Taking Charge (Meet the McIntyres Book 1)

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Taking Charge (Meet the McIntyres Book 1) Page 17

by Rebecca Barber

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “For what?” It surprised me how harsh it sounded, but it was the one question I’d been going over and over since I’d gotten Gage’s call that she was here.

  “What do you mean?”

  “What are you sorry for, Mum? Really? I mean, is it that you left and didn’t even bother to tell me? Is it that you haven’t even bothered to contact me in months? Is it that Holly still doesn’t know about any of this? Maybe it’s that you’ve come back to try and take everything.”

  “Beau, it’s not like that.”

  Like that, there she was. The woman I’d grown up admiring and loving like crazy. She had always been the second most important woman in my life, Holly being the first. Mum had always been a pampered princess, no wonder Holly turned out like she did, but she always had a backbone. One made of steel. She never let anyone get away with anything. Not under her watch. God help you if you back chatted her. I’d done it. Once. I didn’t need to do it again after the punishment I’d copped. She’d not only broken the wooden spoon on my backside, but she’d confiscated my motorbike for a month. Oh yeah, and I’d gotten kitchen duty for just as long. As an eleven-year-old, it was the worst thing that could have happened to me. I had to wash dishes while my brothers tore around the yard on their bikes.

  Suddenly I found myself weary. Like bone-weary exhausted. I didn’t want to deal with this. “Why are you here?”

  “Yeah, Ebony. Why are you here?” Connor had sauntered out onto the front veranda, hands on his hips, poised for a fight. I didn’t miss the fact he’d called her Ebony rather than Mum. It must have shredded her heart. It did mine. She didn’t blink, though. Just went with it.

  A second later, Gage and Ryan were flanking Connor, all three wearing matching pissed expressions. I was just glad I wasn’t the one all that rage was directed at.

  “All my boys are here,” she gasped, her hand covering her mouth.

  Standing barely a metre from her, I saw her tear-filled eyes as they roamed over the others. I felt sick. This wasn’t what it was supposed to be like. We were a family. No matter what else happened, we were still family. A fucked up one, but nevertheless. For a brief second I wished Holly was here.

  “What do you want?” Ryan asked, wearily dropping to the steps.

  “I…I came to get…”

  “Get what, Ebony? There’s nothing left here. Nothing!”

  “Gage,” I warned. He was pissed. Understandable, but unnecessary.

  “Oh come on, Beau. Don’t let her smile at you and bat those fake eyelashes so you’ll cave. You’ve seen what’s been going on around here. You’ve seen how Dad is. Remember Dad, Ebony? The man you promised to love in sickness and in health? Remember him? Well, where the fuck are you now?”

  Connor stepped off the veranda and stormed past us towards his place. I’d check on him later. He needed to cool off. Trying to talk to him now wouldn’t achieve much other than some spilt blood and a couple of bruises. I wasn’t up for that bullshit. Not tonight anyway.

  “What did you come to get?” I asked Mum, keeping my voice even.

  Based on the looks Gage and Ryan were shooting in her direction, I had to play the mediator right now. It wasn’t a role I was interested in, but someone had to step up. The others were too emotional right now. I just needed to get her out of here so I could clean up the mess she’d made. God knows what sort of shape Dad was in right now. If I was lucky, he might not even know she’d stepped foot on the property.

  “My-my stuff. I need the rest of my clothes and jewellery.”


  “Okay? What the fuck, Beau?” Gage bellowed. Thankfully we had no neighbours close by who could witness the family drama.

  “Gage! Shut it. Look.” I turned back to her. “Why don’t you head back into town and find somewhere to stay tonight? I’ll get everything together for you and bring it in the morning.”



  I needed her gone. Gage looked like he was three seconds from losing his shit, and Ryan was barely a heartbeat behind him. This was all I could think of. If I could get her out of here, I could start dealing with the fallout.


  “Thank you.”

  “I’ll message you in the morning.”

  “You still have my number?” The barb slipped out before I could stop it. She might be my mother, and I might be the only one acting like an adult right now, that didn’t mean she could get away with hurting me. She needed to know that she did.

  When she nodded sadly and spun on her heel, she slunk back to her car. With the growl of the engine and flickering of the bright headlights she was gone, leaving a cloud of dust and some very angry sons behind her.


  “So, did she say anything when you dropped off her shit?” Ryan asked as he shredded another coaster. It was the fourth he’d destroyed since sitting down.

  “Not really. She wasn’t exactly thrilled it came in garbage bags though.”

  “Fuck, that would have been priceless! It would have been worth putting up with her, just to have seen the look on her face.”

  “These days there’s so much crap on her face you can’t tell if she’s happy or sad anyway.”

  “I guess.”

  Sitting back, I took another swig of my beer. After I’d watched her tail lights disappear into the night, I’d headed straight for the fridge and grabbed a beer. When Connor stomped back in and flopped down beside me, the four of us sat there in silence drinking. Even Ryan managed to get away with downing a couple.

  “Did you tell her about owning the place?”



  “She didn’t ask. And really, I didn’t want to tell her. Let her run up her legal bills to find out.”

  “That’s harsh, Beau.” That I had not been expecting to hear. Especially coming from Connor.

  We hadn’t really talked about me owning the place or what that meant. Hell, I didn’t even know what that meant. I knew everything was in my name, but what to do next was beyond me. I hadn’t even had the chance to sit down with Dad and figure it out. Every time I’d tried he’d barely been able to string two words together. I know I needed to do it, and sooner rather than later, I just didn’t know how. And truthfully, I didn’t really want to.

  Sliding off the bar stool, I headed for the bathroom. I needed a piss and a break. After taking care of business, I stepped outside into the beer garden. I have no idea how this could be classified as a garden, considering there was one wilting pot plant in the corner, but the air was fresh. Well, as fresh as it could be when three guys sat smoking. Running my hands through my hair, I wanted this day to be over. This week, actually. It’d been pretty fucked up. Except for Payton. There was nothing fucked up about her. My dick hardened just thinking about her.

  When my stomach rumbled again, I ducked back inside, wondering how long it took to cook a damn steak. There it was, waiting for me on the table. After ordering another round, I made my way over to our table. For the first time since we’d arrived, there was silence…only the clattering of cutlery against the plates as everyone stuffed their faces. Within seconds I was back in my seat, copying them.

  I was halfway through my perfectly cooked rump when I heard a familiar giggle from behind me. Slipping a chip in my mouth, I spun around, trying to locate the sound. I couldn’t see her, but suddenly my whole body was warm and alert.

  I heard the band start up and the music thumped through me. I didn’t like it. It wasn’t my type of music. Loud, obnoxious, and disturbingly country. My brothers though, they didn’t seem to have the same repulsion. As they chugged down their beers and wiped their plates clean, I kept trying to steal glances behind me. Maybe I was just imagining that Payton was here. Perhaps I just wished she was. After a shitty couple of days, losing myself inside her for hours sounded pretty fucking fantastic, to be honest.

  “You going to finish that beer, old bo
y?” Ryan teased. “’Cause if you’re not…”

  “Nice try, Ry,” Connor chuckled, slapping him up the back of the head.

  “Let’s go check out this band.”

  I groaned. Loudly. That was the absolute last thing I wanted to do. “You guys go ahead. I’m gonna grab another beer.”


  “Go! Have fun.”

  Gage shot me a disappointed look, but shuffled away with the others. Taking the opportunity to be on my own, I glanced back at the booth disappointed to find it empty. Feeling even lower, something I didn’t even realise was possible, I wandered over to the bar, ordered another, and plopped down on the stool.

  I had no idea what I was going to do about anything, really. Mum was back and she’d come to claim her share. I told the others she’d said nothing, but that was just another bullshit lie I fed them. The truth was she’d said a lot. A hell of a lot, actually. She blamed Dad for driving us away, and wouldn’t listen when I tried to explain that it was normal for kids to grow up and move away. She blamed me for leaving her with him. She blamed Connor for the farm’s failings and the fact the money ran out. She blamed Holly for taking everyone’s affection and leaving none for her. Seriously! I mean what sort of conceited bitch is jealous of their own daughter? Her biggest beef though was with me. She blamed me for delaying the divorce and her getting her share of the farm. Little did she know just how much I was to blame for that one.

  Without thinking, I ordered a couple of shots of bourbon. I needed to stop thinking. All of the problems bubbling in my head were future Beau’s problem. They’d still be there tomorrow. I’d deal with them then. I could hear the unmistakable hooting and hollering my brothers were causing echo through the relatively empty pub. Checking my watch, it was almost ten already. We’d been here for hours, and from the sounds of the frivolity going on, it was going to be another couple before we stumbled out the door. Unless we were kicked out. There was always that. After ordering another round, I found my feet and headed in the direction of the noise. Not that I had any intention of joining in. I’d just watch from the sidelines.

  Striding through the door purposefully, my heart stopped as I rounded the corner. There were my brothers with their grabby hands all over three beautiful women. Women I recognised instantly. In one quick gulp, I drained my glass, setting it on the nearest table. My knuckles cracked under the strain as I watched them. Gage’s hand were settled on Mia’s tiny waist. He was lucky it was me who caught him, not Derek. Derek would more than likely rip his hands off before locking him in the cells until he was old and grey. Derek and I may not exactly be close these days, but I’d bet my life he wouldn’t be happy with anyone touching Mia.

  Connor wasn’t much better. He had his hands clasped with Josie’s as he spun her around the room. She tipped her head back and shrieked as he dipped her low, her long hair brushing the floor. When he righted her, they both laughed and kept moving.

  It was Ryan though, who was in the most danger of losing his life. His dirty, grabby paws were settled on Payton’s luscious hips as they bounced around the room. With her hands tangled around his neck, she looked so beautiful it fucking hurt. Suddenly my dick was at full mast when Ryan spun her and I caught the flushed look on her face. It was almost as good as that satisfied, sated look she had after she shattered in my arms. Almost. The music drew to an end and Ryan wrapped her in his arms. I didn’t miss the smirk on his adolescent face as he pressed himself against those boobs. The boobs that haunted my dreams and made my mouth water. The boobs that caused me to wake in the middle of the night in a puddle of my own sticky mess.

  The next song started and it was slower. Much, much slower. I watched with more than passing interest as Ryan offered Payton his hand and she accepted. A second later she was wrapped in my brother’s arms. This was not fucking happening. Not on my watch. Fuck that.

  Without thinking, I crossed the dance floor, dodging the swaying couples as I did, catching the confused question on Connor’s face. Standing behind Ryan, I tapped him on the shoulder and his head shot up, causing Payton’s to do the same.

  “Hey Beau,” he said innocently.

  Innocent, my ass. He had my woman in his arms. It was taking all my self-control not to beat the shit out of him. Then it occurred to me I didn’t have the right to be a possessive jealous asshole right now. I was, but I shouldn’t be. No one knew what had been going on with Payton and me. Hell, I didn’t even know what we’d been doing.

  “Mind if I cut in?” It came out as a husky growl.

  Payton watched me nervously. She dropped her grip on Ryan’s arms. “Um, thanks for the dance, Ryan. It was fun.” She was being polite. It was pissing me off.

  “Ah, yeah. You too, Payton. I’ll just let you two…”

  I didn’t wait for Ryan to finish. I could explain or apologise or both to him later. Right now I needed Payton in my arms. I needed to breathe in the smell that was so distinctly Payton. I wanted to claim her like I’d never done before. The thought alone should have scared the shit out of me, it didn’t. If anything it calmed the beast raging inside me.

  “Beau,” she mumbled and I just pulled her closer.

  When her head dropped on my shoulder, I knew this is what I needed more than anything. This was my home now. Everything else, all the other bullshit in my life, nothing else mattered. This is what I needed. Grinding my hips against her, there was no way she couldn’t feel what she was doing to me.

  I couldn’t help myself. Dipping my head down, I licked the trail from her jaw to that spot right behind her ear that made her scream and quiver for me.

  “What was that?” she asked, the shock evident in her voice as she pulled back and looked me dead in the eye. Instantly I felt the warmth of her embrace leave me. I didn’t like it. Not one fucking bit.

  “I licked you, so you’re mine.”

  “Kinda caveman, isn’t it?”

  “I could have peed on your leg.”

  “That was my other option?”

  I didn’t answer her. Well, not with words, anyway. Instead I shrugged and pulled her back against me. Suddenly my very shitty day wasn’t looking so bad.

  In that moment, wrapped in Beau’s arms, I felt like nothing could hurt me. And more importantly, I couldn’t hurt myself. There was nowhere else in the world I wanted to be. Cracking my eyes open, I caught Mia’s surprised look, but she offered me a short nod before being spun in the opposite direction by a gorgeous man. Before Beau had decided to go all Neanderthal on me, we’d been laughing and drinking and having more fun than should be legal. And it was all PG fun. When the trio of sexy men approached and asked us to dance, for the first time in my life I felt like a giddy teen. It was like being at your high school prom, lined up against the wall when a cute boy asked you to dance. It’d never happened to me. I’d never had that experience. I wasn’t about to turn it down.

  As tragic as it was, Hayden was my first at so many things. He was my first kiss. My first love. The guy who claimed my virginity. My first marriage proposal. The first guy I lived with. The first asshole to cheat on me. The first to break my heart. To say I was inexperienced was an understatement. In fact, until Beau, I don’t think I’d ever had a real, earth shattering, toe curling orgasm. Sure, I’d had a few before, but they were nothing in comparison with what Beau introduced me to. Battery operated boyfriends and your own fingers were no comparison to the things that man could do.

  Closing my eyes, I settled my head against his shoulder and wriggled even closer, if that was at all possible. I heard myself sigh as he pressed a soft kiss to my temple. The song ended abruptly, or maybe I just hadn’t been paying attention to anything except the man in my arms. I tried to step back. The moment was over. I had to let go. Beau though, wasn’t having a bar of it. If anything, he held me tighter.

  “Payton?” Mia was standing beside me, eyeing me warily.


  “We’re heading to the bar. Want a drink?”

; “I’m good.”

  “Yeah. I think you are.” I saw her wink as she and Josie headed out the door with their dance partners trailing behind.

  “Stay with me,” Beau murmured into my hair.

  “Okay.” It wasn’t really a decision. I didn’t want to leave him. Not even for a second.

  The band started up a faster tempo number again, but we didn’t change. Instead we clung to each other desperately. For a while we stood like that. Rocking back and forth, arms wrapped around each other. When Beau’s wandering hands settled in the back pockets of my jeans, I found myself starting to melt. Between that and the thousand and one tiny kisses and bites he was dotting my neck with, I was about ready to strip off right here in the middle of the dance floor and beg him to do unspeakable things to me.

  “So,” his raspy voice against my neck sent a shiver down my spine. “You always dance with strange men in the back room of seedy pubs?”

  One glance at Beau and I knew he wasn’t insinuating I was a slut, despite that being my first thought. There was genuine concern there. It didn’t mean I couldn’t make him work for it a little, though. “Only when they’re really cute.”

  “Oh really. You like them that young?”


  “Yeah. The jail bait you were wrapped around.”

  “I wasn’t wrapped around anyone,” I dismissed. This conversation had turned somewhere I didn’t want it to. I’d meant to tease him a little, make him sweat. Now I just wanted some space. Again, I tried to pull away, but Beau’s fingers dug into my ass, keeping me exactly where I was.

  “Yes, you were. Were you trying to make me jealous?”

  “No! I didn’t even know you were here.”

  “So, you just happened to fall into Ryan’s arms then?”

  “No! Don’t be an ass, Beau.” He was starting to piss me off. All this caveman bullshit, while adorable earlier, was now just annoying. I didn’t belong to anyone, let alone Beau McIntyre. “And who’s Ryan?”


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