Grizzly Lover: Purely Paranormal Pleasures

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Grizzly Lover: Purely Paranormal Pleasures Page 9

by C. D. Gorri

  He punctuated each tiny button’s release with a thrust of his tongue, loving the way she submitted to his ministrations readily and with such unrehearsed enthusiasm. The night air cooled his sizzling skin as he shucked off every last article of clothing from his tall, muscular frame.

  Oliver felt his Bear’s power flickering just underneath his human skin. The beast wanted to join in on the claiming, and he saw no reason to object. She belonged to all of him. Both he and his Bear held claim to both sides of her. It was the way of fated mates, he supposed.

  “Need you,” she writhed on the blanket, sighing as he parted the dress and helped her remove it from her arms.

  She wore only a small pair of pink panties over her heavenly sex. They were darker just at the center, evidence of her need. His Bear rode him harder in that moment of realization. His gums ached and fingertips burned with the need to loosen claw and fang.

  Not yet, he told his beast.

  “Gonna give you everything you need, mate,” he licked his lips.

  He was actually drooling. Oliver Pax, renowned composer, and writer, was not only speechless in the face of such beauty as was his mate and lover, the mother of his cubs, lying naked in the moonlight, but he was motherfucking salivating as well.

  She was all swells and valleys, dips and curves, acres of pale smooth skin for him to explore and cherish. He traced her pink tipped breasts with his fingers first, then his mouth, relishing her gasp as she arched off the floor and fitted herself more fully to him. She was fuller there now, rounded, and plump. So fucking beautiful, it made him want to curse and cry, growl, and roar, all at the same time.

  “Yes, Ollie, oh yes,” she praised as he slid down the slight swell of her soft belly to that scrap of pink that hid her treasures from him.

  “Mine,” he grunted the word and took the elastic band in his mouth looking up to capture her green gaze with his own.

  “Yours,” she echoed.

  The sound of fabric tearing was loud in the quiet forest, but it only made them both that much more excited. He could practically feel her anticipation as if it was his own. Maybe it was.

  Her Bear brushed against his mind and Oliver welcomed the Sow with open arms. She was his now. His to claim, his to love, and his to protect. Always.

  Inhaling her heady musk, he parted her nether lips with his hands, gently brushing over the dark blonde curls that she thankfully kept natural, though neat he noted dutifully. She was gorgeous, sublime.

  “Mine,” he growled his new favorite word.

  Oliver’s eyes were glued to her face as he licked her with the flat of his tongue, parting her cheeks, he started at the top of her crevice down to her forbidden hole, all the way to that tiny, needy little bundle of nerves that held all her secrets and legions of untold pleasures.

  Pleasures he intended to ring out until she had barely any breath left in her body. Yes. Tonight there was no holding back. Under the heavens he would worship her on this altar made of rock and earth, he would claim his mate and bind her to him for all time.

  “Ollie!” she yelled, tugging on his hair, trying to pull him up, but he’d only just begun.

  He used his strength to hold her carefully where he wanted her. Spread out before him, a sacrifice to his need. He continued to feast on his woman. Never before had he treated her to such thorough oral gratification, but this was the way of Shifter mates, and she was soon bucking her hips in time to his tongue’s movements.

  “Mate,” he grunted, and added two digits to the mix, thrusting his fingers into her tight heat, and stretching her sex to better prepare her for him.

  Tonight he was insatiable for her. He deserved to be, after all two years was a long time, and Oliver was a Shifter with a bear-sized appetite. He treated her to several more long swipes of his tongue before he settled on her clit.

  His Bear surged forth and the rumbling growl added that little bit of extra to his ministration, causing his talented Bear’s lips and tongue to vibrate against that needy little nub. Spreading her pussy lips, he worked his fingers in and out of her molten heat, all the while suckling that tiny nubbin.

  Teresa yelled his name and arched her back. Good. He wanted her like that. Wild, desperate, and a little out of control.

  Fuck, he grunted. He should’ve watched what he wished for as her claw tipped hands found his shoulders.

  His beast growled with pleasure, taking her scratches as a sign she was marking him. Yes, why not? That was the way of creatures such as they. They scratched and bit, signs of love and ways of forging eternal bonds between couples. He wanted it all, and more. He doubled his efforts and soon she was crying out as her first orgasm swept through her.

  Oliver held her through it, lapping at her pussy like the lovesick Bear he was until she could not even cry out. He looked up to find her eyes glowing beautifully with her Bear as she reached for him.

  “My turn,” she said and flipped them both in a move so strong and quick, he’d been completely unprepared for it.

  His mind blanked and Oliver embraced the primitive thoughts of his Bear as he rose to meet her in a crashing embrace that made them both groan aloud. His cock grew even harder at the contact and she straddled him, lowering her slick heat down ever so slowly. Inch by inch she slid down his shaft until he was buried deep within her tight channel.

  “Resa,” he grunted her name.

  A prayer, a chant, whatever have you, all he knew was he kept saying it as she began to move. Rocking her hips and taking him to paradise with every flex, ripple, and thrust.

  “Ollie, mine, my mate,” she mumbled and moved faster and harder, impaling herself over and over again on his cock.

  He brought one hand up to cup her face and lower her to him, grunting with the effort it took to keep his passion in check. She felt so damn good, plunging into her silken depths was the ultimate for him, and fuck, he wanted to come so badly, but not yet.

  Tension started deep in his gut as she milked his cock with her weeping pussy. Teresa’s mouth opened in a silent scream as her moves became erratic. Yes, she was close and he knew just what to do to bring her over the edge.

  “Mine,” he growled the word and struck, re-marking his mate right on the scar from where he’d first laid claim to her.

  “Oliver!” she yelled and her walls contracted with the force of her orgasm.

  He sucked on her neck, swallowing her life’s force, and solidifying the matebond that had grown so pale over the past couple of years apart. Snarling he released her flesh and pain exploded on his own left shoulder.

  “Fuck,” he grunted watching as she bit and claimed him with her own set of Shifter fangs.

  His dick pulsed and cum filled her womb as pleasure unfurled and washed over him. The two of them clung to each other, trying to catch their breaths as ecstasy reigned supreme. It seemed to explode over the entire universe far as he was concerned. Never before had he ever felt such powerful joy and pleasure.

  “Mine,” she said and rocked her hips once more, and fuck him, if he didn’t come even harder.

  “Yours,” he grunted, “mate.”

  After they’d packed up their makeshift picnic, Oliver helped Teresa back into her dress. She was a little wobbly on her feet, and he was the same, he grinned wickedly.

  “What?” She asked.

  “I was just thinking if we keep this up we’ll both need walkers,” he joked.

  “Ha ha,” she said and walked right up to him, twirling her arms around his neck brushing the already healing bite she’d given him delicately with her fingertips.

  “This means you’re mine now, right?”

  “I’ve always been yours,” he returned and kissed her quickly.

  The entire world could change in the blink of an eye, but Oliver knew one thing to be true among all others. He would never stop wanting to kiss this woman.

  The sound of multiple cars driving nearby had him turning around. He used his Bear’s ears and nose to try and gain their scent and posi

  “Strangers are nearing the cabin, let’s get back.”

  Teresa’s panicked expression met his and he understood real fear for the first time in his life. Thomas was back at the cabin.

  “I’m going to shift,” he explained and dropped the rucksack.

  “I don’t know if I can,” she started.

  “Don’t worry. It’s still new to you. Just climb on my back and I’ll get us there quickly.”

  She did as he asked and together, they raced through the woods. The sight that greeted him was as unwelcomed as it was unwanted.

  Men in suits got out of two black SUVs. Two of them had long rifles in their hands. He discerned they were human with a whiff, but those goons weren’t the ones he worried about. It was the sneering bastard who thought to come here himself.

  “Teresa? Come out now, and I won’t harm your lover,” snarled Mathias Witherspoon.

  Oliver growled low in his chest. Teresa slid off his back. He tried reaching her with his mind, wincing at his own shouted message.

  No! Don’t you dare. I got this.

  She turned around and looked him in the eye, her posture exuded determination and he knew regardless of what he said, she would do as she needed. He saw that, respected it, understood it, and still, he feared for her safety.

  “Let me talk to him, draw him away from the cabin and Thomas. If need be, you come in roaring.”

  “Teresa! You’re only making it harder on yourself,” Mathias’ snide voice reached him easily.

  It made his Bear want to rip the guy’s head off, but he waited in the shadows of the trees, as his mate asked him to. He could scent her nervousness and fear, but even greater than those was her resolve.

  “Hello, Mathias,” she said startling all six men as she exited the woods and stood just to the side of his cabin.

  “You do mean Father, don’t you?” Mathias lied.

  “No. I know you’re not my father.”

  “Ah, well, good then we are past this charade. Come with me now. Bring your little animal bastard, and I won’t expose Pax for the monster he is.”

  “I don’t think so, Mathias, you see I finally understand that he is not the monster, neither am I for that matter.”

  “Is that so? Humans fornicating with animals. It’s revolting,” he spat the words at her and Oliver growled.

  Teresa’s head tilted towards him, a subtle sign that she was not ready for him to intervene yet. Except the men with guns were now trained on her. Oliver knew what to do.

  “Your mother lied to me. I always wanted to marry her, but she was a filthy beast. And when I caught up with her it was too late, she wouldn’t let me cure her. She’d already copulated with another and had you!”

  “So you stole me from my mother?”

  “Stole you? No, I saved you!”

  “You’re a bastard,” she whispered as tears fell from her eyes.

  “You are the bastard, and from the reports I got looks like the cycle has started again.”

  “My mother was a woman, a Shifter, and you killed her.”

  “Yes, she was an animal, and she wouldn’t see reason. She didn’t appreciate my cure for her ailment. Of course, I had to put her down.”

  “You are not curing anything,” she screamed.

  “So many doubters. I had to prove myself to others and now they see, you are proof my pills work!” he smiled evilly.

  “No, you didn’t cure me. You hurt me, kept me in a prison, lied to me, and look, father, I am still me,” her anger was tangible.

  She growled and snarled, embracing her Bear so quickly and savagely that Oliver couldn’t help but feel pride in her quick transformation. She was learning to live with her Bear, but she was too far gone to see Mathias’ signal to his men.

  “That’s too bad Teresa, I guess I will end you now, and experiment on your cub,” he raised his hand and both men with the rifles took aim.

  Teresa stood on her back legs and loosed a roar that shook the very earth while Oliver sped from the trees and with a mighty swipe of his paw took down both gunmen. After that, Teresa joined and together they subdued the rest of the men.


  Teresa sat down on the couch with Thomas reading a storybook while Oliver cleared up the details of the clean-up with Jennifer.

  Fortunately, no normals had happened upon the two enormous Grizzly Shifters protecting their cub and each other from Witherspoon Tech’s president and his henchmen.

  The two gunmen were lost causes, but Mathias Witherspoon and the others had survived with a few broken limbs and scratches.

  They’d been taken away by whatever secret organization Jennifer worked for, and Teresa couldn’t be sure, but she thought she saw a group of Draconian bi-peds land earlier.

  She had asked Oliver if it was alright for her to stay in with Thomas since he’d been getting fussy and he’d readily agreed.

  Good mate, her Bear chuffed.

  Teresa agreed. She cuddled her son and finished the story. After a few minutes, his breathing evened out and she realized he fell asleep.

  “Love?” Ollie walked into the room with a smile and a couple of familiar faces.

  “Hello again,” Leandra said softly.

  Teresa nodded and pursed her lips, she placed Thomas securely surrounded by pillows on the low settee and stood up.

  “Hi, wow, you look better,” Chance said and Oliver whacked him in the side, “What? Last time I saw her she was hooked up to a zillion machines,” the half-Demon rubbed his arm and winked at her.

  “Oh Chance,” Leandra rolled her eyes.

  “So, what the hell happened here? Why is the head of the Wyvern Protection Unit outside?” he whispered to Oliver who growled at him.

  “Oh that,” Teresa smiled, “long story. How about Oliver cooks us up some food, then we can discuss it?”

  “Sounds good,” Jennifer entered the room and nodded at the newcomers, “the guys have finished cleaning up outside and I am famished.”

  “Okay,” Oliver cocked his head at her and raised an eyebrow, “if my mate can help me for a minute in the kitchen?”

  She nodded and followed him down the hall while the other adults took seats in the dining room promising to keep an eye out for little Thomas.

  “Are you alright?” he asked and gathered her close to him.

  “I have never been better. I know who I am and where I belong for the first time in my life,” she said simply.

  “I love you, Teresa, I almost died when I saw those guns trained on you,” he whispered and dropped his head to kiss her.

  “I wasn’t scared because you were there. I knew my Grizzly Bear mate would never let anything bad happen to me,” she smiled against his mouth feeling the pride her words encouraged to soar through him.

  “Mine,” he said.

  “Yeah, yeah, she’s yours, whatever, but when am I gonna see my pages, Pax?” interrupted Chance from the doorway.

  Teresa’s eyes shot to the half-Demon and her Sow rose up to greet him with a snarl. She did not like being interrupted while she was with her mate.

  “Okay, we can discuss it later, no biggie,” the smart man shrugged and backed out of the kitchen.

  Teresa heard the thwack of his mate’s slap and smiled. She had to remember to thank Leandra later.

  “Now. where were we?” she asked and kissed her mate hard on the lips.

  “There is good,” Oliver grunted.

  “I am yours,” she echoed his earlier statement, “but you’re mine too,” she pulled him down for a harder, longer kiss.

  The strength of their matebond pulsed through her and Teresa felt closer than ever to Oliver. Everything seemed to multiply in intensity now that she’d embraced her inner beast.

  Oh yes, she thought, she was going to like being a Bear.

  “After all this time, I have a Grizzly lover of my own, sweet mate,” Oliver stole her breath with another meeting of lips, this one the sweetest kiss of them all.

“Wait till later,” he winked, “we’ll compose symphonies together in the dark,” he promised and she bit her lips to keep from groaning.

  Side by side, the couple set about preparing food for their family and their guests and Teresa’s heart swelled with love.

  Tomorrow looked brighter already, she thought as she took in the brilliant sun blinking overhead. Now that her family was together all the tomorrows were going to be stunning.

  The End

  Before You Go

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  About the Author


  I'm C.D. Gorri, Bestselling Steamy Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy YA Bestselling Author, and Creator of the Grazi Kelly Universe.

  I've always been an avid reader, and I have a profound love for books and literature. When I'm not writing or taking care of my family I can usually be found with a book or tablet in my hand. I live in my home state of New Jersey with my husband, our children, and our dogs, Dash and Chewie.

  I'm a busy mom of three and finding time for leisurely reading is never easy, so I write stories that are fast-paced, yet detailed with satisfying conclusions. If I thought making time to read was difficult, I was in for a huge surprise when I started writing! But now that I started, I can't picture myself doing anything else! I love writing powerful women and strong heroes who face relatable problems in supernatural settings! I plan on increasing the Grazi Kelly Universe with each and every story I publish. You can follow me on social media to keep up to date on all my new releases and events!

  Looking for steamy Paranormal Romance, well I have several series available and am adding more all the time. I love helping sassy, curvy heroines and sexy heroes find their HEAs in my books! I write about Werewolves, Bear Shifters, Dragons, Tigers, Witches, Romani, Lynxes, Foxes and more in my PNR! Fated mates who find each other and always get their happily ever afters.


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