Stranded: The Cole Mountain Brothers Romance Book 1

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Stranded: The Cole Mountain Brothers Romance Book 1 Page 1

by Zoe Blaze




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  Copyright © 2018 by Zoe Blaze

  Published by Posey Parks Publishing

  All rights reserved.

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  Emily Santer

  “I’m getting married!” I yelled over my hot caramel latte. Patrons around the vibrant coffee shop halted their discussions, glaring my way.

  My best friend, Carla Muller leaned forward. “I know, I was there.” Her beautiful red lips stretched across her pale face. The light-weight blue scarf that circled her neck brought out her blue eyes. The white blouse and short black skirt hugged her small frame.

  I flashed my white teeth behind the pink lipstick, nodding. “I can’t wait to walk down the aisle with Ross. I’m overjoyed he bumped into me that day, knocking all my books out of my arms.”

  We laughed.

  A tear seeped down her cheek. “My best friend is getting married. It’s really happening.” She rose from the wooden chair, padded over in the tall black stiletto knee-high boots that were perfect for the fall weather. She pulled me into a hug. I inhaled the apple scent of her long, blonde hair.

  She returned to her seat, fanning her eyes. “My mascara. I don’t want it ruined.”

  “Don’t get sad on me. We will still be best friends. Getting married doesn’t mean you and I can’t hang out.”

  We smiled.

  This was my favorite coffee shop to visit in New York City. It was small but inviting. Pumpkin spice and the strong scent of coffee grounds filled the air. The stark, white walls kept you alert during the day. The string lights that hung across the ceiling gave a cozy feeling in the evening. I sometimes curled up in one of the black leather chairs in the corner and read a good book. There were only ten wooden tables with white table tops in the shop. Four near the front door and six toward the back of the elongated coffee house.

  Carla nodded. “You’re right.” She sipped her pumpkin spice latte.

  “How about Saturday?”

  I sat back in the wooden chair tossing my long, jet-black shiny hair over the shoulder of my white flowy blouse. The slender gray skirt stopped right above my knees. I was ready for my long day. I crossed my legs at my ankles and rested my black stiletto heels against the wooden chair leg. The espresso machine hissed behind us. I spoke louder so Carla could hear me. “Sounds great! When are you and Sean settling down?” I sipped my latte. The scent of caramel escaped my cup and delighted my senses.

  She ran her fingers through her hair. “I’m in no rush. We are twenty-three. Upon approaching thirty, I’ll reconsider.” Her blue eyes sparkled.

  “I was shocked Ross proposed so soon. He said he knew I was the one for him the day we met.” I gazed into my piping hot cup.

  “The way he stares into your gray eyes tells me it’s love.”

  She patted my hand smiling.

  I blushed. “I would love to chat more but I have a few errands to run before I head into the office.”

  We stood. I pulled her into my embrace. “I will see you Saturday night.”

  “We will talk before then.”

  “Absolutely.” I kissed her cheek before running out the door.


  I sat behind the computer in my large white and gray corner office, staring at accounts on the sleek computer screen. The beautiful view of the skyscrapers in Manhattan was refreshing. Sometimes I stood peering out the black trimmed, large, floor to ceiling windows admiring the gorgeous city I lived in. I worked for my parent’s company, Santer enterprises. We handled marketing and public relations for various successful businesses in New York and several other states.

  A hard tap sounded on my open office door. I glanced up from my work.

  “Ross!” I ran around the cherry wood desk into his strong arms.

  He held me tight.

  “What are you doing here?” I stood back, brushing my fingers through his short, dark curly mane.

  “I missed you.” He flashed his perfect teeth. Those brown eyes bored into mine.

  I leaned in taking his lips. “I missed you too, even if it’s only been fifteen hours.”

  We laughed.

  The gray-clad suit was sexy on his five-nine frame. A man substantially taller than me is attractive. At five-five a man standing six foot tall would be ideal. Ross Dotson’s charm made me overlook my height hang-up. His milky, creamy skin and those lips had me hooked.

  “Is your father in?”

  My smile dropped then my lips curled again. “Yeah, why?” I sat on the corner of my desk.

  “After I proposed to you Sunday night, he asked that I stop by. He said if I’m interested in working for Santer Enterprises he’d bring me on.”

  “Oh, I see.” My eyebrows furrowed.

  “Is that a problem?” He sat in one of the two white leather chairs at my desk.

  In the back of my mind, I wondered if Ross was with me because of my family. He didn’t talk about my family’s company often but when he did, he rambled about becoming the top executive for my father. I would like to think my family’s company was a bonus that came along with marrying me. Maybe that was the wrong way to look at this situation.

  He stood pulling me close, staring into my gray eyes. “I love you. I want you to know, working for your father is not a priority. Although, working next to the most beautiful woman in the world would be an added bonus.” He winked.

  I smiled against his lips.

  “Seriously, I don’t have to work for your father. I’ll tell your father I’ll pass on the position.”

  I dropped my head, stroking his broad chest. I’m being rash. I gazed into his eyes. “No, go for it. I look forward to working with you.”

  A bright smile flashed across his face. His lips melted against mine. “I can’t wait to make love to you for the first time on our wedding night,” he murmured.

  “Me either,” I purred.

  “Are you coming over for dinner tonight?”

  I raised my eyebrows, placing my hand on my cheek. “No. Remember, this evening I planned to help my mother decorate my Aunt’s house for her special event?”

  “Oh, that’s right.”

  I caressed his face. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Sounds good. I better make my way to your father’s office.” He kissed my forehead.

  He stepped back and ran his finger inside his collar then wiped the sweat off his brow.

  I gripped hi
s arms and stared into his worried eyes. “Ross, relax. The meeting with my father will go well.”

  “I hope so. Talk to you later, Emily.” He disappeared out the door.


  “Hello,” I called out as I walked into my Aunt Meme’s exquisite home in New Canaan, CT. The cream walls pillars, and marble floors were inviting.

  Mickey, her French puddle, pranced toward me barking and pawing at my legs.

  “Emily!” My aunt shouted, gripping the black swirl designed banister as she walked down the wooden staircase. My aunt owned six upscale clothing boutiques, two in Connecticut and four in New York. She could afford to hire event planners to decorate her home for parties, but she’d rather have my mother and I decorate.

  I threw my arms around her neck. “Aunt Meme, I came over early to help.” I stepped back pulling Mickey into my arms. “Is my Mom here? I asked her to arrive earlier than originally planned.”

  I followed my aunt into the monstrous party room.

  “No, she isn’t here yet. I’m sure she will be here soon. Did you have a change of plans this evening?”

  I smiled, kissing her cheek. “Yes. Ross thought we were having dinner together tonight. He forgot I was decorating your home. He appeared sad I wouldn’t be joining him so I thought wouldn’t it be nice if I cook him a special candle light dinner for two tonight?”

  Her gray eyes sparkled. “That’s sweet, Emily.”

  My aunt sashayed around in her pink blouse, slender jeans, and stilettos. She believed she’s thirty instead of fifty-years-old.

  I strolled around the room swaying my hand over the bare wooden tables. “I’ll get started. Where are the decorations?”

  My aunt pointed toward the large closet. I stared at the pretty autumn decorations. “Aunt Meme, the setup will be beautiful by the time I’m done.”

  Her lips curled. “I know! That’s why I always ask you and my sister assistance. You two have a gift for decorating.”

  My face lit up as I kissed her cheek, placing Mickey in her arms.

  She ran her free hand over my long black tresses. “I’ll be right back. I need to walk Mickey.”


  My aunt stepped out the back door into the yard.

  I placed my hands on my curvy hips scanning the large room.

  Hmm, where should I start? Maybe I should call Ross and inform him I will cook dinner for him. I retrieved my cell from my large pink purse. No, I think a surprise would be best. He’ll be excited.

  My mother arrived thirty minutes later. We discussed placement of the decorations then worked our magic. I snapped a photo with my cell of the beautiful party room.

  My mother placed her arm around my shoulder. “We make a good team, huh?”

  “We do, Mom?”

  “What are you cooking Ross for dinner?”

  I grinned at my mother gazing into her gray eyes. “Your lasagna recipe.”

  “Good choice. My lasagna is the reason your father married me.”

  We laughed.

  “Mom, that is not true. Dad loves you. I catch him staring at you with the cheesiest smile.”

  I brushed my hand over my mother’s short, black fine silky hair.

  “Oh, how I love him too. I hope Ross proves to be half the man your father is.”

  “He will, Mom.” I blushed.

  “You run along and take care of Ross. I will finish up here.”

  “Thanks, Mom.” I kissed her cheek, saying my goodbyes to her and my aunt before leaving.



  The sun ducked behind the clouds. Luckily, my aunt’s party will be inside tomorrow. Rain had been forecasted. Traffic heading back toward New York City was steady.

  I ran into my favorite grocery store up the street from Ross’s apartment, grabbing the ingredients to cook the lasagna.

  I couldn’t wait to see the look on his face. Earlier, it appeared he wanted to spend time with me. So, I made adjustments to my schedule.

  Carefully, I turned the key in the lock, pushing the door open. Soft music played throughout and the smell of vanilla candles flew up my nostrils. I felt my face warm as I tossed my coat on one of the two beige chairs and my purse on the sofa. He must be in the shower or in his office. I’ll surprise him in just a moment. I stepped into the kitchen, placing the groceries on the counter. Upon opening the refrigerator, I heard moaning. I stood straight up. My ears were deceiving me.

  I placed the red wine inside the refrigerator, closed the door, then sauntered through the living room toward the moaning and now groaning. My heart was in my throat and the little hairs stood on my neck. I peeked through the cracked bedroom door. My eyes widened. Ross laid on the king-sized bed, gripping her hips as she bounced up and down his cock. She threw her head back. Her long blonde hair swayed as she massaged her breasts. Her eyes fell on him.

  “I love fucking you Carla. You know that, right?”

  She leaned over, kissing his lips. “Leave her.”

  “Shut up and ride my cock.”

  He slammed into her followed by a growl.

  That was my queue, I wasn’t about to let him get off.

  I burst through the door. “You, lousy piece of shit!” I screeched.

  He turned white as a ghost. Ross’s brown eyes widened. He pushed Carla to the floor, jumping to his feet. His medium size cock swung between us.

  I threw my hand up. “Don’t come any closer!”

  Carla scrambled on the floor for her clothes.

  I ran my hands tightly over my hair. “She was my best friend Ross. How could you do this?” I cried.

  He hopped into his boxers.

  “I understand we weren’t having sex because I’m a virgin. You said you could wait until we were married. I begged you to tell me if you couldn’t!”

  His brow wrinkled. “Then what? I tell you I couldn’t wait and you’d leave me. I couldn’t have that. Emily, I love you.”

  He grabbed my elbow.

  My cold eyes stared into his as I tore my arm from his grip. “You love me so much you slept with my best friend.” My heavy hand landed across his cheek.

  I stalked across the bedroom toward my so-called best friend who hid on the side of the bed. I grabbed her by her long blonde hair, pounding my fist into her face. “You are no best friend! You are a snake.”

  She screamed, swinging her arms.

  “I trusted you. How could you betray me?” I stood up straight, chest heaving.

  “I heard everything!” I glared between them.

  “You told him to leave me.”

  Clutching my fists at my sides I turned to Ross. “You told her you love fucking her. Well, keep fucking her. We are over. You lost me and my father’s company! Never contact me again.” I ran out of the room.

  Ross stalked after me. “Wait, Emily!” He pulled me into his arms.

  “I’m sorry Emily. I was so stupid. I was wrong. Please forgive me.”

  Tears streamed down my face against his pale chest.

  “You smell like her. I hate you!” My body violently shook as I raised my hands backing away.

  I grabbed my purse off the sofa and darted out the door. My heart pounded. I was a blubbering mess as I tore down the stairs. I knew Ross would come after me once he had a chance to dress. But I had a head start.

  The moment I hit the parking garage the cold wind whipped up my white blouse. In my haste, I realized I left my coat on a chair in the living room. “Shit!” I wrapped my arms across my body, running toward my white Lexus truck.

  I cranked the heat the moment I entered, then I burned rubber around the bend, merging into traffic.

  Their naked images were cemented in my brain. The two people I trusted most outside of my family betrayed me. The moment I stepped into my apartment, I ran into the closet, yanking clothes off hangers stuffing the Louis Vuitton duffel bag. I climbed into a comfortable outfit perfect for a long drive. After shrugging on a winter white pea coat over a pink airy blous
e, I slid into a pair of tall black boots over my denim blue jeans. I tossed the heavy duffel strap over my shoulder then darted out the door.

  Cole Mountain is my destination. I need to get away.

  “Directions to Cole Mountain,” I spoke to the trucks navigational system.

  “Make a left on Park Avenue,” my map app ordered.

  I exhaled. A sense of relief came over me as I drove. Thirty minutes into my drive Ross texted and called nonstop. I pulled over to the side of the road to block his number. “No more disturbance from him,” I smirked.

  I figured I better block Carla too. Sad songs were in order. I created a playlist for the long five-hour drive before I merged into the crawling Manhattan traffic.


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