Their Bride (Marriage Lottery Series Standalone)

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Their Bride (Marriage Lottery Series Standalone) Page 17

by Stasia Black

  “You should dip inside her pussy first,” Ross said, coming back to stand in front of Vanessa and dipping down to kiss her breast. If he had any issues with what Vanessa was proposing, he sure wasn’t letting it show.

  And not to be an asshole, but Ross was a pretty simple guy. He was never any good at hiding his emotions or what he was thinking. So he was probably exactly as into this as he seemed. Who wouldn’t be, considering how hot as fuck their wife was.

  Their wife.

  Shit. Riordan didn’t let himself think of Vanessa by the title much. But she was. She was his wife. This was his life, and maybe not all of it was everything he wanted it to be, but it was a fucking good one.

  And he was about to pop his wife’s anal cherry.

  Fuck yeah.

  Riordan took Vanessa’s hips and swung her around. The ropes twisted easily and soon she was facing him.

  He kissed her deep again and slowly, achingly fucking slowly, he aligned his cock with her dripping pussy and thrust in.

  She groaned into his mouth and her flesh clenched around his shaft.

  Jesus, her body was fucking heaven.

  He only allowed himself a few thrusts, though. He was way too turned on and he had to get to that ass. If her pussy felt this good, what would her ass feel like? It took everything he had not to come just at the thought of it.

  He pulled out and gave her one last lingering kiss. He paused, looking her in the eye. “Are you sure, honey? You ready for this?”

  There wasn’t even a waver in her gaze. “Yes. I want this. I want it with you, Riordan.”

  She was trying to fucking kill him, wasn’t she?

  He leaned in again to taste her lips because he couldn’t fucking not. And then he let the rope unwind, swinging her so that her gorgeous ass was back in front of him. He squeezed her cheeks, loving the way they looked in his hands.

  His cock was wet with her juices.

  Jesus fuck but it was the hottest thing he’d ever seen.

  Well, aside from actually seeing himself penetrating her there.

  He sucked in a breath as he lined himself up. He was so fucking big. At least twice the size of the plug. Maybe three times.

  He’d always suspected he was a respectable size. But it wasn’t until he’d seen the other guys’ cocks on the wedding night that he’d known for sure. He and Ross were the biggest ones there, and not by a little. They were longer and thicker.

  But Vanessa was still trusting him with this.

  “Any time you need me to slow down or stop, you just say the word, okay, babe? I don’t want to take you anywhere you aren’t ready to go. You promise you’ll let me know?”

  She nodded but he needed to hear the words.

  “Let me hear you promise.”

  She looked over her shoulder. “I promise.”

  “Good girl.” He grinned and gave her ass a quick smack.

  She sucked in a breath and bit her bottom lip as her head dropped slightly back. Oh fuck, she liked it.

  He did it again and the pleasured groan that came out of her throat was the final straw.

  No more waiting.

  He took her hips and held her still, then started pressing in.

  Nothing happened at first. He wasn’t going anywhere and for a panicked, disappointed moment he thought he was just too big. He wouldn’t fit.

  But then the head of his cock popped through the rim of her hole and holy fucking Jesus Krishna God FUCK—

  “So tight,” he gasped, wrapping his arm around her waist like a handlebar. “Jesus, honey. I never— You’re—” He pressed in another inch. “Awww fuck.”

  He dropped his forehead down to her shoulder blade if only because he needed something to fucking ground himself.

  It felt like he was pushing his cock into the tightest fucking glove that had been created perfectly for his shaft. And in truth, he was.


  She was perfect.

  And the fact that she was giving him this— Giving him her—

  “Ross,” he growled, “hurry up and get your dick inside our wife. Let’s make her fantasy real. Both of us at once.”

  Vanessa panted and hissed air through her teeth. Riordan felt the instant that Ross started penetrating her because the vice grip of Vanessa’s ass around Riordan’s cock grew impossibly tighter.

  Riordan dragged his hips backward, the friction the most incredible fucking thing he ever could have imagined.

  He glanced over Vanessa’s shoulder and saw the veins in Ross’s neck raised and straining. Then Vanessa leaned forward and kissed Ross, their mouths a hot tangle.

  Riordan waited for the jealousy to hit.

  But it… didn’t.

  He blinked in confusion.

  Of course he didn’t want to feel jealous, but he always had. Every single time they’d been forced to share something, Riordan always came off feeling like he got the short end of the stick.

  But now, here, with the most important thing they could ever share… Riordan only felt satisfaction that Vanessa was getting exactly what she’d fantasized about.

  And even as he paused thinking about all this, Vanessa pulled back from Ross and turned to look over her shoulder, eyes dark with lust. It was obvious she was seeking a kiss. From him now.

  Because she honestly didn’t like Ross better than him, but as much as.

  He’d never believed the bullshit about it being possible to love two people equally. He thought it was just lies parents told to try to make themselves feel better about the fact that they loved one kid more than another.

  But what if Vanessa… What if in this one case it was possible—

  “Riordan,” Vanessa whimpered, the need in her voice so fucking hot, Riordan immediately thrust back in again.

  It just happened to be at the same time that Ross did the same.

  Vanessa’s eyes went round and she gasped. “So full.” And then her eyes went pleading. “More. Please.”

  Riordan looked over her head to his brother.

  “Together?” They both asked the question at the same time, and then gave each other mirroring grins.

  And then, in unison, they fucked their wife.

  Riordan kissed Vanessa deep and then passed her back to Ross, who kissed her just as voraciously. They plunged in together and Vanessa’s mouth dropped open wider and wider with each stroke, a high-pitched cry coming from her throat.

  Instead of loosening, her muscles only clenched tighter around Riordan’s cock. From the look on Ross’s face, she was doing the same with her pussy.

  Riordan made it way longer than he would have imagined. Maybe ten minutes? Ten minutes of agonized ecstasy, especially toward the end, fighting the knife’s edge of tipping over and coming but not wanting to give in.

  Just a little longer, he kept telling himself. Just one more thrust. And then one more. Okay, this would be the last one.

  But fuck, she felt so good. And he’d never get this first again. So he’d grit his teeth and hold off again.

  There came a time, though, when no gritting of teeth or reciting old Civil War generals was going to cut it.

  And that was because their gorgeous, perfect fucking wife was coming like a goddamned earthquake.

  Her orgasm rippled up and down Riordan’s cock and that was it. He was fucking done. He was—

  He roared Vanessa’s name as he shoved in to the root and cum pumped out of him, deep into his wife’s darkest, most forbidden place.

  And he knew that she might just be right—life with her, this astounding woman, could be the greatest adventure of his life.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  One Month Later

  Logan pulled yet another box out of the back corner of the closet as he hunted for the pair of boots he knew was back there somewhere.

  Jesus, they hadn’t lived here long enough to accumulate all this crap. What was even in all these boxes?

  Probably Cam’s shit.

would bet he’d just shoved these boxes back here when they’d moved in and never given it another thought. Or thought about what a pain in the ass it would be for anyone else in the house to dig through when they needed to get at something they’d boxed up.

  Logan shook his head as he went to lift another box. His back immediately felt the strain and he stopped lifting.

  Jesus Christ, what was in the damn thing? Bricks?

  “Logan?” he heard Vanessa’s voice distantly call.

  “In here,” Logan replied, “I’m in the closet.”

  After Logan found these damn boots so he wouldn’t have to fumble for them in the morning, he was going to make Vanessa a romantic meal he’d been planning all day. It was a rare occasion to get alone time with her, much less an entire night.

  But Michael was out at the paper burning the midnight oil on a story he was trying to get in tomorrow morning’s edition, and Cam had the night shift at the clinic. Then the twins had both picked up extra shifts doing night irrigation for some extra script. Vanessa’s birthday was coming up in a couple months and they wanted to get her something special.

  Now, if only Logan could just find these damn boots for tomorrow, then he could get back to the slab of deer meat he had marinating. Ross and Riordan weren’t the only ones who could do something special.

  He repositioned the oil lamp on the stack of boxes he’d made to his left and yanked on the top flaps of the heavy cardboard box to open it and look inside.

  “Logan, wait!”

  Logan only registered the panic in Vanessa’s voice as the flaps flipped open. He looked down in bewilderment and then up at Vanessa standing in the closet doorway.

  “Logan!” Her chest heaved like she’d just run a marathon. She met his eyes and then her gaze dropped to the box at his knees. She didn’t look surprised to see it.

  “What the hell, Vanessa?” He reached down and pulled two of the probably thirty or forty cans stacked in the bottom of the box. Along with, shit, was that jerky? And several fat, ten pound bags of cornmeal.

  Vanessa backed up. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  What the fuck was going on here?

  Logan dropped the cans back in the box and followed Vanessa out of the closet. “Did you steal these?” he demanded.

  “What?” She blanched. “Of course not!”

  “Then…” Logan frowned.

  She stared at the ground, arms tight across her stomach.

  “Tell me,” he demanded, probably too harshly, but fuck, she’d been hiding something from him. Something big, by the look of guilty dread on her face as her eyes flashed back up at him.

  “I lied, okay?” she whispered.

  Logan didn’t like the trickle of unease tickling up his spine. “About what.”

  She gestured at the box. “I lied when I said I wanted to pick up the rations for the clan every day because I wanted to be helpful.”

  Logan stared at her in bewilderment. “So, what? You volunteered so you could stash some of it away up here? But why?”

  She let out a huff of air through her nose, nostrils flaring. “A person can’t just…” she snapped her fingers, “change, just like that. I spent years—years—never knowing where my next meal was going to come from. God, there were bad days—bad months—where I’d think about eating grass I was so hungry.”

  She shook her head. “And every day you didn’t eat made it that much harder to get food the next day because you were weaker. So if you found a place to get food, you have to be smart about it. You always prepare for the bad days.”

  What the—

  “But you aren’t out in the fucking wilderness anymore!” Logan couldn’t help his voice rising. Did she not think he could provide for her? That he and the clan would take care of her?

  “Don’t you know how worried we’ve all been about you not gaining weight? And the whole time you’ve been stashing food instead of eating it? Jesus Christ, Ross and Riordan went out hunting and almost died because they were so worried—”

  “I know,” she whimpered, hands going to her head. “Don’t you think I know that?”

  Logan flung his arms out. “So why the fuck do you still have this box up here?”

  “Because what if I need it again?” she shouted.

  Heavy silence hung in the air between them after her heated declaration.

  She thought she might need it…?

  She was hoarding the food because she thought—

  She thought that at some point she’d be alone again.

  She believed it enough to continue starving herself for months after she’d come to the safe haven of Jacob’s Well. Did she even eat dinner on the nights they weren’t all together? Or did she just skip any meal they weren’t there to watch her? Jesus Christ.

  “My whole life I’ve been left behind,” she whispered. “Not wanted. Not loved.”

  “Vaness—” he started but she talked over him.

  “The only man who ever wanted me wanted me because he thought he could get top dollar for my virgin pussy at a slave auction.”

  Her words sliced into Logan like a branding iron.

  “That’s not fucking true. We want you. We’re your clan.”

  But again, she was shaking her head. “Maybe you want me for now. But eventually you’ll realize I’m not what you really want. Someday you’ll want someone who will— Someone who can—” her voice broke and she looked away from him toward the wall. “I just need to know I’ll be able to survive if the bad days come again.”

  Her gaze had gone distant, like he wasn’t even there with her. Which pissed him the fuck off.

  “Don’t you dare try that,” Logan stalked across the room to where she stood and took her arm. “Not with me. Not now. You don’t get to shut me out.”

  Her eyes flicked back his way but only landed on his face for a second before shifting away again. She waved a hand and let out a short, bitter laugh. “I’ve told you about my luck. How long can this all last?” She shook her head. “People don’t get to be this happy. Not people like me.”

  Jesus Christ.

  “We made vows, Vanessa,” he growled. “We promised to protect you.”

  Her spine stiffened and Logan couldn’t say he wasn’t glad to see it. He’d been wondering where her fierce warrior spirit had gone.

  “Almost every one of you had half a foot out the door from the very moment they called your names for the lottery.” There was accusation in her eyes and it hit its mark.


  No wonder she hadn’t felt secure.

  She was right. In the beginning, he’d been running as hard and as far as he could without actually being absent.

  So of course she’d been making contingency plans. She hadn’t survived the harsh Texas summers and bandits and smugglers for nothing. Her survival instincts were honed.

  And Clan Washington had not felt like a safe bet.

  Because Logan had failed her.

  “Oh baby,” Logan said, crossing the last couple of feet between them and pulling her into his arms.

  She was stiff at first. Resistant. She’d reverted to survival mode, but Logan was done letting her down. He knew the only thing that would convince her was time, but he’d show her he was a sure thing.

  “I’m not going anywhere, baby. Ever.” Even as he whispered the word, his heart lurched. After losing Jenny, he’d sworn, sworn, he’d never promise forever to anyone again.

  But he hadn’t counted on Vanessa. She might be the one person in the world he’d push aside his worst fears and all those clamoring demons for—no matter how much taking that leap fucking terrified him.

  He’d failed Jenny, but he wouldn’t fail Vanessa.

  Not again.

  Not ever.

  “I swear it,” he whispered into her hair.

  “What?” she asked, pulling away just far enough to look up at him.

  And what he saw on her face fucking gutted him.

  Fear. She was still afraid t
o believe in him. Fuck, he had so much to make up for. So much to prove to her.

  But there was hope in her eyes too. Christ, he didn’t deserve her.

  He didn’t answer her, he just cupped her face and then kissed her. Kissed her and kissed her and kissed her.

  They shed their clothing as he walked her backwards toward the bed.

  And then he made love to his wife, trying to prove with his body what words couldn’t—that he would never leave her, never forsake her, and always, always provide for her every need.

  He genuinely believed it, too, even as they both slowly drifted off to sleep. He held that thought all the way up until the town’s alarm sirens started screaming in the middle of the night, and he heard the best and worst news of his life.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  The town’s alarm sirens blasted through the night.

  “What the fuck is going on out there?” Logan demanded as he pounded down the hallway, dragging on his jeans as he went. Vanessa was right on his heels. They’d been sound asleep when the town’s alarm sirens had started blaring.

  “It’s Colonel Travis’s soldiers,” Michael said, coming through the front door and slamming it behind him. “They have Jacob’s Well surrounded.”

  “Oh my God,” Vanessa gasped from behind Logan, reaching forward and grasping his hand.

  Logan’s face snapped toward the window. “But I don’t hear anything. No bombs or shelling.”

  “That’s the weird thing,” Michael said. “They aren’t attacking. They’re just… standing there. They have been for over an hour now.”

  “What does that mean?” Vanessa asked.

  “I have to go down to the Security Squadron Headquarters. With Nix at the Capitol with the delegation, I’m the Senior Commanding Officer.”

  Vanessa was already nodding. “I understand. Go. I’ll be fine.”

  Logan growled. She was doing it again—assuming she didn’t take priority in his life. He leaned down and kissed her hard, only pulling back when the front door opened. It was the twins and Cam.


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