Desolace Omnibus Edition

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Desolace Omnibus Edition Page 16

by Lucian Barnes

  With his attention returned to the encroaching threat and cold pretty much ruled out as an option for defense, there was only one solution he could think of; to disperse them in the same manner he had used with the mechanical rats. However, he wasn't entirely sure it would work this time because these creatures seemed to be attracted by fire. Nevertheless, Edward heaved his palms forward in the direction of the skittering metallic mass. As the machines steadily stalked toward them, his voice bellowed through the near silence, uttering the word Katie associated with fire. Immediately, a flaming sphere bolted from his outstretched palms, hurtling across the chamber and slamming into the spiders in an explosion of blinding light. Mechanical bodies flew through the air, making high-pitched screaming noises. Edward could only hope that the cacophony was a prelude to their deaths as the metallic creatures slammed into the walls of the cave.

  As the initial blast of light diminished, they saw a great number of the mechanical spiders lying about on the chamber floor in various states of disarray. Many lay motionless in smoldering tangles of twisted metal, while others were frozen in disjointed poses, their legs twitching and curls of smoke rising from their charred bodies. Somehow, even after the explosive fireball had done its duty, Edward and Katie could still hear clicking. The rapidity and intensity of the metallic resonance echoed crazily in the chamber. Holding their collective breath, they waited anxiously, hoping it was the sound of whatever remaining spiders there were, scrambling for safety.

  Minutes seemed like hours. After what felt like an eternity, the maddening echoes of spider-legs tapping against the stone was entirely gone. Cautiously, Edward approached the passageway and poked his head around the corner. When he saw that the tunnel was empty and nothing was reflecting back at him, he exhaled sharply.

  "I believe they are gone now," Edward stated as he turned toward them, for the first time noticing that Katie wasn't alone.

  Katie laughed awkwardly. "You had to go and stir up trouble while I was gone, didn't you?"

  Edward forced a grim smile in return; for the time being he ignored her attempt at humor. "I don't think it would be wise to stay here any longer than necessary. We should make our way to the cave entrance. That way, we will have escape options if those things come back." Rummaging through his stockpile of firewood, Edward grabbed three good-sized pieces and returned to the campfire to make torches out of them, passing one to Mike and one to Katie after they were lit.

  Slowly, they negotiated their way through the tunnels in single file, with just enough space between them that they weren't tripping over each other. Edward was in front, Katie in the middle, and Mike brought up the rear.

  Still trying to come to grips with the fact that he'd just walked into another world, every few steps Mike nervously shifted his torch and turned his head to look over his shoulder. Rounding a corner in the passage, he was greeted by a welcomed sight. Daylight poured into the mouth of the cave, illuminating the final fifty feet to reach open air.

  After passing through the entrance, each of them cast their torches to the sandy ground at the mouth of the cave. Walking out to the ledge overlooking the stream, Edward gazed down at the water below and noticed something they had missed when he originally crossed it with Katie. A short distance from their crossing point, he saw a downed tree that would afford them a drier way to get to the other side. Immediately, Edward started to descend the rocky hillside, giving Mike very little time to take in the new scenery.

  "You go next," Katie urged, motioning to Mike. "It'll take me longer to negotiate the rocks since I'm barefoot," she explained.

  As he prepared to climb down, he noticed the change in wardrobe that Katie had told him about before he had entered the portal. In his opinion, she looked exactly as he had pictured her when she had told him of the differences. Glancing at his own attire, he saw that he was dressed in a similar fashion, with only two notable differences. Unlike Katie's bare feet, he wore heavy, moccasin-like boots on his own. Tucked neatly into the corded belt around his waist was a blade that looked eerily similar to the sword used in the Conan movies, only shorter. Though the leather ensemble definitely exuded the image of a warrior in his mind, he felt that a suit of gleaming chainmail would have looked more formidable. Glancing up at Katie, Mike saw the look of impatience on her face and turned his attention to the descent of the rock-littered incline.

  Waiting a minute to give him a head start, Katie began to make her way down. Even with her bare feet she was making pretty good time, finding it much easier for her to find good places to step now that it was daylight. Within ten minutes, all three of them were standing in a group by the stream as they paused for a quick break.

  "Since we have a minute, I suppose I should introduce you to each other," Katie announced. "Mike ... this is Edward the White."

  Nodding his head in greeting, Edward smiled. "I would assume by the looks of your attire that you are the warrior we were searching for."

  "And, if I may hazard a guess, I would have to say that you must be some sort of wizard, judging by the fiery sphere you shot from your hands a short while ago," Mike remarked with a polite chuckle.

  Watching the back and forth banter of the men as if she were trying to follow a tennis match, Katie laughed. After the exchange of pleasantries, Edward suggested they cross the stream and find the path that led toward the town of Haven. Without waiting for a reply, he made his way to the downed tree that he had seen from the outcrop of rock at the cave's entrance. When they reached it, they began to cross one by one, so as not to put too much weight on the trunk at once. There was no way to tell how long the tree had been in such a position, or how sturdy it would be. By Edward's reckoning, there was no need to risk the chance of it breaking under the strain of their weight and thereby spilling them all into the water below.

  After crossing the stream without incident, the three of them headed for the path that Katie and Edward had been following, before Amber had diverted them toward the cave.

  Chapter 40

  Releasing his grip on the pommel, George allowed it to pop back into its upright position, halting his mount in front of the outpost. During most of his return trip, he had contemplated what to do when he got here. Now, he must make a decision. Hopping down from the saddle, he gazed over his string of captives and slowly walked the line to assess the females that made up the front portion of the string. The males were of absolutely no interest to him. As he studied their attributes, he found his attention was held by the woman at the head of the line, more so than the others.

  Thinking about what he really wanted to do, as opposed to the Black Knight's instructions, George wondered how upset the entity would be if he had a little fun with his captives. The more he thought about it, the less it seemed to matter to him. Feeding his inner demon took precedence. To hell with whatever consequences may arise from his choice.

  Finished with his inspection, he ordered the line of prisoners to their knees. Most of them obeyed his command quickly, with the exception of the male that had previously given him trouble. Sinking to his knees slowly, he glared at George with hatred burning fiercely in his eyes. Loosening the knot that attached the rope to his steed, George slid it through the metal ring and walked to the head of the line. Hovering over the woman in the front, he untied the knot around the ring in her collar. Freed from the others, George forced her to the ground face first. Keeping a watchful eye on her in case she tried to escape, he returned to his horse and secured the tether to the ring.

  During this time, the woman made no move to flee for her freedom. As she lay on the ground trembling in terror, George grabbed a hold of her by one arm, which was bound behind her back, and jerked the woman roughly to her feet. Dragging her to the outpost, he placed his hand into the fancy locking mechanism and turned it. When the door slid open, he pulled her inside and led her to the sleeping area. After securing her to a bed frame, he swept her legs from under her with his foot, causing the woman to land on the floor with a heavy thud. B
ending down, he unbuckled one of her cuffs and looped it around the bedpost, reattaching it before she could gather her wits.

  With the woman secured, George strolled back to the main room and took a cursory glance at the monitors on his way past them. Once he made sure that the strange boat was right where he left it, he turned the wheel on the heavy metal door and swung it open.

  Exiting the building to gather his prisoners, he immediately noticed something conspicuous. The two males near the end of the string were huddled close together and back to back. The one that George identified as his troublemaker was facing away from him and hadn't realized his captor was approaching. The other had looked up immediately when he heard the door open, and when he saw George he quickly tried to scoot away from the other man, hoping his tormentor wouldn't have noticed what he was doing. It took every bit of restraint that George could muster not to go over to the troublemaker and beat the living daylights out of him. Having no intention of carrying the man down the long flight of stairs leading to the boat, he swallowed back his anger. Closing the distance between himself and his captives, he jerked the troublemaker's wrists upward to check his cuffs. One was partially unbuckled, so George quickly remedied the situation and hauled the man rudely to his feet, belting him in the mouth viciously with his fist. Blood sprayed from his face and a couple of his teeth flew from his mouth. The man howled in agony, knowing that his jawbone had broken. The murderous look on the troublesome man's face was temporarily replaced by a grimace of pain.

  Turning away, George stormed over to remove the rope from the ring on his horse, ordering everyone to their feet as he passed. Before untying the knot, he stopped at each prisoner to check their bonds. Satisfied that no one else had been dumb enough to attempt escape, he gathered the end of the rope and led his captives into the outpost. As the outer door slid closed, George began the long journey down the staircase with the string of prisoners in tow.

  Chapter 41

  Though the sun was hanging low in the sky when they finally entered Haven, the town was still a bustle of activity. Even so, something seemed off. Stopping suddenly in her tracks, Katie mumbled, "Strange." Mike and Edward turned and looked at her quizzically, waiting for her to clarify the statement. "As many people as I can see wandering the streets, it's odd that I haven't seen a single child," she stated thoughtfully.

  "That is kind of weird," Mike added, glancing around and noticing the same thing.

  "Actually, it is not all that uncommon in smaller towns like this. If this were a large city like Elysia, it would be strange indeed," Edward remarked.

  Mulling over his comment, Katie conceded. "While you may be right, I still have the sense that there is something odd about this town. If it isn't the lack of children, though, I don't know what else it could be."

  "I feel the same way," Mike piped in.

  Edward casually dismissed their concerns, as if this sort of thing was commonplace. As they continued up the dusty street, a huge grin spread across his face.

  "What is that look for?" Katie asked.

  "If I am not mistaken, that appears to be a tailor's shop." Edward pointed to a building just ahead. "Perhaps we can find something to cover your bare feet with."

  With a confused frown, Katie inquired, "Umm ... Do we suddenly have something to purchase said footwear with?"

  "We have this," Edward replied, raising the sack of vegetables.

  "Seriously?" Katie raised a questioning eyebrow, wondering if he'd gone mad.

  "It won't hurt to try."

  As they began walking again she shook her head, doubting that anyone would accept vegetables as payment. A minute later, they stood in front of the structure, which was more like an open air shed with only three walls and a roof. A tall, kindly-looking middle-aged man with short, sandy hair milled about inside, adjusting the wares that hung from the walls. As they entered, the gentleman turned and greeted them, immediately noticing Katie's bare feet.

  "May I interest you in something, young lady?" With a sweeping gesture, he indicated a row of sandals and moccasins laid out on the floor near one wall.

  Her cheeks blossomed to a deep crimson, embarrassed. I can't believe I'm going to say this. "Are you willing to barter?" she asked politely.

  "Depends on what you have to offer," he replied with a friendly smile.

  Untying the sack, Edward opened it so the shopkeeper could look inside. Peering into the bag, his brow furrowed as he appeared to study the contents. After a few seconds, he removed two strange objects. Both of which, at first glance, appeared to be a cross between a tomato and a melon. "I haven't seen one of these in a long time," he said, trying to keep a greedy smile from showing. "They are a rare treat."

  "Will those suffice as payment?" Edward peered into the sack, which was still close to three quarters full.

  The shopkeeper agreed that it was, and stepped aside. "For one pair, at least."

  Wandering over to the row of moccasins, Katie methodically placed a foot next to each pair until she found one that seemed close to her size. Sitting down, she pulled them on. They were slightly loose on her feet, but she was sure if they got wet a time or two they would likely fit perfectly. With a huge, happy grin, she rose and thanked the vendor.

  With their first dilemma solved, the three of them stepped out of the shop. "What's next on the agenda?" Katie asked.

  Glancing toward the setting sun, Edward frowned in thought. "In my opinion, since it is nearly dark, I suggest that we find a place to spend the night. Investigating the town further can wait until morning. Hopefully, we will be able to acquire more items we need before we continue on."

  "That sounds like as good a plan as any," Mike stated wearily. "I haven't walked this much in a long time, and it would be nice to put my feet up for a while."

  "Better get used to it. I'm sure there's a whole lot of shoe leather express ahead of us," she snickered.

  Walking away from the tailor's shop, the mingled sounds of loud voices and raucous laughter drifted down the dusty street to their ears. Gazing in the direction the noise seemed to be coming from, Edward saw what he thought to be a tavern. Upon further scrutiny, he was encouraged by the fact that the building was taller than all of the structures around it. "That place looks like it may serve our needs," he stated, pointing toward the building and hoping it was an inn as well as a tavern.

  Trundling toward the structure in agreement, they pushed through the batwing doors after a short walk. Once inside, Mike and Katie were reminded of an old west saloon; every table was surrounded by patrons, and each customer appeared to have a large wooden tankard sitting directly in front of them. The place was packed.

  Squeezing his way between the tables, Edward jostled his way to the bar with Mike and Katie following close behind. As he approached, a pretty, middle-aged woman with long brown hair began to make her way toward him.

  Sizing up her new customers with her piercing blue eyes, the barmaid asked, "May I help ya?"

  Edward smiled politely. "I hope so. We are looking for a room. Do you have anything available?"

  "Aye. I most certainly do," she replied, smiling pleasantly.

  Edward fidgeted for a moment, suddenly nervous about what sort of response his next question would generate. "We don't have any coin at the moment. Would you be willing to barter?"

  A scowl creased her features, but disappeared seconds later, as if it were never there. "I suppose if ya agree to clean this place up for me in the mornin' that I could call it even."

  Glancing toward his companions for confirmation, Edward was thankful to see that they were agreeable with the terms. "You have yourself a deal, m' lady."

  "This way please," she instructed, traversing the length of the bar until she reached the back of the room. Opening a door, she led them up a dimly lit staircase, which was illuminated at the top by a single lantern. When everyone stepped on to the second floor landing, she gestured down the hallway. "There are four rooms up here, and they're all available. You ca
n take your pick, but I ask that you leave the doors to the other rooms open. That way I'll know which one you're in."

  "Thank you for your kindness." Edward bowed deeply before her, causing the barmaid to blush before vanishing down the stairs.

  "Do you have a preference as to which room we should stay in?" Katie asked, looking at Edward.

  "Only that it be one of the two rooms on the end, away from the stairs," he replied after considering the question briefly. With Mike and Katie in agreement, they walked to the end of the hall and inspected the rooms. Both were identically furnished, containing two small beds and a large cushioned chair with a footstool, the latter sitting by the room's only window, which overlooked the street below. Choosing the room on the right, they filed inside behind Edward and closed the door. A single lantern hung on the wall just inside of the entry, basking the room in a soft glow of light. "You two can have the beds," Edward stated.

  Katie and Mike needed no further encouragement, plopping onto the beds and falling asleep within minutes. Meanwhile, Edward sat in the chair and gazed out the window thoughtfully. As he waited for moonrise, he contemplated what they would need to accomplish before leaving town, and soon dozed off himself.

  At some point later that night Edward sat bolt upright in the chair, unsure what had awoken him. Catching movement from the corner of his eye, he turned his head and saw Amber flitting about the room nervously. As he was about to ask her what was bothering her, a long howl sounded in the distance. Almost immediately it was answered by another that was much closer ...


  Chapter 1

  Edward awoke with a start and sat bolt upright in the chair. At first he couldn't figure out what had awakened him. Then, out of the corner of one eye, he saw Amber nervously flitting about the room. He was about to ask her what was bothering her when a long howl sounded in the distance. Moments later, it was answered by another, which was much closer.


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