Jericho's Way

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Jericho's Way Page 8

by Lynn Hagen

  “Just didn’t expect it.”

  Ben grabbed his jeans and pulled out a small packet of lube. Jericho was starting to suspect the guy had a box of them in his saddlebag, for which he was grateful.

  “Scoot your ass to the edge.”

  Jericho scooted forward. He spread his legs as he watched Ben rip open the packet with his teeth. The man’s cock was just as hard as Jericho’s was, with beads of pre-cum at the slit.

  Ben wet his fingers then speared two inside Jericho’s ass.

  “Oh, fuck.” Jericho’s head fell back as his eyes closed. Ben had moved forward enough for support so Jericho wouldn’t fall off the counter.

  Once he had Jericho nice and stretched, Ben drove his cock into Jericho’s ass. Lost in the moment, Jericho threw his head back and whacked it against a cupboard.

  “Fuck.” He pressed his hand against his head.

  With a chuckle, Ben lifted Jericho off the counter, forcing Jericho to curl his legs around his waist. Ben found a wall and pressed Jericho against it, thrusting hard and deep as Jericho lost his damn mind.

  Ben fused their lips together, swiping his tongue inside Jericho’s mouth, groaning into it, as well. Jericho ate those sounds up as he clung to Ben, thanking whatever god had brought his mate to Maple Grove. He didn’t want to think what would have happened to him had he not met Ben.

  Ivan would’ve probably killed him by now.

  Jericho forced those thoughts away as he lost himself in what Ben was doing to his body. He had his hands pressed into Jericho’s hips, lifting him up over and over again and impaling him on his cock.

  Getting fucked against a wall might sound sexy, but it wasn’t all that comfortable. Jericho’s spine was taking the brunt of it, and his back hurt. But not enough to tell Ben to stop.

  Jericho reached between them and circled his fingers around his own aching cock, trying to keep up with the rhythm, but Ben kept distracting him with soft kisses and nips.

  When his dick grazed over Jericho’s prostate, that was all the edge he needed. Jericho cried out, his cum spurting between them. Ben’s canines elongated. He sank them into Jericho’s shoulder. Jericho’s orgasm pulsed harder as Ben came inside him, his cock pulsing as he removed his teeth.

  Jericho rested his head on Ben’s shoulder, breathing heavily as his mate curled his arms around him. He walked them to the bathroom where they tried their best to wash up without a cloth.

  “This is getting messy,” Jericho complained. “I think I’ll just soak in the tub.”

  The bathroom was a nice size, with plenty of room for them to move around. The clawed tub was in the middle of the room, with a shower stall off to one side. The tub was big enough for both of them to fit in, and that only made Jericho fall even more in love with the house.

  He’d reached over to start the bath when he heard one of the floorboards in the hallway creak.

  * * * *

  Ben pressed a finger to his lips. Jericho nodded as he moved behind the door. No one else should be there after Russell had left, and Ben doubted the cheetah shifter had returned.

  He just wished he had his clothes on as he moved closer to the bathroom door. Fighting with his junk hanging out didn’t appeal to him, but if it was Ivan or Landon in the hallway, Ben was going to tear one or both of them apart.

  He came around the corner, raising one clawed hand to strike, but he quickly pulled his hand behind his back. The stranger eyed Ben.

  All of him. From his head down to his exposed cock. “Who the hell are you?” the guy asked. “No one is supposed to be in here.”

  “I’m the new owner,” Ben snarled. “And who the fuck’re you?”

  The guy pointed down the hallway, although his gaze kept straying to Ben’s dick. “I live next door. I heard someone scream.”

  “So you thought you’d come investigate?” Ben covertly sniffed the man and realized he was human. It also dawned on him that the man had heard Jericho’s cry of release. He’d have to get better windows.

  The human stuck his hand out. “I’m Joseph Zelko.”

  Ben wasn’t touching the guy until he got dressed. “Ben Calloway.”

  He moved past the guy and went to the kitchen but made sure Joe was following him. Ben grabbed his underwear and pulled them on, but noticed how Joe was checking his ass out.

  “I’m also married,” he said to Joe. “So stop eyeballing my junk.”

  Joe looked away. “Sorry, but it was on display, and I can appreciate the view.”

  “You’ll appreciate the view much better with two black eyes,” Jericho said as he stormed down the hallway. “We live here, so get the hell out, and if I catch you looking at my husband’s junk again, I’ll scratch your fucking eyes out!”

  Ben swiped his hand over his mouth, hiding his smile. He never knew Jericho could get this worked up, and jealousy looked good on him.

  “Back down, kit.” Ben tossed Jericho his underwear because now Joe was looking at Jericho’s cock. It had been awkward when their neighbor had been checking Ben out. Now his wolf wanted to come out and play when Joe’s eyes were glued to Jericho’s dick.

  Jericho pulled his underwear on.

  “This has just been a misunderstanding,” Joe said. “I didn’t mean to intrude.”

  “You mean you didn’t mean to break in,” Jericho corrected. “I should call the cops on you.”

  Jericho was taking it too far. Technically they weren’t supposed to be there. Not until everything was finalized, and Ben didn’t want strife with his neighbors before they’d even moved in.

  “No hard feelings.” Ben yanked on Jericho’s arm to pull his mate to his side. “Like you said, this was a misunderstanding.”

  Joe didn’t look convinced. His gaze flickered between Ben and Jericho.

  “Excuse us for a moment.” Ben pulled Jericho to the bedroom on the right. It was a bit small, and they would probably use it as some kind of office or hobby room.

  Ben closed the door. “Calm down.”

  “He was checking you out,” Jericho snarled. “Only I get to see you naked.”

  Once again Ben smiled at the territorial way his mate was acting. “He’s also going to be our neighbor, and do you really want to start things off like this?”

  Jericho looked put out, but he sighed. “Fine, I’ll play nice. But if he starts coming onto you, all bets are off.”

  “Joe was also checking you out,” Ben reminded him. “What was the guy supposed to do when confronted by two naked men?” He waved a hand at Jericho’s legs. “You’re still wet from the water. Any gay man, or even a straight one with a pulse, would’ve stared.”

  “Stop making sense.” Jericho opened the door and stepped out. Ben followed, praying Joe didn’t have thoughts of flirting with either of them. Ben was a patient and understanding guy, but he would bury Joe under the patio if the human tried.

  They came to a stop when they spotted Joe in the kitchen eating their Chinese food. “Sorry,” Joe said with a mouthful. “I’m starving, and I love Number One Kitchen. They have the best food.”

  “Okay, we need to establish boundaries.” Jericho snatched the small container from Joe. “One, you ring the bell and wait for someone to answer before you come in. Two, you don’t help yourself to our stuff. Three, if you have any plans on trying to steal my husband, I’ll shove these chopsticks so far up your ass that the doctor will be able to tell your fortune when you open your mouth.”

  Ben couldn’t help it. He lost it at Jericho’s threat. He burst out laughing, pressing his hands into his knees as he bent over. Even Joe chuckled as he held up his hands.

  “I don’t have any intentions on stealing anyone. I don’t poach.” His laughter died, and his expression became somber. “That’s how I lost my boyfriend. To a man-stealing asshole. I’d never do that to someone else.”

  That knocked the wind out of Jericho’s sails. He handed the container back to Joe. “I’m so sorry to hear that. You can go ahead and finish my rice.”
br />   Ben knew in that moment that Jericho had just decided to be Joe’s friend. Ben didn’t mind. The guy was an inch taller than Jericho but built just as slim. But he had a little definition to him, as though he worked out but not much.

  Joe smiled as he nodded and held up the container. “Welcome to the neighborhood.”

  Chapter Nine

  Jericho wasn’t sure how Derek Mitchell had found out about their situation, but the guy had the paperwork for the house expedited. Ben and Jericho signed their names, and the realtor handed over the keys.

  “You must have friends who care deeply about you,” she said as she tucked the paperwork into her briefcase. “Enjoy your new home, gentleman.”

  Jericho’s heart skipped a thousand beats as he looked at the keys in his hand. It was official. They owned this gorgeous home. He’d never owned anything in his life, except his car. But this was so much bigger.

  When the realtor walked out, Jericho squealed and threw himself into Ben’s arms. “It’s ours!”

  He wasn’t going to let the thought that he couldn’t afford to furnish the place ruin his excitement. Stuff like this didn’t happen to him. He’d never had any luck, ever. His life had gone to hell after his parents had died and his uncle had moved in. That had been eight years ago, and every damn day Jericho missed them.

  “Hey, hey.” Ben pulled back and cupped Jericho’s face. “What’s with the tears, kit?”

  “I’m just…I don’t know.” Jericho fanned his face. “This just seems like too much, but in a good way, and I have no flipping idea why I’m crying.”

  “I gotcha, shorty.” Ben pulled him back into his arms. “I’ve never owned a place of my own, either. It’s just been me, the road, and Milo for a very long time. This shit is all new to me, too.”

  “But you’re acting like you’re handling it just fine.”

  “Pfft. Hardly. You didn’t see how badly my hand shook when I signed the paperwork. You were too busy talking to that lady.” He rubbed his hand over the back of Jericho’s hair. “This is a big step for both of us. I’m putting down roots for the first time since my parents passed away.”

  Jericho pulled back, wiping at his eyes. “Your parents died, too?”

  Ben cleared his throat and nodded, and fuck, Jericho felt his heart ache for the guy. This was the first time he’d seen his mate shaken.

  “Can we talk about this another time?” Ben pressed a kiss to Jericho’s lips. “We’re supposed to be celebrating.”

  “Maybe we should invite Joe over,” Jericho teased.

  Ben gave a low growl. “Not if you want him to remain breathing.”

  He took Jericho’s hand and walked him through the house, waving at empty space and telling Jericho where he wanted the furniture and how they needed a patio set.

  Ben seemed genuinely happy, so Jericho didn’t ask where they’d get the money for all of his mate’s ideas.

  “I’m really starting to learn you,” Ben said. “I have enough savings to last us for a very long time.” He brushed this thumb over Jericho’s cheek. “You have to stop worrying. Just enjoy the moment, babe.”

  Jericho did need to chill, even if he felt overwhelmed that his name was on the paperwork. He was so used to living with his uncle, of hiding that he was gay, of not being himself that being able to be who he was felt too good to be true.

  He no longer had to walk on eggshells. Jericho could speak his mind without fear of getting his ass kicked. It just hit him, as though a tremendous weight had been lifted off his shoulders.

  Jericho looked up at Ben and smiled. How could he ever repay his mate for saving him from that life?

  He threw his arms around Ben and hugged him tightly. “Thank you.”

  “For what, kit?”

  “For coming into town and finding me in that diner.”

  “Shit, I should be thanking you.” Ben rested his chin in Jericho’s head. “My life before you was…it just wasn’t. You know?”

  The front door burst open. Jericho screamed, and Ben spun, snarling as his claws slid free. Moose rushed in and slammed the door behind him.

  “What the fuck?” Ben shouted.

  “You guys get somewhere where there aren’t any windows.” Moose ushered them into the kitchen. “We found the grave, and I have no idea how Deputy Hayley got wind of what was going on, but he had cops cars and the coroner at your place, Jericho. The next thing I know, I’m being jumped from behind. The guy smelled like a polar bear.”

  “Shit, that’s Ivan,” Jericho whispered.

  Moose nodded. “I chased the shifter to this street, but I lost him.”

  “But how does he know we’re here?” Ben asked. “We haven’t been outside.”

  “I have no idea, but I’m not gonna let anything happen to either of you.” Moose looked out the window over the sink. “I have a few friends on their way to help protect you guys.” He turned and looked at them, and Jericho nearly gasped. He’d never seen Moose look so fucking evil. “I’m gonna kill that son of a bitch when I get my hands on him.”

  Ben hurried over to Moose. “You’re bleeding.”

  “Where?” Moose asked.

  “On your back.”

  “I thought I smelled blood,” Moose said. “But I was too busy chasing that fucker.”

  Why did men like Ivan exist? How did someone turn so evil? Ivan had been a bully for as far back as Jericho could remember. He intimidated people, shook residents down, and he was obviously a murderer, too.

  “What about my uncle?” Jericho asked. “Did you guys see him?”

  Moose wiped the sweat from his face. “One guy was arrested. I’m assuming that was him. Fucking Hayley. He doesn’t know that he can’t hold a shifter. Your uncle will shift into a bunny and escape.”

  Jericho’s fear skyrocketed. If Landon got free, his uncle would come after him. Most people thought bunnies were all cute and submissive. Not Landon. He might be short, but he was buff and was one cruel bastard. He didn’t have a cute or submissive bone in his body. Landon wouldn’t come after Moose or Ben. He’d never go up against an apex predator.

  But he would definitely make Jericho pay in the worst sort of way.

  “I want you in the pantry,” Ben said as he started to undress. “I’m gonna stay out here in my wolf form to greet Ivan.”

  Moose walked into the living room to clearly give Ben privacy. Not that shifters cared about getting naked to shift. But Jericho appreciated Moose doing that.

  “I don’t want to go into the pantry,” Jericho bit his nails and glanced around. “I don’t want to leave your side.”

  Ben cupped his face. “I need you safe, and I won’t be able to concentrate if I know you’re not in that pantry.”

  “I’m not finding anymore hidden rooms,” Jericho groused. “I’m not having you stuff me in them.”

  Jericho spun and headed toward the pantry, his heart rocketing as he opened the door and headed inside.

  Ben grabbed the door before Jericho closed it. “I’m sorry, but it would kill me if anything happened to you.” Ben gave him a kiss. “I think I’ve fallen in love with you.” He gave Jericho a charming smile.

  “You can’t say that shit and then close the door on me,” Jericho argued as his heart expanded. “That’s so not fair!”

  Ben chuckled. “I meant what I said, and I’ve given you something to think about.”

  Jericho gave a tiny growl when Ben shoved the door closed.

  * * * *

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Grayson shouted at Joshua.

  “My job,” Deputy Hayley argued. “You know about a dead body and you don’t call it in? And you wonder why I have a problem with you being sheriff.”

  “Watch your step,” Grayson snarled. “I wanted to check things out before I called it in, but you jumped the gun, and the suspect got away.”

  Grayson hadn’t meant for this to get out of control. He’d wanted Moose and Darren to be discreet and get Ivan to the underworld.
But that wasn’t fucking happening. Not when swirling lights lit up the goddamn night, telling everyone within a half-mile radius that the cops were at Jericho’s house.

  “Just get this scene processed,” he snarled at Joshua. There wasn’t shit Grayson could do about anything now, so they might as well do their jobs.

  But Grayson took a moment to text his mate to make sure Moose was okay. Moose had ripped out of here so fast that Grayson’s head had spun. Darren had stayed behind just in case Ivan showed up and the humans needed intervention.

  The other deputies dug the body up. Marvin McCormick, the coroner and town doctor, waited in the driveway with his stretcher and a black bag. The neighbors were stretched far enough apart that they had minimal onlookers, but those who did stand there—mostly teenagers—were snapping pictures or holding their phones up to record.

  Grayson walked over to where Darren stood at the edge of the woods. “Anything?”

  Darren sniffed the air and shook his head. “Ivan is long gone. But you have to find a way to get Landon out the back of that car. If he escapes his jail cell, we’ll never find him.”

  “When this is wrapped up, you’ll have to transport him and say he got away when you were hauling him into the station.” Grayson shrugged. “That’s the best idea I can come up with.”

  He didn’t like it, though. Shit was getting too messy, and Grayson needed to hire more nonhumans as deputies. He could sell the idea of an escaped prisoner to his other deputies, but Joshua wouldn’t buy it. The guy was too sharp and was looking for an excuse to get Grayson thrown off the force.

  He just might get that excuse if Grayson didn’t find a way to clean this mess up.

  Chapter Ten

  Ben paced the house in his wolf form, looking out the patio doors every few minutes as Moose texted on his phone. With every pass of the kitchen, Ben sniffed at the pantry door, just so he could inhale Jericho’s scent. It helped calm his wolf and remind him what he was fighting for.

  Like you need the reminder. You just want to sniff your bunny. Ben didn’t think there would ever come a time when he didn’t want Jericho. Even now, in the midst of trouble, all Ben could think about was stripping his mate down and fucking him until they both couldn’t walk straight.


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