The End of Hatred

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The End of Hatred Page 32

by Rebecca Hefner

  Sathan picked up the chair where their prisoner had been bound and threw it across the room.

  “He is understandably upset,” Latimus said as they watched Sathan run his hand through his thick black hair, cursing loudly.

  “I know,” Kenden said. “I’ve been trying to track Evie down in the land of humans for some time. I didn’t understand the depth of their feelings for each other. My cousin has been alone for so long, with me as her only confidant. Although it’s strange that she fell for a Vampyre, I’m happy that she found love all the same. I hope she can heal and live to experience it.”

  “Me too,” Latimus said, surprising Kenden by placing a hand on his shoulder.

  “I have to get out of this fucking dungeon,” Sathan said, stalking from the room, his body tense with rage.

  They watched him exit. “So my brother tells me you’ve invented a weapon to kill the Deamons more effectively. I’d like to see the blueprints.”

  “Sure,” Kenden said, nodding. “I emailed them to Heden last night. Is there a place we can pull them up on a large screen?”

  “Let me show you the tech room, my friend,” Latimus said, patting him on the back with his large hand. “You’re gonna lose your shit. Don’t tell my idiot brother I said this, but it’s fucking awesome.”

  Chapter 36

  In the several weeks that had passed since Miranda’s injury, Sathan had tried run both kingdoms effectively in her absence, hoping that they would rule together when she finally awoke. Of course, this attempt at normalcy was difficult, when one’s heart was shattered into a thousand disconsolate pieces.

  His little Slayer still slept, underneath the castle in the private room of the infirmary. Every day, as the sun set, he would rise and tell himself that this would be the night she would awaken. He visited her many times nightly, his moods often shifting from despair to hope to anger.

  Sometimes he would plead with her, begging her to come back to him. He would promise her anything, everything. He would let her win every future argument they would ever have, if she’d just wake up.

  Other times he would yell at her, telling her what a coward she was, hoping to anger her so that she sat up and fought with him. He didn’t care if he pissed her off, as long as she was alive.

  And then there were the times when he would stroke her skin, lost in the grief of her absence. Hating himself for putting her in danger. Promising Etherya he’d give his life for hers if she would just let her live.

  After a few weeks, the wounds had healed enough that Nolan flipped her over, allowing her to lay on her back. Most of the cords and tubes had been removed, as she was breathing on her own. Only the feeding tube still passed through her pale lips. Sathan would place salve on them when they chapped, or brush her silky hair when he visited. She looked so calm in the large hospital bed and he wondered where she was. She certainly wasn’t here with him.

  In the meantime, life went on and they settled into some semblance of a routine. Sathan refreshed the troops at the Slayer compound, making sure that two-hundred Vampyres guarded them within their walls. With Crimeous still alive, they couldn’t chance another Deamon attack. Larkin took command of the combat troops at Uteria so that Kenden could assume a broader role, traveling between both compounds. He wished to work with Heden and Latimus to combine their knowledge and make both armies stronger.

  Lila was declared Kingdom Secretary Diplomat in a formal ceremony that he held in the castle’s large banquet room. She had beamed at him as he’d bestowed the title upon her and he felt that he was finally doing right by her. It only took him a thousand years. During the party afterward, he caught her absently eyeing Latimus as Arderin tried to pull him onto the dance floor, his ever-present scowl never a deterrent for his willful sister. Could he have been the one she spoke of? The one she had feelings for but felt they were unrequited? Making a mental note, he vowed to speak to Heden about it. Miranda had opened his heart to love and he wanted everyone he cared for to experience what he felt for her. It was so precious and rare.

  Construction had begun on the underground tunnels that would connect high speed railways between the four Vampyre compounds and the two Slayer compounds. Although Crimeous still lived, and the threat of the Deamons grew, Miranda had gotten her wish. Their people now lived in peace.

  The majority of the Slayers banked their blood freely. Barreled shipments would show up daily at the compound, giving his people more than they would ever need. At dawn, when he came down to kiss her before heading to bed for the day, he would thank her. His people were now fed and happy, unassuaged by war with the Slayers. All due to her. She truly was their savior.

  Since Darkrip had betrayed his father, he could not return to the Deamon caves. Kenden informed him that Miranda would want him to be taken care of. Sathan was wary of the Deamon, distrustful that he truly had her best interests at heart, but he trusted Kenden. The Slayer had a way about him, calm and sure, and he was the closest person to Miranda in the world. If he thought that was her wish, he would honor it.

  He told Darkrip he could stay in one of the cabins on the outskirts of the compound, a peace offering of sorts. Several of the cabins were now vacant due to Latimus’ release of the Slayers whores he had kept there for centuries. He had no idea why he’d decided to return them to Uteria, hoping it was because of his feelings for Lila. Perhaps with distractions out of the way, he could fully pursue her and win her love.

  Darkrip had accepted and mostly stayed to himself. At times, he would come to the compound, sniffing around the kitchen for food or sitting with them to strategize their next steps against his father. On several occasions he had observed him watching Arderin, his gaze cold and calculating. Mentioning it to his brothers, they had committed to keeping an eye on him.

  Sathan would often pass him as he left Miranda’s room. It gave him hope that he seemed to care for her. As the son of the Dark Lord, he was half-evil and Sathan had seen how lack of emotion had damaged his sister, Evie. Hopefully he was not as far gone as she and his Slayer side would prevail. Only time would tell.

  Finishing up the last of his paperwork for the night, he sat down the pen and rubbed his hands over his face. By the goddess, he was tired. Deciding it was time to visit Miranda, he began his walk to the infirmary.

  Hearing a commotion as he neared the room, his heart sped up its pace. Fearing something was wrong, he rushed into the room, unable to believe what he was seeing.

  His Slayer was sitting up on the bed, struggling to pull the tube from her throat while Nolan tried to soothe her. Unperturbed, she grabbed the cord and yanked it out, her stubbornness as evident as ever. “No more,” she said, her voice only a croak, flinging the tube against the wall.

  “Please calm down, Miranda,” Sadie said, rushing to her other side.

  “Leave me alone,” she said, pushing them both away, one with each arm, collapsing on the bed when her energy depleted.

  “We’re just trying to help you,” Nolan said, reaching down to her. Sathan almost laughed aloud when she swatted his hand away. His Slayer was awake, and as combative as ever.

  “Let her breathe, guys,” he said, walking into the room. “Give her some space.”

  Those magnificent emerald eyes widened, filled with emotion as her face lit up. “Sathan,” she said, her voice hoarse.

  “I need to assess her. She just yanked out her feeding tube. She could’ve caused internal bleeding.” Nolan looked about as frustrated as Sathan had ever seen him.

  Coming to stand over her, he took her hand. “Can you let them just make sure you’re okay? Just for a second, Miranda, I swear. Then we’ll talk. Okay?” He rubbed the skin of her hand with his thumb as he held it to his chest.

  Inhaling deeply, she nodded, gazing into him.

  “Okay,” she said.

  Addressing both doctors he said, “Quickly.”

  They both nodded and proceeded to examine her. Sathan held onto her small hand the whole time. After a minute, they were

  “She’s fine,” Sadie said, smiling down at her patient. “I’m so glad you’re awake, Miranda. We all missed you.”

  “How long was I out?” she asked, her voice starting to regain a bit of strength.

  “Almost ten weeks,” Nolan said. “Welcome home. Everyone missed you.” Looking at Sathan, he said, “We’ll leave you two to catch up.”

  Once they were alone, Sathan pulled the chair up beside her bed, clutching her hand to his cheek.

  “Ten weeks?” she asked, exasperation in her voice. “Holy shit. I was only in the Passage for a minute.”

  “I can’t believe you were in the Passage,” Sathan said, reveling in the soft skin of her hand as he rubbed it on his cheek.

  She nodded, her dark hair sliding on the pillow. “My grandfather was there.” She recounted her story to him, telling him of her grandfather’s admission as to why he killed the Vampyre royals.

  “Wow,” Sathan said, shaking his head. “Two kingdoms destroyed because of his love for Rina. Thank goodness you came along to put us back together.” He smiled at her, so happy she was awake, overcome that she had finally returned to him.

  “How are our people? Tell me everything.”

  Sathan updated her on the past few weeks, trying hard to cover everything. When he was finished she stared at him. “So Latimus wants to bone Lila? Huh. Never saw that one coming.”

  Sathan chuckled. He had missed her snarky sense of humor. “Me either. I was completely blindsided. I would’ve ended the betrothal centuries ago if I’d known how he felt. I want them to find what we found. What I hope we still have.” Swallowing thickly, he squeezed her hand in his. With his free hand, he cupped her cheek, soothing the soft skin there with the pad of his thumb. “I’m so sorry, Miranda. For everything. I really fucked up. Badly. I was so afraid you would die before I could tell you.”

  “I’m sorry, too,” she said, shaking her head gently on the pillow as he stroked her face. “I should’ve told you that I was meeting with Darkrip. It was so fucking stupid of me not to. I just wasn’t sure if you’d understand. Hell, I didn’t understand myself. I was trying to figure it all out but you’re so smart and composed. I should’ve consulted you.”

  “I understand why you did it. I should’ve never believed Evie when she came to me. As you saw when the Slayer proposed to you, I’m possessive of you. I thought you had feelings for him. I didn’t realize he was your brother.” Slowly, he shook his head. “I feel like such an asshole. I should’ve trusted you.”

  “You should have,” she said softly, emotion swimming in her beautiful eyes. “Why didn’t you?”

  “Because I’m new at this, Miranda. I don’t know what I’m doing. I’ve never felt about anyone the way I feel about you. It’s frustrating and infuriating and wonderful and amazing, all at the same time. I’ve never been in love before so I pretty much suck at it. I know that patience isn’t your strong suit, but I need you to be patient with me. I promise I’ll get it. I just need to work at it.” Smiling, his heart almost burst when her lips curved into a grin. She was so gorgeous, it took his breath away.

  “You love me?” she asked, blushing.

  “I love you. More than you’ll ever know. I don’t know what I did to deserve you but you’re stuck with me. I’m never letting you go.”

  “What if I don’t love you back?” she said, teasing him.

  “Then I’ll win you over.” He waggled his eyebrows at her.

  Laughing, she nuzzled her cheek into his hand. “But what about heirs and duty and all that stuff? Don’t we have a responsibility?”

  Growing quiet, he rubbed her as he contemplated how to tell her. “Shit. You just got really serious,” Miranda said. “Just tell me. If it’s bad news, I can handle it.”

  Exhaling a breath, he squeezed her hand. “What would you say if I told you we could conceive children together?”

  Her raven-colored eyebrows drew together as she studied him. “It’s not possible,” she said.

  “Actually, it is. We made a baby together, Miranda. It was about eight weeks along when you were injured.”

  Wetness filled her stunning eyes as she shook her head on the pillow. “No. It’s not possible.”

  “Because our bloodlines are so pure, your body accepted my sperm. Nolan and Sadie tested the fetus. It was a hybrid.”

  Tears spilled over her cheeks and he caught some of the wetness with his thumb. “The fetus? Did it survive?”

  “No, sweetheart,” he said, emotion clogging his throat. “I’m so sorry.”

  “No. Sathan, no.” She began to cry in earnest and he felt himself shattering with pain for her. Kicking off his shoes, he climbed in the bed beside her and pulled her into him, holding her. Huge sobs wracked her body as he soothed her, telling her that he loved her, that it would be okay.

  When her tears subsided, she pulled back to look at him. Their heads rested on the pillow and he caressed the hair at her temple.

  “We made a baby,” she said, wonder mixing with the sadness.

  “We made a baby.” Stroking the soft skin of her face, he let it sink in.

  After several minutes, she spoke. “I was puking my guts out almost every morning. I convinced myself I had the flu. If I had known I was pregnant I would’ve been more careful.”

  “Don’t even begin to blame yourself, Miranda. There’s no way you could’ve known and I don’t even want you starting down that road.”

  She nodded, her expression dejected.

  “But while we’re on the subject, there’s something I need to say.” He lifted her chin with his fingers, gazing into her, needing her to listen. “I don’t ever want you sacrificing yourself for me again. I’m furious that you threw yourself in front of me when Crimeous aimed the eight-shooter. You’re too important. I won’t let you sacrifice yourself for me. Ever. Do you understand?”

  “Stop bossing me around, blood-sucker,” she said, giving him a weak smile.

  “I mean it, Miranda. I’m not joking. I won’t allow you to harm yourself to save me. Our people need you too much.”

  Lifting her hand, she stroked his cheek. “How could I not save you? I don’t want to live here without you. That would be worse than dying.”

  His shattered heart fluttered at her words, slowly starting to piece itself back together.

  “You’re so fucking stubborn. If you won’t promise me then I’ll send out a royal decree sentencing you to banishment if you ever try to sacrifice yourself for me again.” Grinning, he figured he was half-joking. The other half of him wanted to ensure that she never put herself in danger again. He’d almost lost her and he would do everything in his power to cement her safety.

  “Try it. I’ll put out a decree that you have to officiate my wedding to Aron.”

  Throwing his head back, he howled with laughter. Never had a woman made him feel so good.

  Pulling her closer into him, he held her tight. “You’re going to marry me, you little minx. And I’m going to bond with you. We’ll have two ceremonies, one on each compound, so that it’s official. You’re going to be my queen and you’ll like it.”

  “Wow. So romantic. I bet you fight the women off with a stick.”

  Laughing, he touched his forehead to hers. “God, I fucking love you, woman.”

  “Well, I fucking love you, too. So I guess we’re even.”

  Chuckling, he placed his lips over hers, kissing her softly, gently. “I was so afraid you wouldn’t come back to me,” he said, breathing into her.

  “I’m here,” she said, gently biting his lower lip and causing him to stiffen with arousal. “You can’t get rid of me now.”

  “Thank the goddess,” he said, kissing her passionately until her lips were swollen and red.

  Noting how exhausted she must be, he let her fall into sleep. Placing a soft kiss on her forehead, he rose and tucked the covers around her. Leaving her to her dreams, he went to his bedchamber and succumbed to the first day of peaceful sleep he’d ha
d in ten weeks.

  Chapter 37

  Three months later…

  Miranda looked up at Sathan, craving solace. Although she loved her people dearly, she was ready for some alone time with her husband. “How much longer do you think we have to stay?”

  “It’s our bonding ceremony, Miranda,” he murmured. “I’m pretty sure we have to be here until the last guest leaves.”

  Rolling her eyes, she said, “Annoying.”

  Chuckling, he grabbed her hand, lacing their fingers. They sat in the middle of a long table, observing the dance floor of the large banquet room at Astaria. Tonight they had bonded, in the traditional ways of the Vampyre species. The previous evening, they had thrown a beautiful wedding at the Slayer compound.

  In front of both of their kingdoms, they had vowed to love and cherish each other for eternity.

  “It’ll be over soon,” he said, squeezing her hand. “Remember the party we threw here after your coronation? I thought Heden was going to dance all night, but even he tired eventually.”

  “When he started DJ’ing after the band left I knew we were doomed.”

  Sathan laughed and nodded in agreement.

  She had been coronated at a midday ceremony, four weeks after waking from her coma. After discussing with Sathan and the others on their newly formed council, they felt it best to declare her queen as quickly as possible. Since she hadn’t killed Crimeous, and he now had the Blade, they didn’t want to leave the throne open to any usurpers that still supported Marsias.

  Their combined council, consisting of Kenden, Latimus, Heden, Lila, Aron, Larkin and Darkrip, had insisted she have the coronation in the main square, under the light of the sun, so that all could see. Although she wanted Sathan there, he had understood that she must be crowned queen on her own, without Vampyre interference. It was imperative she be seen as an independent ruler and the one true Slayer Queen.

  After her coronation she had thrown a lavish party, no expense spared. She felt it was time for the Slayers to celebrate again as they rebuilt their kingdom. That night she had laughed and danced with her people, missing Sathan but understanding the importance of a Slayer-only festivity. Asking them to align with the Vampyres in such a short time wasn’t as easy for some as it was for others, and she wanted them to know that she would always consider herself a Slayer first and a queen second.


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