Scold's Desire

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Scold's Desire Page 20

by Marie Hall

  "You are a goddess," Xavier told her as he lifted and took charge of their coupling.

  Io usually enjoyed these morning bouts, but she was finding it hard to shut out everything else. The more the sun rose, the more aware she became they were out in the open and that, at least through the night, someone watched them.

  "Io, what is wrong?" Xavier asked, coming down to shield her completely.

  "We are still being watched," she whispered.

  "Hum," Xavier murmured in her ear, followed by a kiss and a nip. "What if we are? Perhaps we might show them something."

  "Xavier?" Io gasped then, wondered at the way his suggestion made her heart race. "And you say I am vulgar." She felt his chest shaking, even though he kept his laughter silent. His words, though, gave her confidence. He never did anything to shame her; in fact, he wanted her to find not only pleasure but strength and power in the act.

  "Do you want to stop?" he asked, and she knew he would if she said, but she didn't want him to stop. She wanted to wake to this every morning, and if that meant it wasn't always as private as it could be, she couldn't care.



  "Continue to be not nice, if you would."

  "Whatever your pleasure," he said, lifting off and pulling at her hips so she was forced to her knees. She was hardly regaining her balance when he thrust forward. Using her arms, she braced as he pulled back, and by his third forward push, she was matching him stroke for stroke. No other thoughts or concerns blurring the sensation he created for her.

  Even in the cool morning air, he created a heat in her that had her sweating, and she felt his grip on her hips slipping as they moved. She solved that by lifting up until she was on her knees, almost sitting on his thighs, as he continued his undulations. His hands smoothed around her waist, one moving up to play at her tits and the other to give attention to the hard nub that always acted as the center of her pleasures. As she added her own movements to his, he dropped his head so he could kiss, lick and bite her shoulder and neck. It was enough to send her over the precipice into deep bliss. Xavier didn't let up, his thrust continued holding her where she was until she couldn't hold back, and with a cry spent so hard it rippled several times through her body.

  "Yes, that is how it should be," Xavier said as he shifted around until he could turn her so she sat on his cock. Wrapping her arms and legs around him, she let him do the work. Setting his hands under her arse and lifting her up and down his length, again, he was able to bring her to that feeling and as she bit down on his shoulder to stop the scream, she felt him stiffen and a moment later, his seed spilled out in a hot rush. "A goddess," he panted out, kissing her cheek. "You are a goddess."

  Io turned her head and met his lips. The kiss was almost violent, stealing her breath, but when it ended, she wanted it to go on.

  "Io," Xavier called with a chuckle, wrapping her tightly in his arms.

  "Yes?" she answered with a sigh and a deep breath.

  "While you are far more beautiful and meaningful, the sunrise is far more demanding," he said with a jerk of his head over her shoulder. Io looked back over her shoulder to see dawn was in its full glory. "We must be about and be back on the road."

  "No," she pouted. "Let us stay right here. Everyone can go ahead without us; we can catch up in… a week or two."

  "You do tempt me," he said as he lay them down and finally slid from her body. "Perhaps on the way home, we will travel more leisurely."

  "You may travel at your pleasure, but I assure you, I shall be running the entire distance," she said, snuggling close.

  He brushed a few strands of hair from her face and smiled gently at her. "You cannot know how your words warm me." He leaned down and kissed her. "We will not dally in the least going home, but we have delayed enough for today. Up with you now, lazy woman." He gave her arse a slap and then rolled away before she could retaliate.

  Muttering a few words he hated, Io pushed up and reached for her clothes. She could already smell the cook fires and the scent of the morning meal. Xavier gave her a hard look at the words she used, but he went back to packing the supplies for travel. Not long after they strolled back into the main camp, hand in hand, Xavier's painful squeezing alerted Io something was very wrong.

  Chapter 23

  Xavier knew by the way Gerald came at him, something was about to spoil his day. Worse, it was going to be something he wouldn't be able to protect Io from. From the right, her men were already coming at them just as hard and fast as Gerald.

  "My lord, my lady," Gerald started, the formality confirming Xavier's suspicions. "We have been asked to give protection—"

  "From what?" Io interrupted, stepping close

  "My lady, please," Gerald said between gritted teeth.

  "Io, go with Cutler, break your fast and prepare your horse," Xavier told her, placing her hand on Cutler's arm. He saw every concern in her beautiful eyes, but now wasn't the time. "I will join you in a moment."

  "Come, my lady." Cutler spoke soft and easy. "I think today, you are to ride Wind, and you know how she likes to hold her breath when you try to saddle her."

  "I always must walk her a while," Io said sighing but going with the men without looking back.

  "All right." Xavier turned back to Gerald whom he could see seethed with anger.

  "The king's cousin, Prince Charles," Gerald snapped before Xavier could start asking for an explanation.

  "Artus?" Xavier asked, using the demeaning name given to the boy by most every fighting man who lived. Gerald nodded once, and now he didn't need an explanation. Other than why that dog was in his camp and how had he managed to not fall to Gerald's blade already.

  "I see our friend has already greeted you with the bad news," Mark said, coming up from behind Xavier. "Gerald, you might want to try breathing again. He is not going away because you hold your breath,"

  "You said he is seeking protection?" Xavier asked and watched Mark put a hand on Gerald's shoulder and squeeze.

  "He has asked for escort, but—"

  "He would only ask if his weak arse was in the fire," Gerald grumbled. It was true enough. The king's cousin was notorious for causing ill will, enough so, his connection to the crown sometimes wasn't enough to stop whomever he'd cheated, insulted or wronged. That he wasn't at all in favor at court made his bloodline all but a moot point.

  "Where is he now?" Xavier asked, for the man hadn't yet approached him directly as he might if his troubles were serious enough.

  "Bastard slipped away again early this morning," Jon said, joining the group and handing Xavier a skin of wine. The look on his face was apologetic, and Xavier knew it'd been that rat who'd watched him and Io most of the night and this morning. "His men are with Lord Balbroke, so he cannot be far."

  As if he'd some kind of sick timing, "Ah, and here is the very man, himself. Nice to see you finally got that wench off your cock," Artus said then laughed at what he must have thought was a witty insult. Only Jon's quick action kept Gerald from landing a blow to the man.

  "Go, get everyone ready for the road," Xavier said as Jon pushed and shoved Gerald away, blocking him every time he tried to step back at them.

  "Still don't have that one on a leash, I see." Artus stepped up, but he was ready to turn and run if Gerald, at any point, came at him.

  "One of these days, I might let him bite you," Xavier replied flatly.

  "Now how is that a proper way for a royal protector to speak to royalty?"

  "I serve the crown, and only the crown. You have never been, nor will you ever be, king," Xavier stated, hoping rather futilely this man might choose some other traveling party.

  "One should never say never, all kinds of things can happen to ma—"

  Xavier had him by the throat before he could finish. "Do you threaten the king?" Xavier shook him, ignoring the way he clawed at his grip and gasped for air. "I need no other reason or excuse to end anyone. So say it again. Threaten the crown, and make it easy
for me."

  "Brice!" Balbroke yelled, rushing over and trying to pry Xavier's hands from the prince's neck as the man was turning a rather nasty shade of purple from lack of air. "Unhand His Highness, now."

  Xavier did, shoving back, sending him stumbling to the ground as he gasped and coughed. "Threaten my king again, and you will not live to regret it." Spinning on his heels, he called out for the men to mount up and went to find Io. The addition of Artus and the band of despots following him were no match at all for Xavier or his men, but Io needed to be warned. To be aware that, like Charlotte and the Blakes, these men would do their best to strike at her to demean and degrade her. They'd work to find her weakness and then exploit it. And while it wouldn't be the same doubts Charlotte exploited, when they found it, both he and Io would need to be prepared. If he'd taken a few minutes when Charlotte had shown up to explain to Io she'd do everything to tear Io apart. He shook his head, the difference in their life now. No, he wouldn't regret it; the trials had brought them together. And, yes, Io had worries. He'd not be able to erase a lifetime of terrible experiences in a few years. But, the more time went on, the more he learned about what Io needed to find her own way.

  Pushing aside the flaps covering the small wagon, he let his eyes adjust to the darker interior. Io sat reclining against the trunks, picking at a hunk of bread. She barely looked at him when he crawled inside to sit next to her.

  "Is it very terrible?"

  "It is…" She already didn't want to be on this journey. Making things out to be worse than they were wasn't helpful. And all though he was certain Io would discover the character of their new traveling companion, he needed to let her do it on her own. Not add his own contempt. "Less pleasant than it has been." Taking the bread she was shredding, he tore off a piece and held it to her lips. She took it, which boded well for how the rest of this would go. "We must, for a time, escort a small party. I do not think they will go as far as court." He paused, tearing more bread, biting half then giving the other half to her. "But, Io," he inhaled then let it out heavily, "these men are coxcomb knaves, rude, insulting and not to be trusted. I am sure they seek our protection, only because they have wronged the wrong person and fear their necks."

  "But you still give them aid?"

  "One of them is the king's cousin; I am obligated." He expected more of a reaction from her, but she only shrugged. "I would you not let things said distress you, and if they say anything which gives you concern, you come to me or to Roth or Liam, anyone. They are as good at flinging insults as Charlotte, but their opinions mean nothing to me. You understand?" She shrugged but nodded. "Io?" He put a finger under her chin and turned her to look at him. "What is it?"

  "Why is Gerald angry at me?"

  Her question startled, but given her eyes shone with unshed tears, she believed the knight, her truest defender, was indeed angry at her. "Why do you think he is angry at you?"

  "He snarled at me, wanted me to shut up."

  Xavier chuckled and cupped her cheek in his palm. "He was snarling, and I suspect he will be doing so for as long as we must travel with His Highness, but he is not angry with you."

  "You are sure?" She sounded so hopeful now.

  "Gerald hates, and I do not say that lightly. He hates the prince. I think if I turned my back a moment too long, he'd do murder." Io made a face that had him laughing out loud. "I will tell him not to snarl at you."

  "No, Xavier," she said, sitting up and reaching for him. "No, I will speak to him. Let me."

  "All right." That was new but a good step forward in her ability to command those she should. "You eat, and then we will be on our way." He left her shoving a wedge of cheese in her mouth and hunting through her belongings for something.

  The men were busy breaking up camp and packing horses. Xavier was using other more comfortable to ride horses, but today, he took his saddle to Cloud. The big black war horse was ready to come up front. Xavier knew it was a subtle signal to the men to be more alert. Whatever trouble the prince caused, he didn't want to have it come at them unprepared. Even as he saddled Cloud, he saw Io's lead escorts checking weapons and shifting gear to insure they were fight ready. The little royal cock sucker wouldn't be putting Io at risk. He shouldn't have been concerned, as an hour later, he watched Io approach Gerald. She handed him a large pad and pointed to his mount. They spoke a minute, then Gerald threw his head back, laughed and, picking Io up, spun her around before tossing the pad behind his saddle, and mounting, he pulled Io up to sit behind him.

  "I suspect she will not need River today," Roth said, stepping up with the grey mare.

  "I think she will be busy keeping our friend in good spirits." Xavier added, taking the reins, "In case she cannot."

  Roth threw his head back and laughed. "Her? Cannot? What woman do you look at?"

  "Indeed," Xavier conceded. If Io set her mind to it, she got it done.

  "Snakes," Jon said.

  Io saw Xavier turn his head to look back, and his growl said someone finally braved breaking through the line of men separating the different parties. Today's formation shifted so Xavier's battle leaders rode foremost, and because Io rode with them behind Gerald, her guard rode in mass behind them.

  Lord Balbroke, mounted today, rode with his party and the seven additional men. None whom Io had met yet, but she'd seen their surprise when she didn't stay behind in the small shire.

  Jon edged his horse closer, leaning in to speak to Gerald. "It's him, you might want to ride up."

  "No," Io said before Gerald could respond, wrapping her arms around the man. "We do not run."

  "You heard our lady," Gerald chuckled. "We do not run."

  "And we do not let yipping little dogs bite," Io warned. She'd not been surprised when she'd approached Gerald to tell him he would be making up for his sharp words by keeping her company. She also said he wasn't allowed to continue on with them if he was going to be in a sour mood.

  "We just kick them," Gerald muttered then grunted when Io poked him in the side. "Just a little kick."

  "Do not be mean to stupid animals," Io's chiding caused both men to laugh.

  "Everyone is in such good spirits this morning," Io heard the man say as he rode up on their other side. He forced his way between Mark and Gerald, and Io got her first sight of the strangers.

  "It is a fine day," Io replied politely. It was the last civil thing said.

  "And you are far too fine a woman to be wasting time with this…" He waved his hand up and down. "If you have no standing commitment tying you to these men, I'm sure better prospects can be found."

  Io was quick to reach around and slap a hand over Gerald's mouth. A quick, meaningful look toward Mark and Jon, and they held their tongues as well. This insult, she was expecting. It was common and usually the first from men she encountered who thought they were better than she. It was certainly one reason she preferred to not use titles or to interact with nobility. Common people judged a person on their words and actions, not on who they were born to.

  Sitting back and squaring her shoulders, she looked the man in the eye. That was enough to unnerve him. He was weak. "You take me for some low born woman?"

  The man laughed nervously. "Well, not too low born, as lovely as you are. And perhaps something better, given you have captured the attentions of the esteemed Lord Brice."

  "Do you hear him, my lord? I have captured your attention," Io called out, like she didn't know Xavier had slowed his pace and was listening.

  "It is more than my attention you have captured, my lady," Xavier called back without turning.


  "Yes, lady," Gerald snarled, and Io poked him again.

  "It has been my experience," Io started, not giving the man a chance to recover from the revelation. "A man will approach a woman and call her lady because he has been well raised with manners, he is respectful of all women or…" Io stopped, giving the man a hard look. "He hopes she is one as there is some attraction, affection even, that he
wishes to pursue. However, a man will take a woman for a whore, only because she is well known as one or because he knows he is incapable of having any woman he cannot buy and his want of her is enough that he can see no other truth."

  "You were with him." He pointed at Xavier who still had his back to all of them. "Only last night. And now you are with… him." he said again, giving Gerald a dismissive gesture. "What might one take you for?"

  "I am riding with, not on Sir Gerald," Io said, and from the corner of her eye saw Xavier whip around to glare at them. "I am with Lord Brice most every night," Io said and waited for the man to find his answer, but he was dense and slow to understand her. "I am committed to him."

  "Committed? To Xavier Brice? You waste your time. He gives no one, especially a woman, commitment," the man sputtered.

  Xavier was correct; these men were dense. More, they needed to try to put down those who threatened them. "Has he not been committed his whole life to his king? I find him well suited to give a commitment to any deserving of one, which clearly, you are not." She felt Gerald chuckle a bit and took her cue from the lack of action from any of their men. "But at least I know this now and will not waste time or attention on you."

  "I did not ask you to," the man huffed.

  "I think you did, as you did come up here and let the first words from your mouth be a suggestion I do with you as I did with Xavier."

  "I am not one to take his leftovers?"

  "Leftovers?" Io said, little in her voice giving away her feelings on the insult. "You mistake things. Xavier Brice is far too capable to leave anything over." This time, she caught Jon reach out and punch her husband's arm. "Still, leftovers are what you thought you were making an offer on, were willing to pay for, pay better for, and I know why. Because, unlike this fine man…" She patted Gerald's arm. "Or the others I am with, leftovers are all you can manage. Scraps from the tables of your betters." She caught the man's eyes and held them. "Because you are a dog, not a wolf. A wolf hunts for his own. A dog waits for the scraps tossed to him. And a cowardly dog will slip up and try to steal those scraps. Tell me, which are you? The dog or the cowardly dog? For you are no wolf."


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