The Devils Sister (The Devils Soldiers mc series)

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The Devils Sister (The Devils Soldiers mc series) Page 16

by Cilla Lee

  “What the fuck Ella?”


  “Why did you get pissed?” I roll my eyes at him and sit up

  “Because I’m not a stupid teenager who walks around with hickeys Blaze.”

  “Baby,” he says moving to sit behind me and pulls me to him. “I couldn’t help it you taste too damn good, and I want to eat you all the time,” he rubs my nipple through my shirt, and I slap his hand away

  “Stop, don’t do that,” he smiles


  “Because my brother,” he looks down at Brayden’s grave

  “Baby, I’m sure Chance knows what adults who are in a relationship do” I turn and look at him

  “A relationship” he nods leaning forward running his nose up my neck, making me tingle all over

  “Yeah, baby you and me.”

  “So are you asking me out,” I say, and he smiles

  “Now who’s acting like a teenager” I blush, feeling embarrassed, but he pulls me closer, and I straddle his legs “Will you be my girlfriend Ella,” he says making me laugh

  “Like a steady girlfriend.”

  “Yeah baby, be my girl” I laugh looking down at him, my heart beating so fast and I nod

  “Um hum, I’ll go out with you,” he laughs grinding his dick on me making me moan “Oh Blaze” I whisper-moan as he pulls me closer his dick hard and I can’t help myself

  “Should we give the brothers a show,” he says, and I frown at him


  “The Brothers,” he says, looking around and I realize again where we are, and I jump up, and he laughs louder

  “No, we're not giving them a show” I walk off but stop. “I’ll see you next week Bray” I yell out and walk to my car, Blaze’s laughter annoying me the whole time (asshole).

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  I sit and watch as the old bastard mows his lawn, I dream about killing him nonstop now and every time I see Ella looking sad cause Chance isn’t here. I know what I need to do, the old fucker has to pay. I watch as he pushes the mower to the back and I make my way back, making sure no one sees me. I move to the house and wait for the fucker to come back in, and as the screen door closes I sit and wait gun in hand the second he sees me he stops

  “What the heck are you doing in my house?” I stand up and he sees the gun, and I motion for him to sit in the seat I placed in the center of the room

  “Sit,” I tell him, he frowns at me

  “I’ll ask again son, who the hell are you?” I don’t say anything, just raise the gun showing him I’m not fucking around

  “Sit,” I tell him again and he slowly moves to the seat

  “I don’t have any money,” he tells me as I tie his hands to the chair and sit in front of him staring at him. “Son,” he says, and my anger spicks and I get up and punch him in the face “What the fuck? Tell me who you are? What do you want?”

  “I want my friends to be alive again,” I tell him, and it must register who I am

  “Please, it was my pacemaker it malfunctioned, it was an accident.”

  “An accident, where you killed two of my friends.”

  “Look, I’m sorry about that.”

  “You’re sorry,” he nods his head again

  “Don’t you think I feel sick about it, I killed two people, I did that, and I have to live with that for the rest of my life.”

  “No, you won’t,” I tell him


  “Because I’m here to collect, a life for a life” he looks panicked

  “I don’t understand,” he says, and I stare at him

  “No, but you will.” I gag him so he can’t talk anymore and sit and wait (a life for a life).


  We sit for a few hours, and the sun goes down, and I hear footsteps on the porch, and I move behind the door and strike when the figure comes through the door dropping to the ground. The old guy struggles in his chair almost tipping over screaming behind his gag as I drag the form to the chair

  “Stop, or I put a bullet in her now” I warn him, and the old guy stops struggling as I sit the women on the other chair. I place her in front of the old guy so they can face one another and the old guy mumbles as I tie her arms and legs to the chair and I look at her

  “Such a waste,” I tell him as I run my fingers down her cheek. We sit for about an hour when she comes to. The night outside now completely black and she slowly comes to moaning, her head lulls to the side. I know when she’s fully awake because she starts to panic pulling on her binds looking up at the old guy, and he shakes his head at her as they both talk through their gags

  “Well, now that you're awake, we can get started,” I tell them, and they both look at me, tears running down her cheeks as she looks at her Granddad.



  As we pull back into the clubhouse a few more of the guys are up and walkin’ around

  “Well, don’t you two, look all cozy and shit,” Socket says

  “Fuck off Socket,” I tell him givin’ him the finger

  “Nice hickey,” he tells Ella, and she looks up at me

  “See,” she says annoyed, but I smile, I like the fact that they all know she was with me

  “It’s fine,” I tell her, but she lets out an exasperated breath walkin’ off on me. When I get inside I see her talkin’ to the women, and I head to the bar and look around for the Prospect, I turn to Colt and Stryker “Where’s Jake?” I ask and they both shrug

  “Fuck knows.”

  “Little fucker,” I say and walk around grabbin’ my own coffee, Colt and Stryker hold up their cups, and I pour them out as Razor comes out lookin’ around

  “Where the fuck is he?” he asks us, and we all shrug and he walks back to his office mumblin’ about lazy fuckers

  “You and Ella wanna come to mine today,” Colt says, and I look at him


  “The girls wanna have a BBQ and a swim, the days are heatin’ up, and we got a few days off, why the fuck not” I look over and Ella and imagine her in a bikini and Stryker laughs, and I look at him


  “That look says your imagining her in a bikini,” I smile, the fucker must be a mind reader because he laughs more shakin’ his head

  “So,” Colt says, and I nod

  “Yeah fuck it, we’ll be there.”

  All the women get up and head into the kitchen, as Ella passes me, I grab her and kiss her neck

  “Colt invited us to his, you wanna go,” I ask her, and she nods

  “Yeah, Niya already asked me.”

  “Good, I can’t wait to see you in a bikini” she laughs, and I stand up and look at her


  “Yeah, there is no chance, and I’m telling you zero chance in hell I’m wearing a bikini,” I frown at her lookin’ down at her gorgeous body

  “Baby your gorgeous, why not?” she laughs again

  “Because I have woman issues and no one will ever see me like that”

  “I did,” I tell her, and she loops her arms around my neck

  “You're different” I smile pullin’ her closer to me so she can feel how hard my dick is

  “Why am I different?” I ask her, and she smiles leanin’ in, and I think she’s gonna kiss me, but she stops

  “Because you’re my boyfriend remember” I lean her back against the bar liftin’ her leg

  “Yeah, I ‘am” I kiss her gently and her fingers glide over my scalp, her nails igniting a path “Damn baby that feels good” I kiss her again, and she moans

  “Eww” we hear and look to the side, the triplets standing there watching us and she stands up straight pushin’ me back, and Colt and Stryker laugh as Ella blushes

  “Go on,” I tell them, but they just stand there

  “Mom wants to know if Ella could help,” Prim says, the boys standing century behind her like always

  “I’m coming honey” they all run off,
and she smiles up at me, and I kiss her nose

  “You still owe me breakfast,” I tell her, and she narrows her eyes at me

  “Don’t push it, boyfriend, you can easily become an ex if you keep going” I laugh pulling her to me

  “Kiss me.” She leans up and pecks my lips, but I hold her to me, and she opens her mouth, and I devour her gorgeous mouth our tongues entwine, and she turns to me pulling me to her.

  “ELLA!” is called out and she pulls away smilin’

  “Later,” she says my dick achin’ to be inside her

  “Later,” I tell her peckin’ her nose again


  We all spend the day at Colt’s, and I watch as Ella and Abbey play with the kids runnin’ around “So, you and Ella a thing now?” Tiny asks me, as he stands at the BBQ

  “Yeah, we are,” I tell him and he nods

  “Would have been one hell of an ass-kickin'” he says, and I remember Saint sayin’ the same thing

  “Yeah, it would have”

  ‘You're different with her,” he says, and I look at him


  “Fucker, I’ve known you your whole life, you never smiled even as a baby or laughed, I think in all the years I’ve known you I think I’ve heard you laugh once” I look at him

  “I laugh,” I tell him, and he shakes his head

  “You do now since she’s been here, you're happier.”

  “She makes me want more man,” I tell him and he looks at me

  “Yeah, they do that.”

  “So, when are you gonna settle down?” I ask him as I hear the kids all scream

  “Never Brother and I mean ever,” he tells me shakin’ his body, and I smile

  “Bachelor for life, huh” he laughs

  “Bachelor for life, I like that.”


  When we pull back into the clubhouse, Nash is sittin’ at the bar and turns towards us

  “You know where Jake is fuckers gone AWOL” I shake my head, but I feel Ella stiffen up

  “Baby,” I say, and she looks up at me

  “Yesterday morning, I ran into him, and he was going on about making the guy pay and something about a life for a life, he said he was sorry and that he’d make it better. I told him not to do anything stupid that I didn’t want that” I look at Nash as he stands up and I look around for Cuff pullin’ my phone out and call Jake’s number, but it goes straight to message bank


  “He’s not going to do anything is he?” Ella asks, and I shake my head not sure

  “I have no fuckin’ idea baby.”

  I walk down the hall to Jake’s room and knock, but there's no answers, so I pull my lockpick out and open the door and step in. “What the fuck?” I look around as picture after picture of an old guy, and a young woman plaster the walls at a café shopping mall the dinner the park an old guy mowing his lawn and many others, Socket walks in and stops

  “What the fuck?” he says pullin’ one of the pictures off the wall “This is the old fucker who killed Chance and Gunner,” he says, and I look at him

  “Fuck, Saint warned us about this.”

  “Who do you think the girls is?” Ella asks as I look at them all

  “No idea.”

  “She must mean something to him, the old man, do you think Jake’s going to hurt her to get even.”

  “Fuck I hope not,” I tell her as Nash walks in and stops

  “Jesus christ!” he says

  “Brother, we need to find him before he does something stupid.”

  “Where’s Cuff?”

  “No idea” Ella walks to a wall with all different papers on it and rips one off

  “Here,” she hands it to me and I look down at what's written on it

  ‘Harold Pen, 267 Lake Round Drive’

  “Let’s move out,” Nash says.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  I walk into the kitchen and start going through all of the draws pulling out a mallet a few knives and a rolling pin to start off. I look outside towards the shed and head out there, pliers a hammer a hacksaw. I look around and pick up the tin of gasoline, it’s heavy, so I know there’s some in it and I grab the matches off of the shelf and walk back inside and putting them on the kitchen table. “This should work” I pick up the hammer and feel the weight of it and walk back in, I look down at the chick. “This is gonna hurt darlin’,” I tell her as I lift the hammer and bring it down hard onto her hand and she screams through her gag the old man shakes in his chair trying to get to her or me. I lift it again and smash it back down making sure I get every bone, and she passes out with the pain.

  The old guy watching as her head slumps forward and I lift her head up and slap her hard but nothing. I go to the refrigerator and get out some nice cold water and throw it on her making her come to, and she cries the whole time as I move her to the side so I can get a good swing at her, and I smash both, blood gushing down her legs.

  The old fucker cries and watches as she passes out again and I throw more water on her, but it’s harder for her to come around. I go back into the kitchen and grab the mallet this time and bring it back in. I swing hard smashing it into the side of her head blood flies through the air, landing on the old fucker face and he closes his eyes. “You close your eyes again, and I’ll keep her alive for days torturing her.”

  He opens his eyes and looks at her blood drips down from her mouth, and I pull her head back and see her cheek and nose are definitely broken. She whimpers as I raise the mallet and hit her on the other side hard and blood splatters everywhere.

  I walk back into the kitchen and pick up one of the knives and walk back in stabbing her in the stomach over and over. The old bastard looking at me and I know he wants to kill me “Don’t worry, you won’t have to live with this long, your dying tonight” I tell him, as the girl stops moving altogether, and I cheek her pulse. “Still alive,” I say and walk back into the kitchen and look at all of the things on the table.

  I pick up the hacksaw lookin’ at it “no” I pick up the pliers. “No,” I hear something behind me as the old bastard rushes me and we crash onto the floor, and he picks up one of the knives and stabs me in the stomach. I punch him hard, and he falls to the floor, and I grab my stomach as blood pours out. “You fucker you stabbed me” I kick him in the face and knock him out. “Fuck”

  I drag him back to the living room and place him in the chair, but he’s heavy. “You fuckin’ old prick,” I say kicking him again, this time stomping on his head over and over. I go back into the kitchen, but stumble, falling to the floor and I sit up leaning up against the door frame when the back door opens, and Blaze walks in Nash next than Socket, Blaze goes into the living room, but Nash kneels down

  “What the fuck have you done?” he asks me, and I look up at him the taste blood in my mouth

  “I had to,” I tell him

  “You fuckin’ idiot, it was an accident,” he tells me as a tear slides down my cheek and I feel cold

  “I had to for Chance and Gunner” he shakes his head at me

  “Jake, we don’t kill innocent people, man.”

  “I had to,” I cough blood dripping down my chin

  “They're both dead,” Blaze says, lookin’ at me and I smile

  “Good,” I tell them

  “Nash man, what the fuck do we do?” Socket asks him, and he looks around

  “Burn it and make sure you cover everything with gas, we don’t want any evidence of what happened, make it look like an accident.”

  “What are we gonna do with Jake?” he looks at me

  “Socket, call Steven and tell him to hurry.”



  I pace the main room wondering when they’re going to get back, the clock mocking me with every second.

  “Hey Ella” Slice says, walking in with Rowen and I wonder if these two are a thing now

  “Hey,” I say still keeping an eye on the clock behind the ba

  “You ok?” he asks me

  “I’m good,” I tell them, and Slice looks around

  “No Blaze,” he asks me, and I shake my head

  “No, he’s on, he’s busy,” I tell him, and Slice frowns at me

  “Busy,” he says as we hear a few bikes drive into the compound, then a few more and Slice’s phone pings and he looks down at the screen frowning

  “Problem,” I ask him

  “Nope,” he says as Stryker Colt Tiny and Razor walk in

  “Ella with me,” Razor says, and I walk with him into his office and sit in the seat opposite him, and he takes a deep breath

  “Tell me what Jake said?”

  “Is he ok?” I ask worried he’s done something stupid

  “Just tell me.”

  “He told me he was sorry.”

  “Sorry,” he repeats, and I nod

  “Yeah, for surviving, I think he might have survivors’ guilt or something.”

  “Go on,” he tells me

  “I told him it was an accident and it wasn’t anyone’s fault.”


  “He said he was going to make it better.”

  “That's what he said, he was gonna make it better, how?”

  “He said that the old bastard was gonna pay for Chance Gunner and me, a life for a life.”

  “A life for a life.”

  “Yeah, I told him not to do anything.”

  “That's it”

  “He said the old guy had to pay.”

  “Goddammit! Saint warned me, but I didn’t think it was that bad”

  “Is he ok?” I ask again

  “Thanks, darlin’ go on Blaze will be back soon, and all the boys are comin’ in for Church.”


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