SEAL's Embrace

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SEAL's Embrace Page 16

by Makenna Jameison

  She wanted to be as close to him as possible.

  Grayson moved his mouth down to her neck, the scruff on his jaw rubbing against her tender skin. She tilted her head, giving him more access, and he nipped at her gently, his teeth grazing her neck as she whimpered.

  He edged her shirt up, just barely, and his large hand spanned her waist. She could feel his arousal beneath her as he held her on his lap, and she could only imagine all that power thrusting inside her.

  Grayson moved his lips up, kissing her jaw and then the tender spot behind her ear. She was panting, her chest heaving up and down, and Grayson groaned against her, his mouth hot on her flesh. “I don’t want to move too fast for you,” he said, slowing his kisses down.

  “I know,” she whispered.

  He edged up slightly, staring down at her with an intensity that almost frightened her. It was crazy to feel so much so soon. To fall so hard for a man she’d met only weeks ago. Grayson was right though—they were practically living together. They should slow things down given the situation. She didn’t want to sleep with him too quickly and then regret it the next morning.

  “It’s crazy how much I want you,” he admitted. He ducked down and lightly brushed his lips against hers. “I respect you, too, though. I want to do things right.”

  Her hands rose to his face, holding him there, her fingertips trailing over his stubble. “I’m so attracted to you, but I agree. Let’s take things slowly.”

  He nodded and practically shuddered as she ran her thumb over his full lips. God, the things she wanted to do to this man—trail kisses over him everywhere, pleasure him with her mouth and watch him come for her. Let him make love to her all night.

  It was too soon though, and they both recognized that.

  Grayson helped her to sit back up, and she slid to her own sofa cushion but snuggled against him. She could see his erection in his shorts, and wow. He looked tempting as sin. Grayson grabbed her hand and brought it to his mouth, softly kissing her. “Just so you know, I’ll wait however long you want, sweetheart. However long you need to be ready.”

  “You’re sweet,” she said softly.

  “I’m serious.”

  “I know. And I love that about you.”

  He didn’t comment on her use of the word “love,” and she knew he’d uttered something similar earlier. It was too soon to be falling in love, wasn’t it? She’d heard about people who fell hard and fast of course, who moved in together within weeks of meeting. She’d always thought that was nuts, and yet here she was, basically living with Grayson for now.

  “We could watch another movie,” he said. “See how long you last before you fall asleep.”

  “Hey,” she said, playfully nudging him. “I was sick.”

  “I know. You’ll hear no complaints from me.”

  She giggled as he leaned over and kissed her on the cheek, tickling her as he did. Grayson was flirty and playful a lot of the time, but he was serious about her too. She was falling so quickly for this man, and at the moment, everything seemed almost too perfect. She just hoped whatever it was between them didn’t fizzle out as fast as it had started.

  Chapter 17

  GRAYSON MUTTERED A curse as he strode into a building on base that Friday. The week had been going relatively smoothly, aside from the string of semi-threatening texts Hailey still got to her old cell number. They’d given her phone to the investigators on base, and he’d made sure to update the contacts in her new cell phone, ensuring that she could get ahold of any of his teammates if necessary.

  Having her living with him was sweet torture. He’d wanted to let things progress naturally between them, and just because she was temporarily staying at his place, sleeping in his bed, didn’t mean they should rush into a physical relationship.

  Her vanilla scent filled his bedroom though—he’d discovered a bottle of lotion on his bathroom counter earlier that week and had frozen in place for a moment, shocked at the rightness of having her things there with his. The movers were supposed to get everything into her new apartment the following Monday. The delay hadn’t thrilled Hailey, because she wanted access to her things, but he didn’t mind the knowledge that they’d have the weekend to go to the beach and relax.

  Their CO was already talking about another upcoming mission, and he felt worry churn through his gut at leaving Hailey alone. They were no closer to learning who’d been sending the texts, but he knew investigations were continuing in Bagram.

  One of Hailey’s new coworkers had driven her to work this morning. Although Grayson wasn’t thrilled that he or his teammates weren’t there to accompany her, they had multiple briefings today as well as a training exercise out on the water. He hated that he couldn’t be at her side, but she’d insisted he go into work early.

  The guys had jogged on the beach near his place that morning during PT, taking turns keeping an eye on his apartment. It was a change from their usual schedule and routine, but he knew they were just as concerned about Hailey as he was.

  “There’s been an incident,” Ethan said as Grayson walked in.

  “What?” he asked. “Where?”

  “A situation at the gate very early this morning—even before we were in PT.”

  “What happened?” Grayson asked, frowning. His other teammates weren’t there yet, but they had a briefing with their CO in twenty minutes. He knew the others would be arriving soon to get details about their pending op, but this sounded like something separate.

  “Someone was trying to breach the gate in their vehicle. They rushed at it and were stopped and brought in for questioning.”

  “Damn. What did they want?” Grayson asked, frowning.

  “I just saw the CO when I was coming in. He gave me a quick rundown and will tell us more in a few minutes. But apparently they were asking about Hailey.”

  “What?” Grayson said, his jaw dropping. “Why the fuck would they be asking about her or looking for her here? Jesus.” He pulled out his cell phone to call her as Ethan continued talking. The building she’d been assigned to had some security but not nearly the level they did on base. If she didn’t answer, he was ready to race over there himself to make sure she was okay.

  “Hi, sweetheart, are you okay?” he asked the minute she said hello.

  “Yeah, why? What’s going on?”

  Frowning, he gave her a brief rundown of what had happened earlier that morning.

  “Are you kidding me? Oh my God,” she said, sounding upset. “I’ve been here all morning and no one gave me any updates. My coworker picked me up, and we’ve been right at her desk while I finish my training.”

  “Shit,” he muttered. “Our CO told us. The MPs should’ve been able to call security over at your building though.”

  “I’m new here,” she gently reminded him. “My official start date isn’t until next week. They probably didn’t know where I was.”

  “They could’ve found out,” he muttered. “We’re meeting with our commander in fifteen minutes. He’ll have more information for us. Don’t go anywhere though. I’ll come pick you up later on—earlier if need be.”

  “I thought you had training today?”

  “Fuck my training,” he said. “I’m not leaving you there if you’re in danger. It sounds like the person who tried breaching the gate is in police custody, but I want to hear what updates the CO has for us.”

  “Why would they come in the middle of the night anyway?” she asked. “That doesn’t even make sense. I know some people have overnight shifts, but most people work fairly regular hours.”

  “I don’t know. I’ll call you in a little while, okay?”

  “Okay. I’m fine here, Grayson,” she assured him. “Our building has security; you need to swipe your badge to get in—you know the drill. It’s not like anyone can just waltz in here unannounced.”

  “That’s the whole damn problem,” he said in a low voice. “I’m concerned its someone who does have access.”

  “Yeah, I see
your point. I’ll be careful.”

  They said their goodbyes and Grayson hung up the phone, feeling agitated.

  “She all right?” Ethan asked.

  “Yeah, it’s just—this whole thing is fucked up. Someone really knows she’s out here. I thought some of the texts could be bullshit, but now they’re escalating things. I don’t know why they’re targeting her, but apparently she knows something. Or they think she does.”

  “Let’s head down to meet with the team. We’ll figure this out, and one of us can go over there today if need be.”

  Ten minutes later, they were sitting around the bull pen waiting for their commander to enter. Ethan and Grayson had updated the other guys on the situation, and Raptor narrowed his gaze. “It must be someone she worked closely with in Bagram,” he said.

  “What makes you think that?” Troy asked, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms. “It’s a big office, and lots of people went through there.”

  “If someone was just passing through, they wouldn’t have said enough for her to overhear,” Blake said.

  “Maybe, maybe not,” Troy countered. “There’s no telling what crazy thoughts are going through their head. She could’ve talked with them on the phone, emailed them, or seen them herself. Sat next to them in a meeting. The bottom line is they think she knows who they are and are putting her in danger.”

  Grayson ground his teeth, glancing around at the other men. “She doesn’t think she knows anything though. That’s the whole damn problem.”

  Blake looked at him, his eyes blazing. “Someone there had access to lots of information. They knew the movements of the servicemen who were killed before our arrival, they knew about our first op to get Sayed. Maybe she doesn’t personally sit in on meetings with the higher-ups, but she worked with IT, right? Hailey was an admin there and did some scheduling and administrative type support, but you said she also disseminated reports. The most highly classified items were only available to a select few.”

  “That’s right,” Grayson agreed. “The general frequently sent things her way because she was efficient and reliable. And she was there an entire year—some people rotated in and out, so I think it was easier for him to have her take on that task.”

  Logan looked at the two of them. “So, you’re thinking someone in IT is involved, and that they’re the traitor?”

  Blake clenched his jaw, thinking. “It’s possible. I know they already interviewed many of the officers and contractors working in the general’s office. They had the higher-level clearances and were the direct recipients of those reports, but they even did a polygraph on two different people, and they were both clean.”

  “But they didn’t look into the IT department,” Jackson said in a voice that was low and deadly.

  “Not that I’m aware of,” Grayson said. “Of course, we’re not privy to everything that’s been investigated so far, but I know some of it from talking with the commander and Hailey.”

  “Someone had access to information, possibly sold or gave it to the enemy, and they think Hailey can ID them,” Ethan said.

  “I’ll ask her who she worked most closely with,” Grayson said. “I know she was interviewed about the bombing, but when they’re made aware of the most recent developments, they sure as shit better be diving deeper into this. You’d think IT would be the first people they’d investigate—they have the power to hack into everything. They can access it all.”

  Commander Hutchinson walked into the bull pen then, glancing around at the men. His jaw was set and his eyes narrowed as everyone quieted. “I trust Ethan gave you a brief rundown on the incident this morning,” he said, cutting immediately to the chase.

  “Yes, sir,” they all said.

  “We were already aware that someone was harassing Ms. Fletcher,” he continued. “The texts have continued to her old phone number, and she’s remained at Ghost’s apartment for her safety until it’s determined who is behind this.”

  “Do you have additional information about this morning, sir?” Grayson asked.

  The commander nodded. “An unemployed twenty-year-old was arrested for attempting to breach the gate. He was stopped and taken by ambulance to the hospital due to his blood alcohol level, although police were able to question him. He said he was here for Hailey Fletcher.”

  “Unemployed? Is he homeless?” Troy asked, frowning. Grayson glanced over at his teammate, thinking the same thing. California was an expensive area to live, and it seemed unlikely this guy would have a house or apartment if he wasn’t working.

  “Negative,” their CO said. “He lives with his parents an hour away.”

  “Shit,” Blake muttered. “So what the hell was he doing here looking for Hailey? What’s the connection?”

  “They’re trying to determine that now. He was so hungover, they weren’t able to get much out of him at first. They ran his ID, and he’s been arrested several times for driving under the influence. He has no history of military service but apparently told police that he was hired to look for her.”

  “So he came to base in the middle of the goddamn night?” Grayson asked in disbelief. “That doesn’t even make sense.”

  “He was probably on something,” Logan said. “Drugs, in addition to whatever drinking problem he has.”

  “They’re running labs to determine if any drugs were in his system,” their commander said. “He remains in the hospital but is in police custody there.”

  “Shit,” Grayson muttered. “So someone hired this asshole to find Hailey? She received the threatening texts, and now they fucking came looking for her? What was he planning to do when he found her? God damn it!” he said, pounding his fist on the table.

  Their CO ignored his outburst. “He was drunk and clearly in the wrong place. It’s possible someone gave him the wrong information about what building she was located in or they thought she’d be here this week for processing. Ms. Fletcher is a DOD employee.”

  “He was hired by the traitor,” Ethan said. “That much is damn obvious. The texts indicated they knew Hailey was here in California, and now someone came looking for her. They sent him for her.”

  “I ought to rip his fucking head off,” Grayson cursed.

  Blake explained their concerns that the traitor in Bagram was possibility in IT. He or she would’ve had access to the Top Secret information and would’ve potentially worked with Hailey since she was involved in disseminating many of the reports that came out of that office.

  “I’ll move this up my chain of command and make sure the general is informed,” Commander Hutchinson said. “I’m not aware that the IT team has been investigated yet. They interviewed the women who lived in the building where the explosion occurred, and they started investigating those who worked directly with the general and in his office. It’s a long process.”

  “I’m worried about Hailey,” Grayson said. “The entire thing is taking too long. Suppose whoever is behind this figures out she’s in the other building. They could come after her there or hire someone else. And we still don’t even know why for certain she’s been targeted.”

  “They seem to think she can ID them,” Jackson said, his dark eyes blazing. He looked directly at their CO. “Hailey might be Ghost’s woman, but that doesn’t mean any of us will stand for some asshole trying to harm an innocent woman. We’ll all step in to protect her.”

  Murmurs of agreement came from around the table. Chauvinistic or not, they helped those weaker than them. Women and children were usually at the top of that list. The team had rushed into dangerous situations all over the world rescuing civilians and taking out their targets. This was personal though.

  To know that danger had followed them home to San Diego was unsettling. Usually they left their missions behind—got in, did their job, and got out. For the enemy—and a traitor to the U.S. was indeed an enemy—to know where Hailey was angered Grayson to no end.

  “You should talk to her, Ghost,” Blake said. “See if she recalls a
nything unusual. She was injured before and then sick when she first got out here. Now that she’s feeling better, maybe she’ll remember something. Even the smallest detail could help.”

  Grayson nodded, glancing around at his team.

  “We’ve got a mission coming up as well,” their commander said. “It’s believed the two missing women have been located. They’re being held hostage in the mountains of Afghanistan.”

  “Fuck that,” Ethan spat out. “They took two American women and thought they could get away with it?”

  The commander continued after his outburst. “Signals intelligence has indicated movement in the area, and a source from the village where you first searched for Sayed provided some information on their possible whereabouts. As soon as the location is confirmed, your team will move in to retrieve the hostages.”

  Jackson clenched his fists, looking to the commander as he pulled up some imagery on the massive TV screen, and all the men were instantly alert. Grayson shifted in his seat, leaning closer to look intently at the pictures. It was a rougher terrain than they’d searched before, up in the mountains. When they’d been in the village near Bagram, they’d gone door to door hoping to find Sayed. Although they’d eventually nabbed him in the camp on a subsequent mission, this was up in the mountains. It would be rough hiking up there, and they had no clue what condition the injured women would be in. Would they have to physically carry them out? Had the women been beaten or raped? Tortured?

  “When do we move in?” Grayson asked.

  “As soon as we have confirmation,” their CO said. “The villager is a new source, and we don’t know if he can be trusted.”

  “So it could be a goddamn ambush,” Troy said, frowning.

  “You know as well as I do that we won’t move in until we have confirmation. In the meantime,” the CO continued, looking to Grayson. “Go and pick up Ms. Fletcher from her office. I don’t like what happened this morning or that her office wasn’t informed about the incident. The rest of the team will continue with training on the water as planned. Dismissed.”


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