Hunted: A Shifter's Magic Series

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Hunted: A Shifter's Magic Series Page 4

by Maggie Bandy

  There’s a knock at the door and the guys come walking in with bags of food in their hands smiling. “We didn’t know how you like your burgers, so we just got everything on the side. A vanilla milk-shake and fries to go with it. Hope you’re hungry,” Carter says bringing the bags and drinks over to the table. Cole has another bag in his hand and holds it up. “And I brought dessert, strawberry cheese-cake,” he says setting it next to the other bags. “Oh my God, I love you right now. I’m starving,” I say kissing them both on the cheek. Then I realize what I just said and blush, hoping they don’t take that literally.

  “For the lady,” Carter says handing me a big juicy burger. “What do you want on it- we have tomato, mayo, ketchup, cheese, pickles, lettuce, mustard…” he trails off waiting to prepare it for me. “All but mustard and lettuce please,” I say eyeing the burger. Carter fixed it and handed it over. “Thank you,” I say grabbing the burger and taking a bite. “This is delicious,” I say taking another bite.

  Cole opens up the cheese-cake and scoops out a bite. “Try this,” he says putting the spoonful up to my lips. “Mmmm, I think I’ve died and gone to heaven. This cheesecake is amazing,” I say moaning. Cole and Carter both look at me with stupid grins on their faces. Did I seriously just moan in front of the guys? My cheeks are flaming red and Cole chuckles. “That good, huh angel?” he says taking his fingers to wipe the cheesecake off my lips. He brings his finger to his mouth and licks the cheesecake off his finger while looking at me.

  Carter rolls his eyes at the gesture annoyed. I just stare at Cole’s lips, my thoughts drifting off to the things I’d like him to do with those lips… What I’m thinking must be clear on my face because Carter looks even more annoyed and Cole has a shit-eating grin on his face. Carter clears his throat and says, “Dessert is for after you eat your dinner. You need to eat to keep up your strength,” he says cutting a piece of my burger and lifting it to my mouth.

  I can feel the tension between the guys, neither of them are happy about the other being here. Maybe both of them being here at the same time is a mistake. “It’s ok, I’m not that hungry,” I lie trying to disperse the tension I feel building between the guys. “I’m tired, I think I’m going to lay down for a bit. You guys can go ahead and head back home. I’ll be ok tonight, I just want to rest,” I say turning over away from the guys.

  “Rest princess, we will be right here when you wake up,” Carter says pulling the covers over me and tucking me in. “It’s fine, y’all go home and rest. I’ll be fine. I won’t be able to sleep with you two in here anyways. I can feel the tension in the air between you two. It would be better if you guys came back tomorrow,” I said apologetically looking between them. I hoped they understood.

  The boys shared a look of understanding. “How about if one of us stays with you and the other stays tomorrow. That way we aren’t stressing you out, but we aren’t leaving you alone,” Cole says hopefully.

  I sighed giving in. I know they would just stay out in the waiting room if I didn’t let them stay in the room. “Fine, but if y’all fight over who stays first I’m kicking you both out the door,” I say eyeing them both. That got a laugh from both the boys. “So feisty, I like it,” Carter grins. “You would really throw out this beautiful face,” he says fake pouting while pointing to his face. I rolled my eyes at him, but I couldn’t hide the grin that spread across my face.

  “She doesn’t have to, because right now I’m kicking your butt out the door. Tonight, is my turn. Come back tomorrow night,” Cole says scowling at him, leading him towards the door. Carter twists out of Cole’s hold and comes to my side. “Not without telling my babe good-bye properly first,” he says cupping my face and pulling me in for a kiss. It was weird kissing them in front of the other but my God, Carter can kiss. He pulled away with a smile seeing how much he affected me. Cole scowled again pushing him back towards the door.

  Carter laughed at his expression, enjoying riling him up. I just shook my head. Boys. “Good night princess,” he said before he ducked out the door. He was gone before I could reply. I was now completely alone with Cole as he strolled over to my side. I moved over and patted the space beside me. I winced at the movement though and it didn’t go unnoticed by Cole.

  “Maybe I should call the nurse in again? Do you need pain meds?” he asked brushing his cool fingers gently over my bruise. “No, it’s fine. I really don’t want to deal with her judgmental stares again tonight,” I sighed. I really could use something for the head ache but I really hate the way the nurse looks at me every time she comes in and sees one of the boys here.

  At that moment there was a knock on the door and the nurse came in. Great, looks like I have to deal with her anyways… “I just need to check your vitals again. How is the pain?” she asks scowling at Cole who was perched next to me on the bed. “It’s not-” I started to say but Cole cut me off. “She’s having problems with head aches again,” he said. The nurse took my vitals and said she would be right back with some medicine.

  “You didn’t have to do that,” I said turning to Cole. “It wasn’t so bad…” Cole lifted his eye-brow at me calling my bluff. “Fine, I did need it… thank you. I just really don’t like that nurse and the less I have to see her the better,” I huffed crossing my arms across my chest annoyed. “Don’t be mad angel, I just can’t stand to see you in pain,” he said pulling me over, so my head rested on his chest.

  I sighed contently and snuggled closer into his chest. He rubbed small circles on my back and I eventually started to fall asleep.

  Chapter Four

  Trust & Truces

  I woke up to the sound of Cole humming a lullaby and gently stroking my hair. His touch sent little jolts through me lighting every nerve ending on fire. I felt like I could stay like that forever in his arms. The thought should have disturbed me because I barely knew Cole, but surprisingly it didn’t. It felt as if I had known Cole a lot longer than a few days.

  Something about him just made me want to let down my defenses and let him in. I don’t trust easily but for someone reason I felt as if I could trust Cole and Carter both with my life. It was a strange feeling; one I didn’t want to let go any time soon.

  I looked up at Cole and met his beautiful icy blue eyes. He stopped humming and smiled down at me. “What was that song you were humming,” I asked curiously. His smile wavered for a minute before he replied. “It was a lullaby my mom used to sing to me when I was young.” I bit my lip at the grief in his voice when he spoke of his mother. “What happened to her?” I asked wondering why he looked so sad when he spoke of her. His eyes teared up for a moment. “She died,” he said quietly.

  I pulled him closer and hugged him. “I am so sorry, Cole,” I whispered to him, feeling bad for bringing it up. He shrugged and said, “It’s ok, it was a long time ago.” I stroked his hair and said, “If you ever want to talk about your mom I’m here. But if not that’s ok too, I don’t want to push you.” He smiled and said, “Maybe one day soon I’ll tell you about her. Right now, I just want to spend time with you.”

  I let it drop sensing he didn’t want to talk about it anymore and snuggled up in his arms. He pulled me closer and kissed the top of my head. When the nurse had come back in earlier to give me my medicine, she also gave me something to hep me sleep. It was already wearing off though and I was still far too awake to try to actually sleep. I sighed looking at the clock. It was now almost twelve a.m. and I had only been asleep for an hour at most and probably would be awake for the rest of the night.

  Cole heard my sigh and started humming his lullaby softly again. After a while my eyes became heavy and I fell asleep against Cole’s chest. I awoke to a knocking noise and the nurse poking at me with needles. “We just need to get some blood work done,” she said sticking the needle in my arm.

  I jumped and muttered, “Could have let me wake up first before you start jamming needles in my arm.” Cole walked into the room and looked angry. He looked intently at the nurse and said someth
ing in her ear. She stood up and walked out the door, taking the blood samples with her. I looked at him amazed. “What did you say to her to get her to just walk out like that,” I asked.

  “I just told her she should have better bed-side manners,” he shrugged his shoulders. “She won’t be bothering you for a while,” he winked. I just shook my head at him and laughed. “I will be happy when I can get the hell out of here,” I said. “Me too angel, me too,” he said kissing me on the forehead. “But I brought breakfast,” he said handing me the bag of food.

  “How did you know this was my favorite?” I said pulling out the blue-berry muffins. He smiled, “I have my ways.” After popping a bite in my mouth, I said, “Let’s play a game.” His lips quirked up at the corners. “What kind of game?” I bit my lip thinking for a moment. “How about twenty questions? It would be a good way to get to know each other.” He nodded, “You go first.”

  I pursed my lips for a moment, thinking about the question I wanted to ask. “Hmm, what is your favorite memory?” He looked thoughtful for a moment then said, “My dad took used to take us camping every summer. I always looked forward to it every year. It was the one time when we would all get together as a family. One year he taught me how to fish. I never caught anything, but he never stopped trying to teach me. Even when I ended up getting my line stuck in a tree. He just laughed and said, ‘Well, at least you caught something this time.’ I wouldn’t trade those memories for anything,” he said seeming lost in his memories.

  “What about you? What’s your favorite memory?” he asked looking over to me. I thought about it for a moment. “My grandpa used to go these flea markets every summer and he would always bring me with him. We would get up real early and go. I always looked forward to the weekends and spending the day with him.” I said smiling recalling the time I spent with my grandpa.

  Cole turned to me, “So, what’s your next question angel?” I linked my hands together in my lap not sure how to phase the question I really wanted to ask. He seemed to pick up on my unease and untangled my hand, taking it in his. “You know you can ask me anything right?” he said turning my head up to meet his eyes. I nodded my head.

  “It’s about the wolf- I’ve never seen a wolf that big before. And the one from the woods seems to be hunting me specifically… It can’t be a coincidence that it was waiting outside my house the night Carter brought me home. You didn’t seem surprised that day in the woods when you saw it. What do you know about these monster-sized wolves that you’re not telling me?” I asked unsure if he really would answer my question or not.

  Cole seemed hesitant like he wanted to tell me something but wasn’t sure he should. “I have seen those wolves before. I don’t know much about them other than the fact that they are dangerous. I don’t know why they are hunting you, but I promise you this angel. They won’t get near you again. I won’t ever let anyone hurt you as long as I’m around,” he said fiercely protective. I could tell he meant it and that I would always be safe with him.

  My phone rang and I knew who it was by the ringtone. As soon as I picked the phone up, I heard her yelling. “Why didn’t you tell me you were in the hospital?!” Tabby yelled through the phone upset. “I’m sorry, I should have called you. It’s just been a long couple of days. I was going to call you when I got out. I’m fine, it’s just some minor injuries,” I said trying to calm her down.

  “A concussion and a fractured cheek bone are not minor injuries Sophie!” she squeaked through the phone. I sighed not wanting to have this conversation right now. “Can you please not yell? It makes my head hurt worse.” I said wincing. Cole grabbed my phone putting it to his ear. “I’ll have her call you back as soon as she gets out tomorrow, I promise. But Sophie really needs to rest. All the yelling isn’t good for her right now. She doesn’t need to stress out,” he said intercepting Tabby.

  “Look buddy, I don’t know who you think you are. But I want to talk to my best friend, and you aren’t going to stop me. So, hand the phone back to Sophie,” she said fuming. I laid my hand on Cole’s stopping him from what whatever he was about to say next and shook my head. “It’s ok Cole, she’s just upset. I’m fine, I can handle her,” I said trying to defuse the situation. Tabby isn’t one that would take well to being told she has to wait to talk to me. Not when she’s this upset.

  I took the phone back from Cole. “Hey Tabs.” Cole shook his head. I could tell he was angry with her for yelling at me, but he didn’t say anything. Which I was grateful for. He knew when to step in and when to back off. I could tell he just wanted to protect me, but I didn’t need protecting from Tabby. She’s my best friend. She’s just upset that I’m hurt and that I wasn’t the one to tell her.

  “So, he makes decisions for you now, huh?” she accused. Yeah, this was going to be a fun talk. “No, he was just trying to look out for me. He knows I’m in a lot of pain right now, especially my head. You’re yelling really isn’t helping Tabs,” I said not wanting to argue. “So, was he just trying to look out for you when you got hurt in the first place?” she yelled. Ok, I’ve about had it with having this conversation with people.

  “It was an accident! The boys were fighting, and I stepped in front of Carter when he went to hit Cole. It isn’t anyone’s fault! I would appreciate everyone backing the hell off! I am so over everyone trying to blame the guys,” I say angrily. Tabby seemed stunned for a moment before she replied. “Fine, I’ll talk to you tomorrow. I’m glad you’re ok,” she said before hanging up.

  Frustrated, I pulled the pillow to my face screaming into it. I hated fighting with my best friend, but I’m tired of people blaming the guys. Carter couldn’t have known I was going to step in front of him when they were fighting. They stopped fighting the moment I got hurt and took care of me. I know they feel awful and already blame their-selves. I don’t want everyone else blaming them too.

  I regret being so harsh with Tabby though. I’ve never talked to her that way before. I should apologize. I tried to call her back and it went straight to voicemail. So, I just left her a message saying I was sorry for what I said and to call me back. Cole pulled me towards him and rubbed my back. “I’m sure she will come around,” he said reassuringly. I nodded but wasn’t so sure.

  Being stuck in the hospital sucked. There’s not much to do other than watch tv. Cole and I had been watching Supernatural re-runs. Dean Winchester can cheer anyone up. “Don’t you ever get tired of this show?” Cole asks smiling over at me. “You shut your mouth,” I said jokingly. “You can never get tired of watching Dean,” I tease nudging him. He smiled and rolled his eyes. “You and your crushes,” he said laughing. “Who doesn’t have a crush on Dean?” I retort.

  Carter walks in at that moment and plops down on the other side of me. “Supernatural again?” he asks raising an eye-brow. “Hey, don’t you start too. I don’t know how y’all don’t like Supernatural,” I say turning it up. Carter raised his arms up in defense. “Hey, I never said I didn’t like it. I was just saying it’s all you’ve been watching.” I shrugged.

  Cole kissed me on the forehead and pulled me in for a hug. “Well, I guess I better get going. But I will be back to pick you up tomorrow,” he said looking reluctant to leave. They had an agreement though, so he headed for the door leaving me alone with Carter. “So, what did I miss?” he said looking over at the tv. I filled him in, and we sat cuddled up watching tv for a while before the nurse came back in.

  This was a new nurse, must have been shift change. Carter looked alert as soon as the nurse walked in the door though, which was weird. “Need to get blood work,” he said with a needle in his hand. I looked to Carter confused. “They already did blood work last night,” I said moving closer to Carter. The ‘nurse’ lunged for me with a syringe full of dark liquid. Carter pushed me out of the way just before the needle would have pierced my skin.

  A low growling sound came from Carter as he stood protectively in front of me. “Stay away from her,” he growled at the intruder. “I ju
st want the girl. Move aside and I’ll spare you,” he said looking at Carter. “Sorry, no can do. You won’t get anywhere near her. I’ll kill you before you even get the chance,” he threatened. “Ok, have it your way,” the guy said before he lunged at Carter.

  Carter pulled me out of the way and grabbed my lunch tray, using it to knock the syringe out of his hand. Carter swiped it up before the guy could reach it. “What is in this? And what do you want with her?” Carter asked looking like he wanted to rip the man’s head off. The man looked at me with disgust and said, “I don’t want anything with her- I want her dead.”

  My heart felt like it dropped into my stomach at his words. How could this stranger want me dead? What did I ever do to him to make him wish for my death? “Well, fat chance of that happening buddy. She’s mine and I protect what’s mine. So, I suggest you leave while you still can,” he spat. He ran for the door but not before glaring back at me. “This isn’t over,” he warned before taking off.

  I sank to the floor shaking. What the hell just happened? First the wolves, now this? Carter was at my side in a hurry, picking me up and carrying me to the bed. “I think we need to get out of here. Who knows who else will show up?” he said pulling out his phone to call Cole.

  Cole came rushing in the door ten minutes later. “I am so sorry I wasn’t here Sophie. Are you ok?” he asked taking me from Carter and pulling me into his chest. I shook my head. “No. I’m not. I don’t understand why this guy comes out of no where and wants me dead. That and the wolves- this is all too much,” I say over-whelmed. Cole holds me tighter and sighs. “I don’t know either angel, but I know I know we won’t let anyone get to you. You’re safe with us.”


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