Broken Rich Girl: A Dark Academy Bully Romance

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Broken Rich Girl: A Dark Academy Bully Romance Page 12

by Bella King

  I wrapped a warm white towel around my breasts and stepped out into the bedroom, leaving Trent to finish while I jumped under the covers completely naked and waited for him. I had a feeling that there would be a lot more lovemaking tonight, and I wanted to be ready for it.

  Maybe, after all, things were going to be okay.

  Chapter 20

  Trent locked the door behind us as we reentered the school from the sewage system on the basement floor bathroom. It had been a long night, and Trent hadn’t slept well. He kept tossing and turning all night. Even I couldn’t sleep with the way he was moving, despite the bed being the most comfortable one I had slept on all year.

  “Where should I put the key?” Trent asked, dangling it in front of me.

  I snatched it out of his hand. “You’re getting rid of it, right?” I asked.

  He looked offended. “Yeah, but I was going to.”

  “I don’t trust you,” I said, meaning the words that I said. Knowing him, he would be sneaking out again just to smuggle things in and out of the school. How could he resist the temptation of a tunnel straight into the city from here? I wasn’t going to risk letting him get into trouble again.

  “You can trust me. I’m going to flush it down the toilet,” he said, trying to grab at the key.

  I put my hand behind my back, stepping away. “I want to watch you do it.”

  “I’ll be in the men’s bathroom,” he argued. “You can’t watch.”

  I laughed. “Because you’re not going to flush it. I’m doing this for both of us,” I said before sprinting away from him.

  “Where are you going?” He shouted as I lunged down the hallway toward the nearest bathroom.

  I heard his footsteps behind me, but he was too far back to catch up to me. Besides, I was going into the women’s bathroom, and I hoped he would at least hesitate at the doorway. Knowing him, though, he wouldn’t, so I had to be quick. I was going to flush the key and see it disappear with my own eyes. There would be no more trouble for Trent.

  I hooked my hand over the doorway and swung myself into the bathroom, nearly knocking over Lisa on the way in. Her eyes widened when she saw me. “Samantha! I was just about to give up on you. Where have you been?”

  “I’ll explain later,” I yelped, maneuvering around her and dashing into an empty stall as Trent came in behind me.

  I heard Lisa yelling at Trent to get out of the lady’s room while I dropped the key into the toilet. With a switch push of the handle, the key was sucked into the pipe, never to be seen again. It was gone.

  Trent joined me in the bathroom stall, his eyes wide as I stood smugly next to the toilet. “You flushed it,” he said, stating the obvious.

  “Yes, I did,” I said proudly, crossing my arms.

  He squinted at me. “Are you sure you did, or did you just pretend to?”

  “No, I really did,” I said, holding my hands up and flipping them over so that he could see I wasn’t still holding it.

  A smirk spread across his face. “Well, I’m going to have to search you just to make sure,” he said, suddenly lurching out and grabbing me by the waist.

  I shrieked and giggled as he ran his hands over my legs and ass, squeezing me while he pretended to search me for the flushed key.

  Our brief moment of fun was interrupted by Lisa at the doorway. “Please leave,” she said, pointing Trent to the exit.

  “Jeez, no need to be such a stiff,” Trent said, standing up straight and removing his hands from me.

  “I have business here,” Lisa replied, crossing her arms and pursing her thin lips.

  I pointed at her. “Do you have my plan B?” I asked.

  Lisa nodded, and Trent perked up but didn’t say anything.

  I pulled a twenty-dollar bill from the stack that was in my jacket pocket and handed it to her. “It’s a bit late, but I’ll take it.”

  Lisa nodded, taking the bill and removing a white box from her back pocket, tossing it into my hands. “Wear a condom next time, honey.”

  Trent shook his head. “Piss off.”

  Lisa shot him a nasty look but left the stall.

  “Let’s go,” I said, taking Trent by the hand and pulling him out. The last thing I wanted was for him to get in trouble for hanging out in the women’s bathroom. Besides, we had to get to class. I was sure that after missing so many, they would notice, and we’d get in trouble. The detention excuse only worked so many times before they started checking the records.

  I threw the plan B pill into my mouth and swallowed it without water. I doubted that I would get pregnant from one night with Trent, but it was better to be safe than sorry.

  Chapter 21

  “I have a surprise for you,” Trent said, rubbing a tattooed hand over his chin with a mischievous grin.

  I was on my way down the stairs of our apartment. After we graduated from Bayside Academy, Trent managed to get a job at a factory, while I worked at a pizza joint. It wasn’t glamorous, but it would only be temporary until we started college together.

  “A surprise? Should I be worried?” I asked in a joking tone as I came to the bottom of the stairs.

  “I guess that depends on how much you like your dad,” he said, clasping hand around the handle of the front door and pulling it open.

  I jerked my head back as the morning sun came flooding into the apartment, nearly blinding against my sleepy eyes. What was more dazzling, though, was the man who stepped through the doorway. It was my father.

  Was I still dreaming? I rubbed my eyes and looked at him in shock as he chuckled. “What the fuck?” I exclaimed, looking from him to Trent, then back at him.

  They both laughed.

  “The lawyer found a loophole. I’m out,” my father said, opening his arms as wide as the smile on his face was.

  I felt tears coming to my eyes, and I ran toward him, burying my head into his chest so that he couldn’t see that I was already sobbing. After everything I had been through, I never imagined that I would be seeing my father this soon. I had accepted his fate while I spent my time locked up at Bayside. Maybe I had been too quick to do so.

  “Don’t you ever leave me again,” I said, looking up at his chestnut-brown eyes.

  He shook his head. “Never, Samantha. I’m sorry about everything that I did.”

  “No,” I said, holding a hand against his chest and feeling his quick heartbeat, “Don’t be.” I looked over at Trent. “I wouldn’t have found him if I hadn’t been locked up.”

  My father looked at Trent and shook a finger at him. “You better keep this one out of trouble.”

  “Yes sir,” Trent replied with a curt nod. He was surprisingly polite to my father for a man with questionable morals, but I doubted he wanted to cross a mafia boss.

  I almost couldn’t believe that I was seeing my father again, but if this was a dream, I didn’t want to wake up from it. After my mother died, after my father was sent to prison, after Bayside Academy, and after everything that Trent and I had been through together, I needed this. I needed the light to shine in my life again, and it was.

  My father broke from my embrace and stepped back. “I think we should all celebrate,” he said.

  Trent nodded. “I think so too. I’m hungry.”

  “You’re always hungry,” I said to him with a laugh.

  My father laughed with me. “There’s a place open close by if you two want to get breakfast with me. I haven’t eaten a solid meal since they threw me in a cell with a bunch of crooks.”

  I smiled. “Yes, I would like that.”

  Trent took my hand, and we all walked out of the apartment, together once again. I felt whole, something I hadn’t expected to happen so soon. This was the way things should be.

  The End.

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  More by Bella King

  Depraved Kings: A Dark Reverse Harem Bully Romance

  The scars etched deep in
to my stomach formed a word that I would have to carry with me forever.


  I came in innocent.

  But I left guilty.

  I had a taste for the dark side, but slipping over the line was what got me here in the first place.

  I was mistakenly locked up at a boarding school for delinquents.

  I wasn’t going to last a second there if I didn’t toughen up.

  Then came initiation.

  There were four of them, and there was only one of me.

  After that, nothing was the same.

  How could it be after those four men gained my trust?

  Now I was in their powerful hands, and they had plans for me.

  I wasn’t safe.

  And I feared I never would be safe again.

  Hate You: A Dark High School Bully Romance

  Black hair and blue eyes – an unusual combination. She walked with a slight sway to her hips. It was just enough to be sexy, but not enough that it looked like it was on purpose. Her lips were a soft pink, delicate and plump, with a rosy shimmer to them. Her uniform was always neatly pressed, the crisp whites shining against the deep blacks.

  She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, but she was also my most hated enemy. The funny thing was, she had no idea who I was or why I hated her. I thought it best to keep it that way. I didn’t need her to discover my intentions just yet. She would get what was coming to her in due time.

  I stood with my shoulder pressed against the side of my locker. It was cold against my arm, even through the fabric of my white linen school uniform shirt. My eyes danced across her body as she walked with her back to me, away from the throngs of senior students rushing to cram their belongings in their lockers and get home.

  She wasn’t like them. She was calm and didn’t seem to be in any hurry at all. I assumed she came from a rich family with the way that she dressed. I would have liked to have my linens cleaned and pressed every morning before school, but my family couldn’t afford that. Hell, we could barely afford my tuition at Blackstone Academy even with me working every weekend at my uncle’s car repair shop.

  I watched her walk until she disappeared through the double doors that separated us from freedom every weekday from nine to five. I knew where she was going, because I already knew where she lived. I knew a lot about her, in fact, and I was going to keep finding out more until I had enough to ruin her entirely.

  Some may call me bitter, obsessed, and maybe even cruel, but after what she had done to me, I didn’t much care what people had to say. Scarlet Verity Porter was going to pay dearly for the role she had played in ruining my family.

  I had to keep my head straight if I was going to pull this off. I couldn’t keep drifting off into fantasy every time I saw her. She would notice if I gazed at her lovely body for too long. She would realize that I had vested interest in her, and I didn’t want that. This had to be a secret.

  Secrets, as it turned out, were hard to keep. My ex-girlfriend Maddie was always hovering around me, trying to figure out why I was so interested in Scarlet. She was obviously jealous, but she didn’t have enough information to piece together what was really going on. I wanted to keep it that way.

  I stood straight, removing my shoulder form the locker and taking my eyes off the doorway that Scarlet had disappeared through. It would do me no good to stare through it all evening while everyone was heading home. I also had a home to go to, but not a nice one.

  I opened my locker and threw some tattered books into it. The whole thing was a mess. Crumbled papers, receipts, empty cans, and last year’s homework all lay scattered around the locker, but it didn’t matter to me. My books had been bought secondhand, and they didn’t need special treatment. The cover had been ripped off one of them and several pages were missing. Sometimes I had to borrow other people’s books just so I knew what the homework was.

  Thankfully, Maddie was very eager to please me after our breakup. She seemed to follow me around all the time, and she would always let me use her books if I needed them. She even offered to help me with my homework if I was having trouble with it, but I never accepted her help. I wasn’t stupid.

  Maddie was a different issue that I didn’t care to address yet. I didn’t know why she was still skulking around me and popping out from around corners when I was trying to get to class, but it was distracting from my study of Scarlet. She was my target, and I wouldn’t let another woman distract me from her.

  “Dylan,” a voice called from behind me.

  Fuck, it was her.


  Bully Her: A Dark High School Bully Romance

  I watched in horror as the woman across from me slammed down her fifth shot, barely able to keep from vomiting as the cold liquid burned her throat. She was a small woman, with glossy brown eyes and a face that begged to please the leader of our group.

  Megan wasn’t pleased, though. She shook her head and read out the next card in the deck. “Ava,” she snapped, turning to me. “What year was Palm Valley founded?”

  That was easy enough to answer. It was engraved in a plaque in the center of the quad and was printed on every uniform shirt that the school produced. I was even wearing one of them now. I snuck a peek down at my shirt, double-checking the date on it.

  1891, just as I remembered it.

  I straightened my back, looking around at the expectant faces sitting cross-legged in the circle, then at the liter of frozen vodka that stood menacingly in the middle. I didn’t want to take another shot of that stuff. It was stronger than anything I had tried before, and it burned my insides as it moved down. I could still feel the first shot I took sizzling in my stomach, dissolving the delicate lining that protected it.

  This was what all the women did after they turned 18 at Palm Valley Academy. It was completely off the records, but it had been going on for decades according to Megan, who was the student body president.

  It was noon on an hour-long lunch break when me and eleven other women gathered in an abandoned bathroom at school to take part in the age-old ritual as we crossed into adulthood. The thing was, I was already 19, but I had just got to Palm Valley, and so I had to complete the ritual in order to be accepted among the ranks. I was quickly discovering the pecking order at this school, and I can’t say that I approved of it.

  “1891.” My voice rang out confidently, but my shoulders were still bunched up in anticipation.

  Megan’s laughter bounced off the walls of the tiled bathroom, her throaty voice loud and obnoxious. “I said Palm Valley, not Palm Valley Academy.” She looked around at the other women as though they were in on the joke, but none of them laughed. They all looked terrified to be the next one in line for these trick questions.

  I groaned. “Palm Valley could mean anything then. That’s not fair,” I blurted, pushing away a shot that had already been poured for me by one the glossy brown-eyed girl.

  Megan’s face fell, turning from a sinister smile to an even more sinister scowl. “Drink the shot, Ava,” she demanded, her voice deep and serious.

  “It’s nasty. Why are we even doing this?” I protested.

  The other women looked terrified that I would cross Megan, but I didn’t know any better at the time. If I did, I would have downed the shot with no questions asked. It would have made my life a hell of a lot easier.

  “If you don’t drink it, you can’t be an adult,” she said, her voice quivering slightly.

  I should have seen that as a sign of rage, but to me, it looked like weakness, so I continued to challenge her. “I’m 19. I am an adult, whether you say I am or not. I’m older than you are,” I said, throwing my hands up.

  Megan smiled at me, her lips shaking like they were struggling to maintain their position on her face. She fluttered her eyelids. “Ava, if you don’t take the shot, I’m literally going to make the rest of your time here at Palm Valley Academy the worst time of your life.”

  I doubted that. I had been through a
lot at my last school, from bullies to deaths in the family. I was no stranger to tough times, and in my last school, it was the one who threw the punches that came out on top, not the one who submitted.

  That was how I got kicked out, actually. I punched a bully so hard in his face that I broke his nose. I would have gotten away with it too if it weren’t for the principal standing twenty feet away when it happened. Oh yeah, and it was all on camera.

  I rolled my eyes at Megan but snatched the shot out of the glossy brown-eyed girl’s hand. Some of it sloshed onto my black pleated uniform skirt, but I ignored it, tossing back the shot like it was nothing more than water.

  Megan’s face melted back into the perfect doll-like pleasantness that it usually was. She was one of the most attractive women at the school on the outside, but I could already see that her insides were rotten to the core, like a tomato that had sat too long on the shelf and had been forgotten, only to be picked up by some unfortunate sap and rendered into a pile of stinking mush.

  “There, happy?” I said, placing the shot glass back into the center of the circle.

  “That wasn’t so hard,” Megan said in a half-whisper, then turned to the next girl. “Mindy, it’s time for you to tell me what the original school uniform colors were.”

  The vodka that I had ingested bubbled in my stomach. I felt like I was going to puke already, and I was only two shots in. At this rate, I was going to be wasted before lunch break was over, but I suspected that was Megan’s intentions. All of the questions were intentionally difficult so that we would have to make a fool of ourselves. It was a sick display of power.

  I knew that Megan didn’t like me. She had singled me out early on, but what I didn’t realize was that it wasn’t for anything but my attitude. It never got me in trouble before. In fact, it was the only thing that kept me out of trouble at my last school, aside from my careless punch. Back then, you had to show attitude to keep yourself in a higher social status. Things here clearly weren’t the same. That same attitude was getting me into a world of trouble.


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