Fire Dragon

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Fire Dragon Page 6

by Caris Roane

  The next two weeks eased his mind about Emma. She was all business and so disciplined that his fears about being a regular partner with her abated. When they weren’t practicing battle maneuvers, she spent most of her time at the range or with lesser dragons drilling on the battlefield mesa near the caravan landing strip.

  He was only with her two hours a day during which time he shifted, then they went through about a dozen different training sequences at various locations around the lake. She was an eager student and insisted he push the boundaries of their drills. More than once she’d taken a tumble in the air. But the woman had mad levitation skills and came up laughing each time.

  He loved how game she was.

  The red sand hadn’t blown again from the northeast and when the blue sands off the mountains far to the east came in, Logan and Mason were on duty. But so far, the Magi hadn’t returned.

  Liam wasn’t scheduled to take a caravan out for another week, though part of him itched for an assignment. He’d made peace with his desire for Emma and with her presence in his daily life, but he was looking forward to time away from her.

  When the week passed and he was ready to lead the caravan, he breathed one helluva sigh of relief. He’d been working with Emma exclusively for three weeks now and he needed a break. He hadn’t realized how much tension he’d been carrying because of his proximity to her.

  He looked forward to a few days traveling over the lands in the southern part of Saanvale Province and enjoying the pleasures of their destination city, Kochwick, riding the winds, battling the powerful crosswinds, then hunting down some action in a distant city. All of it was just what he needed.

  A good hour before the flight, he walked the long line of traders each with packs stowed in massive piles on lesser dragons. Every shifter in the service of the caravan trade made good bucks. Most had families they supported extremely well on what they earned.

  Thanks to a handful of dragons like himself, he had the power, skill and ability to get entire caravans across the difficult, wind-laden terrain safely. His essential power would spread out for miles behind the caravan and protect every dragon and their attendant loads from the treacherous winds of Dusane.

  In addition to the transport of goods, there were also several dragons who worked the tourist trade. Each of these bore vessels that could carry up to eight people including a flight attendant. Dragons had always carried humans from one point to another though the mode of transport had changed significantly.

  The current models were twenty feet long and nine feet in height, not including the support structure that rested on the dragon’s back. The apparatus was strapped in place with an intricate web of steel and nylon cables and bands. He’d been told the dragons barely felt the weight of the unit even when loaded with humans. But these dragons were Gantors, like his masseuse, Batya. They were the largest on the planet and known for strength and endurance.

  He paused by one of the transport dragons curious as to why his carriage was empty. He was large and brown with quite a bit of earth dragon genetics in his blood, though mostly Gantor. Liam levitated forty feet in the air to meet him eye-to-eye then contacted the dragon telepathically. You’ve got a light load.

  One female. Santos’s orders. Pay is good though and it’ll be some easy flying.

  A bolt of fear shot through Liam. One female. It couldn’t be. Name?

  Your battle partner, Emma Brier.

  At almost the same moment, he heard Emma calling to him from below.

  “Liam. I’m here.”

  Glancing toward the lake end of the caravan there she was, moving on her quick, firm step, her thick, dark braiding bouncing as it always did. She wore her off-duty uniform, a snug, black one-piece suit that unfortunately did little to hide her curves. Dismay struck him in a heavy wave. What the hell?

  “Hey.” She waved to him and smiled.

  Though he lifted his hand in response, he wasn’t happy. Far from it. He shifted his gaze back to the Gantor. Easy ride.

  Um, good luck.

  He could sense the dragon was laughing at him. Was there anyone who didn’t know how much he disliked his latest battle assignment?

  He dropped easily to the ground then walked in her direction. He spoke mind-to-mind. What the hell are you doing here, Emma? And why wasn’t I told?

  Her eyes widened as her smile faded. What do you mean you weren’t told?

  Suddenly, Santos appeared right next to him. The damn dragon could materialize at will, the only dragon he personally knew that had this power.

  Startled, Liam flinched which served to turn up his anger another notch. “Why didn’t you tell me Emma was boarding?”

  “This is why.” He gestured with a wave of his hand indicating Liam’s hostile posture.

  Emma, who was within five feet of them, stopped in her tracks. She pursed her lips then stepped away saying she’d give them a couple of minutes. She didn’t wait for either of the men to refute her retreat but moved back down the line out of earshot.

  “She’s something else, Liam.” Santos turned to watch Emma move in the direction of the lake. “She’s one of the most game riders I’ve ever seen. Wouldn’t you say so?”

  “Yes.” The word sounded like a gunshot.

  Liam repressed a sigh as his gaze followed her as well. She had a firm body enhanced by the black leather uniform with a tight waist. Her bottom was firm from all the running and working out. Her hips had what his mother would have described as a child-bearing breadth.

  Typically male, he suddenly saw that same body naked and his hands squeezing her waist as he entered her from behind. His inner dragon started racing around inside him like he wanted to shift and fly after the woman.

  He had to take a couple of deep breaths to calm down. He worked hard not to think of Emma as a woman.

  Liam forced himself to focus on the issue at hand and pivoted slightly in Santos’s direction. “You should have warned me, Miguel. But more to the point, why is she going on this caravan run at all? In what possible way is she necessary?”

  “It’s what I want and that should be enough, Liam.”


  At that, Miguel turned to face Liam. “You need an answer? Then here it is. I can sense what is required for the two of you to merge as a team, a real team. A trip south will help. But would you lose the fucking attitude? Emma is not the enemy here.”

  But she was and Liam knew it. He understood how vulnerable he was to her and how much he risked by being this close to her.

  As she passed by one of the security teams, he watched her levitate and place her hand on the shoulder of the lead dragon. She ran her palm across his glittery gold-brown scales. It was considered a friendly gesture, yet all it did was remind Liam that he wanted her hands on him, and only on him.

  When the dragon kept swinging his massive head her direction, he knew they were communicating telepathically. He could tell the dragon was enjoying the exchange.

  Liam had seen her interacting with others often. She was friendly and truly interested in people, their lives, their pursuits, their families. This dragon was a happily married man with three children and Liam shouldn’t have been jealous. But there it was. Again. And his hands were in fists.

  “I want her riding with you,” Santos said. “That should be enough.”

  Liam’s temper once more shot into the stratosphere as he shifted his gaze back to Santos. “I draw the line at the caravan runs. This is my show. This has nothing to do with the Arranfar Defense Force. Emma isn’t needed out here.”

  “Then stand down and continue running drills on the lake. I’ll get Logan or Noah to take this one out.”

  Liam’s jaw dropped. “You’re serious.”

  “Never more so. For as long as it takes, and until I see things differently, I want you with Emma everyday. That means she’s on this run or you’re back to training. Period.”

  Liam considered the hard line of Santos’s jaw and the set of his shoulders.
He realized he was looking at something else here, something he’d failed to see for the past month.

  He switched to telepathy. What are you not telling me, Miguel? We’ve known each other a long time, but all of this says you’re holding back. I think it’s time you let me in on the latest horror show. If you don’t, call Logan and I’ll respectfully request about six-month’s worth of vacation time and take it on Peru, Earth. I want to hike Machu Picchu. How does that sound?

  Santos stared at him hard. His nostrils flared. Fine, but this goes no further. We’ve had rumors that the Magi have developed a new technology for their dragon force. If what Intelligence has heard, the weapon can do damage beyond anything we’ve seen so far. If we don’t have a defense ready, and they attack HQ, we could lose Blue Lake South. If that happens, the entire continent will fall.

  Liam let these words sink into his skull, his brain, his soul.

  It was worse than anything he’d imagined. He’d thought maybe the Magi were planning a major assault and Santos wanted everyone on their A game. Did you get this from the dragons Emma and I dropped into the lake?

  In part, yes. But they only confirmed what we’ve been hearing through our backchannels for the past several weeks.

  You should have told me, Miguel. All the lead dragons.

  I’ve been waiting for confirmation, something tangible, before I made an announcement.

  But why Emma and me? What can we possibly achieve that others can’t?

  That’s just it, I don’t know. But Emma’s performance in her first battle, the way she attached to your energy, has given me hope that the two of you together can do something, though what exactly, I have no idea. Do you remember the assessment I had the entire force take a few months back?

  Of course.

  It was intended to reveal a certain genetic alignment. Yours and Emma’s genes show an exceptional cohesiveness. When I was first told about this test, I thought maybe it would create a stronger link during battle. What I didn’t expect was what Emma actually accomplished, and that on her virgin run. If anything, she has proved the current working theory correct.

  Santos continued, But it has also convinced me that the two of you need to stick close in case something else might emerge that will help us defeat this latest threat. Do you understand now?

  Liam nodded. He had lived a long time, over two hundred years. The last century was the most peaceful he’d known. Much was due to men like Santos and others who had created the Arranfar Defense Force. Until now, they had been victors in any engagement with the Magi because of superior training and the use of symbiotic dragon-riders during battle.

  He supposed it was to be expected that those who could advance science and technology would eventually use the same to build better weapons. The Magi were gifted in each of these areas.

  It was the way of both worlds, Earth and Dusane.

  Santos sighed. I will apologize if the pairing has created difficulties. I know you have a history with Emma.

  Now that he understood what was at stake, Liam’s ire faded. We can both live with it but thank you for telling me.

  Santos blew the air from his cheeks. You need to understand as well that I’ve disobeyed orders from the governing Council in Davathorpe by saying anything to you. It goes without saying that I rely on your discretion.

  You’ve got it.

  Liam watched Emma give a final pat on the shoulder to the security dragon before she turned back to head his way. He ignored a now-familiar spark of jealousy.

  He pivoted to face Santos once more then met his gaze straight on. Emma needs to know, Miguel. If she and I are to work together in ways that will combat a threat as great as the one you’ve described, Emma must know.

  Santos nodded. As you wish. I know you’ll both be discreet. Safe journey. Then he was gone.

  Chapter Four

  “Well, that tweaks the kitten’s whiskers.” Emma sighed, as her gaze slid away from Liam’s intense expression. He’d just told her the gist of his rather lowering conversation with Santos.

  “Sorry to lay this on you, but I felt you should know. Santos broke a rule here by telling me.”

  “Understood.” She planted her hands on her hips and took a moment to process the dire nature of the information. She’d just barely become a dragon-rider and now it would seem the future of the continent was settled squarely on her shoulders, or rather hers and Liam’s.

  She couldn’t help but chuckle.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “I always dreamed one day I’d help save the world. Now it seems I’d better or else.”

  He caught her arm gently just above her elbow. “One day at a time. Right now, we have a caravan to get safely to south Saanvale. Wait a minute, I just remembered. You’ve never been on a caravan drive before, have you?”

  “No, I haven’t.”

  “Ah. No wonder you were bouncing around when I first saw you.”

  “Exactly. I honestly thought it would be a long time before I did. I figured I’d be stationed at Blue Lake South for the next century.”

  “Walk the line with me then. You’ll enjoy it.” With his warm hand still holding her arm, he turned her toward the tail end of the caravan. “I always do this. Not every caravan driver does, but I like to get a good look at the dragons involved, see what they’re carrying, make sure my security teams are in place throughout the entire length and meet some of the tourists.”

  “Does it help you connect?” She knew the drivers, as needed, communicated with all the dragons in the course of the journey telepathically to transmit flight information and what crosswinds to expect. But in his dragon form, Liam would also be able to instinctively sense if anyone was in trouble.

  “I don’t know about connecting. But I do gain a better feel for the overall size of the caravan, so I know how far to cast the shield.”

  “I find it all so fascinating. Do you think dragons developed these abilities because of the winds of Dusane? Or were the powers always there?”

  “I’ll leave that one to the scientists and the philosophers. I’m just happy to help.”

  She glanced at him and smiled.

  But he only looked confused by her expression. “What?” he asked.

  “That’s one of my favorite qualities of yours. I’ve always tried to emulate it.”

  “Which quality?”

  “I’d call it an acceptance of life and of who you are. Does it ever bother you that your gifts have led you to serve as both dragon-warrior and caravan-runner?”

  “No. Not at all. I’d say I’m built for it.”

  Yes, he was.


  She forced herself to draw a deep breath and to ignore the weakening sensation at the back of her knees.

  She walked beside him for what turned out to be a mile-and-a-half before they reached the last group of dragons. These belonged to the ADF security team that served both in battle training and on the long caravan runs. Each had their regiment’s

  insignia of a golden eagle tattooed over several of their shoulder-level dragon scales.

  Emma levitated swiftly to touch the scale bearing the eagle. In turn, the dragons tossed their heads as a form of greeting. She’d had each as a battle partner during her two years of training. Many of the lesser dragons in the ADF also served on the caravan security teams.

  They like you. Liam’s voice slid easily into her mind as she continued to do the same with all six dragons. Liam tracked with her.

  Well, I adore them, one and all. They’ve told me more than once if I wasn’t so tall, I’d be their mascot.

  I don’t think I realized until right this moment what a sunny disposition you have.

  Just don’t rain on my parade, or my caravan, with more doomsday news. She smiled as she spoke.

  You give me hope.

  At that, she was surprised. In what way?

  Your optimism, I suppose. Hold on. He shifted his head just enough that she knew he was communicating with
someone else. You want to have some fun?

  Yes. She even grabbed his arm and gave it a squeeze. Fun is not overrated.

  He seemed surprised by the contact, but he smiled. “What I do at this point is shift then fly back to the lead. It alerts the caravan we’ll be taking off. I think you’ll enjoy the response.”

  “So, I’ll be riding with you?”

  He paused for a half-beat then nodded. “It would be my pleasure.”

  She was stunned. This was the first time she’d seen this side of him, somewhat relaxed even congenial. Logan had always said it existed, but Liam had never shown it to her before. Which wasn’t quite true. She’d seen this man the night they’d made love.

  It was only afterward that he’d gone sour and pissy on her.

  There could only be one reason, the doomsday news had affected him. But if that was the case, bring it on.

  She felt his dragon-shifting process begin, which involved a lot of heat and energy.

  Like the smart woman she was, she swiftly levitated up and away from him. She then contacted her transport to let him know she’d be flying with Liam.

  Even the thought of having a front row seat to a caravan drive set her heart thumping.

  As she watched Liam transform into his massive black dragon with a hint of iridescent red on each scale, a lump formed in her throat. He was gorgeous, stem to stern and the fire dragon in her exulted at his shift.

  She wished her dragon ancestry hadn’t been so watered down by her human genetics. She would have loved to shift, to see Dusane in dragon form, to be able to fly with the massive, bat-like wings the dragons possessed and to engage the powerful winds that assaulted the planet day and night.

  For a moment, all she did was float in the air above Liam and take a good long look at him. He was a beautiful fire dragon, and in the sunshine the hidden red iridescence beneath his scales shimmered with each movement.

  His second eyelid floated down creating a clear protective lens over the eye.

  He tossed his head. Hop on board.

  Yes, Sir.

  She took one last look at him, from the silver horns in a double row on the crest of his head, to the silver plates all along his back, to finally the deadly, arrow-like horn at the end of his tail, also silver. Then, with her considerable training, she launched herself at the saddle of his neck, and landed squarely in place.


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