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Jailmates Page 13

by Lesli Richardson

  I blink, certain I misheard him. “The whut?”

  Now H’looder looks angry. “Periodically when Mohrn penetrates you, there will be an egg released. Really, Simon, you didn’t read any of this?”


  “Yes. It won’t be fertile, of course, because that’s beyond even our ability to—”

  “Egg? As in he’s laying an egg inside my ass?”

  “Not laying, exactly. It’ll temporarily attach and—”

  “What?” I might have screamed that, because he jumps a little.

  “Calm down!” he tells me, holding up all four arms.

  I sit back while I glare at him and count to ten. I don’t like that he’s looking at me in fear, like he’s terrified to even move. I served with assholes who enjoyed making people afraid of them, and I always hated them. Even worse, I realize H’looder rarely apologizes to me anymore, a sign he’s quite comfortable around me, which is an honorable position in the mind of a Veraci.

  And here I went screaming like a crazy guy.

  I take a deep breath and slowly hold my hands up to show him I’m not going to come after him. It would appear, however, I’ve just discovered the really big catch in the contract.

  It doesn’t help that, throughout all of this, my body is craving being back out in the lab, close to Mohrn.

  I force myself to keep my voice low and calm. “I’m sorry. Please pull up video, or pictures, or sock puppets, or whatever you have and give me a ‘Fucking a Pfahrn 101’ class right now, please?”

  He does. Five minutes later, I’m sitting there and feeling really pissed off at myself for not reading everything before I signed the contract.

  Then again, had I read everything, I might have said no.

  And I might be on my way to some far-flung mining colony for five years, turning wrenches instead of…this.

  Getting wrenched.


  To be fair, the contract didn’t specify how I was going to have sex with Mohrn, just that I was going to fulfill the biological mandate.

  Which was detailed in the information packet he’d sent me.

  Which I mostly didn’t read.

  Because the big pink bastard was…well…pink. Naturally, I assumed they were a female.

  Fuck fuck FUCK.

  I sit back in my chair and take one more deep breath to help calm myself. “Is that going to hurt, when he eggs me?”

  “It might feel slightly uncomfortable for a few seconds, but it won’t hurt, no.”

  “It’s not going to tear me up?”

  “Not if you don’t try to pull away while they’re attached, no. The bionanotech will help protect you and compensate for it. Obviously it won’t be a fertilized egg, because you need two Pfahrn to achieve that, so that’s not an issue.”

  “How does the egg come out?”

  “While you’re here, we’ll remove it for studying, if they produce one. Should it happen and you’re not coming here to see us after the visit so we can remove it, it will detach and shed on its own in a couple of days. You will eliminate it the way you normally would eliminate something.”

  I laugh despite myself. “I poop the egg out. I literally lay an egg.”

  Normally, with the Pfahrn having the pouch up front, they can easily fuck each other at the same time, or if they’re trying to breed, the one doing the laying, their cock remains tucked inside their pouch, and the other fucks them there to fertilize the egg, their cocks next to each other. Kind of ingenious system, actually. And because of the way it’s set up, there is no way to have an accidental pregnancy.

  But I’m a human.

  Their pouch is equivalent to a human woman’s vagina, and they make their own secretions for lubrication. They can receive stimulation by massaging the outside of the pouch, being fucked with their cock inside and being stroked by another cock fucking them—explaining why I needed an upsizing—or reaching inside and drawing their cock out and stroking manually, similar to how a human masturbates.

  They don’t have an asshole. They eliminate through their penis.

  Much the way my body is now doing, thanks to bionanotech.

  H’looder still looks wary. “Is this going to be an issue, Simon?”

  Resigned, I slowly shake my head. “No, it’s not. I’m sorry I reacted like that. I’m not upset at you. I’m upset at myself.”

  Not like I can back out. For starters, I won’t do that to my family, even if I could back out. Secondly, the contract is unbreakable, and it means Mohrn’s life. I was lucky I never had to kill anyone while I was in the military. I’m not sure my conscience could have handled it. I’m damn sure not about to start now. Being fucked in exchange for saving someone’s life and being well-compensated for it? Once I process this new info, I know I can…deal with it. Third?

  My body is screaming to return to Mohrn’s immediate vicinity.

  Like, I’m physically aching to be close to him again. Also not helping, the fact that every bit of Mohrn’s body language screams someone in desperate need of love, affection.


  But also someone used to feeling a fuckton of fear.

  Going into this, I insisted I didn’t want to be “that guy” and upset her. Him. Them.


  I still don’t want to be “that guy.” I think about what if this was Helleia, how would I want someone to treat her?

  I’d at least want them to be courteous and kind, if nothing else.

  And there’s my answer.

  I slowly stand, once again holding my hands up, palms out, to H’looder. “I’m okay, Doc. I’m sorry I startled you,” I apologize again, for good measure. I’m exhausted, though, and this hasn’t helped. It’s in the middle of the night our time. “Not like I can back out, but I’ll cooperate. I did this to myself.”

  He slowly nods. “Very well.” I hate that he now looks like he doesn’t trust me.

  “Just…please give me a minute to pull myself together before we go back out there. I’ll come up with something to explain why I wanted to talk to you.”

  “Keep in mind that Pfahrn do not lie,” he warns me. “As attuned to Mohrn as you already are, they will be equally attuned to you, or more. If you lie to them, they’re not going to trust you, and that could have disastrous consequences for them.”

  I nod. “I get it. That’s why I need a minute.”

  Once I think I can hold my game face in place we return to the lab. Mohrn is on the table now, which has been reconfigured to the chair-like state. Mohrn is sitting up but reclined, the blanket draped over them and their eyes closed. They’re wearing a finger monitor that looks nearly identical to the one I’ve spent plenty of time wearing. Mohrn’s knees are bent, thighs wide, and one of the technicians has their hand between Mohrn’s—

  I swallow hard.

  Well, this first meeting isn’t at allllll awkward.

  I pause at what I hope is a respectful distance from the table while H’looder walks over to talk to the techs and Mohrn. Apparently they’re taking…samples.

  I don’t know if I can do this.

  H’looder waves me over. I force back everything except the thought of Helleia starting school and I slowly approach from Mohrn’s right side, careful not to get too far down by the end of the table.

  Kind. Be fucking kind, Sy. Come on, this isn’t fricking ether-jump engineering.

  “Sorry about that,” I manage once I’m close enough. “I’m feeling a little emotional right now.”

  Unfortunately, now that I’m standing close to Mohrn, I’m also suddenly hornier than hell again and find myself leaning in while taking long, deep breaths, trying to catch wind of their scent.


  “It is all right,” Mohrn says. “I am used to people reacting poorly to my appearance.”

  Oh, shit.

  Yeah, now I feel like a massive dick. So much so that my own horny member wilts without me needing to tell it to.

  “No, it’s not all r
ight,” I tell him. “I’m sorry. It’s my fault. I didn’t read all the material as thoroughly as Dr. H’looder told me to, so I was unprepared. Things took me a little by surprise, is all. I’m fine now.”

  Mohrn opens his eyes and studies me, but I can tell he’s forcing himself to make eye contact with me. “You did not understand the contract?”

  “Oh, I understood the contract just fine. It’s my fault that I didn’t realize I was going to be bottoming for the first time with you.” I make myself smile. “I hope you can be patient with me while I figure this out.”

  It’s like he’s having trouble looking me in the eyes, because he finally closes his and tips his head back against the headrest. “I am the one thankful to you, Simon.”

  Actually, I’m shocked to realize what I want to do is climb on top of the guy and ride him.

  The techs finish whatever they were doing and back off.

  “We still need one more test,” H’looder says, then looks at me. “Eh, Simon, if you’d rather wait in your cabin for this portion, that’s understandable.” I now know exactly what test he’s talking about.

  I’m watching Mohrn’s face. I’ve fucked this up already, I can tell. They might be an expert of trying to hide their emotions from their own kind, but I can see they’re close to tears.

  “No, Doc,” I say as I study Mohrn’s expression, every line on their face, the way they keep their lips pressed too tightly together. “Mohrn, may I help you with this? Please?”

  Yeah, I honestly can’t believe I’m asking it, either. But I remember that Mohrn is, technically, younger than me, even if they’re older than me physically.

  Mohrn’s eyes open and I see surprise flash through them before he schools his expression again. “Help?”

  I look at H’looder. “This is a manual test, right? Like you made me do? Jerking off?”

  “Well, yes, it is, but—”

  “Great.” I offer Mohrn another smile, looking him in the eyes. “I had to do this for them, too. It was emotionally uncomfortable and unsatisfying doing it alone and knowing they were waiting on me. Please let me help you. This is what I’m going to be spending the next five years doing, right? Being with you? Let’s break the ice. What do you say?”

  I watch their nostrils flare a little and I wonder if they’re having a reaction like I am. Finally, they nod.

  I take charge. Turning, I clap my hands and point to the techs. “Screen, music, lube, and a towel, if you please.” I shoo H’looder away from the table. He watches me but slowly backs away, looking completely uncertain about this.

  Once we have the pretend privacy of the screen in place, and they’ve got music going, I roll up my sleeves and smile down at Mohrn. “Yes, this is uncomfortable for me, too,” I softly say. “But I mean it—I want to do right by you. You ever have a partner help you out before?”

  I’m glad I’m watching his face when he says it. “I have never had any partner before.”

  I freeze, the full impact of this hitting me.

  I’m an idiot. Mohrn’s a virgin—literally.

  “Hold on.” I figure out how to raise the table so I don’t have to bend over quite so far, and it leaves Mohrn at the perfect height I can comfortably lean in once I’m ready.

  I offer another smile. “You ever been kissed?”

  I see what I’m assuming is a scowl appear. “Kiss?”

  “Yeah, you know.” I make smoochy fish lips at him.

  “They don’t have kissing, Simon,” H’looder calls from behind the screen.

  “Didn’t ask you, Doc,” I call back without taking my focus off Mohrn. “When I want your opinion, I’ll give it to you.”

  The human techs laugh.

  “Never been kissed, huh?” I hope he can sense my emotions. “Then let’s take care of that first. I am not a bad kisser, or so I’ve been told.” I reach for his right hand first, and bring it up to my lips and turn it over, palm up. It’s larger than mine. Watching Mohrn as I do it, I press a kiss to his palm.

  “That’s one kind of kiss,” I softly tell him. I work my way up his arm, leaving a trail of kisses, gently massaging his hand with mine and trying to see if I can get him to relax a little.

  He smells soooooo fucking good!

  At least now he’s watching me, looking me in the eyes. I have his full attention.

  I place his hand back on his chest and leave it there with a gentle pat. Then I reach up and touch his face, cup his cheek.


  Really fucking pink.

  It’s hard to think of him as he when I’m seeing his pink and not his gigantic cock.

  He’s young, and scared.

  Under my hand his flesh is warmer than mine. I wonder what it’s going to feel like snuggling next to him in bed. I won’t be chilly at all with him radiating heat through my body.

  “We’ll get through this together,” I softly tell him. “I promise.”

  He nods a little.

  “Have you ever done this to yourself before?”

  He shakes his head.

  Well, shit. Bless his heart, as Mom would say.

  I mean, I’m not sure what, exactly, she’d say in a case like this, but you know what I mean.

  “They use the suction thing on you before to get the sample?”

  He nods.

  “Okay. I think I can make this better for you than that was.” I lean in and touch my forehead to his, deeply inhaling as I do. That sweet, subtle scent totally surrounds him.

  “This is another kind of kiss.” I lightly brush my lips over his, trying to coax a response from him. Eventually, I do, and he kisses me back.

  “Good,” I tell him. “This is another kiss.” This time, I slant my lips over his and lightly play my tongue along the seam of his lips, until they finally part for me. I begin gently exploring, and when my tongue caresses one of his teeth the contact leaves behind a trail of molten desire across my tongue, as if I’d licked a battery, except a sexy one that makes my dick throb and pulse.

  I end that kiss. “See? How was that?”

  He hesitantly licks his lips. “I liked that.”

  “Good. Now we’re getting somewhere.” I lay my hand on his chest, next to his. “Put your hand on top of mine.”

  He does.

  “Now I want you to help me out. Give me some guidance, okay? Show me what to do so I don’t accidentally hurt you.”

  I keep my gaze focused on his as his hand finally closes over mine. He slowly guides my hand down between his thighs. The pouch area is more tender, sensitive flesh, I’m guessing, based on texture and his reaction when he realizes there is, in fact, a hand that doesn’t belong to him now creeping around down there. I don’t look, though. I keep his eyes on me, watching me, focused on me.

  “Good,” I whisper as his fingers guide me and show me how to fish his cock out.

  It hardens in my hand and I realize this isn’t too different than me getting to learn my own new and improved cock. I don’t need the lube yet, because everything’s already slick down there.

  Slowly, I make a fist around him and start stroking, his fingers closing around my wrist, no longer guiding me but holding on as if afraid to release me. I don’t know if that’s fear I might stop if he does, or he needs someone to hold on to to anchor him.

  Either way, I’m not going anywhere.

  I kiss him again, nuzzle my lips against his, whisper to him as my hand caresses his flesh. A look of wonderment fills his expression and his breathing quickens. I think I’m making progress, because his cock’s even harder now than when I started.

  Won’t deny I feel a little powerful right now. My ego’s just received a massive boost. He’s looking at me like I’m the love of his life, and he’s desperately holding on to me. He reaches up with his free hand and strokes my cheek, tentatively at first, then cupping my face like I did with him. I kiss his palm and nuzzle my face against it.

  “See?” I tell him. “This is easy. We got this, buddy. You and
me. We’re going to have a lot of fun together.”

  He’s actively trying to fuck my fist now, so I hope I’ve got him in the zone. I pick up the pace a little, quiet but watching his eyes. He looks enraptured when he gasps just before his whole body goes rigid. I take that cue to speed up my strokes, and I’m immediately rewarded with a handful of…

  Well, my first handful of cum that didn’t come from me. I successfully fight the urge to lean down there and start licking and sucking.

  Let’s make that date two.

  His body goes limp. He’s breathing heavily and staring up at me like I’m a fricking god or something.

  Yeah, I could get used to this.

  “Was that okay?” I whisper to him, trying to preserve at least a little privacy for him.

  He nods. “Very good. Thank you.”

  I smile. “And that was just the first time. Imagine how good I’m going to make it feel once we get to know each other a little better.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  We clean up with the towel and I make sure I’ve pulled Mohrn’s blanket back into place before I call H’looder and the techs over. Mohrn seems stunned into silence, but now his gaze stays locked on mine, or at least on me, if I’m talking to H’looder.

  I’ve made a breakthrough with him. I hope it makes up for me being such a fucking dumbass earlier.

  Once we’re finished, I take the initiative. “Are we done for the evening, Doc?”

  “Well, yes, but—”

  “Good.” I grab Mohrn’s clothes and hand them to him. “Everyone clear out. Now. I’ll take Mohrn to my cabin.”

  H’looder still looks…uncertain. “I’m sorry, Simon, but are you dismissing all of us?”

  “Do you need anything else from me or Mohrn right now? It’s the middle of the freaking night for me, I’m exhausted, and I think Mohrn has had enough poking and prodding for right now. Plus I’m sure they’d like to go to sleep.” I indicate the two techs.

  Mohrn remains silent, yet from the way he’s staring at me, it feels like maybe gratitude I sense there.

  “Are you all right with this, Mohrn?” H’looder asks.

  Mohrn slowly nods, still looking at me.


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