Everywhen: (Savage Princess book 1)

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Everywhen: (Savage Princess book 1) Page 11

by liberty freer

  “That’s my mom,” Nick says. “Her and Nora were best friends. They met each other at boarding school in New York when they were ten.”

  My nose wrinkles at the thought of boarding school. “I guess it explains why she doesn’t have an accent. How long were Nora and your mom there?”

  “They graduated together, so until they were eighteen.”

  Aiden laughs. “I forgot this picture was in here.” Aiden points at a picture of young Nick with something brown dripping down his shirt and arms. “Dad said you dumped chocolate sauce on Nick because he broke your favorite Barbie doll.”

  Aiden turns the page and points out some of our cousins. He flips through a few more pages, and I notice a theme. “Does your dad not have a lot of family?”

  “His mom died when he was a kid, and his dad was never around. He was raised by his grandmother, but she died a few years ago. Dad has a few half brothers and sisters, but he didn’t grow up with them.”

  “Does he not talk to them then?”

  “I think he used to but not anymore.”

  The last photo is of Nora in a hospital bed with a tiny baby in each arm. Grinning from ear to ear, she’s staring up at the camera. She’s almost unrecognizable from today’s version of herself.

  “She doesn’t smile like that anymore,” Aiden says.

  “I’ve noticed. Does she still talk to your mom, Nick?” He’s been mostly quiet this whole time, but I’ve felt his eyes on me, taking in my reaction to the pictures. And his right leg is pressed against my left, something that’s been making my stupid stomach flutter.

  “Not really. My mom tries, but Nora…”

  “Knock knock. Hey, guys, look who’s here.”

  John’s in the doorway with Colt Westling by his side. Besides the dirty blond hair, he looks exactly like John, but I already knew that. Colt is in all the movies and shows girls Tilly’s age like to watch. I think Colt and Rocco starred in a TV series together. Tilly is going to lose it when she sees him.

  I bet Nora would be proud of the way Colt is dressed. He’s the poster boy for preppy. Aiden is too, but Aiden’s hard face and clipped words lose him points with the media. Colt Westling is the boy next door, and everyone loves him. He’s been on every talk show I can think of while Aiden hasn’t been on any.

  “Hey,” Colt says, stepping farther into the room and looking me over. An amused smile splits his face. “I bet Mom’s freaking out. Are those piercings real?”

  I laugh and John playfully swats the back of Colt’s head before taking a seat on one of the chairs across from the couch.

  “Yep, real, and I have a tattoo.”

  Colt’s eyes widen. “No way. How’d you get a tattoo?”

  I chuckle. “I walked into a tattoo shop.”

  He nods approvingly. “That’s so cool.”

  “Maybe don’t tell Nora about the tattoo.” John smiles. “She’s…”

  “Complicated,” I say, filling in the word for him.

  John’s smile is weak as he nods his head.

  “I have so many questions,” Colt says, dropping down to the chair next to John. “Did you always know you were Anna? Is your family freaking out?” He frowns, looking at John. “Isn’t it sad we didn’t find her sooner. All this time she was with another family.”

  John’s gaze meets mine, and I see so much sadness there. “She’s here now,” John says. “That’s what matters.”

  “Because Aiden pushed to do the interviews. Mom fought him like crazy. I bet she feels bad now,” Colt says, crossing his arms.

  I guess Colt doesn’t have the compassion toward Nora Aiden seems to have. Colt’s demeanor completely changed when he mentioned his mom. I eye Aiden. “She didn’t want you to do the interviews?”

  “She… Mom thought the worst when the kidnappers stopped contacting them about ransom,” Aiden says.

  Everyone is quiet for a second before Colt asks me, “What’s your favorite food?”

  “Eh… I don’t know. I guess if I had to pick one, I’d say alfredo.”

  “Chicken or shrimp?”

  “Chicken,” I say. “I’m not a fan of seafood.”

  “Aiden too.” Colt grins, leaning forward. “Beach or city?”

  I see where this is going. “Neither. I like the mountains,” I say.

  Colt laughs. “Aiden too. Zoo or aquarium?”

  “Again, neither. I think it’s fucked up to cage animals unless it’s a rehabilitation center.”

  Colt’s lips twitch like he’s fighting a smile. “They’re safer in captivity.”

  “So,” I say, not able to hide the attitude slipping out. “That’s not any excuse to enslave a living creature. Live free or die.”

  Colt, Nick, and Aiden all laugh while I glare.

  “I’ve said the exact same thing,” Aiden says, pulling in his smile. “I know what it’s like to be caged. You don’t truly get to experience living.”

  “Chocolate or vanilla?” John asks, seemingly amused by the twenty questions going on.

  “Chocolate, but mint chip is my favorite.” I glance to the side meeting Aiden’s amused stare.

  He chuckles. “Same.”

  I don’t want any of them confusing me and Aiden’s similarities to mean I fit into their little family. I don’t and I won’t. Plus, I don’t plan on giving up my life and family back home to get to know a new one. I’m riding out the time I was forced to agree to. I open my mouth to tell John what Nora said to me back at the hotel, but I decide not to. I bet he couldn’t stop her from doing what she threatened.

  John stands, stretching his arms above his head. “Hey, guys, why don’t we head down to the beach for a bit?”

  Everyone agrees and John leaves the room to get Liv, but I’m still feeling some type of way about the questions I was asked.

  “If you won a million dollars, what would you do with it?” I ask Aiden.

  He frowns. “I… I don’t know.”

  “Dude, what about that Aston Martin,” Colt says.

  Aiden nods. “Yeah, maybe.”

  “I’d pay off my mother’s medical debt so my father wouldn’t be burdened by it. Then I’d pay for him to go to a better treatment center. After that, I’d pay for college for me and my sister,” I say, not having to put any thought into my answer. “What did you do for your tenth birthday?”

  He sighs, not meeting my eyes. “I had a circus-themed party.”

  “I was doing a mandatory seventy-two-hour hold. My foster mother at the time was mad I wouldn’t clean the room I shared with two other girls. They were the ones that made the mess. My foster mom told the hospital I was out of control and needed to be evaluated.” I watch his eyes turn hard, and it makes me feel better because I don’t want him thinking now that I’m here life is peachy keen. “What was your first job?”

  “I get it,” Aiden says.

  I don’t think he does.

  “We grew up differently. I know that,” Aiden says. “My life wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t perfect. And I know being here is probably hard for you. Just because you didn’t grow up here doesn’t mean you don’t belong.”

  Because I’m never one to hold back, I wave my hand in front of myself. “Look at me, Aiden. I don’t fit in.”

  Colt laughs. “You’re a reflection of Aiden’s true self. You think he’s this preppy boy and he’s not. He hates to disappoint Mom.”

  Damn. I totally get that. Luckily, my mom wanted me to be myself. Even still, I would sometimes do things I didn’t want to because I knew it made her happy. I wouldn’t sacrifice myself to please her but that’s because sacrificing myself wouldn’t have pleased her. I can’t imagine what it would have been like to have Nora as a mother growing up.

  “You’re judging us without getting to know us,” Aiden says.

  I nod. “Yeah, a little, but it’s not just that—”

  “There you guys are,” Casey says, walking into the room and smiling wide. “John said it’s beach time.” He winks at me and then dr
ops down in the empty chair.

  “You guys ready?” John asks, poking his head into the room.

  Liv skips past him and stops next to the couch. She’s wearing a purple one-piece with a pink mesh wrap over it. Her hair is in a bun, and she’s hugging a doll to her chest. She is so freaking adorable but dangerous. She pulls you in with her cuteness to suck out all your energy and leave your brain a mushy mess. Even still, you can’t help but get attached to her.

  She smiles. “You wanna build sandcastles with me, Hayley?”

  I want to go to my room and be alone, but I say, “Sure, Liv.” I force a smile, trying to trick my brain into being happy and that this tiny human isn’t a little scary

  Chapter 16

  Colt Westling is a lot like Tilly, and of course, they hit it off right away. Turns out they are only fifteen days apart in age and begin talking joint birthday details as they follow everyone to the water, leaving John, Liv, and I to hang out on the sidelines and build sandcastles.

  After a couple of hours swimming, Rocco and Colt run to grab supplies from the house to build a giant sandcastle. I never knew there was special equipment for it. Buckets and shovels are brought down to the beach, and by the time the sun has begun to set, we have a sandcastle as tall as Tilly.

  Sara, one of the maids, walks down to tell us Nora wants us up for dinner, so we abandon our castle and move inside to clean up for dinner.

  After changing clothes, I make it into the massive dining room after everyone else. I’ve never seen a table so big. Even with all of us sitting down, there are several open chairs. I’m between Tilly and Aiden. Nick’s next to Aiden and holding his attention, and Rocco’s next to Tilly and holding hers, so I have time to observe. Nora seems zoned out. She smiles when spoken to but besides muttering a few words occasionally, she’s quiet.

  I feel sorry for Liv who is trying so hard to get her mother’s attention. John and Colt are good about distracting her, but I see Liv’s hurt.

  After dinner, I head upstairs while everyone else heads to the informal living room to watch a movie. I’m wiped out from the sun and all the human interaction, but it was nice seeing Tilly so happy. If she hated it here, we’d be gone.

  I lie back in bed, my brain going over the events of today when there’s a knock at the door before it’s pushed open. I reach to grab my shirt from the floor, but it’s not there. I think I left it in the bathroom, but whatever. The sports bra covers enough.

  “I thought I told you to lock this?” Nick jiggles the handle and examines it. “It’s not broken.”

  Only an hour has passed since dinner, so the movie can’t be over, yet here’s Nick in my room. He’s wearing the gray sweats he wore to dinner but the white shirt he was wearing has been replaced by a black muscle shirt that reveals how fit his upper body is.

  Staring at my torso, he tilts his head to the side. “Why’d you pick a compass?” He moves forward, stopping at the side of my bed.

  He looks different when his eyes aren’t narrowed in hate and his upper lip isn’t hooked into a constant snarl. Like Aiden’s public photos, Nick’s are dark and ominous. The world would lose their shit if they saw this human version of him. Long gone is the bad boy who will break your heart, and instead, is a guy you could see a future with. Dominick Cabot is beautiful, and he’s in my room, probably checking on me.

  Thoughts of him taking me from behind have my cheeks heating up. I bet he’s a hair puller. I know he can be rough and fierce. My scalp prickles at the thought of his hand wrapped around my hair while our sweaty bodies move together. Yep. It’s officially been too long for me.

  Nick frowns, his eyebrows narrowing. Oh, shit. He asked me a question, and my horny ass totally spaced out. Compass. Tattoo! I raise up on my elbows, staring down at black winding lines that make up the intricate compass on the right side of my torso. A dangerous-looking dragon is placed at the center of the compass. “I picked a compass because it reminds me that I’ll stay true to myself no matter what comes my way.”

  “And the dragon?”

  Sitting up all the way, I laugh. “I just thought it looked badass. You got any tats?”

  “Not yet. I haven’t found anything that calls to me.” He pulls a small joint from behind his ear. “You looked stressed at dinner. Do you partake?”

  Grinning, I scoot over. “Um, hell ya I do. My shrink actually suggested it to help with sleep.”

  Nick takes the spot on the bed I just vacated and leans against the headboard. My stomach flutters with excitement. Calm the hell down, I silently scold myself. He’s here with a peace offering, not to fuck your brains out, you slut.


  I clear my throat. “Someone I started seeing after my mom passed. My dad was losing it and I wanted to. I had to think about Tilly, so I got help.” I laugh lightly even though a lump is forming in my throat. “It’s ironic. For years, my mom had been trying to persuade me to see a shrink. It took her death for me to finally do it.”

  “I can’t imagine losing my mom.” He lights up and passes it to me.

  “I hope you don’t have to for a very long time. I take it your mom is nothing like Nora?” I take a hit and hold it in before blowing out a cloud of smoke. In a house this size, you don’t have to worry about anyone smelling the aroma of illegal activities. The smoke will probably never even reach the bedroom door.

  “No, she’s nothing like Nora, but you have to remember Nora wasn’t always the way she is.”

  We smoke the rest in silence. Nick moves to the bathroom to toss the roach into the toilet, and I fall back on the bed, staring up at the painted angels, flowers, and clouds on the ceiling.

  “It’s pretty,” Nick says.

  I roll my head to the side to see he’s lying next to me, staring up at the ceiling too.

  “I wonder who painted it?” is the last thing I remember saying before I’m waking up in a pool of drool. Lifting my head off the pillow, I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand and force my eyes open. The room is fully lit from the sun and stinging my eyes. What the fuck? I’ve never slept like that. I didn’t wake once.

  I’m on top of the cover, sprawled out on my stomach, and Nick is asleep next to me, our legs tangled together. He’s on his back, his mouth slightly parted, and his chest rising and falling peacefully. He’s fully dressed, and I’m in my sports bra and shorts, so we obviously didn’t mess around. A few days ago, Nick had written me off as his enemy, and now… I would almost say he considers me a friend, but I’m not here to make those.

  “Nick,” I say through a rough and scratchy voice as I untangle our legs and flip onto my back. “Get up.” I nudge him with my foot, but he doesn’t budge, so I do it a little harder.

  “Fuck,” he grinds out, lifting his head from the pillow.

  Not only does a little drool shine on the right side of his mouth, but his eyes are bloodshot, and his hair is sticking straight up on one side.

  I fight back a smile. “You look like shit.” He looks rough as hell, but he’s still hot as fuck.

  He studies me and laughs. “I can imagine if I look anything like you, sleeping beauty.”

  I laugh lightly. “Shut up.” I rub the sleep away from my eyes and sit up. “What the fuck kinda weed was that?”

  Nick runs a hand down his mouth. “Some new shit I got from Casey. I didn’t realize it was going to knock me on my ass.”

  I yawn and stretch. “You got any left? I haven’t slept that good in a long time.”

  “Back in my room.” Nick cracks his neck. “Fuck, your bed sucks.” He runs his tongue over his teeth and combs his hair down with his hand. “I need water and a shower.”

  I climb over Nick’s legs to get off the bed and grab my phone from the nightstand. I check my messages while trying to flatten down my bedhead. I have a new one from Grace, so I shoot her a quick reply telling her I’m visiting family in Florida. I’ll need to let her know what’s really up soon. “I’ll get some from you later.” I stretch again, my back
popping a little. “Damn I even feel good.”

  “I feel hungover. I think I got too much sleep,” Nick says, dragging himself to the door. “Catch you later, sleeping beauty.”

  He swings the door open, and Casey’s there with his hand up, ready to knock. Casey’s eyes widen and then he laughs. I groan. This doesn’t look good. The last thing I need is everyone here thinking I slept with Nick. I’m not saying I wouldn’t, but it wouldn’t be done publicly.

  “You’re already fucking?” Casey laughs again. “Aiden’s going to kick your ass.”

  “Shut up, Casey.” He pushes him back a step. “That weed you gave me knocked us out last night. What the hell was that shit?”

  Casey peers over Nick’s shoulder taking in my room, me, and the bed. “So, you two slept together, literally? Well, that’s boring.” He dodges another shove from Nick and then slips into my room. “Nora sent me up to tell you you’re needed downstairs.”

  “Great,” I mumble.

  “I feel left out,” Casey says. “Tonight’s my turn. We can get smoked out and talk about the meaning of life and shit.”

  I laugh lightly. “Sure, Casey, as long as you supply the weed, I’m down.”

  “Come on. Let her get ready,” Nick says, walking out the door and pausing in the hallway.

  Smiling wide, Casey stares at me a minute, and then he winks, backs out of the room, and shuts the door behind him.

  Running my fingers through my tangled hair, I move into the closet. I pull on my shredded at the knees gray jeans and a sleeveless lavender shirt from Nora’s side that I would never normally wear. See, I’m making an effort to wear the clothes she wants me to. I’ll never go full Westling but a little here and there won’t kill me. I switch out my blue lip ring for a purple one to match the shirt.

  The house is quiet as I walk through it. Back home, our house was never quiet. If talking or laughing didn’t fill the house, music or a TV did. The only time I ever remember it being quiet was when I got home from hanging out with Grace to find out my mother had been rushed to the hospital after a car accident.


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