The Pirate's Daughter

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The Pirate's Daughter Page 23

by Marie Hall

Holding them both together at the small of her back, he reached in his pocket for the bit of rope he’d already prepared. He slipped the loop over her hands then secured her wrists before arranging her skirts more to his liking.

  “Devin, please I don’t know what I did.”

  “You don’t?” Devin asked and set his palm on her ass. “How can you not know, Mia? You were so blatant about it.” He rubbed his hand down the soft, smooth, white skin. “Completely unabashed as far as I could see,” he said and chuckled when her skin prickled up and she shifted nervously over his lap.

  “Please, Captain,” she pleaded, as she worked now not to let him see how she fought her own arousal. She didn’t know if he was yet scolding or praising so she didn’t want to get herself in a state to be disappointed should he truly be set to punish. “What did I do?”

  He’d never put her in this position to pleasure her, but he was sure now he could and not lose anything in way of ability to use it to dissuade her of poor behavior. It wasn’t the spanking so much as its intent. If the blows came with disapproval and scolding they punished. Now he’d find out what it took to pleasure her. He brought his hand back to the high swell and squeezed hard. “You did what you always do, Mia mine, you drove me mad with desire for you.” He flexed his fingers more and Mia’s groan was followed quickly by a shudder and the sweet scent of her arousal. “Naughty little pirate, distracting me from all my duties.”

  “I didn’t,” she denied, then pushed back into his hand as he started rubbing.

  He pulled his hand back and delivered a smart smack, “If I say you did, you did. Are you arguing with your captain?” He landed a slightly sharper blow, heard her hiss, then moan as he rubbed away the sting.

  “I might have to, Captain,” Mia sassed.

  “Are you going to be a complete pirate tonight, wife?” Devin asked forcing her thighs wide. “I might have to give you a good spanking for that.”

  “Good?” she asked and that was all she managed before his hand smacked her pussy. She cried out with each following blow. But with each bite of pain she grew wetter and wetter until it sounded like he slapped at waves not at flesh.

  “So naughty. Spread those legs, Mia. Show me how you can be my own little whore.” Mia didn’t hesitate, shifting her hips so she was wide open then arching so she was lifted for his easy access. “Ah,” Devin cooed. “So perfect no matter what you play at.”

  Mia groaned then yelped when he brought his hand down much harder than any previous time. It was quickly followed by a ragged moan and her lifting back for yet another. Devin delivered and Mia hissed as she absorbed it and again set herself in place for more. “Devin,” she breathed out and held for him. He delivered another, testing to see just how much she might take.

  “More, love?” he asked and slapped the back of her thigh. Her gasp was loud but she stayed, maybe even tried to widen her stance. “So beautiful,” Devin said then started raining hard, deliberate spanks to the back of her thighs. Mia gasped, hissed, and moaned through all of it. Any time she slipped out of place she worked her way back into it and lifted for him. Still it wasn’t quite enough to get her there. Reaching under her, he worked his fingers to her clit and pinched as his hand dropped a few rather harsh blows. A moment more of the actions and Mia came hard, screaming out and struggling to catch her breath. He could tell too that not being able to do anything with her hands was causing her some distress and that seemed to heighten her pleasure. Much like the blindfold did, ropes robbed her of a sense of control and Mia responded to the loss magnificently.

  “Captain?” Mia called.

  Devin made a point to sigh loudly then shove her off his lap. “Captain? Captain? After what I just gave you, you give me captain?” He helped adjust her around so she knelt between his legs, then he opened his pants and watched desire rise in her eyes.

  “I beg pardon, sir,” Mia purred. “Perhaps I can make it up to you?”

  “Perhaps,” Devin said removing his hard cock and holding it there for her to see. He saw her lick her lips and the act caused a heat to pulse through him. “What might you do, naughty little wench?”

  “Whore,” Mia corrected and he could see it was what she wanted at the moment.

  “Naughty whore. What might my own naughty whore do to make up such a lack of appreciation for all I do for her?” She licked her lips again and leaned forward. “Ah-ah,” he teased. “Ask nicely.”

  “Please. Devin,” Mia asked wistfully, holding back on saying his name until he thought he’d die if he didn’t hear it on her lips.

  “So perfect, whatever you are, whatever you do. Always perfect at it,” Devin said then held his cock so she could wrap her lips around it and find a way to suck it without using her hands.

  Devin left Mia do as she pleased until he could take it no longer and he needed to feel himself inside her. He stood, stepping over and behind her then lifting her so her upper body rested on the bench. It only took enough time to get her skirts out of the way to enter her as deeply as he could. Taking a grip on the small bit of rope between her wrists he used that to pull her back on him. Unable to leverage herself, Mia was dependent on him to take them both to port. He brought Mia in first and followed her quickly with a force that weakened his knees and left him breathless. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulled her back against him then sat down, his prick still throbbing inside her.

  “Devin?” Mia called then giggled.

  “Aye?” He sucked in another calming breath.

  “I’m still tied,” she said, giggled again, then wiggled her hands.

  “Because I’m not done with you, my naughty pirate,” he said as he again rolled her face down over his lap. “I’m not done in any way,” he said, then spent most of the rest of the night showing her how very much not done with her he was.

  As the sun brightened the horizon, Devin was completely sure rope would become a regular part of how he entertained his wife.

  “Devin?” Mia called as she stepped into the room and finally looked up from the papers in her hands. “Oh, beg pardon, Captain,” she amended when she noted that Devin and his officers sat mingling with that Huffington flunkey, Captain Jones, and several of the ladies.

  They’d been taking turns crossing ships the last several days and Mia was beginning to select which she’d toss overboard first. At least tonight the simpering females weren’t hanging all over her husband. Then of course Lady Rose Filmore wasn’t with this group. Stupid woman seemed to think it was kind of sign, or fate, that a ship named Iron Rose, had come to her rescue. She’d used her turn on the ship to try and put her hooks in Devin. Clinging to him and clutching him like she was going to be sent hurtling overboard with every sway of the ship. Mia ground her teeth and kept busy with any chore she could chase the crew from. If she’d been free even one minute, it wouldn’t have been the sea hurtling that woman over and she’d not go over without an anchor round her pretty little neck.

  “Mrs. Winthrop,” Devin called, standing as did his officers. She didn’t garner the same respect from the other gentlemen though they gave a half-hearted attempt. “Do you finally join us?”

  “Here, Mrs. Winthrop, come sit here,” Mr. Brinks said moving behind his chair which happened to be next to a plump woman of perhaps middle age. “I’m sure Lady Nulls would love to tell you about her lovely, unmarried daughter.”

  Mia bit her tongue when Devin turned an icy stare on the officer. In the presence of society, he demanded all his crew, especially his officers, show nothing but the best gentlemen the Royal Navy had to offer. The poor man. Mia was compelled to save him. “It’s a bit closed quarters but I can sit a spell. Thank you, Mr. Brinks, for the use for the use of your chair.”

  “You’re quite welcome Mrs. Winthrop,” Brinks said escaping to the other side of the room as the men resumed talk of incoming and outgoing governors as well as the rising industry of travel for pleasure.

  “So tell us, Lady Nulls, is your daughter finished schooling?” Mia
started politely.

  “Pish posh,” one of the other women spoke up. “No one wants to hear about her cow of a child. No, tell us what it’s like living on board this ship, with all these men.”

  Mia sat back a moment, doubting anyone one else was listening, especially Devin. Mia told them, “Daunting, such work. I mean men. You understand. They’re good only for a few things.” The women around her twittered and snickered. “At least though, I’ve been placed on a ship with the very best men in the navy.” Again, the women snickered and chortled.

  “Oh come, tell us.”

  “Yes, tell us.”

  And with that Mia proceeded to expound on the better qualities of the crew of the Iron Rose and she was sure to see that the ladies left ship completely scandalized. She knew she’d been caught though near parting when something she said made Lady Nulls gasp and swoon. She recovered without aid of salts, but shortly thereafter the men called it a night and Mia, arm in arm with Devin, saw them off the ship.

  “Were you being naughty, Mrs. Winthrop?” Devin asked as they walked back to their quarters.

  “They made it so easy,” Mia said with a yawn.

  “You’re not even going to deny it?” She only shrugged. “You might need a good spanking,” he threatened.

  “Yes, a good one might be nice,” Mia said smartly, now that she knew exactly what a good spanking was. Devin introduced her to it a few nights ago as reward for her help with the pirates.

  “Hedonist,” he said sending her through the door with a smack on the ass. “What did you come to see me about, anyway?” he asked sitting down to remove his boots.

  “What?” she yawned again and rubbed her eyes, leaning back on the bench to admire her husband in his undress.

  “Are you tired?”

  “My eyes burn from all that reading,” Mia said then, remembering what she had gone to see him about she shot forward. “I was going to ask if before we are fully underway tomorrow might we get Lieutenant Coventon a message. I should like him to search the ship for the captain’s black book. It wasn’t with the logs and papers I found.”

  “Would a pirate have one?” Devin asked, moving to the bed.

  “Devin, why do you ask me these things? I’m not a pirate, and I don’t associate with pirates,” Mia chided him before making her way to the bed. Stepping between his splayed knees she set her hands on his shoulders and enjoyed the way his hands were working their way under her skirts.

  “You’re not a pirate?” Devin said like that statement surprised him. “Then I’ve been bamboozled. Are you sure you’re not flying the Jolly Roger?” His fingers found the ties to her drawers. “Perhaps I should search you, make sure.” With a tug the garment fell to the floor.

  “Captain, I promise you’ll not find any contraband on my person, but you might find my hold a bit empty. Could you possibly have something to fill it?” Mia asked, then moaned as his fingers pushed between the folds of her sex.

  “I might at that, but first let me make sure this is no trap.” He probed around, teasing by not actually entering her. “Seems sound above board; let’s look what the hold offers.” Two fingers worked their way up and Mia flexed her knees to come down on them. He countered her, keeping his fingers just inside her hot, wet channel. “Avast, naughty pirate. I’m captain. I’ll say when we are full ahead.”

  “Captain, best you concern yourself with plugging the leak or you’ll see us both go down with the ship,” Mia ground out, then moaned as he accommodated the request and pushed his finger in deep. Skilled at this as he was, he turned his hand so his thumb rubbed her nub while he stroked her flesh.

  “I think it’ll be easy enough to stay afloat. I’ll pump the bilge,” he told her and a moment later Mia felt fingers pressing at her back entrance. There was nothing she could do to stop the sensation and while he worked both passages, Mia rose and fell with the tides until she felt the waters roll back as far as they could. A moment later a tsunami hit her shores and Mia was left gasping for air as she was pulled under.

  Devin let the feeling ease before he adjusted her to straddle his thighs. Mia sat facing him, enjoying the warmth of his embrace and the solid feel he surrounded her with. He was a ship she’d always find safe passage with. There’d be no cracks in the hull or rot in the rudder. If they ever hit rocks it was because they sought out the thrill of that pain. Pain that he wasn’t adding tonight. “Captain?” Mia asked setting her head on his shoulder.

  “No, Mia,” he said lifting her until his stem nudged her hold. He entered so slowly that in itself it was a sort of pain. “No, I’ve changed course.”


  He lifted her, then eased her down. “Because sometimes I need to make love to a lady, not plunder a pirate or tumble a whore.” He lifted again, held her, then made sure it took forever to come back down. Mia sighed and nodded. A few more slow thrusts and he turned them so Mia lay back on the bed. He never broke contact, but as he settled down and pushed in deeper Mia’s need grew.

  “I’m a lady, Captain.” Mia told him as she lifted her hips to meet his motions.

  “You’re nothing but a perfect lady, Mia.”

  “Hmm,” she took him even deeper. “Only for tonight.”

  “For tonight then,” Devin agreed and rocked over her.

  His every move was distinct and purposeful. He kept at her with the leisure of the waves at low tide in still weather. But even without the hard pounding of the wild storm often found in their bed, Devin still took her to that island where pleasure left her a castaway who wished to never find rescue. Devin joined her there sometime later and this time he was rather slow to leave. When he finally lifted off, Mia looked up to see him staring down at her more intently than he’d done in some time.

  “Aye?” she asked even, and he lay back down half on top of her. His arm pulled her tight against him. “Captain? Devin?”

  He shifted making sure they were looking into each other’s eyes. “I love you, Mia. You’re incredible whatever you are being at the moment. I’m so very proud of you, amazed by you.”

  Mia’s chest tightened. This wasn’t his normal line of praise. She lifted her palm to his cheek. “I love you, too. I hope I never disappoint you.”

  The gleam appeared along with his wicked grin, “If you do I’ll set you back true north with a proper spanking.” He turned into her hand and placed a kiss there.

  “It may be better if you keep me distracted with a good spanking,” Mia said then yawned.

  “I expect nothing less from my first mate, sound advice. I’ll take it under advisement.” He settled next to her, pulled her against him and before the snores said again, “I love you, Mia.”

  Chapter 28

  “Mia, can you read this?” Devin asked handing her the paper in his hand. It was written in symbols of some sort.

  Mia took the paper with a smile, then frowned at him as she turned it upside down, or right side up and looked it over. He saw her brow crease and she changed the grip on the paper to read it again. “Devin, have you spoken to the crew of that ship we captured?”

  “They don’t seem to speak English, or French,” Devin said and rising from his chair moved to stand behind hers. “Why?”

  “I need to speak to them.” She made to stand but Devin was in the way.

  “Mia,” he didn’t miss that urgency in her voice. She wasn’t yelling this time, but it was the same as when she was giving orders to get out of the water. “You can’t get over to that ship. It’s not safe.”

  “Get me over to that ship, Captain, or I swear I’ll swim to it,” Mia threatened as she moved to her trunks and started to pull out the shirt and pants she’d worn the day they were introduced.

  “Tell me why and I’ll consider it.”

  “I don’t care what you consider, I’ll speak with those men.”

  Her belligerent pirate was showing and Devin knew a battle was going to ensue if he didn’t quash it now. “Mia,” he said sharply, snatching the clothes f
rom her hands and tossing them aside before grabbing her arms and forcing her to stand still. “You’ll tell me why you need to speak to them before I decide if I’ll let you or I’ll put you over my knee and we can waste time until your ass is red enough I’m satisfied with the color.”

  He watched her eyes narrow on him and her lips press into a firm line. For some reason she didn’t want to tell him what she was trying to learn, but she was weighing that with his refusal to just give her want she wanted. “The letter you gave me mentions a crew and captain who have a mark on them,” she started.

  “A mark?”

  “Ink,” she elaborated, but not much.

  “You mean a tattoo?” Devin frowned. He’d considered one once when he was a boy, but his captain advised him against it. He was perhaps the only one on that ship who didn’t have one, but he was also the only one not regretting the deed.

  Mia nodded, “It’s a mark, a red wheel with a black and yellow skull centered on it.”

  “And?” Devin pushed. She wanted to hold as much back as possible. He wasn’t going to let her.

  “It marks them as part of the crews who sailed into Hermosa Alma and blew it off the map.” Mia said, then spun around and paced back to the table where they’d been going through some papers taken off the pirate ship.

  “Wasn’t that ten years ago?”

  “Twelve years, two months,” Mia corrected, startling Devin with the venom in her voice.

  He wasn’t in the area at the time, but he remembered hearing of the event. Four galleons loaded full with cannon sailed into the quiet harbor and opened fire. At first it seemed the target was the sixty or so ships docked there, but then they turned their guns landward and for a full day they rained hell down on the seaside village. Then they sailed out. They didn’t try and pillage the town nor did they first raid the ships they sank. It was blamed on pirates, of course, but nothing in the act made enough sense and with the battle with Bonaparte in its waning days, few resources were expended in chasing down those responsible for the attack. Even with several of the ships being owned by British merchants, the crown didn’t respond. No one was ever held to account and life went on. “Mia, how do you know that? No one was ever captured or tried. That isn’t information I’ve ever heard before.”


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