The Lost and Found Series

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The Lost and Found Series Page 37

by Amanda Mackey

  Before I could take my next breath, a hard slap to my face had me standing upright at full attention. The soldier in me came to life and the darkness stirred. The battle-hungry warrior saluted the sting, preparing for a showdown.

  Gripping her wrist in a lightning-quick move, I spun us both around, pushing her into the light pole which stood between Char and a Humvee. My knee wedged her legs apart, the skimpy black dress riding up even higher.

  Dropping my chin so I was right in her face, I sniffed in her scent as I took a deep breath to steady myself. I faltered only momentarily as the decadent fragrance wafted up my nostrils.

  “You shouldn’t have done that.” I didn’t know what else to say as her wild green eyes, slightly darker than my own, failed to look away. Adrenalin flowed, and from the feel of her chest rising and falling against my own, I’d say we stood on an even keel, her harsh breathing matching my own.

  “Or what? You’re going to strike me back? Huh? ’Cause you sure as hell seem as if you want to. From the moment we met, you look like you’ve wanted to punch me in the face. Go on then. Just do it, already.”

  Her breath with its alcohol-tinged aroma blew across my cheek. I had her trapped. She couldn’t move. Did she think I would hit her? Or any woman, for that matter? Is that how I came across?

  Fuck! I’d never laid a hand on a female. Ever. And I never would. The way her irises expanded and flicked with fear made me ease back a fraction. Not enough to let her go, though. Just enough to allay her fears that I was a crazy psycho who wanted to harm her.

  “Is that what you think I want to do to you?”

  Her sharp intake of air made me adjust my face slightly to assess her. The electricity, whether it be from the pole we leaned against or the energy crackling between us, rose exponentially.

  My gaze lowered to her pouty mouth at the same time hers did to mine. Her pulse pounded under the weight of my hand around her wrist. It wouldn’t take much to silence that sassy mouth.

  My hormones roared, heat spreading from my thighs upward. I could feel my face inching closer to hers, the thrill of tasting her almost unbearable. My grip on her tightened as I attempted to cool my jets. In a war zone, I’d be charging at the enemy now, the sick thrill of the chase bleeding into every energized cell.

  I could feel the mania just below the surface. Her lips plumped in preparation for my assault. I swear her nipples had hardened beneath the sheer fabric of the scrap of clothing she wore.

  A car honked its horn and someone screamed out to get a room, breaking my lust-induced delirium.

  Pushing off her, I stepped back, gaining some clarity. We were in the middle of a busy street, people walking past. Open to the public.

  Whatever spell she’d had over me had well and truly been broken.

  “The car’s not too far,” I growled. I couldn’t look at her.

  She didn’t respond, simply followed me to my vehicle where I silently unlocked it and climbed in.

  What the hell had happened back there? Jesus! This woman had me floundering. The sooner I got her out of my sight, the better. One minute I hated her, the next…

  The second her door shut, I pressed the gas pedal and peeled out of the parking space. I could see her clutching her seatbelt out of the corner of my eye, but I didn’t give a shit.

  My heart was pumping so fast I could feel a tightness in my throat.

  “Are you trying to get us killed? Could you slow down a bit?” she asked shrilly.

  Hearing her intense plea, I eased off the gas marginally. The last thing I needed was to get pulled over by the police. The two drinks I’d had might just put me over the alcohol limit.

  Turing off the main road into the side streets, I decided I needed to find out where she lived. “What’s your address?”

  “You mean you don’t know? Thought you’d have figured that one out before going past it.”

  Slamming my foot on the brake, I asked, “What?”

  “My street. You’ve gone too far. You were supposed to take Wagner Road, and then Pleasant Lake Road.”

  I felt my blood pressure rising. Why had she let me keep going without telling me to turn? I scraped both hands over my face and into my hair, finally turning to face her.

  Attitude clung to her again, after our near kiss earlier. Her arms lay folded across her chest.

  I tried to ignore her bare legs and thighs glaring at me, even under the cloak of night. My soldier vision allowed me to virtually see in the dark. And damn, they were distracting me.

  “Let me get this straight. You let me keep driving past your turnoff because, what? You were too pissed at me to mention it?” Placing my left hand back on the wheel, I gripped it for support.

  “I thought you knew where I lived.”

  “And how would I know that?” Like I even cared.

  “Dec or Mac could have told you.”

  “Yeah, well, they didn’t, and you shouldn’t assume anything.” I lay a hidden meaning under the sentence. I wasn’t sure if she picked up on it. I wanted her to know that no matter what she thought of me, I had reasons for being an ass.

  “Just turn around and get me home. I’m over this night completely.”

  Facing the front, I huffed out, “You and me both,” before indicating and turning around.

  Dec was going to pay for this.

  Chapter Six


  The next morning as I poured my steaming mug of coffee after stealing a break between patients, Mac walked into the staff cafeteria.

  “Hey, girl. You made it home okay, I see.”

  Her cheery mood annoyed the hell out of me after she had placed me in the company of Satan last night.

  “Don’t hey girl me.” I gave her the stink-eye, hoping she picked up on my annoyance.

  Her smile wavered as she made her way to me.

  Stirring my mug and throwing the spoon in the sink, I pushed past her to sit at a table.

  “Okaaay…someone got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning.” Following me, she sat opposite.

  Burning my throat on the hot liquid, I hid my pain. “I got out on the right side of the bed, thank you very much.”

  She could work for my reasoning at being pissed.

  “So, I’m guessing you’re still mad at me for allowing you to go home with Viper?”

  Bingo. “I can’t believe you let that happen. You know what a disaster the two of us are together, and last night was no different. Not to mention he nearly got me killed.”

  Her eyes widened in shock. “Shit. Are you okay? What happened?”

  Wishing I could tell her Viper had harmed me physically so she’d see him for what he was, I pushed out a breath, knowing I had nothing. “I’m fine. He drives like a maniac, that’s all.”

  Shaking her head at me, she laughed. “Jesus, girl. You scared me! Don’t do that!”

  “Seriously, Mac, don’t you do that. Don’t set me up to be alone with that creep again. I mean it. You might think you’re doing the right thing, but trust me, you’re not. Nothing good will ever come of Viper and me.”

  Remembering the almost kiss, I felt a small sliver of disappointment. He’d been all breathy and intense. I wouldn’t have stopped him, had he molested me on the busy sidewalk.

  Now that my head had cleared though, I was happy it hadn’t occurred.

  “You know I love you. I just want my friends to be happy. Both you and Viper. I hate seeing the animosity between the two of you and so does Dec.”

  “Yeah, well, deal with it.”

  Swigging my cooling coffee, I stood to let her know we were done. Pouring the rest down the sink, I air kissed her. I couldn’t stay too mad no matter how much I wanted to.

  Returning it, she called out, “I’ll call you.”

  The day dragged and by six o’clock I couldn’t wait to leave. Clocking out, I took the elevator to the basement, finding my SUV where I’d left it in the staff lot.

  Shucking my shoes off and throwing them on the
passenger seat, I buckled up and drove home, stopping for a bottle of wine on the way. All through my shift, I’d had images of a snarky soldier with an unmovable, ripped body pressing me up to a light pole. His smell. His crazy energy mixed with anger. If Declan was anything like Viper, I could totally understand Mac’s obsession. I hated him. I hated the way he spoke to me. Yet among it all, my insides burned to life.

  Stepping on the gas after paying for the wine, I made short work of getting home.

  I seriously needed to get laid. My preoccupation with a very bad seed proved it. My hormones were in charge and not my head, which, if I wasn’t careful, would lead to some disastrous decisions.

  Work was chaotic enough. I didn’t need my personal life to mimic it.

  Walking up the front steps to my condo, juggling my shoes, wine, and handbag, I stooped down and put everything on the concrete porch while I inserted the key into the door. Without warning, a hand covered my mouth from behind. Shocked, I attempted to gasp, but I couldn’t. Someone leaned over me, their face close to my ear. The cool feel of metal at my temple stopped my heart momentarily. My throat dried up and adrenalin made my bloodstream. The sound of it walloped heavily in my ears. Fingers bit into my cheeks as the gun pressed in harder.

  “Don’t move or attempt to make a sound, bitch, or your head will be splattered all over your porch.”

  Shit! This couldn’t be happening. I didn’t know what to do. Unable to speak, I simply nodded as my world slowed. If this nut pulled the trigger, it would all be over in a second. My life. Thoughts sped by in fast motion of never truly living. Is this how Mac had felt during her abduction? I began shaking, hard. I tried to make a sound, but his hand prevented me.

  Movement to my left brought another person into my peripheral vision. The only thing I knew was he was dressed in dark attire and reached for my purse.

  “Now here’s what’s going to happen. You’re not going to make a scene. If I let you go and you scream, I’ll shoot you where you stand. You’re going to count to one hundred before you turn around. Understand?”

  My head moved up and down on autopilot.

  Once my purse disappeared, the ogre behind me thrust my head so hard into the door I saw all the colors of the rainbow before I dropped to the ground. The doormat stopped my knees from ripping open on the concrete.

  My breathing consisted of heavy gasps. My head exploded in pain. But I remained conscious, all too aware that if I didn’t remain still and as quiet as possible, I’d be feeling a bullet next.

  My brain could barely focus on counting so I kneeled, too frightened to do anything else. My purse had been taken, including my cell. I wondered if I’d come straight home instead of stopping for wine, would I have made it inside safely?

  I sat shivering for ages until eventually big racking sobs let go and there wasn’t a thing I could do to stop them. Had they gone? Were they watching? How long did I stay put?

  The bushes rustled beside me, but it could have been the wind which had picked up. I remained frozen, reality hitting home. I’d been robbed. At gunpoint. At freaking gunpoint! I’d never seen a weapon, let alone felt it pushed into my skull. Such a small piece of equipment, yet powerful enough to end me. I listened, silently praying they’d gone. A chill washed over me.

  Still, I didn’t turn around. I couldn’t. Fear held me in its clutches. My hand lifted to my head to feel where it had suffered trauma. Swelling had begun. Groaning, I knew I needed to get inside and lock my door. Looking up, the keys still sat in the door. If the thieves had wanted to, they could have gone inside and taken anything they wanted, but obviously, they needed a quick heist. Probably drug money.

  Slowly searching around me, all I found was emptiness.

  Pushing up, my skull roared in protest as I shakily found my feet and leaned into the door until the dizziness waned. Not caring if the bottle of wine remained at my feet, I rattled and shook the keys, tears spilling down my cheeks, and then I fell through the door.

  My body caved in on itself and I hit the carpet like I weighed a ton. My shoulder jarred as it absorbed the impact and I cried out before rolling over to my back and breaking down completely, the weight of my ordeal suffocating me.

  Crying made my whole body ache, but I needed the outlet it provided as I attempted to process the events. It had all happened so fast, giving me no time to react.

  My neighborhood had always been safe compared to others, but it became apparent that nobody was safe anywhere.

  My apartment echoed with my sobs. The door still hadn’t been locked, but I couldn’t move. Feeling faint and weak, I closed my eyes. Inside my head it felt like the gun had been fired. I hurt all over.

  I couldn’t stop myself from fading out completely as pins and needles pricked me like a thousand barbs.


  Noises stirred me to consciousness. Light seeped into my closed eyes as I attempted to survey my surroundings.

  And then an even brighter pinpoint of light was being shone straight at my eyeballs, my eyelids being held open. Blindness took over as the other one had the same procedure.

  “Welcome back, Char. You had us all worried.”

  I knew that voice. My brain just had to play catchup.

  Squinting, needing to see my surroundings, I caught sight of a nurse I recognized.

  In a groggy voice, I croaked, “Debbie? What’s going on? Why am I here?”

  “Honey, you don’t remember?”

  Closing my eyes again, I let the fog settle. I recalled working yesterday and then returning home. I jolted upright…

  “I was hit. Robbed.”

  Debbie rushed to my bed, gently pushing me back down. “Shhh. It’s okay. We’re looking after you.”

  “How? I was at home. How did I get here?” Deep throbbing beat a heavy tempo in my skull, causing me to grimace.

  “Do you need some more meds?”

  Nodding, I watched her grab two pills from the tray and lift the bed up so I became more vertical. I took the cup and swallowed the pills, hoping they’d hurry the hell up and work.

  She still hadn’t answered me so I pushed, “How did I get here?”

  “Oh.” Checking my IV, she smiled. “Mac and two hotties brought you. I recognized one of the said hotties as her John Doe she nursed. The other one, whoa! All male testosterone and fierceness. He had all the nurses want to run for cover and throw their panties at him.” A pink blush formed up her neck.


  “Are they still here?”

  I needed to see my friends. I needed Mac.

  “Sure. They’ve been anxiously waiting outside. I’ll go get them now that you’re awake.” She stopped at the door and turned. “You took quite a blow to the head. X-ray showed some minor trauma, but you’ll make a full recovery. You’ll have quite a headache for a few days. We can have the police come if you’d like to make a statement.”

  “No!” The last thing I felt like doing was being interrogated. It could wait until tomorrow. I needed to see Mac and Dec first.

  Her mouth split into a harsh line but she didn’t say anymore as she left.

  Still feeling the cool metal pressed to my temple, I shivered. It could have ended tragically. My life could have been snuffed out in a second. Suddenly the pettiness I normally got wound up over didn’t seem so important. Being alive and breathing trumped everything.

  Watching the door open, emotion washed over me as Mac’s worried face appeared, followed by a serious Dec and a pissed off looking Viper.

  Mac ran. Her frantic voice became louder. “OMG! Char! What happened? I stopped by for a visit and to apologize after our awkward chat at work. I found your door ajar. When I stepped into your living room and found you unconscious, I thought you were dead!”

  She had me in her arms, hugging me. I winced at the sharp pain in my shoulder. The pain meds hadn’t kicked in fully yet.

  Hearing me, she pushed away. “I’m sorry! Where are you sore?”

  “My shoulder from my fal
l, and my head from getting bashed into my front door.”

  “What?” she shrieked. Two burly, protective warriors moved forward, their posture strained.

  “Char. Tell me what happened. Who did this to you?” Dec squatted beside the bed, putting us on an even keel while Viper flanked Mac, his arms flexed, muscles bulging. He appeared ready to go into battle. I hoped it wasn’t with me, because I couldn’t handle his bullshit right now.

  Drawing in oxygen in an attempt to replay the event, I turned my head to stare at the ceiling. Mac strode around the bed and grasped my hand in comfort.

  “I don’t know. I didn’t see them.”

  I hadn’t seen faces. I hadn’t seen much. Only heard his voice. His deep, caustic voice at my ear.

  “Nothing?” Dec pressed, his voice calm, yet I knew he was anything but.

  “No. He grabbed me from behind.” Feeling anxiety rise and my breathing quicken, I squeezed my eyes tightly shut. “He…he…put a gun to my head.”

  Mac gasped and squeezed my hand. “Shit. I’m sorry you had to go through that, Char. You don’t have to continue. We can come back tomorrow. You just rest.”

  As my best friend, she could see how shaken I was. Not much rattled me, but now I was teetering on a very fine edge of keeping it together and totally having a meltdown.

  Opening my eyes, I looked at the three people surrounding me. Mac had a couple of tears rolling down her face. She pushed some hair from my brow and gently caressed my face. What else could anyone say to that?

  Craning my neck to the right, I watched Dec stand and give Viper a worried stare. He turned back to me and said, “Mac’s right. You need your rest. You want us to call the cops?”

  Viper gripped his friend’s shoulder and pulled slightly until they were eyeballing each other again. “Let’s check out the place first. See if there’s any evidence. I’d like to take a look around before getting the police involved.”

  Dec nodded. “We’ll take care of it, Char, okay? Sleep well, and we’ll come visit tomorrow.”


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