had the nerve to flash her a charming, witty smile. A smile! As if it was funny!

  June gasped and hurried over to the black puddle of material on the hotel room floor. She glanced around the room as she picked it up. It was nice. Obviously, a suite. It had a hot tub style bathtub, whatever they were called, in the corner, a huge TV mounted on the wall above a bar with a mini fridge and actual cupboards, a leather couch, a desk and chair, a small table, and a huge king-sized bed. The carpet was black, the bedding was black, though the sheets were white beneath. Everything looked new and expensive. It smelled new and expensive.r />
  Apparently, she’d done what every other woman out there aimed to do and somehow landed a rich one. A rich pervert. She cursed herself that she didn’t find the idea as repulsive as she should. In fact, the thought of doing things with the infuriating stranger made things throb. The wrong kind of things and the wrong kind of throb.

  She wrenched her eyes back to the shimmery puddle of fabric. She folded it this way and that and no matter how she pulled at it, it didn’t turn into a dress. Or even a skirt. Or anything at all.

  “You- you ripped my dress apart?” She gaped at the man in the bed. She held up the scrap of fabric. “It’s ruined.” Now what the hell am I supposed to wear to do my walk of shame? Her eyes dashed about the room and landed on a dark black dress shirt. She stalked over and snatched it up. She didn’t hesitate before she pulled the shirt around her body.

  The top two buttons were long gone. The beast obviously had a penchant for destroying his own clothing as well. She did the next one up and the one after that with fumbling, useless fingers. She nearly cried out at the stabs of pain that wracked her brain with each and every single one of her furious erratic movements.

  “Looks to me like you wanted to get laid.” The beast had the nerve to cross his arms over his far too broad chest, a movement that made each and every single corded, bulging, rippling muscle bulge and ripple that much more. She wondered if it was actually humanly possible to bench press a car. “That dress says it all.”

  “You’re disgusting,” June shot back. “Just like all those men that say a woman was asking for it… this is Vegas. Have you seen what people wear here?” She pointed to the puddle of black silky sparkles on the floor. “That there is long enough and good enough to wear to church in comparison.”

  The beast rolled his eyes. “Oh, come on. Seriously. I didn’t mean it like that. I’m sorry- I definitely didn’t mean it like that.” He trailed off and June almost felt sorry for him. The look on his face was so lost and helpless. Clearly, he was at a loss, just as she was. “I would never say anyone was asking for anything. You come to the worst conclusions. You make me sound like the devil.”


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