Dirty Royals

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Dirty Royals Page 6

by Michelle A. Valentine

  My shoulders slump as I shuffle past her. It was only a couple hours ago that we were extremely happy in this apartment together. When I left here with Margo, I never dreamed tonight would end up like this.

  I shrug my jacket off, and Aggie reaches for it. “Is there anything you can do to fix whatever went on between the two of ye?”

  “I don’t know. Our relationship may be beyond repair.”

  She lays my jacket across her arm. “You’re a smart man, Alex. I know ye’ll figure out a way to make whatever happened right with the lass.”

  I give her a defeated smile. To Aggie, everything is simple and can be straightened out with an apology. Margo caught me saying some hurtful things, and my actions broke her faith in me. I’m not sure how to even begin to repair something like that.

  I sigh and then head toward the staircase. “I’ll be upstairs.”

  I climb up the steps, and then make my way down the empty hallway staring at the walls where Diem’s paintings typically hang. The place feels so empty. Diem is clearly moving on with her life—growing up and becoming her own woman—and now Margo is gone, too. At the end of the hall, I come to Margo’s room. I stop and study the door before leaning my head against it. I shouldn’t torture myself by going in there, but I can’t seem to stop myself.

  When the door opens, a whiff of her sweet perfume fills my nose. The fact that it smells like her in here only drives the dagger deeper into my heart. I know she had her suitcase, but like a lunatic, I head into her closet and then into the bathroom to confirm her things are gone. My eyes zero in on the diamond ring lying on the counter.

  The gold is cool as I pinch it between my fingers, examining her abandoned engagement ring. Tears well in my eyes as I sink down onto the tiled floor. It’s over, and it’s all my fucking fault. I have to live knowing I’ve destroyed the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

  New Game Plan

  Chapter 10


  Leave it to Dad to be one of the only businessmen left on the planet who didn’t believe in electronic bookkeeping. Thank God the accounting department here is up-to-date and has all of our financials in order. It’s just too bad that all of our accounts are barely keeping afloat. This once was a thriving company, but after some terrible business deals, we’re barely keeping the lights on. All morning, I’ve combed through every scrap of paper in Dad’s office, searching for any contacts who may be interested in partnering with Buchanan Industries. So far, every call I’ve made has resulted in a firm ‘no, thank you’ from other companies that build aircrafts.

  It’s no wonder Daddy was considering jumping into a deal with the Devil. No other options are really left to save the company. If I sit back and do nothing, Buchanan Industries will fold and all the employees who work for me will be out of a job.

  I have to figure out something.

  A soft knock on my office door grabs my attention. “Come in.”

  Melissa, my father’s secretary for the better part of twenty years, shuffles toward my desk. Her graying brown hair is pulled back as her reading glasses sit atop her head. God love her, she’s been working as late as I have the past few days in an attempt to help me figure out a solution to save this company.

  She smiles down at me. “How you holding up in here? Is there anything I can do?”

  I shake my head as I pull off my glasses and then rub the bridge of my nose. “I keep searching for a way out of this mess, but I run into a wall with everything I try. If I don’t figure something out soon, we’ll go under in less than a year. I keep worrying about all the employees. I don’t want to put them out of a job.”

  “You sound just like your father. For the last couple of years, he’s sat in that exact chair worrying about the same outcome. He was concerned about you, too. He didn’t like the idea of leaving you with nothing, which is why he was willing to sell a lot of the shares to King. He wanted to build you a trust fund. He loved you so much, and he made the best decisions given the situation to make sure you had a secure future.”

  “He always did look out for me.” I smile as I think about all the mentoring he’d done to steer me in the right direction when it came to business.

  “You were always the apple of his eye. Speaking of men adoring you, your husband called again. That man hasn’t missed a day of trying to reach you in over a month. Are you ever going to speak to him?”

  I sigh and lean back in my chair. “No. Words from Alexander King’s mouth are something I can’t trust, so it’ll do me no good to talk to him. He’s arrogant, and he doesn’t like to lose, which is why he’s still trying to figure out a way to take over Buchanan Industries. Anything he’d say to me would only be to con me into getting what he wants.”

  Melissa shoves herself up from the chair. “Okay, then, I’ll continue to hold all his calls. I’m going to call it a night. Are you sure you’ll be all right in the office, alone?”

  I check the clock on my computer screen. “I didn’t realize it was after eight. I’ll wrap up soon and call it a night.”

  “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Good night.”

  When she leaves, I go back to work, thumbing through the file laid out in front of me labeled ‘King Deal.’ I’ve read this contract a million times and still can’t get over how much of a cut Alexander wanted to take from my Dad. It’s too bad Yamada and Alexander are close. It would’ve been nice to make a deal with Yamada directly since it would put millions in our pocket and save us. The last time I spoke to Yamada about business was when we were in Vegas, and it didn’t seem like I would be able to sway his loyalty. It’s a long shot, but it can’t hurt to call him and find out where his head is at.

  I pick up my cell and search out his number. It rings a couple of times, and then a female voice answers, and she sounds pissed. “Who is this?”

  “Um …” The harsh greeting catches me off guard, so I quickly attempt to recover. “I’m trying to reach Yamada.”

  There’s some rustling on the other end of the line like there’s a struggle over the phone.

  “Give Yamada the phone,” Yamada demands in the background.

  “No!” the adamant female voice shouts. “Not until you tell me who the hell this Dime Piece is? And why is this bitch calling you?”

  “Easy. Easy. Dime Piece is Yamada’s friend. She’s King’s wife.”

  “Oh.” The tone of the woman’s voice changes. “Here you go.”

  I roll my eyes, and I’m still lost as to what all these women find so appealing about Yamada that cause them to become crazy possessive. Bitches truly do seem to love Yamada.

  “Dime Piece, I hope this isn’t a booty call just because you’ve found out that Yamada is in town.” I can hear the smile in his voice.

  “No. Actually, I’m calling to see if we can set up a meeting. I want to discuss a possible deal between Yamada Enterprises and Buchanan Industries.”

  There’s a long pause. “King know about this?”

  I bite my lower lip. If I tell him no, his loyalty to Alexander will prohibit him from going behind his friend’s back to make a deal with me, so I have no other choice than to tell him a little white lie. I know if I can get him to hear out my plan, he won’t be able to turn down the profit we both stand to make from our mutual partnership.

  “Of course, he knows. He encouraged me to reach out to you, directly, since I’m now the head of Buchanan.”

  “In that case, hottie, Yamada is in. Text the time and place, and Yamada will be there.”

  A smile fills my face. “Will do. See you soon.”

  I end the call and smile as I begin to stick the papers in front of me back into their appropriate files. It’s the first time I’ve really smiled since I parted ways with Alexander. Happiness has been hard to come by as of late.

  A light knock on my door catches my attention and my mouth drops open a bit as my eyes land on my beautiful visitor. “Diem? What are you doing here?”

  She steps i
nside my office, holding her clutch tightly in her hands. “Sorry to just show up unannounced, but I called your mother and she said you’ve been working a lot of late nights, so I thought I would come by to see how you’re doing.”

  “I’m okay—a little disappointed that your brother deceived me the way he did, but I’ll get over it…eventually.” I give her an honest answer, but not one that will divulge too much information; Lord knows I don’t need Alexander having ammo to use against me.

  She motions to the chair facing my desk. “May I?”

  “Of course.” I quickly close up the files in front of me. “How are you and Jack doing?”

  “Amazing,” she gushes. “Being with him is like a fairytale, I just wish I got to see him more. He’s been working overtime lately.”

  “That’s your brother’s doing, I assume. He’s a damn slave driver.” The memory of him ordering me around all day in the office flashes through my mind.

  Her pretty pink lips twists. “That’s the thing; Alex hasn’t even been into the office in weeks. He’s been too depressed to leave his apartment. Jack has been picking up all the slack.”

  I study my sister-in-law’s face, unsure if she’s telling me the truth or if she’s apart of some crazy scheme my husband put together to get information out of me.

  “I know what you’re thinking…but I’m not here for Alex. He would kill me if he knew I was here. I’m here because I’m worried about him. I’ve never seen him like this.” Diem stands up and stands in front of my desk. “Alex can be an asshole, but deep down he’s a good man, and he loves you. Can you find it in your heart to forgive him? Please give him another shot.”

  I wish so badly what she’s saying is true, but I know what I heard and I can’t forget that. “I’m sorry, Diem. He hurt me with his words and I don’t think I can get over that enough to ever trust him again.”

  She chews on her lower lip. “Is there anything he can do to change your mind.”

  “He would have to prove to me the Alexander I fell in love with was genuine. All the attempts he’s made to apologize aren’t enough. It’s going to take more than showing up here announced or sending gifts to show me that I’m not some game to him.”

  She nods. “I understand. It’s a shame the two of you can’t work things out. You were really great together.”

  “I thought so, too,” I whisper. It’s the closest I can come to admitting how much I miss him without sounding like a love-sick twit.

  I cannot be weak. I have to stand my ground. Too many people at Buchanan Industries are counting on me to save this company. I will not allow my husband to dupe me into a deal that will cause my company to fold, no matter how much I still love him.

  Getting The Girl

  Chapter 11


  Attempt number sixty, and Margo still refuses to take my call. If I keep this up, she’s liable to contact the police for a restraining order against her estranged husband for harassment.

  I’ve sunk to a pathetic new low since I saw her over a month ago. I’ve turned into one of those losers who can’t get over a woman who doesn’t want him anymore. I can’t eat. I can’t sleep. My thoughts are consumed by Margo.

  What is she doing? Who is she with? Does she miss me?

  The last one I already know the answer to because she won’t have anything to do with me. I’ve sent her every gift known to man and nothing I’m doing seems to help.

  I bring the bottle of scotch to my lips and take a long pull. I’m way past caring about a glass at this point because I can’t seem to get the liquor down fast enough. I need it to make me forget about her.

  Jimmy skitters out onto the balcony patio attached to my bedroom and jumps up onto the couch next to me under the darkened evening sky. I scratch behind his right ear and smile. Diem was right about this dog. I’m not immune to his cuteness no matter how shitty I feel wallowing in my own self-pity.

  “Still no answer, buddy. I don’t know how long I should keep trying,” I tell my furry best friend.

  Poor dog has listened to me pour my heart out over Margo for weeks now.

  He lays his head down on my lap and stares up at me with his big, chocolate eyes as if he’s hanging on my every word.

  I stroke his head. “I miss her, too. I’m such a schmuck for falling in love. I should’ve known letting my guard down again would only cause me more heartbreak.”

  I hear a knock on my bedroom door, and I let out a heavy sigh. Aggie has been overly concerned about me lately, checking on me regularly to make sure I’m not in here harming myself. “I’m good, Aggie.”

  The door creaks open. Perhaps she didn’t hear me, so I try again. “I’m good.”

  “That’s total bullshit.”

  I groan at the sound of Diem’s voice. Apparently, it’s time for her weekly visit to help join Aggie with the bed checks. “I’m not dead. You can go back home now.”

  Diem flips on the light, and I shield my eyes as she comes marching toward me. She snatches the bottle of scotch from my hand. “This has gone on long enough. You look like hell and you’re scaring Aggie to death. It’s time for an intervention.”

  I squeeze my eyes shut and then pinch the bridge of my nose. “I’m fine.”

  “If you were fine, big brother, you would’ve made it to the office at some point this month. Jack has been running himself ragged trying to keep everything together, and he says you’re difficult to get on the phone. This isn’t like you, Alex, and since you keep shutting everyone out, I called the one person I knew who could make you talk.”


  “Hello, madafaka.” My head whips toward the door to witness one of my best friends strolling through the door, wearing an all blue tracksuit paired with a white flat cap. He looks like he robbed LL Cool J’s closet from the nineties. “Yamada is here to get your ass out of this room.”

  I hold my hands up. “Whoa. Let’s not get crazy. I can’t go out.”

  “Get dressed.” Yamada picks up a shirt off the edge of my chair but then wrinkles his nose as if he’s just smelled a dead animal and immediately tosses it on the floor. “Clean clothes and a shower. No more homeless looking Alexander. We’re meeting with Dime Piece tonight.”

  I lift my chin, and my mouth drops open a bit. “She agreed to see me? How did you—She won’t even return my calls.”

  I don’t know how he does it, but my friend always seems to pull miracles out of his ass.

  “Not exactly. Bringing you will be Yamada’s surprise. She’s expecting a one-on-one meeting to talk business. Yamada’s not interested in that right now. Yamada’s interested in love connections and making sure King gets laid on the regular so he doesn’t turn into …” He looks me up and down and then raises his eyebrows and points. “This.”

  I shove myself up from the couch. All of my muscles are suddenly alive with a newfound burst of energy. I may not have exactly imagined our reunion in my head like this, but if this is the only chance I get to see Margo and beg her forgiveness and explain how much I’ve missed her, I’ll take it.

  I scurry off toward the bathroom, stripping my shirt off along the way.

  “Make sure you scrub those balls. Want them nice and clean when Dime Piece has them in her mouth later on.”

  “Yamada!” My sister scolds him, causing me to laugh. “That was crude.”

  “What? Don’t act like King and Margo aren’t freaky as fuck. Yamada thinking ball licking is mild compared to what they do when they play hide the pickle.”

  “Oh, my God. You are too much.”

  For the first time in a month, I find myself grinning from ear to ear.

  Music pumps through the speakers. It’s so damn loud in here. I don’t know how Yamada expects me to have a conversation in here. This isn’t exactly the place I had in mind when I pictured having a heart-to-heart with Margo.

  I turn to head toward the bar, and Yamada grabs my arm. “Where you going?”

  I cock my brow. “To get a
drink. That is why we’re here, isn’t it?”

  Yamada points his index finger straight up. “There’s an office upstairs. Come. We go.”

  I stare down at him, a bit bewildered. “How do you know that?”

  One corner of his mouth pulls up into a grin. “Welcome to soon-to-be-renamed Yamada’s.”

  “You bought this place?”

  He nods. “Yamada bought the whole building. It has offices on the second floor, apartments to rent out to hotties on the other floors, and Yamada setting up a bachelor pad on the top floor to be close to King. Convenient, no?”

  “This is such a bad idea. Every chick you bag from this bar is going to know where you live.”

  He waves me off dismissively. “Don’t worry. That’s what bodyguards are for. Yamada doesn’t tap the same tail twice. It’s my policy and my staff knows it.”

  “Diem’s right, man. You are too much.”

  His smile widens. “Not too much. Yamada is a wise madafaka and knows the ways of the heart. Come.”

  I trail behind Yamada as he heads up the stairs. The second floor was obviously an extension of the nightclub area at some point, but now functions as the business space for it. We come to the door at the end of the hall, and Yamada stops before turning around to face me.

  He grips both of my shoulders. “Dime Piece is in there. Time to man up and do whatever needed to win her back. Don’t hold back. Might be your last chance.”


  He smiles and releases me. “Go get her.”

  I release a puff of air through pursed lips and square my shoulders. This is it. It’s now or never. It’s time for the Naughty King to get his Feisty Princess.

  Unexpected Surprise

  Chapter 12


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