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Defiant Page 11

by Ursula Sinclair

  He removed his hand from my hip and brought it around to the front of my body, inserting one finger inside of me. Moving it in as deep as he could go, shifting the angle to do it again and again, placing two of them in there pumping inside me—stretching me. I moved with him, clenching around him, he hooked his finger to find that secret spot. I broke our kiss to take in air on a moan. My body hummed responding to his touch.

  “You are so fucking wet.”

  I would have smiled, but I couldn’t. I lowered my arms from around his neck trusting him to hold me in place, since I didn’t trust my trembling legs to take any weight if I attempted to stand. I unbuttoned his jeans and touched his zipper.

  “Careful,” he mumbled before returning to reconnect our mouths.

  I was. I had no intentions of damaging what I very much wanted. I pushed his jeans aside enough to free his cock from its confines. It was more than ready to greet me. I ran my hand over as much of him as I could reach. Enjoying the steely silkiness of him, I traced the ridges of his veins pumping the blood into him, keeping him hard. He was longer than expected, so I had to push the jeans aside a little more. I wanted to free all of him, every last delicious inch. His jeans slid down, and he widened his stance, enough that he had room. He squeezed my ass and raised me up a bit higher on the bar so his dick was aligned with my pussy. Dachs broke our kiss.

  “Put me inside you, now.”

  My hand never left his cock. We both glanced down to watch as I joined our bodies. I positioned him right at my opening holding him steady as he jerked forward and upward impaling me onto his hard cock. I sank onto him, seating myself fully on him. We both exhaled in pure pleasure. I closed my eyes; he felt so damn good. My muscles clenched around him, holding him there, forcing us both to be still, to get used to each other and enjoy this moment of our first time. I wanted to remember everything right down to the scent of the soap he’d used to wash with, something masculine and musky. No subtle or fruity fragrance for him. He was all hard male.

  I opened my eyes, and he grabbed my thighs. I pushed open his jacket, so I could better wrap my legs around his slim waist. He rocked back before surging forward again. I placed my hands on his shoulders to give myself leverage. Using gravity, he held on to my thighs and pitched upward, while he brought my body downward more fully on him, filling me completely. He did it again and again, slamming his mouth to mine the way he was slamming our bodies together, connecting us.

  He switched to slow strokes, he’d pull out almost all the way before rocking back inside me as far as he could reach. Our breathing became irregular, sounding in grunts and pants. I whimpered, as good as he felt inside me I wanted to feel more of him. Where we touched it burned, and I wanted all of my body to feel that. I wish I could have taken his jacket and shirt off. I wanted his skin to cover mine. I wanted his mouth on every part of my body; I wanted to do the same to his.

  He must have wanted more too because he used one hand to lift my long sleeved t-shirt up. I wore no bra, and his hand covered my breast. I wasn’t especially busty, but he managed to fill his palm with them. He rubbed his thumb back and forth across my nipple, the calluses on his hand creating a friction that had my nipples standing straight up. His rocking motion increased, and I moved with him until he slowed down. I could feel him flexing against my body as he tried to touch as much of me as he could in the space we were in. And God, wherever we touched, he felt good. We felt so damn good together.

  He shifted again to take a hold of one leg to raise it a bit higher, and then, he pushed forward. Holding my ass up with both hands now, he really began to move fast and furious. Each surge of his body pressed me farther against the wall, like he wanted my body imprinted on the metal behind me. But each downward glide of my body took him deeper inside me until he was all that there was. We were all that existed. We stopped kissing, his motions were too much, our bodies strained toward each other. I placed my head at the crux of his neck and licked the initials there, cleansing them. My saliva covered them now. They were mine. I tasted the saltiness of skin, wondering if his cum would taste the same, and my body shuddered. Our breathing became haggard, our pace broken as we both tried to take everything from the other, and at once, gave up all that we once were.

  At last I felt him give way to the strain in his body as I’d given way once already to mine. He trembled in my arms, and I wanted nothing more than for him to give me what we both so desperately needed.

  “Shit!” he called out gruffly.

  He actually shook in my arms, his nostrils flared as he fought to inhale, his dick was full but, he hadn’t come. He rested on the knife’s edge though but fought it. Then it hit me why. He wore no protection.

  Holy shit!

  I hadn’t even thought about it. Everything had happened so fast. My God we were having sex in an elevator. I never lost it like this; I always made my partners use condoms, but he made me wild. From the time I’d first laid eyes on him, all I wanted, needed, was him inside me—right now. But that was stupid. Did he do this all the time? No, no he didn’t, and I knew it. “I’m on birth control, and I’m clean,” I said and kissed the side of his neck I’d been licking as I contracted my inner muscles.

  He groaned. “Jesus! Clean, I mean. I am.”

  His cock had never softened inside me; it had continued to pulse against my pussy walls. Unrestrained now, he began to move again, pistoning faster and faster. I could feel his body shudder, giving way to the inevitable between us. He captured my mouth again, sucking on my tongue as his body jerked and cum filled my pussy. The warmth of him inside me triggered my core to react, my inner muscles tightened, and my cum curled around him, mixed with his. I squeezed my thighs against his waist, holding him tightly inside me to ensure I got everything out of him, every last drop. His strokes slowed, and I could feel our joint juices running down my ass cheeks. I couldn’t care less. He stopped.

  He continued to hold me up while he eased his dick out of me. I lowered my legs from around his waist, but he continued to hold me and made sure I slid down his body. He kissed me hard and pulled away a little as he looked down at himself. His cock no longer stood as stiff as it once had, it was much softer, now, but glistened with the evidence of what we’d just done. Since I was now standing, there was a trail of sticky fluid running down my thigh.

  He’d seen it, bent down and ripped off the rest of my underwear, what little material there was of it, and used it to wipe my leg, inner thighs and between my thighs. Pausing to cup my sex, he dropped to his knees and leaned forward to kiss my shaved pussy. I still had a little juice left in me, and he used his tongue to lick that bit up before pulling up my loungewear. Too bad he didn’t stay there long; I was just about to hold his head to keep him there when he got to his feet. He used my underwear to wipe himself off. I got a good look at his cock, now and smiled, even at half mast, the boy was long, veiny and just thick enough. He redid his jeans and stuck my ripped, cum-filled panties into his jacket pocket. I smiled at the mess that made.

  “I owe you a pair,” he said.

  He stared into my eyes with an intensity that had me searching for breath. Now, I knew what they looked like when he let himself go. There’s a beach in Cypress where the water is that shade of blue. “No worries I have more,” I said.

  “Not from me.”

  I smiled as he turned around, I couldn’t help myself. He released the elevator so it could continue to the other floors. It was lucky that we’d stopped on the 16th, floor and he’d pushed the buttons for the floors below and in between, so we didn’t have long to go to get to my floor. We were even luckier that it was late, so no one was calling the elevator, and there was a second one available.

  He looked at me with that deep gaze again as he rested against the side of the elevator, he raised his hand holding it out to me. I took it, and he drew me to him. I wrapped my arms around his waist, and he kissed my temple, whispering in my ear, “We’re not done.”

  “I sure hope not, but jus
t in case.” I kept my head against his chest, so I could listen to his heartbeat and moved one hand to stroke him through his jeans. By the time the elevator got to my floor his heart rate had increased to a nice tempo, and he was hard again.

  I only released him once we got to my hallway. There were 8 units on this side of the building, mine was the second corner one off the elevator. I punched in my keycode to let us in. Funny, I knew I would have no trouble giving Dachs my access code. I knew he’d seen me enter it. I’d never allowed Justin to so much as glimpse it. But then, I dismissed him from my mind. He was my past, with Dachs I wanted to look to a future.

  I stepped in first and held the door open for him to enter, then shut it. He took a few steps inside and stopped in the entryway. I tried to see my home through his eyes. I knew exactly what he saw because it was what I wanted my home to say. It was a statement—young, privileged and unapologetic. Why should I be sorry for my father’s wealth or the fact I’m well on my way to creating my own. To be fair, my father didn’t pay for everything in my condo. Okay, he did buy it for me; it was also an investment, but I did use some of my internship money to furnish the place. Dachs and I could get around to those details later.

  My condo was done in varying shades of gray, beige and white. With a few dark colored or black pieces to provide balance—like, my two leather chairs in my reading nook with bay windows that faced the park. I would sit out there and be nice and warm while I read or watched the snowfall. The chairs, one black the other a dark brown, were so soft they could compete with the feel of softened butter and win.

  The L shaped dark gray faux suede couch was perfect for entertaining and faced the large flat screen television on the largest wall in the room. The wooden floors were a lighter shade of gray. The cushions, and I had lots of them, were beige with patterns of green or orange hibiscus. There were a couple of knee high vases about a foot at their widest points. One held bamboo sticks twice as high as the vase, and the other held dried branches and eucalyptus branches with the leaves on them just as tall. The vases were the real works of art in the room and not the few pieces of artwork on the wall I’d mostly picked up from craft fairs. I’d picked up one vase in Dubai. I don’t dare tell him how much it cost, then how much it cost to have it shipped home to Boston. The other one, I’d at least picked up here in the US. It had been part of an estate sale at Sotheby’s. That one cost me a pretty penny too, but they made the living area pop.

  He took a couple more steps into the main room; his head turned slightly toward the kitchen, a place I rarely used. Even though I can cook, I actually find it calming, but I just don’t have time to do it much. Justin never even knew I could cook. I’d never cooked for him; we’d always get takeout or go out. But I did love my kitchen; it was all white. Everything in there was white in varying shades and textures accented with silver trays. Even the floor was a very ash-gray color that was almost white.

  Dachs turned to me; there was a look in his eyes, I couldn’t quite place but didn’t much like.

  I went up to him and placed my arms around him, staring into his face until he stopped looking around and looked only at me, so I knew I had his complete attention.

  “Remember what I said about ‘choices.’ I choose you, and I get what I want and you are what I want. I don’t need you to give me anything other than yourself. That’s all I need or want. Can you do that? Do you want me?”



  Muted light flooded the bedroom. I woke with a start, my lids snapping open. I lifted my head to search my unrecognizable surroundings. I angled my head up to find Harper sprawled across my chest. Memories slowly flooded my mind, and I settled down, dropping my head back on the pillow. Gently, I skimmed my palm along her back and rested my hand on her bare shoulder. I needed to move, get to the meeting place and try and figure out exactly what the Prof was up to, but I didn’t want to. Harper’s naked body lay flush against mine, my cock instantly came to life.

  There was no time for that—tonight maybe—but not right now. Still, I didn’t want to wake her either. I eased my arm beneath my head and stared at the ceiling, enjoying the weight of her on me. If only we could lay like this through the morning.

  I was still caught in a cyclone of reflection. Last night, I crossed so many damn lines that there was no going back. I couldn’t return to the person I was, but I didn’t see a way to move forward either. Not until I clarified exactly where the Prof was leading me, my brothers and sisters. At the end of the day someone had to be responsible. The Prof was acting mysteriously, Bruno had disappeared. Although Gage was part of the brotherhood, each group worked independently, so he had no real say in the Boston chapter and Becky was flighty as shit. There was no one to rely on but myself. Lying here meant I was complacent with whatever hair brained scheme my friends had come up with. The sooner I got the parade protest over with, the quicker I could come back to Harper.

  I eased to the side, moving from under her. She grumbled and shifted, turning to the side and curled her body around a pillow. I peered at the way the slim line of her back perfectly dipped into her waist before rising into the gentle curve of her hip. Sheets draped over her legs stopped my perusal. She was black, but I couldn’t regret what happened. The thump of my heart sped up. The magic between us—I looked forward to it happening again—after I took care of my business. I glanced around the room; in the stark brightness of day, her wealth couldn’t be denied. There were signs of money everywhere from the furniture to the paintings and photographs on the wall. And me, I lived with my parents on a good day and was homeless most other times. I dropped my head;, that never bothered me before. I stood and searched around for my clothes. My shirt and jeans were beside the bed while my jacket was in the living room across the back of the couch. One boot was in the kitchen and the other by the door. I had no idea where my underwear was and didn’t have any more time to look for it. With my shirt still open I left Harper’s place and solidly shut the door behind me. I paused. Last night, she didn’t bother to hide her code to the door; was she trying to tell me something? I shook my head. We weren’t that deep into anything, yet. I was probably imagining things.

  A bright, sunny day greeted me as I exited the building; the air was a bit cooler than last night, still on the warm side for this time of year. I dug my cell out of my pocket and checked the time. I wanted to send Harper a message. Thirty-eight percent battery.


  It was easier to leave her sleeping. If she had questions or even asked me to stay, I would have a hard time explaining something I wasn’t sure of or denying her request if it meant sliding into her body again. I tapped a quick message into my phone.

  Parade not safe – C U 8ter.

  Now, I had to find out what was really happening. Chimes drifted from my pocket as I made my way down the street. I pulled my cell from my pocket expecting to see Harper’s name flash across the screen. It wasn’t who I thought it was.


  “Good morning.” Her sing song tone wafted through the earpiece. “Do you plan on coming home or should I pack up your things and have your father bring them to you?”

  Not once did my mom raise her voice, in no way did she sound angry, but I knew. I heard it in the clipped words she used. My mother was pissed. It wasn’t the first time we had this conversation. It had become a weekly ritual. “I’ll be home this evening.”

  “You will come home this morning.” She paused. “Part of the parade route will march directly in front of the shop. A lot of people will be in the streets, which means we will be busy. You need to be here to help.”

  “I have other plans.” If I told her I was marching in a counter protest that would just escalate the fight we are going to have. Since I will not be coming to the shop anytime today. I couldn’t tell her I’ll actually be walking right past it.

  She was quiet for a long time. I glanced at the screen to make sure our call was still connected. “What changed? You were such a
happy child,” she spoke quietly.

  Here we go.

  “I grew up.” It was the only answer I could give her. Things change, I changed. I met a man who opened my eyes to the unfairness in the world. There were a million reasons why and each one of them would give my mother reason to argue with me. “You and Dad are getting older. I told you to hire someone.” She never listens to me.

  “Why? Why when I have a perfectly good, if foolish, son to do the work.”

  Deep chuckles escaped me before I realized I was laughing. Mom never did hold anything back. Since meeting Harper, I found myself contemplating everything.

  “I have missed your laughter, Dachs. Help me and your father out. Come home, Son.” Her voice grew gentle.

  Another day, I would have ignored my mother’s request and not given it a second thought. Today, I couldn’t. There were some urgent things I had to look into but…that hyper awareness couldn’t be brushed off. The idea that something was seriously wrong sat like a boulder in my stomach. I would take care of whatever was going down and tomorrow, I could start over. I will go home and talk to my mom. Maybe introduce Harper to my parents. No—it was way too soon for that. What was strange, I really wanted the two women to meet. Fuck there was something wrong with me. “I really have something to do today…” I took a deep breath and exhaled. “I’ll help out in the shop tomorrow—all day. You have my word.” If I didn’t learn anything else from my parents I did pick up if you weren’t a man of your word, then you weren’t worth shit.


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