The Rebel

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by Joanne Rock

  He’ll take what’s his—

  including the woman who stands in his way.

  Marcus Salazar has come to Mesa Falls to buy out his half brother and gain control of the media empire that was his brainchild. But when COO Lily Carrington shows up, she poses a threat to his plan—and his libido. Not even her engagement of convenience to another man can dim Marcus’s desire for her, even as Lily fights for her own future at Salazar Media...and against her attraction to Marcus!

  A Dynasties Novel

  Where family loyalties and passions collide…

  Visit Mesa Falls

  “The lack of trust I could work around. It’s the matter of me being attracted to you that is presenting the problem.”

  Marcus stopped less than an arm’s length away from her.

  Lily’s mouth went dry as she struggled for words. “I—”

  He didn’t seem to hear. Or maybe she hadn’t actually made a sound. Either way, he continued. “But—” His brows swooped down low, his gaze narrowing. “I am not the sort of man who would ever make a pass at a woman who is...otherwise engaged.”

  His jaw flexed. His dark eyes glittered with a spark of heat that he didn’t bother to hide.

  “I’m sure you’re not—” she began, hoping to divert this line of conversation, and unwilling to acknowledge her newly discovered awareness of Marcus until she knew how to handle it.

  “I’m not that kind of man,” he repeated, his voice lowering. “But with you, Lily, I’m tempted.”

  * * *

  The Rebel is part of the

  Dynasties: Mesa Falls series.

  Dear Reader,

  I’m thrilled to introduce you to a brand-new world I’ve been building in my mind for months! Welcome to Mesa Falls Ranch, a luxurious western-Montana retreat in the Bitterroot Valley beneath a breathtaking mountain range. The ranch is jointly owned by a group of longtime friends who’ve spent a lot of time and money to implement sustainable ranching initiatives that they hope to showcase to the public. That’s where Salazar Media comes in, when Marcus Salazar arrives.

  But Marcus’s ties to the ranch are deeper than they seem at first glance! Both Salazar brothers are tied to Mesa Falls—and the men who operate it. There are secrets and scandals lurking beneath the surface, and I’m excited to start uncovering them over the course of the series. For now, though, enjoy the unexpected romance between Marcus Salazar and Lily Carrington, a woman who should be very off-limits!

  Happy reading, and please join me next month for The Rival!

  Joanne Rock

  Joanne Rock

  The Rebel

  For Stephanie Hyacinth, Ann Thayer Cohen and Anne Martel. I’m so grateful for your support and kindness. I’m never parting with my gold star!

  Joanne Rock credits her decision to write romance after a book she picked up during a flight delay engrossed her so thoroughly that she didn’t mind at all when her flight was delayed two more times. Giving her readers the chance to escape into another world has motivated her to write over eighty books for a variety of Harlequin series.

  Books by Joanne Rock

  Harlequin Desire

  The McNeill Magnates

  The Magnate’s Mail-Order Bride

  The Magnate’s Marriage Merger

  His Accidental Heir

  Little Secrets: His Pregnant Secretary

  Claiming His Secret Heir

  For the Sake of His Heir

  The Forbidden Brother

  Wild Wyoming Nights

  One Night Scandal

  Dynasties: Mesa Falls

  The Rebel

  Visit her Author Profile page at, or, for more titles.

  You can find Joanne Rock on Facebook, along with other Harlequin Desire authors, at!

  Mesa Falls

  The Key Players

  Mesa Falls Ranch, Montana’s premier luxury

  corporate retreat, got its start when a

  consortium bought the property.

  The Owners

  Weston Rivera, rancher

  Miles Rivera, rancher

  Gage Striker, investment banker

  Desmond Pierce, casino resort owner

  Alec Jacobsen, game developer

  Jonah Norlander, technology company CEO

  What do the owners have in common?

  They all went to Dowdon School, where they

  were students of the late Alonzo Salazar.

  The Salazars

  Alonzo Salazar (dec.), retired teacher at Dowdon School, CEO of Salazar Media

  Devon Salazar, copresident, Salazar Media, Alonzo’s son

  Marcus Salazar, copresident, Salazar Media, Alonzo’s son, Devon’s half brother

  As these key players converge, dark secrets come to light in Big Sky Country...

  When family loyalties and passions collide...


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Excerpt from A Christmas Rendezvous by Karen Booth


  Marcus Salazar would have enjoyed the afternoon trail ride a whole lot more if he’d left his cell phone back at the ranch.

  He’d set the device to vibrate after ignoring two calls from the office, but he still found himself checking it. He couldn’t help it. He’d come to Mesa Falls Ranch, a Western-style luxury corporate retreat here in Montana, for the most important business meeting of his life: to hammer out a deal with his half brother, Devon, that would finally give Marcus full control of Salazar Media. Their negotiations couldn’t start soon enough to suit him.

  When his phone began buzzing again, he plucked it from the breast pocket of his canvas jacket and saw that it was Devon calling. Maybe his brother had finally arrived. Marcus reminded himself to be civil and start things on a positive note. He and Devon might have opposing views on the future of Salazar Media—and just about everything else—but there was no need to revisit old ground this week. He’d simply discover how to buy out Devon’s investment and they could sever ties at last. He swiped the screen to answer the call.

  “I can meet you in the great room in twenty minutes,” Marcus said without preamble, grateful for the cooperative Appaloosa who didn’t seem to mind his busy hands. He tried to keep a level grip on the reins with one hand while he held the phone in the other, remembering basic horsemanship from his prep school days. “I took one of the horses out while I waited for you, but we’re almost back to the main lodge now.”

  Squinting into the late-afternoon November sunlight, Marcus could see the pine-covered ridge that sheltered the stables on the six-thousand-acre ranch. The acreage was situated close to the Bitterroot River, a place his father, Alonzo Salazar, had visited often, and he’d talked of bringing Marcus and Devon there for a trip on several occasions.

  When they’d been kids, there’d been bad blood between their mothers that had made the trip too difficult to orchestrate. And later there’d been plenty of enmity between the men themselves. Now it was too late. Marcus and Devon had said their final goodbyes to Alonzo Salazar last summer after a battle with pancreatic cancer that was over far too quickly. Their father was gone, and he’d been the only reason the brothers had been civil to ea
ch other outside the family business.

  They probably could have dissolved the rest of their ties without coming here, but they were fulfilling a deathbed promise to their father to meet at the ranch before they went their separate ways. For reasons Marcus still didn’t understand, their dad had been determined to get Marcus and Devon to this corner of western Montana.

  “I’m not in town yet, unfortunately.” Devon’s voice competed with a lot of background noise. An announcement over a loudspeaker. The hum of other voices. “I’m still in the airport in Mumbai.”

  “Mumbai?” Marcus leaned back in the saddle, stopping the horse on the trail so he could give the call his full attention. “As in the other side of the globe?”

  Frustration simmered in his veins. His brother wouldn’t arrive for at least another day.

  “I would have called sooner, but my phone and passport were both stolen and I was...detained by customs.” His brother sounded pissed. And exhausted.

  “Did you recover the phone?” Confused, Marcus checked the caller ID and saw his brother’s face, only to realize Devon had contacted him through a social media messaging service, not a regular call.

  “No. I bought a new one at an airport kiosk.” Devon’s voice rasped like a man who’d been talking for hours. “I’ve got a message in to the embassy to get some help returning to the States, but in the meantime, I—” there was interference on the call, as if Devon was walking through a wind tunnel “—should be in Montana soon.”

  “I missed that.” Marcus nudged the Appaloosa’s flanks, wondering if the cell signal was weak in this heavily wooded section of the trail. The mare started forward again. “I just finalized the deal to bring on Mesa Falls Ranch as a client.” He’d been working on that angle with the ranch owners ever since he’d realized the trip here was inevitable, and he’d received a verbal agreement from one of them earlier in the day. “I can take an extra day to work on their account personally, but if you’re not here in forty-eight hours, I’m flying back to Los Angeles.”

  Marcus handled the West Coast office. Devon was his copresident in New York. Only their father had outranked them, and he’d been a mostly silent figurehead CEO.

  “There’s no need. I—” Devon’s words faded as the connection cut out again “—as an emissary. She can speak for me—”

  A loud crackling noise hissed through the device.

  “Who?” Marcus strained to hear what his brother was saying, the tinny voice over a loudspeaker drowning out some of Devon’s words and the poor call quality muting even more. “Is someone coming to the ranch for you?”

  “—will message you. Sorry about this.”

  The connection cut out completely.

  Marcus glared down at his phone to see Devon’s social media photo staring back at him. How could Devon have waited until the last minute to get on a flight to Montana? Even on the company jet—and he didn’t have it in Mumbai—the trip would have been eighteen hours, give or take.

  Although, having been detained in customs overseas himself, Marcus knew it wasn’t a picnic. Besides, maybe Devon’s guilt over not making their meeting would play into Marcus’s hands in helping him win control of Salazar Media for good. The company had been his brainchild, after all. His father and brother had only signed on for financial support, with their father assuming the CEO position simply because he’d been effective in brokering an accord between his warring copresident sons. With their father’s death, there was a power vacuum that Marcus planned to fill. As the creative founder, Marcus deserved the CEO role, and he planned to have it or he’d leave the company that he’d started.

  Jamming the phone in his breast pocket, he urged his mount faster, racing hard toward the main lodge on Mesa Falls Ranch. The retreat had undeniable appeal. The fact that the mountains and the wide-open spaces could distract him from his frustration for even a moment was a testament to the place’s beauty. A consortium of owners—six in all—had maintained the lands and shared the cattle for the last eight years, with each of them having a home on the acreage. But the group had decided to open the land to guests a year ago, in an effort to fund their move to sustainable ranching. Sensing a business opportunity for Salazar Media, Marcus had opened a dialogue with the group, hoping to secure their account. The owners had made a verbal commitment to six months’ worth of social media advertising with Salazar, with an option for extending the contract if they were pleased. Marcus planned to set up a few appointments with key members of the ranching staff—to make his presence felt here—and then head back to LA once the finalized contracts were signed.

  His conscience would be clear that he’d at least tried to meet Devon at the retreat. If Devon couldn’t bother showing up, that was on him.

  As Marcus reined in behind the stables, he could see a shiny black Escalade pull up to the huge main lodge. A liveried driver hopped out and jogged around to the back, where tinted windows prevented Marcus from seeing inside. His brother’s words floated back to his brain—something about an emissary.

  Could Devon have sent someone to the ranch in his place? It galled him to think his brother had managed to arrange for a replacement, because he would have had to make the arrangements hours ago. Clearly, phoning his own brother to let him know he was delayed hadn’t been his first priority.

  He slid down to the ground and handed over the Appaloosa’s reins to a waiting stable hand. He thanked the guy and kept his eye on the Escalade as the back door opened and a decidedly feminine leg appeared.

  A black high heeled boot. A slender calf. A sliver of gray pin-striped skirt.

  She can speak for me...

  The words blasted back into his mind as the only woman who was ever allowed to speak for Devon Salazar stepped fully into view.

  Lily Carrington stood tall on the tarmac in a black overcoat left unbelted over her pale gray suit and lavender-colored blouse. A tiny patent-leather handbag dangled off her arm. She was the most perfectly proper woman Marcus had ever met. Never a silky dark hair out of place. Efficient. Articulate. Clients praised her up one side and down the other. She’d been Devon’s right hand in the business during the crazy years that it had doubled, then tripled in size, working her way up to the COO position, effectively the number two person in the New York office.

  She was the antithesis of everything Marcus normally liked in a woman, cool and composed when he usually went for passionate, artsy types. Yet for some irritating reason, he’d always fought a fierce attraction to Lily.

  Lucky for him, she was engaged to another man and safely off-limits.

  Not so lucky for him, she still roused a surge of lust just standing in the driveway looking like a movie star in sunglasses that covered half her face.

  “Marcus.” She gave a polite smile as she caught sight of him, edging past her driver to head toward him. “What an impressive property for a retreat.” Tipping up her sunglasses, she gestured toward the massive lodge-style building newly constructed as guest quarters. Her gaze swept over the pristine stables, the welcome center and attached paddock, and the rolling hills that turned into mountain vistas behind it. “It’s breathtaking.”

  He found the view of her far preferable to the autumn landscape but kept that opinion on lockdown. He was already calculating how fast he could leave town without compromising his bargaining position with Devon. He’d done things he wasn’t proud of in his life, but indulging an attraction to a woman wearing another man’s ring was a line he wouldn’t cross.

  “It should photograph well,” he acknowledged, turning his attention to the views instead of Lily’s pliable mouth or pale blue eyes. “Since Devon couldn’t bother to show, maybe we can spend our time here setting up the ranch account and gathering some on-the-ground intel the team can use to fine-tune the marketing approach. I’ll text you an agenda so we can both get back home as soon as possible.”

  She was quiet for a long momen
t. For so long, in fact, he needed to turn and look at her again for a hint of what she was thinking.

  “We could do that,” she admitted slowly, staring at him with newly wary eyes. “Or we could start a dialogue about how to fill the CEO position, since that was the original intent of this meeting. Maybe you and I can come up with some workable options for the future of Salazar Media—”

  “That meeting was planned for Devon and me. Not you.” He wondered where she saw herself in this negotiation for power at Salazar Media. Was she hoping to carve out a better position for herself? Oust Marcus completely and take over the West Coast office?

  If not for the fact that the Salazar brothers were on opposite coasts, the business might have tanked years ago. But they’d made it this far by operating as independently as possible from each other in New York and Los Angeles.

  “I have a stake in the outcome, too,” she reminded him coolly. “And now that your father isn’t around to negotiate your differences, I hoped maybe I could facilitate a conversation about the future.”

  “Did my brother ask you to talk me into rolling over on this?” He realized his thwarted sexual tension was making him speak more sharply than he might have otherwise. “Did he think you had a better shot at enticing me into doing what you want?”

  Marcus had compromised his vision for the company too many times over the years, playing it safe while good opportunities passed them by because Devon had a different approach.

  “Of course not,” she replied adamantly, shaking her head. “However, I am familiar with some of the frustration on both sides—”

  “No, Lily,” he said, cutting her off, unwilling to walk down that conversational path with her. “You can’t possibly know the level of my frustration.”

  Their gazes met and held for a long moment while he let those words sink in so she could chew on them for awhile. He guessed the moment when she suspected his underlying meaning. There was a soft intake of breath. An almost silent rush of her surprise before she gave a slow blink.


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