Dirty Royals

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Dirty Royals Page 2

by Michelle A. Valentine

  My heart twists at the sight of seeing her so sad, and at that moment, I know without a doubt that Yamada was right about me. I do have feelings for Margo Buchanan, and perhaps, it’s possible that this stone heart inside my chest is capable of feeling love again.

  The chopper touches down at the airfield, and the King Corporation jet awaits our arrival. I remain seated next to Margo, allowing Diem to get out of the helicopter first, before I make my way out and then help Margo.

  Once we’re in the quiet cabin of the jet, my eyes land on Diem, who is taking the furthest seat away from me that she can find. I open my mouth, ready to lash out and reiterate that a relationship between she and Jack is never going to happen no matter how big of a tantrum she throws when Margo asks Abigail for some tissues.

  Margo needs me right now, so this Jack and Diem bullshit will have to wait.

  I take Margo’s hand and lead her back to the private suite on the plane where I close us alone inside.

  I turn to face Margo and gingerly touch the soft skin of her cheek. “Can I get you anything?”

  She sniffs and then shakes her head. “No. I just need some time. Would it be all right if I stay in here?”

  “Of course, but I’m staying in here with you.” I turn and press the button for the intercom on the wall.

  Instantly, Abigail answers my call. “Yes, Mr. King? What can I do for you?”

  “Can you bring Ms. Buchanan a turkey club with no lettuce and a Fiji water and bring me my usual turkey club and a scotch.”

  “Right away, sir.”

  When I end the call, my gaze meets Margo’s and there’s a question in her eyes. “How do you know things like that?”

  “Like what?” I ask, genuinely puzzled as to what she’s referring to.

  “The things I like—you seem to know so much about me, yet I feel like I’m still discovering the things from your past that make you, you. I feel like I don’t know anything about you.”

  “This is true,” I tell her as I consider her words. “But you know more about me than most. It’s difficult for me to open up. And as far as knowing things about you, I pay attention. The little things in life are what matter the most. A lot of people tend to forget that.”

  She gazes directly into my eyes. “It’s because of her, isn’t it? Jess? Is she the reason you stay so guarded?”

  “No. She’s not the only reason.” I pause for a moment and considering leaving things at that, but my heart implores me to allow Margo a glimpse of it. “My mother also had a solid hand in turning me into the bastard that Manhattan knows me for. When my father got sick, she decided she no longer wanted anything to do with him or her own children after she discovered that Father willed all his assets to Diem and myself. My mother packed all her things and left both of us in the midst of our grief. She left me behind to help Diem, who was only fourteen at the time, deal with the loss of our father. When I was twenty, she signed her rights away, making me Diem’s sole guardian. Mother hasn’t been in our lives since.

  “My mother signed a prenuptial agreement when she married my father. She was so infuriated over being left with nothing that she contested the prenup after Father had been diagnosed with stage four bone cancer. He spent his final days on this earth in a battle over money. She disgusts me.”

  Margo’s plump pink lips twist and sadness flashes in her eyes. “Alexander, that’s horrible. I’m sorry you had to deal with that. I know taking on your father’s company at such a young age must’ve been difficult in itself, but to practically become a parent too…I can’t imagine what that was like.”

  “It wasn’t always easy. Most of the time, I had no clue what in the hell I was doing, but somehow, Diem and I made it through without killing one another.”

  “It explains so much about your relationship with your sister. It also tells me that you’re a good man, and underneath it all, you really do have a heart. You just have more layers around it that need to be peeled back.”

  Hearing her say that causes me to cringe. After all the things I’ve done and said to her, it’s amazing that she can still somehow believe I’m not a rotten son-of-a-bitch.


  “Shhh.” She presses her fingers to my lips. “Whatever you’re about to say, don’t. This is the closest I’ve ever felt to you; so don’t ruin it with meaningless words that I don’t need to hear. I like the connection we have right now. It helps me forget that my entire world is falling apart around me. I need you to stay with me and hold me in your arms and make me believe that everything is going to work out and be okay. Can you do that?”

  Her request takes me aback because I didn’t expect her to look to me for comfort.

  A knock on the door grabs my attention. I turn and twist the knob and find Abigail holding a tray containing the sandwiches I’d requested.

  I instruct her to put the tray on the nightstand, and she does as she’s asked before stopping just short of the door. “The captain has asked that I inform you we’ll be taxiing on the runway in a few moments, if you’ll please, be seated.”

  I nod. “Thank you, Abigail.”

  “Please let me know if you need anything else, Mr. King.”

  When Abigail closes the door, I take Margo’s hand and pull her toward the bed. “Come. Lie down with me.”

  She raises her eyebrow at me, and I hold up three fingers. “Just to lie down…Scout’s honor.”

  “I don’t know if I fully believe you. You don’t seem like the scout type.”

  I give her a crooked smile. “Okay, you got me there, but I promise no sex…unless of course, you beg me for it, and in that case, you can’t hold that against me. I am a man, after all.”

  We lie in bed in silence, and I run my fingers through Margo’s long, dark curls, soothing her to sleep. I smile as I stare down at her stunning features, and it strikes me how lucky I am a creature as beautiful as she is lying in my arms.

  I want her to be mine.

  But I know that will never happen. When she discovers that I plan to make a deal with Yamada for Buchanan Industries behind her back, she’ll no longer want to be this close to me ever again.

  My heart squeezes in my chest, and guilt washes over me. I can’t be this close to her right now. It’s torturous. I need to start putting space between us, and I need to start doing it right now.

  I slide my arm out from under her head and then roll off the bed before slipping out the door.

  Sooner or later, I need to face the reality that I’m going to have to go back to being myself and living a life without Margo Buchanan.

  The moment I step into the main cabin, my eyes widen when I take in the sight of Diem. “What in the hell is going on between you and Jack?” I don’t give her time to respond because I really don’t want to know the answer. “Whatever it is that’s going on—it ends right fucking now.”

  My baby sister’s mouth twists. “Why are you being such a dick about this?”

  This is the fucking thanks I get for trying to look out for her?

  I pin my eyes on her. “I’ve told you before, Diem. I don’t want you dating my best friend. A relationship between the two of you will never work.”

  “Why wouldn’t it?” she fires back. “He’s a nice guy.”

  “He’s not the man for you, Diem. Jack and I—we’re cut from the same cloth. Guys like us don’t settle down.” My gaze locks on hers as I dare her to debate me on that point.

  She knows as well as I do that we both get around, and I’ll be damned if I allow some guy, even if he is one of my best friends, to use my sister like that.

  “People change, Alex. Look at you. You’re a prime example. Being with Margo—”

  “Enough!” I scold her. “That is not the same situation, and I’m still the same man I was before. People don’t change—not really—so I’m only going to say this one last time. This thing between you and Jack—it’s over. I never want to hear about it again.”

  “We don’t have to listen to y
ou!” Diem argues.

  My nostrils flare. She’s never been this damn defiant before, which leads me to believe if I don’t do something drastic, she’s going to go against my wishes.

  I square my shoulders. “You will listen, or I’ll fire Jack.”

  Her eyes widen. “You wouldn’t.”

  “Try me.” My gaze hardens. “This is finished. Don’t make me carry through with my threat, because you know I will.”

  I turn and head back to where I left Margo and pause just before opening the door. I care about everyone on this plane, and I feel like I’m hurting them all, but they need to understand the reason I do the things I do is to better the situation—whether it’s mine or theirs. I just hope that one day my sister will understand I only want what’s best for her, just as I only want what’s best for my father’s company.

  I lean my forehead against the door leading into the private bedroom. The urge to continue comforting Margo is so strong because I know how much losing a parent fucking hurts. No one was there for me when I was going through it, and I had to be strong for Diem’s sake. She needed me to be the rock because we wouldn’t have gotten through it had we both been falling apart.

  A soft sob comes from the other side of the door, and I know Margo still needs me. The brass of the door handle feels cool against my skin as I turn the knob. The first thing I spot is Margo curled into a tiny ball in the middle of the king-size bed with her shoulders visibly shaking.

  I step into the room and shut the door behind me before making my way over to the bed. The bed presses down under my weight, and I wrap my arms around Margo, pulling her back against my chest.

  “I’ve got you,” I whisper.

  The war within me on whether to allow myself this close to Margo rages on. The more attached I allow myself to get to Margo, the worse it will be for both of us when this all ends. She’s one addiction I’m going to have a hell of a time breaking free from.

  Unexpected Welcome

  Chapter 3


  I pace outside Margo’s bedroom door, wanting so badly to go in there and comfort her, but at the same time¸ I know I need to respect her request for alone time. I’m not sure what to do in this situation.

  I remember when Diem made requests for privacy when she was growing up. I never allowed her to go more than a couple of hours without going in there and attempting to make her feel better. My gut says I should do the same with Margo, but I’m not sure if I should cross that boundary.

  I feel a tug on the hem of my jeans, and I stare down at Jimmy Chew, who is pawing at my leg and begging for attention.

  I bend down and scoop the little pup into my arms. “Hey, buddy, you need to go for a walk?”

  His warm little tongue darts out of his mouth and licks my cheek, causing me to smile. It’s impossible not to love something as sweet as this pup.

  I make my way downstairs and pass through the kitchen with Jimmy Chew in my arms.

  “She still won’t come out?” Aggie asks. I shake my head. “No.”

  Aggie sighs. “The girl’s really startin’ to worry me, Alex. She hasn’t eaten a morsel, and I don’t want her to make herself sick. Ye thinkin’ it’s time we be callin’ her mother? I know the two of them are close.”

  I nod. “Maybe it is time we intervene. I’m about to take Jimmy for a walk, and I know Margo’s mother doesn’t live far from here. Perhaps I’ll pay her a visit.”

  Aggie brings Jimmy’s leash over and hooks it to his collar. “I think that’s a wise idea. Ask her what Margo’s favorite meal is and I’ll whip that up for her.”

  “I know she loves Payday bars and Diet Coke. Maybe we can start by getting her some of those.”

  Aggie’s round face lights up with a small smile. “Are you sure this thing between the two of ye is really only pretend? I’ve never known ye to be aware of any favorite things of the young lady ye have ever dated before.”

  I could lie to Aggie and tell her this relationship is pretend between Margo and me, but this woman practically raised me. She knows me much too well for me to get away with a lie of that magnitude.

  I rub the back of my neck. “I’m not sure what’s happening to me, Aggie. One day, I loathe the ground Margo walks on and now…”

  I trail off, unsure of how to even complete the sentence. I swore to myself a long time ago that I would never allow my heart to open up to someone again. I never want to repeat the pain of having it crushed and I’m afraid if I admit aloud how I really feel about Margo, things will get very real, and I’ll end up getting hurt.

  Aggie tilts her head, and a lock of her red hair slips out of her loose bun. “I know emotions are hard for ye to deal with, but I’ve spent some time with Margo, and I really believe in my heart she’s different from the other women ye’ve had around here. There’s been some big changes between the two of you over the last few weeks. I notice how ye look at each other when ye think no one else is watching. Ye two are a lot alike—both afraid to really lay it all on the line and trust in what yer heart is telling ye.”

  “That’s the thing. I’m not even sure how I really feel,” I tell her as I digest everything she just said.

  “But ye do, Alex. You love the lass. Yer just afraid to tell her because you also have another love in yer life—King Corporation. Ye can love them both, you know.”

  She doesn’t know how badly I wish that were true, but I know deep down that will never happen. “There’s not enough room to give them both my all. If I love one more than the other—one is going to suffer.”

  Aggie touches my cheek to comfort me in the same way she did when I was a little boy. “It doesn’t have to be so. Ye can have them both. It’s in yer blood to work hard for the things ye love. The same traits and ethics yer father possessed, so do you. When ye set yer mind to succeed, ye will not fail. Allow yerself to be happy, Alex. After all ye’ve been through—ye deserve it more than anyone else I know.”

  I give her a sad smile. Aggie always knows just what to say to cut directly into my soul and force me to look at the grand scheme of what’s going on in any given situation.

  “Now, go. Go find Margo’s mother and let’s figure out a way to help her get through this. She’s going to need all the support she can get right now.”

  “Okay, I’ll be back soon.”

  Walking out into the crisp air of the New York morning, I set out toward East 74th street to the building where Margo’s mother lives. I’ve never met the woman, so I’m not exactly sure what to expect. It’s not every day a guy meets his mother-in-law while he’s waging an inner war with his feelings for her daughter. This kind of shit can’t even be written because it’s so fucked up.

  Once I reach the address my private investigator gave me, I stare up at the building and take a deep breath. I can’t remember the last time I ever felt this nervous. This is very unlike me.

  Standing at the entrance is a dark-haired doorman wearing the required smile. “Can I help you?”

  “I’m Alexander King. I’m here to see Mrs. Lily Doyle.”

  “Is she expecting you, sir?” he asks.

  I shake my head. “No, I’m her son-in-law, just paying her a visit.”

  The young man’s dark eyes widen a bit. “I didn’t know Margo got married.”

  “It’s fairly recent,” I reply smoothly.

  He opens the door and then escorts me inside the lobby. “Wait here a moment while I call Mrs. Doyle.”

  I stoop down and lift Jimmy Chew into my arms while I wait.

  Within a couple of moments, he hangs up the phone. “She’s in the penthouse..”

  I nod and then make my way over to the elevator. On the ride up, my palms begin to sweat. It’s crazy how much I desire this woman’s approval of me. I want to make a good first impression, but I don’t know what to expect when I meet her. From the information my private investigator gathered on Lily Doyle, what stands out the most about woman is she’s been very unlucky in love, having been married s
everal times. Hopefully, that will allow her to be a little more understanding about my elopement with her daughter.

  Learning about Margo’s parents helped me gain a little insight on what she might be like. Seeing pictures of what Lily looked like when she won the title of Miss Universe told me instantly that Margo hails from a line of beauty, but nothing could’ve prepared me for how fucking beautiful Margo is. The moment she stepped into my office door, I knew she would be trouble for me.

  Once I started discovering how smart and witty she was, I didn’t realize that I would be attracted to more than just her looks.

  The elevator dings and the doors open into a grand foyer with several pieces of modern art hanging on the walls. The collection could rival the Museum of Modern Art, and this is definitely an indication of the apartment owner’s sophisticated style and tastes.

  Diem would love to see this place. Maybe when she’s speaking to me again, I can bring her here.

  The sound of high heels clicking across the marble floor catches my attention, and my eyes dart over toward the sound. Lily Doyle is a very attractive woman, appearing to be nowhere close to fifty-years-old and could pass for Margo’s older sister.

  She smiles the moment her eyes land on me and she stretches her arms out in greeting. “Alexander King. I was wondering when I would finally get to meet you.”

  She wraps me in a polite hug and then kisses me on the cheek.

  “It’s nice to meet you as well.”

  She pulls back and rubs the top of Jimmy’s head, and he licks the palm of her hand. “Who’s this little guy?”

  I smile, almost like a proud father. “This is Jimmy Chew.”

  “He’s adorable,” she says before her eyes cut back over to me. She appraises me from head to toe. “My, my. You’re even more attractive in person. Margo has made a stunning choice for her first husband.”

  I lift my eyebrows. “First husband?”

  Lily waves me off dismissively. “No need to be coy with me, Alexander. I know my daughter. I don’t know if either of you will truly let the other one in enough to make this marriage work. My Margo needed a little excitement in her life, and I’ve seen a big change in her since you’ve been in the picture. I want you to know I’m on your side. I think this rash, drunken marriage between the two of you could be a very good thing.”


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