Unbroken Kingdom

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Unbroken Kingdom Page 7

by Lorie Gurnett

  Josiah nodded and left the room. He entered Senora’s room down the hall. “Nora?”

  Senora opened her eyes and slowly sat up. “Jo, any news on Bobbie? Is he out of surgery yet?”

  “He’s out of surgery. But in a coma right now. They’re not sure if he’ll wake up.” Josiah moved the chair closer to her bed and sat down. Senora saw the eagle pendant in his hand.

  “My pendant. Where did you find it?” Josiah handed the pendant to Senora.

  “It was on the floor in Bobbie’s room. He must have gone back to get it for you.”

  Senora placed the necklace around her neck again, and a lump formed in her throat.

  Then, she looked up at Josiah. “Oh, Jo, I hope I’m not the cause of this.”

  “Why would you think that? Of course not,” Josiah remarked.

  “Jo, can you help me?”

  “Sure with what?”

  “I’m not allowed to walk on my feet because of the burns. Can you please get me a wheelchair and take me to see Bobbie?”

  “I think I can do that. I’ll be right back.” Josiah rose and walked out into the waiting room. He saw a row of wheelchairs by the emergency door and wheeled one of them back to Senora’s room. Helping Senora slide off the bed, he placed her into the wheelchair, trying hard to keep her off her feet as much as possible. Then, he wheeled her to Robert’s room. Sylvia rose when she saw Josiah and Senora enter.

  “I’ll leave you alone,” she said as she nodded and left the room.

  Josiah wheeled Senora up to Robert’s bed, and she touched the bandage on his arm. “Some are from the collision,” Josiah declared.

  “Some? Not all?” Senora questioned.

  “The bigger bandage on his forearm is from the fire. He burned it lifting a fence post off you.”

  “Can I talk to him alone?” Senora asked. Josiah nodded and left the room. “What were you thinking, Bobbie? I know you have taken on the role of protecting me. Especially since Jo left for college. But running into a fire? What were you thinking? You have to wake up, Bobbie. I can’t lose you too. You have taken on Trevor’s role in my life. If I lose you, it will be like losing Trevor all over again. Damn your stupid pride. I can promise you, you’re not your dad.” Senora rested her cheek on Robert’s forearm. A tear trickled down her cheek. As she lifted her head to wipe the tear away, another rolled down her other cheek, down her neck, and dripped off the eagle pendant. The tear absorbed into Robert’s bandage. Senora thought she saw a slight glow, but she must have been mistaken.

  Robert opened his eyes to find himself standing in an unfamiliar forest. “You’re not alone.” He heard Senora’s voice as if it was just a whisper in the wind. He looked down at the eagle shaped scar on his arm. Where am I? Soon, the sound of footsteps interrupted his thoughts. He hid behind a tree to see what was happening. Five tall, hairy, wolf-like creatures walked past him, and he followed at a distance. Suddenly, the darkness was eliminated by the glow of what looked like campfires. The creatures entered a guarded camp.

  “Victory’s almost ours.” Lucas stood on a tree stump. “Bring me the prisoners.” Two young women in chains were dragged toward the man standing on the tree stump. One lady stood firm with golden blonde hair with a stern expression, while the other lady with fiery red hair stood with slumped shoulders.

  Lucas approached Scarlett, and her eyes turned silver. “Lucas, what have you done?”

  He bowed before Scarlett, grabbed her hand, and spun her around.

  “What I originally planned to do. You distracted me before. But my love, you freed me from love’s bondage.” He twirled her close into a hug, leaned toward her ear, kissed her neck, and smiled as he looked up at Sam. “Look at her.” Sam slowly raised her green eyes toward Scarlett.

  “Leave her out of this,” Scarlett ordered. “It’s me you want, isn’t it?”

  Lucas sat Scarlett down and walked toward Sam; he hit her on the cheek knocking her to the ground. Robert’s anger flared up. Flashes of all the times when he had to sit and watch his dad beat his mom flashed through his mind, and he knew he had to save them. Lucas pulled Sam to her feet. “You see, these chains stop you from transforming. You’ll help me one way or another, Sam,” Lucas whispered in her ear.

  “I’ll never help you,” Sam declared. “The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but the victory belongs to the Lord.”1

  “You’re mistaken. You’ve already fallen. Victory’s mine,” Lucas proclaimed as he walked toward Scarlett. “You see, the Silver Dragon in all her wisdom and beauty bound me to her in love. But in her defeat, my love died. And so…” Lucas pulled Scarlett to her feet again. “I continue my rule.” Lucas turned Scarlett to look at Sam.

  “Lucas, my love, I was mistaken. Our love’s bound for all eternity,” the Silver Dragon replied. Lucas spun Scarlett to face him again.

  “I do admit that I still hold the Silver Dragon with high regard. Your power’s greater than this entire world. But…” His eyes glinted with mischief. “You, my love, have been corrupted with light. You no longer reside in the darkness kingdom. You no longer belong.” Lucas spun Scarlett toward Sam once more and pointed his finger. “Now, a young naïve dragon? I can work with that. Mold it, and shape its path.”

  “You wouldn’t.” Scarlett gasped.

  “Oh? I wouldn’t? I thought you knew me better than that, my love. You see, you’re trapped within this vulnerable body. Scarlett has defeated you and you don’t even know it. That was my mistake, but I’m here now to correct that little error,” Lucas affirmed.

  “Sam, no matter what happens remember you can do everything through Christ, who gives you strength,” Scarlett declared.2

  “Strength? The only strength here is mine. The age of the dragon is done.” Lucas thrust a knife into Scarlett’s side. Blood poured out, running like a river, as the ground hungrily licked it up. Scarlett fell. Sam ran toward her, but Lucas kicked her backward. “No longer will the Silver Dragon distract me.” Lucas kneeled down and placed his right hand on Scarlett’s gaping wound. He paused for only a moment before he stood and approached Sam as she tried desperately to crawl away on her stomach. “It’s my time now. My rule. And you,” Lucas said as he stood over Sam, reaching down and pulling her to her feet, “you, Sam, are going to be the undoing of everything.” Lucas scoffed with a smirk on his face. “Take her away.” Lucas tossed Sam like a rag doll into the hands of two shadowy creatures, who dragged her toward a tent in the center of their camp and pushed her inside. Robert watched in horror as Lucas kicked Scarlett’s lifeless body out of camp and down a hill. He returned to camp and entered a tent on the far north end. Robert sat there feeling helpless.

  This is crazy; I must have lost my mind or something. Maybe I’m dreaming? He climbed a nearby tree to get a better vantage point. Watching cautiously from a distance, he saw six of the hairy beasts patrolling the perimeter of the camp. Those were the strangest looking creatures he had ever seen. Like something from his nightmares. They were covered in thick black fur, and they had sharp fangs that would tear him apart if they got a hold of him. Their eyes looked like fire, and they had long crocodile snouts. Robert watched as they stopped at every second tree and clawed thick, deep scratches in the bark, almost like they were marking the border of their camp, warning others not to trespass. These guys or creatures mean business. Maybe I’ll wait here for now. Hopefully, I can find out where I am in the morning. Robert rested his head against the tree and closed his eyes.

  A blood curdling scream startled Robert awake, and he almost fell out of the tree. He looked on as Lucas pulled Sam out of the center tent and dragged her by her hair to the nearby fire. “Now, this is interesting. A dragon that’s afraid of fire?” Sam spat in his face, and Lucas slapped her. “You may think you’re tough, but I know what you truly fear. It’s not me.” Lucas stood Sam back up. “I’ll break you, and you’ll be begging me for mercy.”

  “I’ll never give you that satisfaction,” Sam replied.

“I don’t need satisfaction to get what I want.” Lucas dragged Sam over to a table and handed her a bowl of food.

  “What’s this? Poison?” Sam questioned.

  “It’s food. Eat; you’ll need your strength,” Lucas demanded.

  Sam’s hair glowed crimson. “You want to see my strength? Take these cuffs off and then we’ll see. O Lord, my strength and my stronghold, my refuge in the day of trouble.”3

  Lucas leaned close and said, “I tear down strongholds, but you’re right: this is only the beginning of days of trouble.”

  Sam sat up straight and yelled, “You’re already defeated; your future has already been written!” Lucas pierced Sam’s arm with a small needle and extracted some blood. Sam cried out with pain.

  “We’ll see. You say my future is already written? Well, now is my time. If you aren’t going to eat then you can go back to your cage.” Lucas pulled her away from the table and pushed her back into the center tent.

  Robert turned his attention back to the beasts patrolling the perimeter. He noticed they always traveled together in packs of three. Three circled one way, while another three circled the opposite direction. If I time things right, I can probably sneak in unnoticed. The problem will be getting out with this young lady. That’s if she will even come with me. He watched as one set of three beasts paused under the tree he was in. One by one, they took turns clawing the bark off the tree before moving on. He waited until they had moved down a number of trees before he climbed down. His thoughts returned to the night before. I wonder about that other woman. The one who was kicked out of camp. He swiftly slipped out of sight and neared the bottom of the hill where Scarlett’s body lay. Carefully approaching her, he bent down and touched her face. Still warm. Scarlett’s eyes fluttered and barely opened. “Who are you?” Scarlett asked, struggling to form each word.

  “My name is Bobbie.” Scarlett struggled to focus on Robert’s face as she desperately gasped for breath.

  “Bobbie? You must save them.”

  “Who? Do you mean that fiery redhead?”

  “You must save them all. He is more powerful than ever. Soon, no one will be able to stop him.”

  “Who’re you talking about? How can I help you?” Robert looked around to find something that might stop the bleeding.

  “No, I’m done. My fight’s over. Yours? Yours has just begun.” Scarlett coughed and groaned. “Find the Saviour's words and wisdom. It’s the only way now. Be strong.” Scarlett’s body went limp in Robert’s arms and all colour faded from her face.

  Robert gently laid her down and fought the urge to scream at the top of his lungs. With her dying breath, she thought of others. Robert shook his head in confusion. I must find a way to free this young captive. He raced back to the perimeter and studied the two patrol units carefully. When the nearest patrol passed his location, he quickly made his way toward the nearest tent. He tiptoed as quietly as he could, continuing this process until he finally found himself right outside the tent he saw Sam thrown into. He panned the gruesome crew for Lucas. He saw him in the distance as he headed into the north tent once again. Now’s my chance. Robert took a deep breath and entered the tent.

  Sam stared at Robert with curiosity. “Who’re you?”

  Robert held up his hands to show her he meant her no harm. “Careful, I don’t want to hurt you. I promise.”

  Sam looked away. “No promise is worth believing here. Did Lucas send you to try and soften me?” Sam turned and looked at Robert with hatred, a look Robert knew well.

  “I don’t know any Lucas, but I have seen how poorly you have been treated. I wish to help you escape.”

  Sam raised her handcuffed hands. “Can you unlock these?”

  “I don’t have the key.”

  “Key? Who needs a key? I haven’t heard that word in years.” Robert shook his head, wondering what she meant and planned to ask her once they were free from this place.

  “I’ve been watching their patrol. Once those three move on; we’ll have five minutes to run to the tree line.”

  “Do you not understand Shadow Knights?”

  “What’re Shadow Knights? Never mind. Can you run?” Sam nodded suspiciously but stood to follow. “Ok, let’s go, but try to be quiet.” Sam nodded again. They slowly made their way out of the tent and tiptoed around the back. Do these creatures ever sleep? He shook that thought away as he led Sam through the blind spots until they reached the perimeter. Once they got a few trees away from the camp, they both took off running. Soon, Sam pulled Robert to the side, and they both tumbled into a small hole. “What’re you doing?”

  “Shadow Knights can track the night. I’m surprised you could see their blind spots. That’s a rare gift. Now, can you take these cuffs off?”

  “I told you: I don’t have the key.”

  “What do you think the key is? If you’re true and wisdom guides you, the key to break the chains grows through the grace and forgiveness that will flow like rain through you.”

  “What does that mean?” Sam sighed and rolled her eyes.

  “Fine, we can wait here until daylight, the Shadow Knights won’t see our tracks as good in daylight. Rest now.” Sam closed her eyes as Robert kept a look out. Who’s this strange girl, and where am I? Robert’s mind raced with unanswered questions. He must have dozed off because Sam startled him awake.

  “Hey, it’s time to move.” Robert squinted at the sun’s rays. Sam led Robert through the trees. “Come, we have a long walk ahead of us.”

  “Where’re we?” Robert asked.

  “We’re in the Shadow Forest, the place where nightmares are born.”

  “What do you mean? How did I get here?”

  “You don’t know?” Sam spun around sharply and swung her chains at him.

  “Wait, what’re you doing?” Robert dodged; Sam flipped in the air and kicked Robert in the arm, sending sharp pain shooting up into his shoulder. He winced and fell. “I don’t trust you yet.” Sam punched Robert unconscious as she looked around her, finding something to release her bonds when she heard movement coming toward them. Quickly dragging Robert to a secure place, she saw a Forgiveness Eagle land, so she slowly tiptoed up to it.

  “Kind Forgiveness Eagle, can you help me?” The great bird tapped her bonds with its wing as it flew away. Her bonds fell to the ground. She walked back over to Robert to inspect her strange rescuer. At closer inspection, she noticed the eagle shape on his arm. “Nora’s pendant? How did you get this symbol?” Sam brushed Robert’s hair away from his eyes. “I need to warn the others, but I can’t leave you here alone.” She stood and looked around. “Queen Scarlett.” She gasped as she tiptoed back toward the camp and made her way to the bottom of the hill where she found Scarlett’s body. “I’m sorry, my queen.” Sam slowly and painfully pulled Scarlett’s body back to where she had left Robert. I’m not going to get very far like this. She transformed into the Red Dragon, picked up Scarlett’s body and Robert, and flew back to the castle.

  Sam slowly lowered Robert and Scarlett in the courtyard and landed beside them. She transformed back into her human form. Katerina ran into the courtyard to meet them. “Sam, where have you been? Mother, no! It can’t be!” Katerina screamed as she ran and embraced Scarlett’s lifeless body. “What happened?”

  “I’m sorry, Lady Kat. Lucas was too strong,” Sam replied sadly. “They underestimated Lucas. I’m sorry, Kat. She didn’t make it.”

  Katerina filled with guilt. It’s all my fault. Turning her attention toward the unconscious man lying on the ground beside her, Katerina asked, “Who’s this?”

  “I don’t know, but he helped me escape from Lucas’s compound,” Sam affirmed. Katerina called for some palace guards to carry Robert to a room, and ordered others to grab burial garments for her mother. Sam followed, still curious about the scar on his arm.

  She watched from a distance as this strange visitor rested. Katerina approached and said, “Hey, Sam, what happened?”

  Sam leaned on t
he doorpost and sighed. “One thing I learned in this battle is what Lucas is partially after.”

  “What do you mean?” Katerina shifted nervously.

  “I’m vulnerable in my dragon state. Somehow, he manipulated me, and now Delores is dead.”

  “What do you mean? Manipulated?”

  “You know he’s king of deception. Delores died trying to free me. I jumped ahead and went after Lucas alone. I’m sorry, Kat. But I think Lucas is looking for something.”

  “Like what?”

  “I don’t know yet. But until I do, I think I need to refrain from being the Red Dragon for now. Scarlett and Delores trained me in combat just in case this were to ever happen.”

  “But the Red Dragon is a symbol of hope for our kingdom.”

  Sam sighed and placed her hand on Katerina’s shoulder. “You forget, kid. The Saviour is our hope. ‘Indeed, we felt that we had received the sentence of death. But that was to make us rely not on ourselves but on God who raises the dead. He delivered us from such a deadly peril, and He will deliver us. On Him we have set our hope that He will deliver us again.’4 So, I will trust the Saviour’s leading now. I’ll refrain from using my dragon form until I feel it is safe to do so.”

  Katerina shifted her attention toward the man lying on the bed. “So, what is your opinion of him?”

  “He’s so mysterious. He carries a symbol of Scarlett’s signet; you know, the one she gave to Nora. I don’t know if I trust him. Deception seems to be thriving in many different places.” Sam looked at Katerina.

  Katerina squirmed in anticipation of her own deception. Does Sam know what I did? Is Nora really gone? Will Sam see through me? Will Crystal ever wake up? Katerina’s mind spun. “In a time of deception and darkness, we need to unify. We need to prepare Mother’s body for the funeral procession.”

  “We need to unite you’re right. He’ll try to divide us. We can’t let him. But do you think when we’re facing war, the time is right for a funeral?”

  “Time for a funeral is never right. She’s my mother and the queen. We need to mourn her.”


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