Ronan: An Alpha Bear Shifter MC Romance (New Law MC Book 1)

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Ronan: An Alpha Bear Shifter MC Romance (New Law MC Book 1) Page 4

by Hope Ford

  “So why’d you stop?” He lifts me up a little, running his hard cock along my core. Even with our jeans on, his impressive bulge hits me in all the right places.

  I shrug my shoulders and try to look away, but he stops me. “Uh-uh, baby, talk to me.”

  Looking in his eyes, I know I have to be honest with him. I don’t have a choice. “I just think that if I’m yours, then that must mean you’re mine… or it’s no deal.” I try to laugh and make it sound playful, but I already know he can see right through it.

  He doesn’t smile back and for a minute I have no idea what he’s thinking. I almost take it back. I almost tell him I’m joking.

  He runs his thumb across my bottom lip and kisses me lightly. “I’m yours and you’re mine, Bree. It goes both ways.”

  It hits me then that he’s dead serious and this thing between us is real. It’s too much too fast, and my inclination is to run. I’ve never felt this way for someone before and it’s scary.

  He pushes me backwards and wrestles my jeans and panties down over my hips. I turn to the open door. “What if someone comes in?”

  “They won’t,” he tells me as he unbuttons his pants, letting his jeans and underwear fall around his knees.

  “But the door’s open,” I tell him.

  He grabs my thighs and scoots me to the end of the table. I can feel his hard cock against my swollen slit. He strokes through it. “I’ll kill them. I’ll kill anyone that sees you like this. Look at us, Bree. Look how good we look together,” he tells me, staring down at where his cock is rubbing along my slit.

  I lift up on my elbows and look at the juncture of my thighs. His hard shaft is wet, my juices coating him.

  On instinct, I reach between us and fist my hand around his girth. The primal groan that leaves him is so loud, it vibrates the walls and the table I’m lying on.

  I stroke him once, twice, and watch as ecstasy fills his face.

  He’s powerful, probably one of the most potent and strong men I’ve ever known, but right now, the way he’s looking at me, I know that I’m the one with all the power. I can control him.

  That thought fills me, calms me and makes me want to let this happen.

  I line him up at my core and throatily whisper to him, “Take me, Ronan.”



  I know she’s scared. I can feel it. She thinks this is it for us, an itch that needs scratched. But that couldn’t be further than the truth. When I said she was mine, I meant it.

  My cock is swollen and harder than I’ve ever been. I want to sink deep inside her but something is stopping me.

  She says it again. “Take me.”

  I rub my hands across her soft belly and down her legs.

  “Say it, Bree. I want to hear you say it,” I tell her as she moves her hips against me.

  I know she wants this. She wants me to fuck her, but I can’t. Not until I have her promising me that this is more than just fucking. No, I need to hear her say the words.

  Frustration fills her voice. “What? What the fuck do you want me to say?”

  My hands tighten on her hips. The fact that she’s talking to me this way takes me by surprise. No one talks to me that way, especially cussing me. Something about it makes me pleased that she feels she can. She can do and say anything to me.

  I slide my hands down between her legs and open her up, her juices shining against her pretty, pink pussy.

  I put one digit inside of her and her greedy pussy clamps down and holds me tight. I smile then, feeling what I do to her. “I want to hear you say it. Tell me that you’re mine.”

  Her eyes flash up to mine, but her face is guarded, not wanting me to see. But I know. I know exactly what she wants; she just has to let herself have it.

  She lifts her chin. “No.”

  I pull my finger from inside her and she whimpers. We stare at each other, communicating without words. She wraps her legs around me, nudging me, urging me to enter her.

  I run my fingers lightly across her belly. “I’m yours, Bree. But I’m not fucking you until you believe it, until you say you’re mine.”

  She’s looking up at the ceiling. She opens her mouth to say something but then closes it again.

  “What? What is it?”

  Her eyes find mine. “You’re telling me there’s not going to be any more Lolas?”

  She questions me and I blink, looking back at her. I’m not used to being questioned. I always do what I want when I want without thought of anyone else. Her words make me think about Lola and I cringe. No, I don’t want Lola. With my dick right up against Bree’s sweet heat, I know that I don’t ever want to be anywhere else.

  I pull her up and hold her against me. Looking into her eyes, I promise her, “There’s no one else but me and you. You’re the one I want. Fuck, you’re the one my bear wants. No one else.”

  Her eyes widen and her face tinges a pretty pink. She finally nods her head. “I’m yours.”

  A smile fills my face and my chest bows out knowing that I was just given the most amazing gift in the world. She is mine. I pull her to me and finally give her what we both need. I slide into her in one thrust. Her channel tightens around me and my balls draw up.

  A shiver goes through my body and I lean my head against hers.

  “You okay?” she asks me.

  I lift my head to look at her and when our eyes meet, this thing I’m feeling multiplies. Holding her gaze, I tell her, “Yes, you just feel so good… perfect.”

  I pull her off the table and walk with her against the wall. I lean her back and thrust my hips into her.

  The sex last night was good, but this has me breathless. It’s so much more intense. Her gaze never wavers. She watches me and I can see the second her mind decides to claim me. Her pussy is hot, sucking me in and out. The powerful look between us intensifies it and we both start to orgasm together. My thrusts are erratic, our moans fill the room, but we still look at each other. Even with her face scrunched up in the throes of ecstasy I’ve never seen anything more beautiful.

  I lean against the wall, still inside her. I can feel the connection to her. She’s my mate. I know it and I know she knows it too. She may not fully understand it or what it is that’s happening between us. I’ll give her time and we’ll talk about the bond after she’s more comfortable with it. But at least she said it… she’s mine. Nothing will ever come between us now.



  The crew is treating me like family now. Even Lola is being nice and seems to have lost her attitude. We’re sitting around hanging out with a few of Ronan’s crew. Every time I look over at the pool table, I know my face turns three shades of red. Just remembering the way Ronan held me, looked at me, well, it was powerful, but also a little overwhelming. I know what he said and in that moment I can’t doubt it, but now, after the fact, now I’m not so sure. It’s awfully fast to be claiming me.

  But looking at him now, he seems so much more relaxed. Instead of the tense, straightfaced man I met yesterday, he’s actually hanging out and smiling. The transformation on his face is something else.

  He hasn’t let me leave his side. His hand has held mine or been touching me since he told his crew it was safe to come back in. They all looked at me, but not with any disrespect. The looks almost seem curious. I guess I get it though. I’m still curious to know how I claimed the hottest guy at the New Law MC.

  “So we going after the Eaters?” the one they’ve been calling Petey asks Ronan.

  At the mere mention of the name, you can see everyone in the room tense up. You can see on the men’s faces around the room how much they want to get revenge on the Eaters. It seems to me that this is a long time coming.

  Ronan rolls his shoulders, and instinctively, I get up and move behind his chair, putting my hands on his shoulders and working out the tight muscles. I haven’t told him what I do for a living yet. It hasn’t come up. I don’t know what he’ll think about me being a masseuse. I
have a feeling that once he finds out he’s going to try and impose the “female clientele only” rule. I snicker just thinking about it.

  His muscles start to give under my kneading, and he responds, “We will. We’re working on a plan.”

  “It doesn’t look like you’re working at all,” a loud voice booms from the doorway.

  All eyes go to the big, white-haired man standing in the doorway. The room, which was filled with laughter only a minute ago, is now so quiet you can hear a pin drop.

  Ronan’s dad looks at me and then slides his eyes back to Ronan. “Is this how it’s going to be now? You got pussy and…”

  Ronan jumps up and points at his dad. “Don’t finish that sentence, Deator. I won’t let you disrespect her.”

  Deator laughs a menacing laugh.

  Ronan steps toward his dad. I want to stop him, I want to tell him it’s okay, but I don’t. I feel that there’s more going on than what I know about.

  Ronan stops right in front of his dad. “In your office.”

  The surprise on Deator’s face is almost comical. I don’t think he’s used to having someone order him around. I wait for someone to throw a punch or the yelling to start, but instead, Deator turns around and Ronan follows him.

  No one says anything for the longest time. Finally, Petey cracks a joke about needing a beer after that one and everyone starts talking at once.

  Unease fills me. I don’t want to come between Ronan and his father. But I also don’t want to face the Eaters on my own. Anxiety about everything fills me. I walk around the room and stop next to Sayer. “Hey, did my bike ever get finished?”

  He nods his head. “Yep, it’s outside next to the garage.”

  I start to walk away, but he stops me. When I look at his hand on my arm, he pulls away. “Hey, don’t be upset. Ronan and Deator just have a few things they need to work out. It’s not because of you.”

  I nod my head, not fully believing him. They seemed fine before I got into the mix.

  He walks beside me as I turn to leave. “Where are you going?”

  Without breaking stride, I tell him, “Into town.” I have a few things I need to grab for the cabin.

  “Petey!” he hollers, keeping stride with me. “Now look, Bree, I can’t just let you leave here with the Eaters out looking for you.”

  Petey comes running up to us and starts bouncing foot to foot. “You holler, Sayer?”

  Sayer ignores him when I start in with, “Looking for me? We don’t even know that for sure. They may have forgotten all about yesterday.”

  “That right there shows exactly what you know about the Eaters. Oh, they’re looking for you and if they catch you out, especially without New Law protection, well, then it will be bad.”

  I just roll my eyes at him. I can’t stay here any longer. I just can’t and I tell him that.

  Sayer just shrugs his shoulders. “Fine, we’ll go with you.”

  I look between Sayer and Petey and realize that Ronan might not like it, but hey, I don’t like this situation I’m in either. In one day I’ve managed to get an enemy in a man named Solos, supposedly his whole club is now after me, and I’m breaking up a father-son relationship. Obviously I’m not at my best right now.

  Nodding my head, I just tell him, “Let’s ride.” I gesture for him to go before me.

  I really don’t know where my bike is anyway. I already know that Ronan is not going to like this, especially me going off with Sayer of all the men, but I don’t have a choice. I have to get out of here.

  I’m on edge the whole ride into town. I know it’s New Law territory, but that didn’t matter the day I showed up into town.

  Once we get to the store, I make quick work of grabbing a few essentials. When I get to the front of the store to check out, Sayer speaks up. “You have to be the quickest shopper I’ve ever met.”

  I smile at him, pay for my stuff, and we go outside to load up.

  The roaring of motorcycles is what we hear first. Our heads whip up in that direction and even before seeing them, I know who it is. The Eaters have found me.

  Sayer screams at Petey and me, “Let’s go.”

  Petey goes first, then me, and I look back to see Sayer following us. We go as fast as we can, but once we get to the edge of town and hit the dirt road, we have to slow down. Some of the Eaters pass us and once we reach them they have set up a perimeter and we have no choice but to stop. We’re surrounded on the abandoned mountain road.

  Sayer and Petey both get off their bikes and stand on each side of me. I can tell by their stance that what Ronan said they took to heart. They are going to protect me to their deaths. I have a whole new respect for the New Law MC, but I don’t have time to think about that now.

  Solos, still with a big cut on his face, gets off his bike and starts walking toward us. Petey gets in front of me and holds his hand out to stop him. “I won’t let you hurt her, Solos.”

  Solos starts laughing. He looks around at his men and then turns back to us. He starts to shift and when he does, the three of us do too. However, before Petey can stop him, Solos picks him up and throws him so fast he lands against a tree with blood pouring from his head. His eyes are wide open and I gasp, knowing that Petey is dead… and it’s all because of me.

  I look around wide-eyed and we’re surrounded by bears. Sayer’s black bear tries to get in front of me, but I shake him off. No one else is going to die tonight because they’re protecting me.

  All the Eater bears focus on Sayer and I want to help him, but Solos has his eyes set on me. He’s a big brown grizzly staring me down. He starts toying with me, acting like he’s going to charge me and then backing off. The torment is worse than if he just charged me. My bear is tough, I’m tough, but he’s bigger and stronger. I can’t help but think of Ronan. I shouldn’t have left. I was holding back with him and I should have told him how I feel. Instead, I left and now I’ll probably never see him again.



  I hate fighting with my dad. You never win when you fight with the president of the MC. He makes it known that it’s “his way or the highway.” But not on this. I’m not giving up on this. I just found Bree and already I’m mated to her. She may not know it, but that’s what this is about. I’m not going to let anything come between us.

  “Ronan, you’re throwing away your club, you’re disobeying your leader, for what, for some pus…”

  I shake my head at him. “Don’t say it, Dad. I’m telling you to not say it. She’s not some pussy. She’s my mate.”

  The old man gasps and stares at me in disbelief. But I just continue. “That’s right, Dad. She’s my mate. We’re mated and there’s nothing you or anyone else can do about it. Nothing, not even this club, will stop me from protecting her. Not now… not ever.”

  Deator stands up to his full height and flexes his arms in front of him. This tactic works on the majority of the crew, but not on me. No, I’m twice my dad’s size and not afraid of him.

  He starts yelling at me and the first thing I think is, Well, this is new. The quiet man that’s always in control has lost his temper the first time someone bucks his authority.

  My mom comes running in. “Deator, what is wrong with you?”

  “This”—he points at me—“this ungrateful asshole is what’s wrong. I’ve given him everything in life and this is how he repays me…”

  He goes on and on, but I barely notice. My heart starts to race. It’s beating so fast, I can’t wrap my head around it. I can’t focus on the room, or my parents, who are still arguing. I drop to my knees, my hands on the floor. The pain in my chest is the most intense feeling I’ve ever felt in my life. I’m dying, that thought crosses my mind, but quickly I realize that’s not it. It’s not pain that I’m feeling; it’s Bree. She’s hurt. My eyes are closed and I see flashes of the forest, bears fighting. In an instant I know exactly where they’re at. Solos has Bree’s bear pinned to the ground, blood pouring from her shoulder, and they’re a
ll circling her. And Petey, Petey is dead, his empty eyes staring back at me.

  I fight to get up, to stand on my own two feet, but I can’t. I start to stand and quickly tumble back down.

  “Ronan, oh God, Ronan, are you okay?” I hear my mom’s voice, but I can’t focus on that. Not right now.

  Deator hollers for Kass to get the men and he comes near me. His hand on my back has me pulling from him. I’ve breathing heavily, knowing I have to get to Bree. I just have to.

  I mutter the words, “Bree needs me.”

  In my human form, I don’t have the strength to move. Our bond is so strong I can feel her pain, but I can’t fight it like this, not in my human form. I know my bear is the only thing that is powerful enough to handle it.

  I shift right in my dad’s office, my clothes, torn to shreds, falling to the floor. I destroy the room getting out of it, but I don’t care. I pass my brother and the crew and without question I run toward the forest, the quickest route to Bree.

  I can hear the sound of twigs breaking under my feet and my fast-paced breath is filling my ears. But it’s more than just mine. I look to my right and my brother is running with me, keeping pace if not faster than me. I look to my left and Bruin, Johnny, Koda and a few of the others are with us too.

  Determined, I run faster. I have to get to her. It’s not an option anymore. I’m afraid of what might happen if I don’t get to her in time.

  Anguish overcomes me just thinking about it.

  I know we’re getting close. Oh God, I hope I’m going to get to her in time.



  I’m going to die. That thought keeps going through my mind and I don’t know how to stop it. I would give anything to see Ronan one more time, but I hope he doesn’t come here. No, I hope he stays far away. The chance he’ll save me is slim. No one even knows where we are.


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