Misfit Traveler

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Misfit Traveler Page 9

by Olivia Marie

  “So, what would you have used first?” I asked him and walked around the room touching his tools as I did.

  “I was going to saw off your tits first. If you didn’t have those, you wouldn’t be as powerful.”

  “Oh, I see. So should I saw off the thing that you think makes you powerful?”

  “No,” he screamed before reeling it in and trying to sound like a man again. “If you do that, what will you play with?”

  “I’m not worried about that. I’m done with you anyway.”

  “But I didn’t even get to…”

  “And how many times have you left a woman hanging after you got off? You’ll live. Or not.”

  I looked around for the saw he would have used on me and found an older handsaw hanging off the corkboard. Grabbing it, I went closer to him and gently rubbed it across his limp penis. He tried to squirm away from me but there wasn’t anywhere for him to go to now I had him tied down.

  “You know the sad part of all this? We could have been great together I think. It’s too bad you had to ruin it. How often do people come here? Are you the only one that knows about it?”

  “Viki knows but doesn’t come here anymore after dad died here.”

  “Aww. You will die where your dad did. How sweet is that? She can come here to visit you both. I am doing her another favor and giving her one spot to go to.”

  “Can you kill me already if you are going to?”

  “What’s wrong? Are you scared?”

  “You’re fucking crazy. I want to get away from you now.”

  “Okay. I’ll start this then.”

  I was about to have my fun with him when I heard something outside. It was clearly footsteps on the small deck, and I paused to see what would happen. Looking through the small window facing the front, I saw a shadow making its way to the side of the cabin.

  “Shit,” I muttered. “Well, this will have to be fast I guess.”

  “Or you could let me go.”

  “Not a chance.”

  I went for the screwdriver I saw earlier and wrapped my hands around the handle. Lifting it above my head, I plunged it into his chest. He folded up and let out a moan before he laid back and went limp.

  After making sure he was dead, I carefully grabbed the last of my things before looking out the window. Not seeing anyone out there, I snuck out the door and ran as hard as I could to the camouflage of the trees behind the cabin.

  I made it back to my apartment and threw my shit in bags without wrapping it. I had the place packed up in less than twenty minutes and was on the road. Two kills in one day was too much heat for anyone to take. I had to get out of there and fast.


  I landed in a town in Texas on the boarder of Mexico. It wasn’t a great town and the crime rate was through the roof, but it also gave me what I needed to curb the cravings when they hit. Nobody around there blinked an eye when someone turned up missing.

  I found my calling with helping women out of asshole relationships and most of the time, they never knew about it. It gave me an odd sense of purpose and belonging when I was able to fix a wrong. I watched so many think they didn’t have an out, and I thanked Stella for all the things she taught me even if she didn’t mean to include me.

  I thought about her, Dreamer, and my dad a lot the past few months. I wondered if my dad and Stella were proud of how I turned out. I wondered if Dreamer was alright wherever she was. I almost hoped our paths would cross again someday when she got out, but I wasn’t expecting it.

  I found a man there that I could relate to. He didn’t know about my extra activities, but he never pried into where I took off to. We had our fun together, but it was never serious between us. A way to blow off steam on the nights when the loneliness became too much. It was always at his place too; I needed to know my house was my safe space.

  I saw on the news about a month ago that they found Eric’s body at the shed. They figured it was a murder suicide when they found Viki crumpled on the floor next to him. Nothing about him being naked was mentioned, so I had to assume she dressed him before she took her own life. In a weird way, knowing she took her own life, the coward’s way out, pissed me off. I gave up so much to set her free and she wasted it by leaving this world at her brother’s side. I wondered if she would have been so upset if she would have known the truth: he wanted to kill her man but didn’t have the balls to. It took a stranger to set her free. At least with them pinning the killing on her, they weren’t after me. If and when they found Brent’s body, they would tie that into them also.

  With that wrapped up, I felt better about living my own life and going back to what was in my blood. I hunted freely and with each kill, I felt a part of me grow that I had subsided for so long. I saw why Stella and Dreamer did it. It was the time I felt the most alive, holding someone’s life in my hand and deciding when it would be enough. It was a power I couldn’t explain to anyone who hadn’t felt it for themselves. It was also when I felt a small connection to Stella and Dreamer. They were family whether I realized it or not. I would continue their legacy in my own way and think of them each time.

  After all, to be in my family, you had to go into the family business.

  Olivia Marie has a passion for books and animals. She lives in the central Midwest with her husband and two rescue dogs. She spends her free time reading, writing, listening to music and enjoying the outdoors with her family.

  Follow her at:

  Facebook http://www.facebook.com/oliviamarieauthor/

  Reader Group http://www.facebook.com/groups/oliviasrealists

  Other books by Olivia Marie include:


  Hidden Jewel


  Mya’s Saving Grace

  Broken Roads

  Breaking Bismark

  Gypsy’s Girl


  His Village with Erin Lee

  Seeds with Erin Lee

  Resurrection with Erin Lee

  The Retreat with Erin Lee

  Mastery of Darkness with Erin Lee

  The Cookie Dough Job with Tressa Rabbit

  Inside Anthology

  TTYS? Anthology

  Creeps Anthology

  Catfish Anthology

  Beyond Oz Anthology

  Beyond Atlantis Anthology

  Beyond Narnia Anthology

  Infamy Anthology

  Beyond Wonderland Anthology

  Art Inspires Words Anthology Book 4

  Motel 666 Anthology

  Unconditional-ASPCA Anthology

  Beyond Neverland Anthology

  The Curse Anthology

  Beyond the Woods Anthology

  Beyond the Rose Anthology

  Classic Twist Anthology

  Accidental Attractions Boxset

  Misfit Nights Anthology

  MicroHallowFiction Anthology

  Twelve Days of Horror Anthology

  Our Christmas Nook Anthology

  Copyright © 2020 by Crazy Ink

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, without prior written permission.

  Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

  Book Layout © Crazy Ink 2020




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