The Lost and Found Series

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The Lost and Found Series Page 20

by Amanda Mackey

  More footsteps. I had my back to the opening of the living room. The shoes neared and then stopped nearby. I daren’t look because I knew I’d say something I’d regret. After a pause, they padded across the carpet and exited the house. The front door banging shut shook the walls.

  As soon as his car screeched off, I rose and hurried to Mac.

  I found her face down on the bed, sobbing.

  “Hey. Do you want me to leave?”

  She didn’t answer but merely shook her head. Did I go to her or give her some time? Remembering Nick’s absence when she’d needed him, I strode over to the bed and lay down beside her, stroking the back of her head.

  “I’m so sorry, angel.”

  “I don’t even know why I’m crying,” she choked out. “I’m relieved he’s gone, but at the same time, I feel sick about him seeing us together. I didn’t want it to be like that. I wanted to sit down and talk to him. I at least owed him that.”

  “I know. But you weren’t to know he’d arrive unannounced.”

  “Still, we shouldn’t have slept together until after it was over with Nick. I feel like such a bitch.”

  “Shhh. You’re far from a bitch. You’re an amazing, intelligent, sexy woman who has needs. He wasn’t taking care of you.”

  “It doesn’t make it right, though.”

  “No, it doesn’t, but maybe it’s for the best.”

  She turned her head to face me, her tear-streaked face breaking my already fragile heart. Feathering my fingers over her cheeks, catching the new droplets, I did my best to offer comfort. “It’s all on me. I take full responsibility. None of this is your fault. You did your best to push me away. I should have respected your situation and avoided any physical contact. I tried. I really did, angel, but the pull to you won out in the end. I can’t stop it. It’s too strong.”

  She stared at me, letting me pet her, leaning in to my touch. God, this woman had been so starved for affection of any kind. I hated that bastard Nick for depriving her of a basic human need.

  His selfish actions had ended the relationship long before I came along. My arrival merely opened Mac’s eyes to how much she’d missed out on.

  “Whatever you need, it’s yours. I’m here for you.”

  Giving me a half-smile, she said, “Thank you. This isn’t your fault. I brought you home. I let myself feel something for you. I don’t want you bearing the burden of my problems.”

  “Let’s agree that we’re both to blame then and leave it at that.” Kissing her forehead, I sat up. “Coffee?”

  “Mmm, thanks. I need to rise anyway and get ready for work. I’ll have a quick shower and meet you in the kitchen.”

  “Sounds good.” Leaning down again, I found her mouth and gave her a soft, lingering kiss before moving away to pour us both a large hit of caffeine.

  Chapter Four


  What had I done? Easing into the shower with Harley’s scent covering me, I let the spray wash it away. I felt cheap and embarrassed. Not because Harley made me feel so good, but because Nick had returned home and caught us. I should have ignored my body’s craving for a man’s touch. Knowing Nick would be home any day, I lost myself in my John Doe. I deserved the shame and humiliation. I’d never meant it to end that way.

  Why did Harley have to be so darn tempting? My will crumbled in his company. He had an energy I couldn’t ignore. Last night…holy cow. Hot didn’t begin to cover it. Even with my conscience chastising me for the way things ended with Nick, my essence cried out for the stranger I’d brought into my home.

  Should I deny myself the chance to nourish my soul with his power and presence? It wasn’t fair on Nick to remain with him when I craved what he couldn’t give me. He deserved a partner who accepted his hectic work schedule and odd hours. There had to be someone out there who fit his mold.

  Switching the water off, I dried and dressed in my spare scrubs, tying my hair up in its necessary bun for work and slipping into my flats.

  The smell of strong coffee drew me down the hallway, my stomach tipping when I spied Harley with his back to me at the table, sipping from a mug, clad only in boxers.

  Broad shoulders were the gateway to a carved back, refined in every way. I’d clung to his adequate expanse the night before, kneading the bulk and relishing in its density. My fingers twitched with an itch to scratch and claw, but I held back, the echo of my self-reproach mulling in my brain.

  Noting my mug placed opposite him, I sat, giving my attention to my steaming coffee, wishing I could immerse myself and disappear into the brown liquid.

  “Hey,” he muttered.

  When I didn’t respond, he half-stood and leaned over the table, setting his hand on the juncture of my neck and shoulder so he could swipe his thumb against the underside of my jaw.

  “You overthinking things?”

  With his touch marking me with kindness, I had no choice but to give him my full focus.

  “I guess. Just feeling shitty about everything.”

  “Don’t. Everything will be okay. Things happen for a reason. What went down forced you to address your relationship with Nick. Sometimes the universe has a way of giving us nudges to urge us along.”

  Floundering under his perusal, I acknowledged his wisdom as the truth, attempting to use it to smother my guilt. With a slight nod and a forced smile, he reclined back into his chair, giving me space to breathe.

  While I sipped, he spoke. “I’ve been doing some thinking and I have a proposition for you.”

  Christ. A proposition? Now? After the fiasco this morning? I couldn’t handle any more decisions today.

  “Harley…” I began, but didn’t get a chance to finish.

  “Wait. Before you say anything, hear me out. I realize your alarm is meant to be fitted tomorrow, but in all honesty, I question just how much it will keep you safe. Viper’s arrival has changed things. I feel if you were to move into his place with me, we could almost guarantee no harm would come to you.”

  What? Just up and go? What about the apartment? Nick had left. I couldn’t just vacate and leave it empty. I’d still be required to pay the lease. Or find someone to take over the payments. Plus, did I really want to move in with two males? And had Viper agreed to this? What about Harley needing to leave to keep me safe?

  “Look. I know you mean well, but this is my home. What would I do with all my stuff? Who would I get to move in here?”

  “Advertise. It’s close to the heart of town and public transport. I don’t think you’d have to worry about it staying empty for long.”

  “And the alarm?”

  “I can call and cancel it today while you’re at work.”

  Gah! Things were moving too quickly. I couldn’t process it all. Suddenly my world had been turned on its axis and I dangled precariously upside down.

  I couldn’t argue with the fact that Viper and Harley could keep me safe. That didn’t factor into it, but if they were going to be guarding me constantly, my freedom would be robbed. At least here, inside, I had my own space. Was I really in so much danger I warranted a permanent guard?

  “Plus, having you with me would give me peace of mind. I don’t know what those mongrels are capable of, but I have a feeling they’re watching and waiting to strike again. They almost killed me, Mac. I don’t want you to suffer the same fate.”

  His argument played with my instincts to remain safe. Would they really hurt me? I hated the idea of being in danger. Unknowingly I may have put a target on my head the moment I stepped into the ICU room housing the handsome stranger with a dark, yet obscure past. What if his attackers knew where I worked? Surely if they’d found my place of residence, it would be easy to track me to University Hospital.

  “I never wanted any of this. I just wanted to make a difference and live my life.” I sighed it out, focused on Harley’s reaction.

  “I hear you, angel. I had no idea about the shit that would find me. I don’t want you involved in my fucked up life, but the fact
is, now that I’ve dragged it to your doorstep, it’s my job to protect you and keep you safe. Let me do that. Please? I couldn’t save Reno…”

  Pain glittered in his eyes and clarity washed over me. Losing his friend even though he’d since learned of his betrayal, cut him deeply. He didn’t want to lose me the same way.

  “What about my apartment?” Again I asked the question. I had work today. I didn’t have time to search for a tenant.

  “I’ll get Viper to ask his contacts. If nothing comes of it, we’ll place an ad. Don’t worry, it won’t be vacant for long.”

  I knew I could regret my decision, but on a whim, I blurted out, “Fine. Only until the bastards are caught.”

  Squeezing my eyes shut tightly, I heard his chair push back and then his nearness enveloped me. Chancing a peek, I found him kneeling on the floor beside me, scraping my chair on the floor as he turned me to face him.

  With so much sincerity, he gripped my thighs and drilled me fiercely with two fathomless lasers. “Good girl. You’ve made the right choice. I promise you here and now that I will do everything in my power to protect you. So will Viper.”

  The steadfast vow chipped away at my will, warming every corner of my insides. Hearing his oath made me believe that perhaps he could stay true to his word.

  Sagging against the back of the chair, I relaxed a bit. “Thank you. I’ll go pack a bag and you can drop me off at work and then pick me up this afternoon. We can head straight to Viper’s. Make sure it’s okay with him, though.”

  “Already done, sweet cheeks.” He beamed. “He’s all for it. This was my plan B.”

  I wasn’t sure what I had got myself into, but I would soon find out.

  Chapter Five


  Thank God for small mercies. Mac agreeing to move in with Viper and me relaxed me somewhat. I didn’t think she’d concede so fast, but self-preservation had won her over. And so it should. No one liked the idea of a possible threat looming over their heads. This way, she had not one protector, but two.

  Come hell or high water, any demented fuck who dared mess with us and used Mac to do it would pay with their life. Fool me once, shame on you. I would be prepared. While my angel worked her pretty ass off today, I planned on getting a locksmith out to my apartment to cut a key and then I’d scour the place for any and all weapons I could take to Viper’s. There had to be some cash lying around I’d failed to see last time I visited, but I’d turn the place over if I had to.

  First order of the day—getting my girl to work.

  My girl. Had I laid claim to her? I guess the moment I vowed to put my own life above hers and kill to protect her, yes, she had become mine.

  All five foot six of her. Stubbornness and all.

  “You ready?” I called from the living room where I’d been lacing up my black boots. Just one of the items I’d packed from my place and brought to Mac’s. My stonewashed jeans I’d worn yesterday hung low and comfortable, a navy tee hiding my scarred chest.

  “Yep. Go start the car. I’ll be out in a sec!” she sang from the bedroom.

  A comfortable feeling settled deep within me. As if Mac and I had been together forever. The idea of me driving her to work felt normal. Slowly I began forging a new life after my attack, learning to live with what I had. I’d been given a second chance and I sure as heck wasn’t going to waste it. Evil had tried to destroy me, but failed. I might not know much, but I knew next time I would fight to the death.

  Opening the garage door, I fired up Mac’s Mustang, loving her chunky growl. Who would have thought an ICU nurse would own such a fine piece of machinery? She rumbled and vibrated as I waited another minute before Mac appeared.

  Name badge in place and purse under her arm, she climbed in beside me, grinning.


  “My car suits you. I called you Harley because I thought you looked like you rode a bike, but after seeing you behind the wheel of my girl, I’m reconsidering the moniker.”

  Laughing, I had to ask, “Oh? And what would you change my name to?”

  Thinking about it, as I idled out and shut the door, she answered, “Ford.”

  “Hahahaha!” I barked, “Ford? That’s not even a name.”

  “Sure it is. I know a guy called Ford.”

  “What does he drive?”

  “A Toyota.”

  I roared at that and Mac joined in too. The sound of her laughter lifted me higher. She still chuckled as she quickly pointed out her window. “Turn left here. Sorry, I forgot you don’t know where you’re going.”

  “That’s right. You could say, I’m new to town.” I slanted her a smirk.

  She smiled. “Do you think you’ll ever go back to the name Declan?”

  “Doubtful at this stage. I prefer Harley.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Because you gave it to me. You gave me an identity.”

  She looked down, embarrassed. “It only began as an alternative to John Doe. When you woke up with amnesia, it just stuck.”

  “Harley is who I am now. Declan lived in my invisible past. There’s no going back.” I took comfort in that. My present existed with Mac. It’s all I had and all I wanted. Snatching her hand up from her lap, I laced our fingers, squeezing.

  “Turn right!” she yelped, right before I startled and slammed on the brakes.


  After dropping Mac off in the staff parking lot, which she had access to via a card she handed me so I could pick her up at the end of the day, I drove back to Mac’s first and called Viper from her landline, and then retraced the route to my apartment. My friend agreed to meet me there.

  It proved to be a roundabout way, but until I knew the town inside out, I could only travel where I had been before.

  I had to learn everything over again, which proved time-consuming, but I had no choice if I wanted to live a normal life again.

  My apartment wasn’t too far from Mac’s, and when I arrived, Viper already stood out front. A van with Keyed-Up Locksmiths painted on the side had parked in front of my garage, so I turned right and drove to the nearest visitor space, making sure to lock the ’Stang up.

  “Hey man. We just got here.”

  “You fly here?” I joked, nodding to the guy who had his back to me, bent over my front door handle.

  “My place is only a couple of minutes away. This dude I called was on his way to another job but I offered to pay him double, so he squeezed you in.”

  Shaking my head at Viper, I barked, “You do realize I have to foot the bill, don’t you? I’m not letting you pay.”

  “Shut it, dude. I got this. That’s what friends are for. You can come to my rescue another time.”

  Not arguing, I nodded and we waited while the locksmith strolled to his van, slid the side door open, and proceeded to cut my new key.

  It would be good to be able to enter my place legally, without having to break in. I could come and go as I pleased.

  Making small talk, I mentioned, “Do you know anyone who’d take over Mac’s lease? There will be no one paying it until someone is found.”

  Pausing, he shrugged. “I’ll check around. Ask some of the guys.”

  “Thanks. We’ll need to get her stuff moved out before that happens.”

  “Just give me a time and I’ll be there.” He slugged me on the back a couple of times, cementing his vow.

  From the little I knew of my friend, I knew his word was gospel. Another instinctual feeling. To have had my back in battle proved good enough.

  We were interrupted by the locksmith, who handed Viper a key, who then handed it to me. Pulling his wallet out of his pocket, he handed the guy two one hundred dollar bills. “Thanks for fitting us in.”

  Smiling, the overpaid dude folded the notes and put them into his shirt pocket. “No drama. Call again if you get stuck.”

  I’ll bet. Getting paid double would entice me too.

  When he left, I stalked to my door, inserting the key, and pushing i
t open. “You seriously paid the guy two hundred dollars for a key? You obviously have way too much money.”

  He followed me in. “Being on missions most of the time means I earn, but don’t spend. I’ve got enough cash to live on for the rest of my life if I so choose. Same goes for you, bro.”

  Spinning to face him, I let my eyebrows lift in question. “What are you talking about?”

  “Follow me.” He chuckled, striding through my small kitchen and into the bedroom.

  Not knowing what he meant, I followed, watching as he dragged my bed diagonally, stooping down to remove a piece of carpet which had been cut into a segment no more than two foot square. Underneath the carpet, he lifted a hunk of wood which fitted into the concrete slab and then grinned at me.

  “I might need some help with this. She’s a heavy bitch.”

  “What the fuck?”

  Closing the gap, I stopped and peered down into the hole, to find a slightly smaller metal box sitting pretty.

  “A safe?” I asked, dumbfounded.

  “Yep. She’s full too.” Seeing my perplexed expression, he added, “Don’t worry. I’m the only one who knows about it. You entrusted me with the knowledge should I need to remove it in a hurry if you weren’t around.”

  Gripping the back of my neck, I breathed out hard. “Jesus. This would have come in handy the past week or so. Mac’s been paying for everything.”

  “Now you know. Help me lift her up.”

  Bending down, we both gripped two corners each and heaved. He wasn’t kidding when he said it weighed a ton.

  “One question. Why do I have a full safe embedded in the floor of my bedroom?”

  “We’re military ghosts. We all have them. Technically, we don’t exist. It just makes things easier.”

  Placing the safe on the floor, I stepped back. “Okay, genius. We have the thing out. How do you propose we open it when I can’t even remember owning the damn thing?”

  Turning the round dial on the front, he shot me a quick glance. “You gave me the code. You know. In case. Looks like now you’ll be glad you did.”


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