Built for Love

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Built for Love Page 4

by Goode, Ella

  “This isn’t a Mission Impossible movie and I’m not Tom Cruise.”

  “More’s the pity. What do you have?” I wait him out because I know he has some gadgets. He’s the go-to private detective for famous people. He can find shit out about you that even your parents didn’t know.

  Finally, he sighs. “Stuff. How long is this going to last?”

  “A few hours. It’s not like you have any place to go.” Mark is as single as the rest of us.

  “Yeah, yeah. See you at six.”

  After disconnecting, I go in search of Pepper. Predictably, she is not wearing anything ugly or shapeless. And while I wouldn’t go so far as to say her pink pants and white top were seductive, they aren’t unattractive either. Why can’t she wear a barn coat, some galoshes and a big hat that covers her face? I’d recommend this, but I don’t want to get stabbed in the eye with the pen she’s shoving into her purse.

  “Taking notes during a dinner date?” I try for a light tone. “That’s a new one.”

  “It’s not a pen. It’s a pair of scissors.” She pulls it out and displays it on her palm. To my surprise, it’s exactly as she says. The long, thin tubular thing is not a pen but two blades sheathed inside of a long plastic barrel.

  I turn the ingenious thing over in my hand. “You planning on stabbing him with this? Because if so, I approve.”

  She plucks it away from me and sticks it back into her purse. “No. Why would I do that?”

  “Because he’s an asshole who could’ve killed you and all the tenants in the building.” That was an easy answer.

  Pepper seems to agree. “Good point, but no. I always carry scissors. You never know when you’re going to need them. You might have to cut a tag off or open a letter or—”

  “Stab a guy in the back of his hand if he gets too friendly,” I suggest.

  “If you want Chad to be knifed, you can do it yourself.” She slings the small white purse over her shoulder and walks out of the room. Her perfume wafts by my nose, and my dick grows hard. It’s not really her perfume that does it for me. It’s everything about her, from her long legs and juicy ass to her suckable lips and sexy eyes. Thinking about her makes me hard; smelling her makes me want to come in my jeans. I shove my hands into my pockets in an attempt to hide my erection. At least with her pretty nose in the air, she’s not looking at my crotch. If she did, she might take out her scissors and point them at me.

  The thought of a sharp blade pressed against my balls does help to reduce the surge of blood into my groin. But then I think of her naked with a feral look on her face. In that situation, she could hold any number of sharp objects next to my cock and I’d just beg for more.

  “Aren’t you going to say something about my outfit?” she asks as we get into my truck.

  “Nah. You look great though.” I nearly gnaw off my tongue in an effort not to tell her to go back inside the house and change into something shapeless and off-putting, although I’m not sure what that is. She could wear a sack and I’d still be turned on.

  A small line creases her forehead. I start the engine and pull out of the drive. Did she want me to be jealous? I scratch the side of my face. I was trying not to scare her away and play it cool. “Did you give the imaginary boyfriend a heads-up about your, ah, meeting tonight?” I’m not going to call it a date anymore. It was extortion and not a date.

  “Yes. He wasn’t happy, but what could he do? A promise is a promise.” She shrugs.

  I don’t have any idea what that means. Is she talking about me? Good thing I’m keeping my surveillance a secret. I have a feeling she wouldn’t like that. I’ll wait for dinner to get over, stuff Chad in my truck, and drive him to the nearest sewage ditch and let him drown in his own piss. I cheer up. Always good to have a plan.



  He’s being weird. It’s not only now either. He’s been this way all day. A few times I actually thought I was bugging him. All of his responses were short or to the point. Then when I’d show him a few concept ideas or ask what he thought about a color swatch, he again seemed like he was somewhere else and only giving me answers to be done with the question. It’s not what I’m used to from him. Usually he tries to get me to talk more, not less.

  “We’re here.” He gives me a smile. I swear he’s getting more handsome by the second. Which should be impossible because he was already too handsome to begin with. It should be illegal to look like him.

  “Okay. So I’ll call you?” I ask when he doesn't give me any kind of game plan.

  “That should work. I’m going to get some coffee or something. Maybe grab something to eat.” I don’t even respond. I open the truck door and hop out, annoyed with myself for being so wrapped up in Abel and why his mood has changed toward me.

  I understood that he didn't want me to go on the date because I was technically being forced to. Yet some small part of me had hoped that he wouldn’t want me to go because he couldn’t stand the idea of me going out with another guy. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that I was a little bit disappointed. Even though I shouldn’t be. I thought with how he acted yesterday that I was going to have to talk him down. That he’d be over at the bar with binoculars. Nope. Instead he’s going to get something to eat. Well, that’s great, Abel. So am I.

  “Pepper.” I turn at the sound of my name, seeing Chad coming toward me in his standard suit and slicked-back blond hair. He’s so damn creepy. I try not to cringe and force a smile onto my face. The thought of food is the only thing that is getting me through this.

  “Hi, Chad.” I fidget with my purse, pulling it in front of me to dig through to avoid the whole hug thing if that’s what he’s planning to do. Chad has the worst cologne. Or maybe it’s the fact that he smells as if he’s bathed in it. I’ll be smelling like it all night if he gets too close to me. He once stopped by my place to look at a light for me. My whole place stank of him for the rest of the night.

  “Have you eaten here before?” He motions with his arm for me to walk in.

  “No, I’ve never been here.” I look over my shoulder to see Chad is staring at my ass. Clearly it didn't matter what I wore, he was still going to be a jerk who takes whatever liberties that he wants.

  “You’re in for a treat.” He grabs the door, opening it for me. “They have the best steak in town.” It’s on the tip of my tongue to say Abel’s steak was the best I’ve ever had, but I don’t. “Two tonight, Sherly.”

  “Back already, West? You can’t quit us.” The cute little redhead bursts into a fit of giggles. “Who is this with you tonight? Mary? Cindy? Emily?”

  “Avery? Bailey?” I supply. “If we’re going with all names that end in y.” I shrug. “Just trying to be helpful.” Chad laughs, but she doesn't find me as funny. I really wasn't trying to be rude. I thought it was funny she was ruining Chad’s game, but maybe she wants to be on his bench.

  “This way.” She grabs the menus and we follow her into the dining area.

  “I want the back table,” Chad tells her, pointing to the table that is all the way in the corner with no one sitting anywhere near it. The lights look to be dimmer back there too. No way in hell am I sitting there with him.

  “No, I like windows.” The hostess follows my order, walking toward the tables that line the giant windows. I don’t think she wants me in the corner with Chad either. She has no idea how much she’s actually helping me. If I had money I’d so tip her.

  He pulls my chair out for me. I tense when I feel his hand graze my ass. “Sorry about that.” I drop down in the chair.

  “Can I get a glass of red wine please?”

  “Starting already? I like it. I’ll have my normal.”

  “What kind of red?” I’m going to guess they don’t have the fruity kind that comes in the box. I don’t care what anyone says. I think it tastes wonderful and it always does the trick.

  “Something sweet please.” She hands me a menu before strolling off. “What did you do to her?”
br />   “Who?” He looks up from the menu.

  “The hostess.”

  “Oh, Sherly? We had a thing a long time ago.”

  “Okay, but I think it might be a little hurtful for her to see you out on a date. Maybe you should consider taking your next one someplace different.” I want so badly to say that this isn’t a date, but I keep my mouth shut and think about all the people I helped by agreeing to this.

  “Don’t be silly. We slept together once a few weeks ago.” He goes back to looking at the menu.

  “I’m not sure a few weeks ago counts as a long time ago, but okay.”

  Thankfully, the drinks come quickly, and I push for us to go ahead and order. Chad plays on his phone for a bit and I sip my wine. I’m glad that he’s preoccupied. The more he looks at that phone, the less we have to talk. That works out great for me.

  “Sorry. I’m not trying to be rude. Closing a big deal. There are millions on the table. You know how these things go, right?”

  “Yeah, they can be crazy.” I take a bigger drink. I’m pretty sure he’s full of crap.

  “There, it’s done.” He slides his phone into the front inside pocket of his coat. “How did everything go last night? Everything get handled?”


  “You’re welcome.” He smiles.

  “I’m welcome?” I hiss. “You were playing games while people could have been hurt.”

  “I think you’re being dramatic, and everyone is just fine.” Chad motions to a server walking by and points to my now empty glass. Where the heck did that go? I sigh, leaning back in my chair. I gaze out the window hoping to see Abel spying on us, but there is nothing.

  “So you and Abel? You work with him now? Or is there something more there?”

  “Work.” Another glass of wine is set in front of me.

  “That’s what I figured. You're not his type.” Ouch. I tuck my hair behind my ear. What the hell does that mean?

  “What’s his type?”

  “Last woman I saw him with a few weeks ago looked like a supermodel. So many men are into that. I like the wholesome look more.” He winks at me. Was that supposed to be a compliment?

  “Wholesome?” I snort. “Yeah, Chad, I’m sure you’re into wholesome.” I burst into laughter as the food is brought out. “Yes! I’m starving.” The food barely hits the table and I’m digging in. At least this will brighten my mood. Even though my thoughts keep wandering to Abel and what the hell he’s doing.

  “We’re sharing these sides.” He pushes them across the table toward me, then gets up and sits in the chair right next to mine. “Now I can reach.” I nod and take another bite of my steak.

  “I really am into wholesome. At least that’s what I want. I’ve been trying to get you to go out with me forever.” I freeze when he reaches up and tucks a piece of hair behind my ear. He starts to lean in. Is he going to kiss me? What the hell?

  “Oh shit.” I jump up when his mouth almost touches mine. “Bathroom.”

  “That way.”

  “Thanks.” I take off as fast as I can, wondering if it's terrible for me to try to sneak out the window. I check my phone and there’s still nothing from Abel. I get even more irritated. I don’t know if it's the wine or what, but I find myself texting him.

  Me: At least someone wants to kiss me.

  I hit send and shove the phone back into my purse to go finish my steak.



  I’m on my way out of the van before I finish reading the text. Kiss is the only word I registered, and if she’s thinking about that but I’m not the one beside her, it’s an emergency.

  “Where’re you going?” Mark yells after me.

  “Inside.” Isn’t it obvious?

  I throw open the double glass doors to the steakhouse, brush by the hostess, who calls, “Sir, sir, do you have a reservation, sir?” sidestep a waiter who is balancing a tray full of meat on his arm, and skid to a stop in front of Chad’s table. Only Pepper isn’t here. Instead, some redhead is in the chair opposite of him.

  I turn on my heel and scan the room. If this woman is here, is Pepper kissing someone else? The last communication we heard was that she was heading to the bathroom.

  “Underwood? That you?” Chad asks in surprise.

  “Where’s Pepper?” I demand.


  This fucker doesn’t even remember her name.

  “The woman you brought to dinner.”

  “Oh, his business partner,” the redhead pipes up. “She’s in the bathroom.”

  A smug smile flits across Chad’s face. “So that’s why you bought my building. Pepper is a pretty thing, but eight million dollars can get you pussy far better than what was sitting here.” He nods his head toward the chair the redhead is sitting in. “I’m about to have her for the price of a steak.”

  I pick up Pepper’s unused steak knife and slam it a centimeter away from Chad’s pinky. The redhead screams.

  “What the fuck?” Chad cries, snatching his hand away and hiding it under the table.

  “When you speak of Pepper Paddison, you do so with respect or you don’t speak at all. Say anything like that again, and this knife will be sticking out of your throat.”

  “Did you just threaten to kill me?” Chad squawks. He turns in his chair, his arms open wide. “You all heard that, right? This lunatic threatened to kill me!”

  I dip my head to the redhead. “Chad’s wallet is never going to be fat enough to make up for his tiny dick.”

  She claps a hand over her mouth to muffle a laugh while Chad spouts off insults about my dick, my parents, my business acumen, and fuck knows what else. I’m not paying him attention anymore. My focus is on Pepper, who just appeared at the end of a hallway. Her eyes widen when she spots me.

  I stride over and grab her elbow. “Time to go.”

  She glances back at Chad. “What’s going on with Chad, and why is he yelling that his dick is huge?”

  “Is that what he’s saying? I’m not listening.” I gently nudge her toward the door.

  “He said his wallet’s big and his dick—“

  I cover her mouth with my broad hand. “No, sorry. You can’t talk about another guy’s dick. That’s against the rules.”

  “What rules?” she says, her voice muffled by my palm.

  I drop my hand away and slide it down to catch her wrist. “The Abel Rules. Rule number one is that no man exists outside of me. Rule number two is to never forget rule number one.”

  “Why should I abide by these rules? You ignore me all the time.”

  I stop. “I what?”

  “Nothing.” She pushes her purse strap higher on her shoulder. “Just take me to the hotel.”

  I’m fine with that. Once we’re at the house, I can show her in graphic detail how I’m not ignoring her. “Is that what we’re calling my house these days?”

  “No. I mean I want to go to the same place where everyone else from my building is put up. I want my own place, with my own set of keys, and I don’t want to see you. Men,” she mutters. She jerks open the truck door and slams it shut in my face before I can reply.

  My pocket vibrates. I yank the phone out and look at the screen. It’s Beck. I’m about to send the call to voicemail when a text comes through.

  Beck: Don’t fucking put me into vmx answer the damn phone

  Angrily, I shove the phone to my ear and bark out, “What?”

  “Get your ass over to Marist’s house and explain to her that you hired this woman because you want to bone her,” he shouts.

  “I do not want to bone her,” I snap. “That’s my future wife you’re talking about.”

  “Fine. Wife. Mistress. I don’t fucking care. Marist quit on me! She said we must not need her anymore because you hired another decorator so get your fucking ass in gear and fix this!” He hangs up.

  I shove a hand through my hair. This is all Chad’s fault. He should’ve taken better care of the building. If he had,
then Pepper and I would be at home, having dinner in front of the fire, petting Bear, and taking each other’s clothes off.

  I pocket the phone and climb into the truck. “We’re going to have to make a small detour before I take you home and by home, I mean our home and not the long-term stay facility.”

  “Let me out then. I’ll get a taxi.” She puts her hand on the door and my control snaps.

  I put the truck in park and reach over the console to drag her into my lap. “Ignore you? Are you kidding me? I can’t keep my eyes, hands, or thoughts off you.” I slam my mouth against hers. She squeaks in surprise but doesn’t pull away. Her lips part and I take that opportunity to dive inside, marauding her mouth like her tongue is an enemy combatant than needs to be conquered. I kiss her until she’s breathless and gasping, and I keep on until her hands leave my chest to clutch my shoulders and her hips begin to undulate against my hard cock. I kiss her until all the thoughts of Chad and Beck and Marist and deals empty out of our brains and all that is left is her and me and tongue and lips and lust.

  My hands are at her waistband when she breaks away from me and says, “Is that a phone in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?”

  Without the contact of her lips against mine, the real world intrudes. Beck. I give Pepper a half-hearted smile. “I am happy to see you, but my phone is vibrating, and as much as I want to show you that nothing in this world is better than kissing you, Beck needs us.”

  Reluctantly, I return a confused Pepper to her seat. As I clip the seatbelt in place, she asks, “Us?”

  “Yeah, it’s a long story, but basically Marist quit because she thought I was trying to get rid of her by hiring you.”

  Pepper’s hand flies to her mouth. “Oh no.”

  “Yeah.” I nod grimly and start the engine. “I hired you because I like your designs and I thought it would be a good way to expand our business, so I need to go over and explain this to Marist or Beck will cut off my dick, and then all you will get is oral from me, and I know I can make you happy with my tongue, but you deserve the d every now and then.”


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