Taking It Slow (Code of Honor Book 4)

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Taking It Slow (Code of Honor Book 4) Page 16

by Reese Knightley

  A worried Anna walked behind the boy holding the jacket Liam had given him. Adam’s face was white and Jessica was crying softly in her brother’s arms.

  Liam reached for the jacket and pushed the boy’s arms into it and then brought it around to close up the front.

  “Where am I going?”

  Liam pulled Wesley close. “CPS. Until I can reach Spencer, a lawyer, and a judge.”

  “Why?” Wesley’s eyes were locked on his face and filling with tears.

  “This is only temporary. I will get you back,” he whispered, yanking the boy tightly into his arms.

  Wesley’s legs shook so badly, Liam had to keep him upright for a few moments.

  Wiping at his face, Wesley nodded and then turned toward the men at the door.

  The two men stepped up and one took Wesley by the arm in a tight grip.

  “That’s not necessary,” Maddox barked. “He’s going with you willingly.”

  The man sneered and pulled Wesley out the door and down the steps toward a waiting SUV.

  “Liam! Don’t let them take me,” Wesley suddenly cried, tugging at the hand holding him, gazing back at him.

  “I’m coming for you, Wesley,” he called back, stiffening his legs to keep from charging the guy who had put Wesley into the back of the SUV.

  Adam rushed toward the door. “Wesley!” Liam snatched up Adam from rushing out and held him tightly.

  “Wesley,” Adam sobbed, hitting at his forearms. “Let me go!”

  “Shh.” Liam held Adam tighter as he struggled.

  He turned to River and Maddox and said over Adam’s head, “Follow them. I need to know where they go. Don’t let them out of your sight.”

  “We won’t,” Maddox assured him and left. The pair waited until the SUV left the grounds and then pulled out of the gate to follow.

  “Adam,” he whispered against the boy’s temple, gazing at where Anna was holding Jessica.

  “What?” Tears filled his cousin’s voice.

  “I need to make some urgent calls.”

  The trembling boy drew back and looked up at him. Liam cupped Adam’s face and wiped the tears from his cheeks with his thumbs.

  “Do you understand?”

  “Get him back, Uncle Liam.” Adam sniffled and let him go before turning to Anna and Jessica.

  “I will,” he promised them before striding toward his office. Entering, he shut the door and dropped into his chair.

  Councilman Coulier had something to do with this, he was positive. Was Brinkmann in on it?

  They could be on to Spencer.

  He yanked out his phone and punched in Spencer’s number. It went straight to voicemail, which mean Spencer had already started the mission.

  Leaving a message that included only the facts was the hardest thing he’d ever had to do, but bringing his emotions into this wasn’t going to do a damned bit of good.

  “Watch your six,” he finished and hung up.

  With shaking hands, Liam dialed Ryan. “Whoever is behind the money racketeering may have leverage to bring down Spencer.”

  “What’s going on?”

  He told Ryan about the CPS showing up and taking Wesley.

  “I have a bad feeling about this.”

  “Does Spencer know Wesley was picked up?” Ryan asked.

  “I left a message but he won’t get it in time.”

  “I’ll start the process of getting Wesley back. Any idea where they took him?”

  “Call Maddox. The whole thing stinks. I’m calling in a favor.”

  “Okay, I’ll call you back.”

  Liam hung up and stood, turning to the wide window in his office.

  These guys wanted to play hardball?

  Fine. They weren’t going to fucking win.

  They really didn’t know just how much power he had at his disposal.

  That was their mistake, but they’d learn very quickly.

  Liam lifted the phone and dialed a number he only used as a last resort.

  “Rhine residence.”

  “Yes, I need to speak with General Rhine.”

  “May I tell him who’s calling?”

  “Colonel Liam Cobalt.”

  “Please hold.”

  “Liam? What’s the matter?” Luke asked.

  “I have a problem,” he rasped, bypassing the use of the man’s title.

  “What do you need?” Luke growled.


  “Thanks, Doc.” He hung up the phone. It seemed that his mother’s boyfriend was going to be okay. While Spencer didn’t like the guy, he didn’t wish him dead.

  He drummed his fingers on the wheel. Wesley was taking their mother’s death rather well. He had caught his brother just before he left Liam’s house.

  “You going to be okay?”

  “Yeah, Spencer. I have you. That’s all I’ve ever really wanted,” Wesley had said and Spencer had pulled the boy into his arms. It was a good god damned thing he’d listed Liam as an emergency contact last month. If, and that was a big if, anything ever happened to him, then he knew without a doubt that Liam would take care of Wesley.

  He pulled a hand down his face. What the fuck was he afraid of? Being happy? He sighed and dropped his hand just as a car pulled down the alley toward him. The headlights burned brightly into his face.

  Snatching up the bag in the passenger seat, he stepped out of his car.

  Mayer parked and got out with two other men.

  “Here’s the money you requested.” He handed the bag to Mayer.

  The two men with Mayer were carrying, but at least the weapons were in their holsters.

  Mayer sneered and opened the bag, his eyes gleaming at the amount of cash.

  “I’ll be in touch,” Mayer said and turned toward his car.

  Spencer stayed where he was. When Mayer realized he wasn’t going to move his car, Mayer shoved his own car in reverse and backed up down the alley.

  Mayer reached the end of the alley before Zane pulled up and blocked Mayer’s exit with a large black SUV.

  Isaac and Zane jumped out wearing black clothing and masks. Zane broke the glass on the driver side just as shots rang out.

  Spencer sprang into action and ran toward them.

  “Hey! Stop!” he yelled as planned. The idea was to stop the robbery in progress. He pulled his weapon as he drew near.

  Mayer was out of the car swinging at Isaac. One perp got out and went for Zane.

  The last of the three men darted out of the car with the money bag.

  Zane knocked out the perp he was fighting just as Mayer pulled a gun on Isaac. Before Spencer could reach them, Isaac disarmed Mayer.

  But the fucker pulled a knife and jabbed it into Isaac’s side. Isaac gasped and fell back, Mayer advanced. The crazy motherfucker grabbed Isaac by the hair and aimed the knife at Isaac’s throat.

  “Fuck!” he shouted.

  Zane spun and put a bullet in Mayer. The man toppled backwards, dead, to the ground.


  Spencer shot his weapon up in the air and just as planned, Zane ducked.

  Spencer reached the side of the car and found Zane sitting on the asphalt near the car’s rear tires holding Isaac’s limp body in his arms.

  “No, fucking no,” Zane begged Isaac to wake up. Pressing his hands into Isaac’s side, blood seeped through his fingers.

  Spencer couldn’t think for a split second, but then Zane gazed up at him. “Fucking go,” the soldier whispered harshly through his tears.

  Swallowing past the lump in his throat, he turned from Zane and caught the gaze of the guy holding the money bag. The car was between them. Money bag guy couldn’t see Zane or Isaac.

  Aiming at the concrete, he fired two bullets as if killing Zane and Isaac and then shouted at money bags.


  He careened around the car, grabbed the guy by the arm, and ran. Worry gnawed at his gut about Isaac, but he couldn’t stop now. The sting would go south.

; “Where to?” he whispered harshly when they dodged down another alley.

  “This way.” They reached the street a few blocks over and the guy called an Uber on his phone.

  “You armed?”

  “No. I’m glad you are.” The guy gave a relieved breath and clutched the money bag to his chest.

  “What’s your name?”

  “Steven Moss.”

  “Spencer Turner,” he said, and the guy briefly shook his hand. So, this was Councilman Coulier’s assistant. This might be easier than they thought it’d be.

  The Uber driver dropped them off at a high-rise building in a commercial district and they entered together.

  “Who are we here to see?” he asked, looking around the deserted lobby.

  Steven stopped and gazed at him nervously.

  “I did just save your life,” Spencer pointed out.

  Steven sighed. “We’re here to deliver this bag to Councilman Coulier and tell him that Mayer was killed.”

  “What floor?” he said conversationally.

  “The tenth.” Steven pushed the button.

  And while the man was facing away from him, Spencer reached out and caught Steven in a choke hold.

  When Steven passed out, Spencer hit the sixth floor button. He’d take the stairs up from there. He zip-tied the man’s hands and placed a gag over his mouth. When the elevator stopped, Spencer drug the perp into a nearby supply closet.

  Grabbing up the money, he tossed it in on top of Steven and closed the door.


  An hour later, he entered his office at the base and tossed his keys on his desk. His cell phone rang.

  “Colonel Cobalt,” he murmured.

  “I’m sorry, Colonel,” Maddox said over the phone.

  “What happened?”

  “We were T-boned.”

  “Are either of you hurt?” he said sharply.

  “River banged up his arm, but other than that, we’re fine.”

  “Get River checked out and then report in,” he ordered.

  “Will do.” Maddox ended the call.


  “What happened?” He glanced up to find Dillon in his doorway.

  “Maddox and River were T-boned while following the CPS agents that took Wesley.” He filled Dillon in on what was going on.

  “Well, isn’t that fucking convenient,” Dillon snarled.

  “What? What’s convenient?” Blade poked her head into the office, looking at them.

  He also filled her in. “So, I’m going to need you two to call Maddox and see if they need any assistance with getting their SUV towed.”

  “Copy,” Dillon said and left.

  Blade lingered.

  “I’m okay.” He smiled at her and after a moment, she squinted and nodded before disappearing after Dillon.

  The next few hours moved at a snail’s pace and his concentration was for shit. Rather than sit still, he stood and shut down his laptop.

  Locking his office door, he made his way down the hallway and shoved open the exit door. Stepping out into the bright sunshine, he shielded his eyes just as his phone buzzed.

  He blinked down at the message and frowned.

  Get in the car.


  He spun and found a man in military greens standing behind him. Beyond him was a black SUV with the rear door open.

  He stepped toward it and glanced inside to see a pair of familiar green eyes.

  “Liam,” Luke said as he slid into the car.

  “Luke, fuck, this isn’t your phone number.”

  “No,” was all Luke said.

  Liam pulled the door closed. “What did you find out?”

  The car left the base parking lot and turned onto the highway before Luke closed the partition between them and the two men in the front seat, sealing off their conversation.

  “This whole thing goes deeper than you can imagine,” Luke said.

  “Deeper than the CPS thing?”


  “How do you know that?” Liam frowned out the window and gripped the door handle tightly.

  When Luke didn’t answer, Liam yanked his gaze from the passing cars and stared his friend in the eyes.

  “What are you, NCIS now?” he joked.


  “Wait…” He suddenly gaped, his mind racing. “CIA?”

  “I’m not at liberty to divulge that, you know that,” Luke reprimanded him.

  “Well, fuck me.”

  “Um…” Luke coughed. “I thought we decided to stay friends only.”

  Liam gave Luke’s attempt at humor a flat stare.

  “So, you’re in the know on this whole extorting money and selling children scheme?”

  “I am. This little operation is just the tip of an iceberg.”



  “Does Director Taylor know?”

  “Forest knows enough, but not everything.”

  “Are you going to tell me everything?”

  “That I can’t do, but when I can, I will.”

  “What about Wesley?”

  “I thought you had men on it?” Luke scowled.

  “Maddox and River were in a car accident.” He filled Luke in on what transpired.

  “I’ll have my team check all the CPS offices.”

  He raked his fingers hard through his hair. “I let them drive out of there. I should have fucking stopped them.”

  Guilt gnawed at his stomach making him feel sick.

  “Don’t beat yourself up. I have a man staking out Coulier’s high-rise.”

  Liam took a deep calming breath. “What do you need from me?”

  “Pull Fury and send them after Coulier. Have them let Spencer know they have his brother.”

  “How do we know they have his brother, though?”

  “Who the hell else could it be?”

  Luke was right. The chances of anyone else having Wesley were slim. He nodded and pulled his phone and called the one Fury operative that carried a burner for emergencies during a mission. He spoke briefly to Eagle before hanging up and turning back to Luke.

  “Also, I need a few of your team however you need to swing it. Nobody can know, Liam, it’s imperative.”


  Whatever else was going on was above his pay grade and definitely bigger than he’d thought if the fucking CIA were involved.

  He pulled his cell and punched in another number while he stared at Luke.

  “Dillon? Did you get a hold of Maddox?”

  “Yeah,” Dillon said. “He doesn’t need us.”

  “Okay. Can you grab Blade and meet me at…?” He gazed at Luke.

  “My residence.”

  He gave the address to the estate-like home on Country Club Lane and ended the call. They drove for several long moments along a winding road that took them into the hills.

  “How long will you need them for?” he asked, calculating how long he’d need to put in for Dillon and Blade’s R and R.

  “A few days, maybe a week.”

  They pulled up to a gated driveway just as a Harley roared up behind them. The guards at the gate stepped out to prevent the motorcycle from following them in.

  “Yours?” Luke barked.

  “Yeah, that’d be Dillon. The Ford truck behind him is Blade.”

  Luke rapped on the partition and gave a nod to one of the men who hopped out to give the okay to the guards.

  The group drove up the long stone circular driveway and stopped in front of a beautiful home. The outside was multicolored rock and stucco, giving the estate a down to earth feel.

  Luke got out and bent back down to hold his gaze. “I’ll have my driver drop you back at your truck. I’ll be in touch,” the man said and shut the door.

  He felt empty. The world felt flat without Spencer or Wesley in it.

  When he reached his home, he stepped out of the car and the children came running.

curved his arms around both Jessica and Adam.

  “I’ll move heaven and earth to get them home,” he whispered to them.


  “Link, Eagle, you copy?” he asked, touching the mic in his ear.

  “Copy,” Eagle said and Link answered.

  Someone had pulled a few strings and had Fury removed from the Bowman case. It had to be General Rhine, Spencer was sure of it. Whatever the case may be, he was fucking glad to have backup.

  “Hold up, Spencer. Where are you?” Eagle said and something in his voice drew him to a stop.

  “Sixth floor.” He waited.

  Eagle came out of the sixth floor exit and approached. “Where’s Coulier?”

  “On the tenth floor, what’s up?” Spencer frowned at his partner.

  “Liam called me. CPS picked up Wesley from his home. There’s a possibility that Coulier has him.” Eagle explained how Maddox and River had been T-boned.

  He couldn’t think for a minute. A cold sweat gathered and trickled down his spine. His vision turned red and Eagle wavered in front of him.


  “To keep you in line? I don’t know,” Eagle sighed.

  “How did he find out about me?”

  “Maybe Mayer? That was a large sum of money you were holding. Coulier probably wanted to make sure you delivered.”

  “Fucker! I’ll fucking kill him,” he said just as the power went out in the building.

  He shoved away and melted into the darkness.

  “Spencer?” Eagle hissed.

  Spencer reached up and yanked out his ear piece before he took the stairs up to the tenth floor.

  A noise caught his attention. He heard voices whispering and spotted a flashlight beam sweeping over the hallway.

  “Split up,” a man said.

  Spencer eased back into the office nearest to him and drew his knife out of its sheath. The edge of a gun poked out and Spencer hit the perp’s gun arm with enough force to elicit a gasp.

  With a growl, the gunman turned on him, but Spencer was too close for the weapon to lift. Stepping forward, he sank his knife not once, but several times into the suspect’s chest, his hand covering the perp’s mouth to muffle the noise until the fucker was nothing but a pile of gasping, gurgling wet meat. The man fell to the floor and Spencer stepped over the dead body.


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