Unbroken Kingdom

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Unbroken Kingdom Page 15

by Lorie Gurnett

  As Lucas strolled into the room once again, Robert quickly folded the paper and shoved in into his jeans pocket. “Have you considered my offer?”

  Robert stood and paced the room. “I’m not willing to gain the whole world if it means I lose my soul,”

  Lucas squeezed the brim of his nose between his fingers and rubbed his forehead. “Who said anything about your soul? I offer you a way out of here; I offer a way home. I offer you freedom and peace away from your parents. Maybe you just need more time to think it over. I’m patient. Why continue on a path of failure, when I offer you the tools to be strong?” He moved some of the papers around on the table as he spoke.

  Robert stopped and scratched the back of his head. The room felt as though it was spinning. Reaching for a nearby cabinet, he braced himself. “Your words ring true to my ears, but they don’t feel right inside.”

  Lucas leaned right into his face and firmly stated, “You failed to protect your mother. You failed to protect Nora. You failed to save Trevor. Now, I offer you a way to be strong, and you say you don’t feel right?” He pushed Robert backward. “What does feeling right have to do with anything? I offer you strength and the ability to save everyone; I only ask one small thing. You probably won’t even miss it. I’m the only one you can trust right now. Think about it.” Lucas slammed the door behind him.

  Robert slumped in his chair. “I can’t take this any longer. I just can’t help myself. I’m such a failure, I’m inadequate. I’m just a nobody. I don’t matter to anyone. I can’t do anything right.” Robert sighed in defeat. I’m just Nobody. The words of little Tony sang in his ears. Concern and worry filled his heart. Suddenly, the Tall Bearded Man reappeared before Robert. Robert staggered in fear.

  “See what great love the Father has lavished on you, that you should be called a child of God! And that’s what you are!”18 The Man reached a grabbed his hand to stabilize him. “To all who receive Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God.”19

  Robert pulled the folded paper out of his pocket again. “A child of God, yes, but why does God still love me when I keep making the same mistake all the time?”

  The Man pulled him close into a big hug, lifting him of the ground. When he placed him firmly on his feet again, he nodded and said, “In love He predestined you for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ.20 Everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.”21

  Filling with anger, he tore the paper into small pieces and threw it on the floor. “I’m a failure and not worthy of sonship.” Turning his back, he stomped over to the table.

  The man walked around the cabinets as he spoke. “He gives you the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”22

  “How could I trust God? Just look at my life nothing seems to get better.” Robert tossed the papers off the table.

  “My God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus.23 He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you’re tempted, He’ll also provide a way out so you can endure it.”24 The man walked up behind Robert.

  Placing his hands on the table, he hung his head and dug his fingernails in. “You don’t understand what I’m going through.”

  Placing a hand on his shoulder and giving a squeeze, he said, “You do not have a high priest who’s unable to sympathize with your weakness, but you have one who has been tempted in every way, just as you are yet He did not sin.”25

  Robert pounded his fists into the table a few times. “I’m so angry with my mom. I can’t forgive her for allowing him back into our lives. I know I’m called to forgive her, and I’ve forgiven my dad, but that doesn’t mean I welcome him back into my life to hurt me again. I don’t think I can forgive her.”

  “You can forgive because Christ has forgiven you.”26 The Man placed the now intact paper on the table in front of Robert. Reaching for his hand, he placed it firmly on the paper.

  Taking a deep breath and crumpling the paper with his fingers, he stared at the Man. “I don’t deserve to be forgiven.”

  “It’s by grace you’ve been saved, through faith and this isn’t from yourselves, it’s the gift of God-not by works, so that no one can boast.”27

  “I’ll never change. I’ll always be a mess.”

  The man tapped the table with his finger. “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”28

  He picked up the paper and shoved it in his pocket once more. Gritting his teeth, he spat out his words. “God can’t use me, and I’ll never figure this out. God has forgotten me.”

  “You didn’t choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last.29 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he’ll make your paths straight.30 Cast all your anxiety on Him, because he cares for you.”31

  Grabbing the edge of the table, he flipped it on its head with a loud crash. “I know that in my mind, but it’s hard to believe in my heart.”

  “For He formed your inward parts; He knitted you together in your mother’s womb.32 Your frame wasn’t hidden from Him, when you were made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. His eyes saw your unformed substance; in His book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for you, when as yet there was none of them. How precious are God’s thoughts, how vast is the sum of them! If you would count them, they are more than the sand.”33

  His head shot up, and his eyes grew wider, “God thinks of me?”

  “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you.34 Stay strong in the strength the LORD provides. I’m sending someone who’ll remind you of the truth. You’re not alone. It is time.”

  “Time? Time for what?”

  “Time to stand in the fire, face your fears. Courage is found in unlikely places. Your courage will be refined in the fire as you face your fears.” The Man vanished, and Robert pulled the paper from his pocket and read the word again, Chosen.

  Robert looked around, questioning what had happened. Did I just have a vision? Or was that man really here? His mind raced for answers.

  Senora stayed as quiet and as still as she could and listened to a conversation unfolding before her. “She’s almost ready for you. I’ve almost broken her,” Drayvon declared.

  “Good, my plan’s working perfectly,” Lucas said gleefully as he rubbed his hands together.

  “What sort of game are you playing with him exactly?” he asked while he pulled a random flea from him fur.

  Stroking his chin, a flicker of mischief flashed in his eyes. “I’m building and replacing his bond with her. I’ll show him true power. He’ll come to desire it, and the truth will become hazy to him.” He snapped his fingers and pressed his hand into Drayvon’s thick chest.

  Backing away and scraping his claws on the cave wall, he licked his lips and howled. “How’re you going to do that?”

  Leaning against a wall, he folded his arms and grinned. “He’s almost ready for another walkabout.”

  With a growl, Drayvon stood twice as tall in front of Lucas. “What’s the point of these walkabouts? Are you not just revealing more of my kingdom to him?”

  He chuckled, placed his hand firmly on Drayvon’s chest and pushed him aside. “Not your kingdom. I’m just shedding some history into the boy. Maybe tomorrow we will visit the Forgetful woods. A few days there, and Sam won’t even be an afterthought.”

  Nodding and scratching at his side, he howled in agreement. “You’re the master of deception.”

  Bowing his approval, he looked up and winked. “Why, thank you. Soon, their connection will be severed, and their division will be the foundation of their demise. I’m training him.”

ng some drool from his chin and clawing at the wall, he looked up at Lucas, puzzled. “Training him for what?”

  He placed his hands on his hips, threw back his head, and laughed loudly. “For the ultimate deception. Soon, their hope and faith will be gone. No more protection for them. I’ll destroy the last of the dragons and take the power that’s rightfully mine.” Lucas rubbed his hands together greedily.

  Dragon’s power? Ultimate deception? What does he mean? I have to find Sam. Senora’s thoughts raced. Looking around the corner, she could see one of the largest and scariest creatures she had ever seen. She shuddered at the thought of what demise they’d been referring to. She squirmed in fright but remembered God’s greater than all things. Her confidence wavered when she caught a glimpse of who Drayvon was talking to. “Lucas,” she whispered with a gasp.


  Forgotten Secrets Revealed

  “I’ll inform you at once the moment she breaks. But what about the other?” Drayvon asked.

  “He’s breaking; I need to raise his fear to the surface. He’s a fighter; I need to use a different attack with this one. But I’ve seen him waver. In time, he’ll lose himself,” Lucas stated.

  Drayvon smirked a devilish smile as he turned and walked down a dimly lit tunnel.

  It’s like a maze down here. How’ll I ever find my way back out once I find them? She shook off her questions. I need to focus now. If I follow this creature, maybe he’ll lead me to Sam. Senora moved closer to Lucas. She froze in place as Lucas turned toward her. Please LORD, protect me now, she prayed. Lucas shifted closer to her location as Senora was strangely filled with peace.

  “Lord Lucas, sorry to interrupt, but there’s movement on the northern border. Do I get Master Drayvon?” Lucas turned abruptly around to face a skittish Chester.

  “Gather a small group. Have them investigate. I’ve a meeting with someone now.” Lucas replied as he stormed away.

  “Yes, Lord, right away,” Chester said as he shuffled past Senora toward the other large lit room she had just left, leaving a trail of faint hyena laughter behind him. Senora quickly made her way down the tunnel Drayvon had entered. After a short run, she caught sight of Drayvon. She watched as he opened a door. Then, she caught sight of Sam as the door closed. Senora ran up to the door and listened.

  Drayvon entered the room. Sam locked defiant eyes with him as he entered. She squinted at movement from behind him. Was that Nora I saw? No, it can’t be. Sam stared, puzzled with what she thought she might have seen, and Drayvon closed the door. Drayvon moved quickly toward Sam and struck her cheek knocking her and the chair to the ground.

  He swiftly pulled her up against the wall and stared deep into her eyes. “What hope do you hold onto? I could break you in one swipe,” Drayvon warned.

  “Then why don’t you?” Sam challenged. “You need me. I just don’t know for what yet.”

  “Need you? I need no one. You just happen to be part of the plan.” Drayvon released her and Sam crashed to the floor. The chair broke and dug into her arm. Sam cried out in pain as Drayvon pulled her up and bound her to a different chair. “Oh, this is going to hurt.” Drayvon pulled the piece of chair out of her arm as blood oozed out. Sam screamed in pain, then bit her lip so she wouldn’t give Drayvon the satisfaction.

  “Where’re you finding this strength? Remember, no one’s coming for you. No one even remembers you. You’re the last of your kind; it must be lonely for you. No one understands the loss you’ve endured.”

  Sam looked at Drayvon with such hatred that her hair glowed crimson, and her green eyes ignited like lasers. Drayvon lunged at her and dug his claws into her wounded arm. “There it is,” Drayvon stated with glee as he squeezed her arm, and Sam felt as though part of her was draining away. She felt so weak. The fire went out of her, and she hung her head. “Lord Lucas will be pleased,” Drayvon whispered as he drifted back to the door and was gone.

  It horrified Senora to hear the painful and terrifying screams from her dear friend Sam. What’s he doing to you? Senora wondered. She wanted to dart right into the room and make the pain stop, but if she revealed herself now, all would be lost. She held her breath and silently prayed. Soon, the door flew open, Drayvon stormed out, slammed the door shut, and walked gleefully back down the tunnel.

  Now’s my chance, Senora thought as she ran toward the door, opened it, and walked up to Sam. Senora knelt down in front of her friend and touched her hand. It’s so cold. Senora feared for her friend’s life. She reached for Sam’s chin and lifted it to look into Sam’s face. Sam’s eyes were closed, and her breath was weak. “Sam? It’s me, Nora. I’m here to help you. Sam, open your eyes.” Sam’s eyes fluttered and rolled back. “Sam, I’m here! Look at me. Please come back. You’re not alone.”

  Sam rolled her eyes forward and opened them only a little, trying to focus on the figure before her. “Nora? Are you really here?” Senora hugged her friend and quickly unbound her.

  “Can you walk?” Senora asked.

  “I don’t know.” Sam’s eyes opened more to better focus on Senora’s face. “Is this a dream?”

  “No, Sam. I’m really here. There’s still hope. If we could get out of this place, then we could regroup. Crystal’s waiting just beyond the Shadow Dominion border. I need you to stand.” Senora reached out her hand, but she noticed Sam’s arm. “What did he do to you?”

  “Nora, tear a piece of cloth from my shirt. You need to stop the bleeding.” Sam gasped for breath. Senora nodded, stood, and ripped a piece of cloth. She wrapped it around Sam’s wound and tied it tight. Sam winced in pain but refused to cry out. Senora stood and reached out her hand to help Sam to her feet. Sam leaned on Senora for support as they made their way to the door. The two opened the door and shuffled toward the hiding place.

  “I guess it’s my turn to save you,” Senora said as she playfully laughed. Sam closed her eyes and smiled. “Sam, do you know where they’re keeping Bobbie?”

  “So, you do know Bobbie? It’s strange.”

  “What’s strange?”

  “With Bobbie, I feel a connection like I’ve never felt before. Earlier, I was able to see the path to where they held him. But whatever Drayvon did to me, I can’t seem to find him again.”

  “Think about what you saw before. Do you think you can guide me?”

  “I don’t know. I also saw Lucas there.”

  “I saw him talking with that creature earlier. I could lead you to where they were talking. Maybe you’ll remember from there?” Sam nodded weakly. “But we need to be careful that we don’t run into any of those creatures.”

  “They’re called Shadow Knights. Drayvon’s their ruler; he’s the one you saw with me.” The two quietly made their way back to the opening of the dimly lit tunnel. Senora saw the boulder she had hid behind earlier and helped Sam slip in behind. “I need to rest. I feel so weak.”

  “Stay with me, Sam. Does anything look familiar from your vision?”

  Sam looked around the boulder at several different tunnels.

  “They all look the same.” She closed her eyes and tried to remember her vision of Robert. Soon, she opened her eyes back up and pointed down the corridor leading downhill and to the right. They rested behind the boulder as Chester entered the crossroad of tunnels and scratched his head.

  “Gather a group. Gather a group? Grr.” Chester grumbled under his breath. “People say nothing’s impossible, but I do nothing every day.” Chester turned and entered a different tunnel leading back toward the large room again.

  “He’s a strange one,” Senora whispered. Helping Sam to her feet, they entered the tunnel Sam indicated. It was quite a steep decline, so they both leaned on the rock wall to maintain their balance. At the end of this tunnel, there was a wooden door. Senora leaned Sam against the wall in the darkest part of the tunnel. “Lucas might still be in there,” Senora said with concern.

  Sam tried to think of Lucas, but fear held her in bondage. What did Drayvon do to me?

“Sam, let’s rest for a bit. You’re weak,” Senora said as she looked nervously at the door.

  Chester stumbled toward the wooden door. “Lord Lucas!” Chester shrieked. Lucas jumped out the door as Chester slammed right into him.

  “You better have a good excuse for this intrusion,” Lucas warned.

  “That prisoner. You know the one. Sam, is it?” Chester started to say but shrunk back at the rage growing within Lucas’s eyes.

  “First movement on the border. What’s this about Sam?” Lucas demanded.

  “She’s not in her bondage anymore,” Chester mumbled.

  “What? Find her.” Lucas pushed Chester against the wall, and he fell with a thud. “You waste of brain cells. Move.” Lucas and Chester rushed back up the steep tunnel and out of sight.

  “Wait here, Sam.” Senora rushed toward the wooden door and burst through.

  “I’ve considered your offer,” Robert whispered as he looked toward the door. “Wait, Nora? What’re you doin’ here?”

  Senora ran toward Robert, hugged him and untied his bonds. “Let’s get out of here first, and then I’ll fill you in.”

  “What’s the matter, Bobbie? Let’s go,” Senora replied.

  “I don’t know. I mean, I’m his guest.”

  “Guest? But you were just tied to a chair. Who ties their guests to a chair?”

  “I’m free to roam as long as I don’t ask about, well, you know.”

  “Ask about what or who? You’re not making any sense. Come, Sam’s just outside. She’s hurt; we need to get her out of here. Snap out of it, Bobbie. We need you.” Robert convulsed as if fighting off an unseen battle. Senora grabbed both of his shoulders and shook him. Robert slowly focused on Senora’s face as his eyes became less dazed.

  “Nora? Did you say Sam? Where is she?”


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