Stranded: The Cole Mountain Brothers Romance Book 1

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Stranded: The Cole Mountain Brothers Romance Book 1 Page 6

by Zoe Blaze

  I can’t believe that hunk of mountain man was all mine. It felt like I was in a dream state. If it’s a dream, I sure don’t want to wake up.

  I thought about how I came here to get away and escape my life. Would it be crazy if I stayed here with Christian? I loved New York but the hustle and bustle was growing old. I wanted to experience the great outdoors. Live life at a slower pace. Not always in a rush. I imagined that’s how it was here.

  I scanned the lavish living room, sitting room, and kitchen. It was beautiful. A monstrous cabin in Cole mountain. The fire roared before me.

  Those strong powerful hands scooped me into his arms. I caressed Christians brown hair along the nape of his neck. “Will you join me?”

  He flashed that wicked smile. “Yes.”

  Our glued lips didn’t part as he removed the blanket from my body, then lowered me into the hot, silky, bubble bath.

  Christian sank into the opposite end of the oversized tub. I twisted my hair into a bun on top of my head. He held my leg in his strong hand running the soapy, body sponge slowly along my leg. His gentle touch relaxed me.

  “How does the water feel?”

  I smiled. “Good.”

  I crawled into his lap, lathered the body sponge, then massaged his big strong muscles.

  His eyes were fixated on my every move. “I want you here with me. Don’t go back to New York.”

  I pressed my lips against his. “I don’t want to leave Christian. I feel whole when I’m with you.”

  He massaged my back. “Good, it’s settled. You’re staying.”

  How would I tell my family I fell in love with a total stranger? They wouldn’t understand. I knew I only wanted to be right here with him.

  After our bath, Christian wrapped a white towel around his sculpted waist. He wrapped two bath sheets around my body. Christian carried me into his bedroom lying my body on the bed. My head sank into the feathered pillows.

  “I’ll be right back.” Christian stalked across the room toward the fireplace. I dried my skin while I watched his muscled body kneel fireside. He tossed three logs into the flames one by one. Christian walked toward me dropping the towel to the floor before he reached the bed. Those muscles sent a flush of heat warming my entire body. I reached for his face. Christian devoured my lips. The bed dipped as he hovered over me.

  His emerald eyes stared into my gray eyes. “I want you to cream in my mouth one more time before I cook dinner.”

  I swallowed hard. “Yes, I want that too.”

  I would never get enough of this gorgeous mountain man pleasing me. His lips circled my pink nipples and a load growl released from his throat. Christian’s strong hand gripped my thigh. My hands circled his muscled back.

  “I’m yours Christian. All yours.” I circled my pussy hungry to feel his perfect lips suck my lower lips into his mouth. Christian dragged his tongue down my creamy skin, skimming over my mound into my instantly wet pussy.

  I gripped his thick forearms. “Fuck!” I screamed.

  Christian sat on his knees, palming my ass in his big hands. “Open wide baby.”

  He curled his arms over my thighs, widened his tongue, licking over my sensitive ass hole, then over my clit. I gripped the comforter to keep from losing control but it wasn’t working. Christian flicked his tongue against my clit and moaned driving me fucking insane.

  “Baby! Your tongue is amazing. It’s coming!”

  “I love watching how your body reacts to me. Lose control. I want to suck up every drop of that sweet custard.”

  He pulled my clit into his mouth and I lost it. My body vibrated in his grip.

  “Christian! Fuck…it’s so fucking amazing.”

  I heard nothing but him slurping up my sticky goodness.

  His eyes were hooded and hungry.

  “Your good tasting pussy is my fucking weakness. I will never get enough of your taste.”

  “Come here, Christian. I want to taste me.”

  His lips curled at each end. “Do you now.”

  He placed my legs on the bed, then crawled over my body like a lion ready to feed. His tongue covered in my cream swirled around my tongue. I clutched his face not willing to release his sweet tasting lips. A deep moan released from my body.

  Christian parted our lips. I ran my fingers through his hair intermingling the messy strands. He grinned, licking his sexy pink lips.

  Christian smacked my ass cheek. “Once you’ve collected yourself meet me downstairs for dinner.”

  I blushed. “Will do.”



  The sun rose over Cole mountain while I plowed the snow from the porch to the road while my woman slept. If it doesn’t snow until Monday like the forecast reported we’ll have no problem getting in and out of town. My greedy Emily barely allowed me any shut-eye. Emily’s tongue slid along my neck, as she gripped my fat cock, then slammed her tight little pussy down my thick shaft. I spread her ass cheeks giving her every pleasurable inch of my cock.

  Fresh logs laid at the side of each fireplace. The house was toasty and a fresh pot of coffee brewed. I leaned against the door frame watching Emily sleep. I couldn’t believe this was my new life. The same beautiful woman sleeping in my bed every night. I smiled. Love finally found me.

  I stepped over nuzzling Emily’s neck. “Sweetness wake up. We’re going into town.”

  “Christian come back to bed. Let’s make love all day.”

  “When we return, we’ll fuck until the wee hours of the morning. In an hour we’ll meet my family for breakfast at Cole diner.”

  Her eyes popped open. “I’m meeting your family?”

  I smiled wide. “You sure are.”

  “This is real? We are real? You know a couple?”

  “Yes. My future wife will meet my father and brothers.”

  Her lips crushed mine and a single tear slide down her angelic face.

  “I’m falling in love with you Christian.”

  I kissed her button nose. “And I’m falling in love with you. Now get a move on.”

  I stood.

  “I’ll move only if you’ll join me in the shower.”

  I scooped her up into my arms, carrying her into the bathroom. “I’ll make that little cunt quake then we’re headed out.”

  She bit her lower lip. “Um, yes.”


  I purchased a new coat, a pair of jeans, and a blouse for Emily the moment we drove into town. We stepped into the bustling diner. Waitresses whisked past carrying piping hot plates. The delicious smell of pancakes dangled under my nostrils.

  The town's people gawked and whispered staring in our direction. I turned to Emily leaned down taking those soft lips. Her moan vibrated through my body.

  I gazed into her eyes. “My naughty girl wants to play.”

  She smiled.

  “Soon, sweetness.”

  I intertwined our fingers, tossing my other hand in the air waving at my father. He smiled as we approached. Everyone sat patiently waiting to meet Emily.

  “Emily, I’d like you to meet my father, Grant.”

  My father stood. “Nice to meet you, Emily. Can’t say I’ve ever met a woman Christian has shown interest.”

  She blushed. “I certainly see where Christian get’s his good looks from.”

  “Thank you, Emily.”

  I favored my father. His hair was brown with gray strands sprinkled throughout. We shared the same green eyes. My father worked out regularly. You would never guess he was fifty years old.

  Oliver winked at me then stood, stepping around my father toward us. He’ll grill me later.

  “Emily, I’m Christian’s older brother Oliver. For sure I thought Christian would die an angry old man.” His gray eyes lit up.

  The table burst into laughter. “I think we all can agree on that. Emily, my name is Justin.” He stepped forward embracing Emily.

  “Justin, keep your hands off my woman,” I grimaced.

laughed. “Justin, thanks for making me feel welcome.”

  My twin brothers stood at the same time. “Emily, it’s very nice to meet you. I’m Asher and this is Alex.”

  “So good to meet you both,” she grinned.

  They wrapped their large arms around her. Their green eyes sparkled at me. Asher mouthed. “She’s hot.” He stuck his tongue out. I wanted to snatch his tongue out of his mouth.

  “All right, both of you get your hands off my woman.”

  I held my hand up toward my youngest brother walking in our direction. “No hugging, Nicholas, keep your hands to yourself.”

  Emily stepped forward wrapping her arms around Nicholas tall, muscled frame.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Nicholas.” I ushered Emily to the opposite side of the table pulling a chair out for her next to my dad. Oliver sat at my right and Nicholas sat beside him.

  “Emily, I see you have a small bandage on your head. Are you ok?” My father asked.

  “Yes. Christian said a doctor patched me up after arriving at his house.”

  Oliver’s eyebrows wrinkled. “You called Dr. Henson and not me? That’s a shock, Christian.”

  “I didn’t want all the questions. Believe me, Dr. Henson asked enough.”

  My brother and Dr. Henson are the only two doctors in our small town.

  “What happened to your head?” Oliver asked.

  “Oh, I can answer that,” Justin raised his hand accompanied by a devilish grin.

  “Hold on, Justin before you do...” I pointed across the table at my three brothers. “Do not hug her upon leaving.”

  The entire table roared in laughter.

  My father flashed a wide smile, darting his eyes toward Emily. “Now that you’ve learned my son is jealous and possessive, I hope that doesn’t run you away.”

  Her beautiful gray eyes flirted with me as she rubbed my hand. “No. I think he’s just being a little overprotective of me since he rescued me from a burning car.”

  “Would you look at that Christian is selfless and heroic.” Justin sipped his glass of water. “I’m guessing love at first sight since Christian rescued you Thursday night? Unless there was another woman you called the store about yesterday needing clothes delivered for?” He sat back, balancing on the hind legs of the red and black chair.

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “Same woman.”

  Emily retracted her hand. I glanced back at her. “Baby, it’s ok.” I intertwined our fingers under the table.

  “Good morning, Cole family. I see we have a city girl in our presence.” The waitress said, standing in her pink and white uniform, holding a small writing pad.

  Everyone said hello one after the other.

  “Brenda. Yes, Christian’s girlfriend.” Nicholas stated.

  She turned beet red and her eyes grew the size of saucers. “Christian, I don’t think I’ve seen a woman in your presence since high school.”

  I stared into her brown eyes, “Things change. Good to see you, Brenda.” I glanced down at the menu, resting on the table.

  “Good to see you too, Christian. What would you like to order?”

  I peeked at Emily. She held the cutest smile. It surprised me all the attention wasn’t making her overly uncomfortable. “Emily, are you ready to order?”

  “Yes. Brenda, I’d like pancakes, sausage links, and a glass of orange juice.”

  Brenda wrote Emily’s order on the small pad.

  “Justin, are you ready?”

  “Yes.” He rattled off his order.

  I was the last to place my order before Brenda walked away.

  “Let’s clear the air,” I huffed.

  I glanced around the table. “I understand this is new. I haven’t had a girlfriend since high school which is common knowledge to everyone in this town. Justin, you are right it was love at first sight.” I met Emily’s gaze.

  “The moment I set eyes on her beautiful face I was captivated. I knew nothing about her but for the first time, I wanted to know everything about a woman. Luckily, once she awoke the next day, she was sweeter than I imagined. It was a no-brainer, I had to have her, make her mine for a lifetime.” I brought her hand to my lips, kissing the back.

  I looked at my father. “Remember how you felt when you met Mom?”

  “I sure do.” His eyes saddened. “Being in her presence that first time wasn’t enough. I needed to be in her presence every chance I could. I miss her.”

  Justin’s hand landed on my dad’s shoulder. “We are all here for you Dad. We wish she was here too, but we understand it’s different for you. She was the love of your life.”

  “I hate cancer,” Alex blurted out. He ran his fingers through his brown hair.

  I ran my hand along Emily’s back, meeting her confused gaze. “Our mother passed away three years ago. She lost her battle with breast cancer.”

  Emily threw her arms around my neck, clutching me tight. “I’m so sorry for your loss.”

  She pulled back. Her somber gaze met each of the Cole men's eyes. “I’m deeply sorry for your loss.”

  “Thank you, Emily,” my father stated.

  Brenda and two other servers arrived at the right time, placing our meals before us.

  “Emily, where are you from?” Oliver asked.

  “New York City.”

  Nicholas chuckled. “Christian hates New York. If you can persuade him to move back you truly are the one.”

  I smirked. “I don’t plan on moving back to New York. I asked Emily to move here.” I darted my eyes over to her.

  “But I don’t want to put her on the spot.”

  Emily bit her bottom lip as she stared down at her plate. “She and I will deal with our living arrangements when the time comes.” I kissed her temple.



  My father and brothers continued asking Emily questions. She told them what happened to her on her trip into town. Emily then asked about each of them. Emily told my family she needed to get away that is why she was visiting Cole Mountain. Good thing she didn’t mention that scum bag Ross.

  “Justin, do you have a girlfriend? I can’t imagine you don’t.”

  “Well, Emily, I do not. I am a single man. I have dated almost every available woman in town but none have been able to hold my attention.” He flashed his dimples. “I’m sure she is out there somewhere.”

  Asher slapped Justin on the back. “One-day big bro she’ll step into your life.”

  Justin was the one brother who wanted a woman. He believed in love. The muscled giant who loved to hunt and fish was a hopeless romantic. Justin ran our family store. He’s a simple man who loved Cole Mountain. He was the only one of us who attended college in a city close by in Vermont. Justin was smart as a whip. He majored in Engineering. Justin could fix anything. He didn’t have to work at our family store. He chose to. Justin came into contact with tourist daily. Hopefully, he would meet that special woman.

  “Emily, Alex and I are single too. We do almost everything together.”

  “Yeah, Asher and I often had eyes for the same women growing up. I guess you could say that would be a problem for most women they have to choose one of us.”

  He hunched over the table like a huge mountain man, digging into his meal.

  “Alex and Asher.”

  They peeked at Emily.

  “Maybe there is a woman out there who would fall in love with you both.”

  Their faces lit up. “We never thought about that Emily,”

  Alex smiled wide.

  Look at my woman solving the Cole Brother’s problems.

  “Oliver what about you?”

  “I doubt I will find love again,” Oliver stated.

  “I was in love once in college. I caught her in bed with my best friend in our dorm room junior year of college.” He smirked. “I guess you could say my heart turned to stone. I focused on my studies and graduated top of my class. After college I returned, working under Dr. Henson. I plan to o
pen my own practice within the next couple of years.”

  Women throw themselves at Oliver often. Oliver reminded me of a bodybuilder who practiced medicine. He kept his brown hair swept perfect across the front of his head. He rarely kept a five o’clock shadow which is tough because the Cole men are hairy. Two days and no shave we’d have light beards. His deep gray eyes were sunken under his thick brows. He was oblivious to the women who fawned over him. The woman who would enter his life would need patience. It won’t be easy to capture his broken heart.

  Emily placed her hand on his shoulder. “You should open your heart to love again. I did. I never thought I would either. The person meant for you will show you her true heart right away. You must open your heart to the possibility of love. And be willing to take that leap.”

  His tough features softened. “Thank you, Emily.”

  Nicholas waved off Emily. “Don’t flash those beautiful gray eyes at me. I am only twenty-two and no way am I looking to settle down. Never had a girlfriend and don’t want one. I plan to play around forever. All the women these poor saps pass over I scoop them right up comforting them.”


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