Ask Me Why: An Enemies to Lovers Standalone Romance

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Ask Me Why: An Enemies to Lovers Standalone Romance Page 24

by Harloe Rae

It’s been over a week since I laid eyes on his handsome mug. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit to missing him. My legs just about gave out when he appeared on the sidewalk. But he didn’t cross the threshold. For some reason that makes me more upset than anything. Why can’t he come in and face me?

  Damn coward, I think. But I’m mostly talking to myself.

  This has been a trial of resistance. I haven’t helped our lack of a friendly situation. A text wouldn’t have been out of the question. It could have been related to Ollie. Some form of communication to maintain our ties. Maybe a rainbow hologram in the sky. Am I reaching? Absolutely.

  I sigh and rest my elbow on the counter. Brance Stone has officially ruined me. Staring at him now confirms it. I won’t be getting over his type of sexiness anytime this century. He’s a forever-stamp of seductive ruin. I might as well contact the convents now.

  “Miss Braelyn?”

  I turn toward the soothing voice. “Yeah, sweetie?”

  Ollie holds up a pair of patterned socks. “Where do these go?”

  “Aisle four.” I raise my hand and point to the left side.

  He counts each row with a bounce of his finger. When he finds the right one, his little feet take off in a blur. Those flashing sneakers squeak across the floor. Ollie’s zest is infectious. I can’t stop the laugh from bubbling out.

  I continue stacking the latest order of greeting cards. A smiling bear offers encouragement. Fireworks for the upcoming holiday. Some jokes about getting older. There’s a steamy quote meant for a lover. The final one draws me in more than the others. I’ve never received one of this caliber. Not that I want to. What would I do with a sexy promise of midnight action? Nothing as of late.

  My gaze naturally trails to Brance. He’s still perched on the brick wall, one booted foot resting against the coarse surface. Those damn aviators hide his emotions. I bet he’s brooding. His posture screams laidback, but I sense tension in his subtle shifts.

  At that exact moment, Brance turns to look through the window. My lungs seize, and I fight the urge to hide. What’re the chances he can really see me staring that clearly? Pretty damn good considering I keep that barely-tinted glass squeaky clean. Should I wave? Offer a come-hither smile?

  Maybe I should get some stocking done in a far off corner where this won’t be an issue.

  As if hearing my plans to flee, Ollie dashes around the counter and screeches to a stop in front of me. His blue stare squeezes my heart. “Miss Braelyn?”

  “Yeah, sweetie?”

  “Why haven’t you been around as much?”

  “What do you mean? I’m always here.” I made a promise that things wouldn’t change for Ollie. I intend to keep it.

  “No, not really. Miss Kallie has been working more. Why?”

  I’d been calling on Kallie more often this week, but the hours off hadn’t been beneficial. Quite the opposite. After several days of carrying an inconsistent schedule, I’m trying to get back on track. Having Brance randomly swoop in isn’t making that easier. Mary is far more understanding.

  “Well, I need a little space for myself. Do you ever get that way?”

  A dent forms between his brows. “Uh, like a timeout?”

  I laugh. “Kinda. But I’m choosing to go.”

  His jaw drops. “Why would you wanna be on timeout? They’re not fun. Were you super-naughty?”

  “It’s different for adults. I’m sure your dad can explain.” That last bit slips out before I can trap it. I’m not trying to dig myself a deeper ditch.

  “He can?” Ollie’s gaze swings to his father outside. “Is he on a timeout now?”

  I take a moment to consider that. Brance has his head resting against the window. He’s not talking to anyone. The answer seems simple. “Yeah, I think so. Do you wanna ask him?”

  A tiny bubble of glee forms in my belly thinking about Ollie confronting his father. Turns out self-preservation isn’t high on my priority list. Poking an agitated Brance could provide some much needed relief.

  Ollie’s lip twists in an adorable bow. “No, I don’t wanna bother him. My daddy needs some alone time to think about what he did.”

  That earns him a genuine giggle. “You’re too cute, Ollie. Thanks for being here with me.”

  He shuffles his feet. “You’ve been sad again.”

  I attempt to broaden my smile, but it feels limp. “I’m doing okay, Ollie. Don’t worry about me.”

  He shakes that unruly mop of hair. “No, you’re not fine. I can tell, remember? Your eyes are super-sad.”

  I suppose he’s right. If they’re the windows to my soul, he’s witnessing an all-out sob fest on a constant basis. I smooth my expression and try again. “It’s a busy season for Thicket. There’s a lot of people to help all day. I’m tired a lot, you know?”

  He studies my straining features. “I guess. My daddy is extra grumpy lately. He hasn’t been sleeping well. I think he’s staying up too late. Maybe he should have a bedtime. His face is puffy. What does that mean?”

  Oh, this kid is the ultimate mood booster. “You’re very observant. I’m not sure many boys your age would catch that stuff. Maybe your dad is stressed?”

  Try as I might to stop it, the hopeful part inside of me springs awake. Brance might be feeling the effects of our demise. Perhaps Sadie wasn’t telling a tall tale after all. But I’m not going to feed that sappy spot. At least not yet.

  Ollie is nodding fast. “Uh-huh, yeah. He needs to smile again. I haven’t heard him laugh in a really long time. He’s been getting mad at Uncle Jordy. We’re just trying to help.”

  My gaze automatically seeks out Brance. He hasn’t moved, still slumped against the building. “That’s too bad. It will get better soon. I’m sure he’s also busy at work. That can take a toll on people.”

  He gives a sharp shake of his head. His neck is getting a heck of a workout today. “No, my daddy misses you.”

  I choke on the shop’s sugary scented air. “I’m not so sure about that, sweetie.”

  Ollie’s pointed stare hasn’t left my face. “And you miss him.”

  There’s another half-truth waiting on my tongue. But the runaround of diverting is exhausting. My bones are weary enough. “You’re right. I do.”

  He gasps, his mouth popping wide open. He spins in fast circles while clapping. “I knew it, I knew it.”

  I grin at his exuberance. There’s no doubt he’s been in on Sadie’s not-so-secretive mission. “You did? How?”

  “Because I’m a smarty-pants. That’s what my daddy told me.”

  “You’re very wise, kiddo.”

  Ollie reaches for my hand, jostling me with a few strong tugs. “I’m so happy you miss each other. Can I tell him?”

  I crouch down so we’re eye-level. “How about we show him?”

  He shimmies in place. “With what?”

  I reach under the counter for the captured fragment hidden there. When I made this piece the other day, Brance was on my mind. Sadie’s words have been whispering in my ear. Ollie’s frequent visits have been keeping me steady. But I want more. This morning is the last bit of proof, not that I needed more.

  “Here, sweetie. Bring this to your dad, okay?” I’m not sure what I hope to accomplish by giving this to Brance. Maybe it’s a peace offering. Or a way to mend our broken fence.

  Ollie looks down at the aqua piece of glass. The mixture of blue and green makes a beautiful blend. He holds it up to the light. A beam of brightness casts across the floor.

  “Wow,” he whispers. “It’s so pretty.”

  “I hope your dad thinks so too.”

  “He will.” There’s zero nonsense in his tone.

  I nibble on my bottom lip, not feeling so sure. “M’kay. Let’s bundle it up and see what he says.”

  Ollie slides the fragment into the little drawstring pouch I’m holding open. I watch him skip toward the door. Am I being foolish? Brance probably won’t give a rip about what I’m offering. But if he does, everything will c
hange. That possibility stirs up a swarm of sugar-high butterflies in my stomach.

  Brance has always been unpredictable. That’s one of the things I love about him. The L-word hitches my breath. It’s flickered in and out of my thoughts more often than not. There’s no denying my feelings. I cross one finger over the other. Here’s to hoping love wins.



  Ollie wore me down. I’ve been standing outside of Thicket for over an hour. The weather is warm without being oppressive. It’s not a hardship to be holed up under the sun. There’re pink and white striped awnings to shade me if need be. This is clearly the spot for chilling while my son enjoys his favorite store. Not sure why I didn’t consider this an option prior to now.

  Except it’s probably due to the fact I’ve been a stubborn asshole. Big fucking surprise. I didn’t need Jordan’s insight to realize the errors of my ways. But this is who I am. Braelyn can accept this from me or look elsewhere.

  That last line is a certifiable reason for slamming on the pause button. What the fuck am I thinking? Maybe the fresh air is getting to me. Actually, it’s more likely the significant lack of sleep. That shit can cause hallucinations. Maybe that explains Braelyn floating in and out of my subconscious. I need to try harder at repressing that shit.

  Maybe I should have gone for a walk. Or grabbed a beer at the bar across the road. But leaving didn’t feel right. Neither did going inside. I agreed to bring Ollie, but there was no discussion of my involvement beyond that point.

  I’m minding my own damn beeswax next to the awful lollipop sign. The blinking neon lights are mocking me. I can almost hear a scolding tone through the electric hum. I’m keeping busy by counting the hundredth car to drive along Maple Street. The next one cruises along with loud-ass music blaring through the speakers. Real awesome, dude.

  Ollie bursts through the door with a clang of wind chimes and that awful bell. His smile is brighter than the mid-morning sunshine.

  “All done, buddy?” I stop myself from asking if he wants to stay longer. Again with this wild desire to stick around.

  “Nope. I have something for you. Here.” His little hand thrusts forward. He peels open his fingers, exposing a little pouch.

  I study it with a wary eye. “What’s that?”

  Ollie lifts his arm higher, shaking the so-called gift a bit. “Miss Braelyn made it for you.”

  A lift a skeptical brow. “Oh, did she?”

  “You have to open it. Like right now.”

  He drops the leather package on my palm. The item is small. I picture a wad of used gum or belly button lint or a stink bomb. Anything could be hiding in here. I cautiously untie the strings and peek inside. Light catches on the edge of colorful glass. My mind whirls as the contents become abundantly clear.

  She was right about these things seeming insignificant upon first glance. I would have continued thinking that until this piece landed in my grasp. It’s us. This small piece of glass is a combination of Braelyn and me. Damn, I love her.

  I love her. That fact is more solid than the concrete beneath my shoes. Those three words have never passed my lips. No woman has received them from me, not even my mother. But Braelyn will.

  Green and blue reflections catch my focus. I stare down at the aqua fragment in my palm. The truth is a lead weight sinking to my very core. This was my fault. I’ve been a coward. I let her leave. I didn’t fight for us. But I will now if it’s not too late.

  Ollie pulls at my shirt. “Miss Braelyn is still sad. You need to make her happy, Daddy.”

  “You’re right, buddy. I do.” This piece of glass gives me faith that we’re not beyond repair. I can fix us.

  He claps and bounces on his toes. “Yes! She’s gonna be so excited.”

  Ollie’s confidence is infectious. The need to see her barrels into me with the strength of a sonic boom. My pulse rockets with newfound energy. The window behind me rattles with the force. Those three words need to be said, and so much more.

  I’m going to need additional backup. And that fucker owes me.

  After taping out a quick text, I gesture to the entrance. “Lead the way, little man.”

  That’s all he needs. Ollie takes off at the speed of light. He’s opening the door before I’ve straightened off the wall. I barely catch the frame as its closing. After whipping off my shades, I step inside.

  Braelyn is standing directly in front of me. The counter is behind her. It appears she’s using the surface to keep her upright. Her beauty sears into me, burning into my memory. How did I ever let her out of my sight?

  I can tell she’s unsure. Her fingers fidget and knot together. She’s biting that plump bottom lip. I’m going to kiss her worry away. Permanently.

  Ollie darts across the room, turning down a far aisle. If he’s giving us space on purpose, I’ll reward him with an extra juice box at dinner. I don’t waste time moving slow either. My stride to Braelyn is fast and long. We’re separated by a mere few feet before either of us can blink.

  Is it fucking weird that my stomach is in knots? Too damn bad if it is. One more pansy-ass thing to add to the list I no longer give a shit about.

  “Hey,” I whisper.

  “Hi, you.” There’s a rasp to Braelyn’s voice that touches the soft spot in my chest.

  “I got your gift. Thanks for this.” I rub the glass between my fingers.

  She glances up from under shuttered lids. It’s my job to take that doubt away. “Do you like it?”

  “More than you know.”

  The catch of her inhale draws my attention to her mouth. “Really?”

  I tuck a few stray strands of hair behind her ear. “I never told you how special these pieces are. Especially this one.”

  She lifts a slim shoulder, leaning into my touch. “I found those glass parts and thought of you. The colors make sense for… us.”

  “They do. I got your meaning right away.”

  Braelyn swipes across her forehead. “Phew. I was concerned it was way out there.”

  A few beats of silence pass. The pause is thick with everything hanging between us. I breathe deep and dive in. “I’m so damn sorry, babe. Mostly for the shitty way I treated you last Monday. But there’s plenty else for me to apologize for. I’ve been fucking rotten since we met. Over and again, I shot you down. I never gave us a real chance past some superficial bullshit. Not sure how you put up with me.”

  She sucks on the inside of her cheek. “The amazing sex didn’t hurt.”

  My tension deflates, and I release a heavy exhale. I grab her hand, sliding our palms together. “There’s that smartass wit I love.”

  Her gaze flings to mine on the last word. “W-what?”

  I brush a thumb down the side of her face. “Isn’t it obvious?”

  “No, not to me.”

  “I’m fucking crazy about you, Brae. The last week has been hell. Worse than any shit I’ve ever experienced, which is really telling.”

  Braelyn gulps, the action making her slender throat bob. “I d-don’t know what to say. I wasn’t expecting all this. I figured you’d stay outside and never wanna see me again.”

  I squeeze her fingers that are still in my grip. “But I walked through that door to be with you. Ask me why, Brae.”

  She sniffs, peering up through wet lashes. “Why’re you in here?”

  My blue depths blend with her mossy green pools. “Because I love you. And not for Ollie, although you fit with him crazy well. But for me. Be in this for me, for both of us.”

  “I love you, Brance. So much. And Ollie. I can’t believe this is real.” Braelyn’s eyes slide shut, a single tear trickling out. I brush it away, and she nuzzles into my palm. I dip closer, giving her a gentle kiss. She whimpers into the soft caress.

  “How’ve you been?” I trace her nose with mine.

  Braelyn sighs. “Better now. It wasn’t so great without you. After Devon and the accident, I’m always waiting for the worst.”

al feels that way,” I murmur.

  “He didn’t—”

  I press my lips against hers. “I’m not saying he did, but it’s all the same in the end. The pain leaves its mark. Just depends what we do with that. Not sure that shit ever goes away. The sting is less intense, but the impact remains.”

  She cuddles into me. “You make it hurt a little less.”

  “That’s how I feel about you.” I bury my face in the crook of her neck. Damn, I missed her sweet scent. Jordan better be on call for watching Ollie. Plans are stacking up in my brain.

  “So, we’re doing this? For real?” Skepticism bleeds through her voice.

  I pull away enough to see the indent creasing her forehead. “You don’t believe me?”

  Braelyn averts her gaze. I grip her chin and lift until she looks at me.

  “I know we have more shit to solve. That’ll all come out soon enough. You’re my sunlight and rainbows after a lifetime of storms. Don’t leave me in the dark.”

  She nods. “There’s no doubting you. I’ve been caught in a daze, and you’re waking me up. I’m still a bit sleepy. Hell, I was one step away from getting a cat or a dog.”

  That gets a bark of laughter from me. “Really?”

  “It was too quiet at my house. I don’t like the silence. Living alone has never been my favorite. But these last few days were terrible.” She trembles in my hold.

  Rusty gears spring into action. The seed of thought sprouts and grows. I study her beautiful features. This is absolutely the right call.

  “Might be nice to have a pet,” I start. “Ollie asks for one every other minute.”

  “Oh, he’d love that. You’d make his year.”

  “I think he’d like to pick one out with you. It could be ours, at our house.”

  The lines between her brows deepen. “Okay, that’d be nice. But that doesn’t solve the dilemma at my place. I guess we could—”

  “Move in with us, babe.”

  Braelyn’s jaw goes slack. Shaking fingers lift to cover her gaping mouth. “You’re serious.”

  “Never been more serious. I guarantee Ollie will agree with me.”

  A smile splits her lips. “You love me.” It’s not a question.


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