Angels and Elves- Act I

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Angels and Elves- Act I Page 23

by William Collins

  “You, have a mentor?’ Evan exclaimed.

  “Well, Glommish hasn’t trained me for a few thousand years, but he still knows many things I do not. I hadn’t even told him about the demon-spawn. I thought I could deal with this myself. What a fool I’ve been.”

  “No, I get it,” said Brooke. “And I appreciate that you kept it a secret from everyone this long, for our sake.”

  Vanderain nodded respectfully. “Should we take Taija too?”

  “No,” he said at once. “You’re speaking like there may be trouble once you reveal us to the council. You saw what Taija did at the asylum. What if she wreaks havoc again? I don’t want her going through that. She’s only just getting accustomed to Veneseron.”

  “Good, I’m glad that you’ve come to care for her. Okay, just the two of you then. I must speak with Taretta and Tarensen. Come to my chambers in one hour’s time. Get dressed out of your attire and into normal clothes, I don’t want to give the Republic any clues as to who you are, including your Realmer rank. Also pack a set of armour. I have a feeling you might need it.”

  Evan wondered why they’d need armour in a place that was full of Realmers like them, but he nodded, before following Brooke from the room.


  “Are you serious?” Elijah shouted once he and Brooke told them all what had happened.

  Evan nodded, leaning against the desk as Brooke finished telling Jed, Emi, Elijah and Taija. Now that the adrenalin was gone, he was exhausted.

  Usually it was extended magic use that exhausted him, but he guessed today it was the cocktail of extreme emotions he’d felt. Evan had thought about it, wished it as he lay in bed at night, but now he knew without a doubt that he had to be the one who killed Kalkavan. He wanted to be the one who killed him. That bastard had burned him forever, Evan wanted to burn him back, until he was nothing but embers.

  They’d gathered in Brooke’s room, they couldn’t risk telling their friends where other Venators would overhear.

  Their friends had been waiting for them outside Li’Azar’s chamber, along with Danx who’d already been there. Even the Droge seemed to know something was wrong as his usual excitement turned to concern as he rubbed himself against Evan’s legs, staring silently at him instead of his usual yapping.

  “The Disciple?” said Jed, his face as white with fear as Taija’s beside him. No doubt, they were both remembering their experience at the asylum.

  “Did he hurt you?” Emi asked, even though every one of their friends had already asked this.

  Brooke sighed. “I already explained. He said he didn’t even want to hurt us. He wanted us to leave Veneseron and join him.”

  Jed barked out a laugh. “Are all demons insane? Or was this dude just winding you up on purpose.”

  “Possibly,” Evan replied, absent-mindedly scratching Danx between the ears.

  “How did Kalkavan get to you?” Taija asked, her voice barely more than a whisper. “I thought we’re protected here.”

  Brooke hesitated, not wanting to drop him in it, so he answered for her. “It was my fault. Kalkavan used demon magic to draw me to him. I was too weak to resist, I guess.”

  “He doesn’t know where Veneseron is, though,” Brooke added. “We’re still safe here.”

  “Until our next Dreamwielding lesson.” Jed shook his head.

  “No, the Masters will ensure it won’t happen again,” said Elijah. “Even if it means suspending Dreamwielding classes.”

  He noticed Brooke hadn’t explained the finer details to their friends, particularly what Kalkavan had told her about his family, and Evan didn’t fill in the blanks either. He hoped she wasn’t taking it too hard. She still looked shell-shocked.

  “So what’s happening now?” asked Emi.

  “We’re leaving,” he said. “Vanderain’s taking us to Del-O-Reth.”

  “No way,” Elijah exclaimed. “I’ve always wanted to visit the capital. You guys are so lucky…apart from the whole demon spawn thing of course.”

  “Well I guess that puts a damper on my own news now,” said Jed, “but me and Joelle just got our first mission together. I imagine she’ll struggle to keep her hands off me.”

  “Really, doing what?” Emillia asked.

  “Oh not much,” said Jed casually. “Just saving the entire world of the fae, Mar-mole it’s called.”

  “It’s Mag-Mell, you goof,” Elijah exclaimed.

  “No, that’s awesome you got such a high-profile assignment,” Evan said.

  “Try not to sound too surprised.” Jed grinned.

  “Don’t worry about us,” he replied. “We’ll be fine. You’ll have to tell me all about the faeries when we get back.”

  “And you about this Republic place.” Jed clapped him on the shoulder.

  “So,” said a small voice, “you’re all leaving then?”

  Evan’s heart dropped as he saw the dismay in Taija’s expression.

  “Vanderain did wonder about taking you too. But I thought you’d prefer to stay here, as you’re still adjusting after all. Unless you want to come?”

  Taija thought for a moment before nodding. “You’re probably right.”

  “Here, boy,” Evan said suddenly as the idea came to him. Danx bounded off the bed and padded over to him.

  “Hey, I want you to look after Taija whilst I’m gone. You think you can do that buddy?”

  Evan was surprised daily at the droge’s intelligence, but that didn’t stop him from being astonished as Danx looked from him to Taija and seemingly nodded at him before bounding over to her side and licking her fingers.

  “Good boy.” He grinned, watching Danx trot around Taija in a circle as she stroked him. He turned to Elijah and Emi. “Hey, with Jed going too, and the fact Brooke and I could be gone for a while, can I trust you to keep an eye on Taija?”

  “Of course,” Elijah said at once, his sentiment echoed by Emi.

  “Oi. I don’t need looking after,” said Taija, anger glimmering in her eyes. “I’m not a child.”

  “I know,” he replied. “It’s only because you’re still new. We Venators look out for each other. I had Jed in the first few weeks when I arrived, and Brooke had Elijah.”

  “Oh,” the anger in her eyes faded and she cracked a small grateful smile. “That’s alright then.”

  As they had to meet Vanderain again shortly, they said a hurried goodbye to their friends, exchanging hugs and jokes, before everyone filed out to let them pack. Evan hung back before heading to his own room.

  “Are you okay?” Evan asked as soon as they were alone. “The stuff Kalkavan said was pretty brutal, about your family, I mean.”

  “Which family?” Her laugh was hollow. “My dead demon mother and siblings, or my adopted insane brother?”

  “Both, I guess,” he replied awkwardly.

  “I never thought I’d ever see Adam again.” Brooke took a deep breath, her eyes watering. “Growing up with him, it just feels like someone else’s life. I knew he was messed up, but I never could’ve guessed he was linked to all of this all along. I guess there’s no hope for him now. Adam’s not just insane, he’s evil.”

  “Kalkavan has a lot to answer for,” he growled.

  “Evan,” Brooke grabbed his arm suddenly, holding on tight as she forced him to stare into her eyes. “You were almost out of control back there. I know what Kalkavan did to you, but you can’t get so angry. What if your demon magic had come out?”

  “It can’t, or it shouldn’t whilst I drink the Emerald Shade.”

  “Mine did,” she said softly, “and it might’ve ruined everything if Akirandon knows about it.”

  He pulled away from her. “I know, I’m sorry. But I can’t stop thinking about what he did to me.”

  Evan winced as Brooke instinctively glanced at his burn mark.

  “I can’t imagine what you’re feeling,” she said. “But I know Kalkavan wants you to feel it. If we do see him again, like he promised, you can’t fight him. He wants you to
use your demon powers against him. I think you could become corrupted or something. We still know next to nothing about our powers.”

  “Ironically, Kalkavan does,” Evan muttered. “More than Vanderain at least.”

  “I wish I knew what my mom was like,” Brooke said suddenly, staring off into space. “I never actually thought of her as a person. Since Vanderain revealed what I am, I just thought of her as a demon, a monster. Now I’ll never get to meet her. It’s bizarre to think that way, isn’t it? Wrong, even.”

  “No, I wonder the same,” he admitted. “Although, a bigger part of me never wants to encounter my mother.”

  “Do you think…” Brooke hesitated. “Do you think you could kill Akirandon, if you had too?”

  Evan nodded slowly. “She’s a demon, and she leads armies of other demons, as well as the Rakarn. I don’t think I could feel bad for destroying that kind of evil.”


  After dressing in clothes that wouldn’t be out of the ordinary on Earth, ironically bought in shops from Veneseron city, she and Evan made their way to Vanderain’s quarters. As they entered the Master’s Citadel, a small crowd had gathered in the foyer, watching Seth Silcorn playing Realmadon with one of the castle statues, whilst Byron Binoshe took bets. But Brooke’s mind was too still too much of a blur to care about the commotion, and she focused instead on the steps as she and Evan took the winding staircase to the next floor.

  What Kalkavan told her was a lot to take in, as was the overpowering guilt she felt at Vanderain’s reaction to her news. For the past few weeks she’d been hoping so much that nothing would come of Selina witnessing her powers, she thought she’d convinced herself she was in the clear. She’d been an idiot for keeping it to herself. She should’ve told Tarensen or Taretta at once.

  As if he could read her mind, Evan said abruptly. “Stop blaming yourself.”


  “I can tell by the look on your face. You think us rushing off to Del-O-Reth is all your fault.”

  “Isn’t it? You heard Vanderain. I wouldn’t be surprised if he hates me. If Akirandon learns about us, I’ve ruined everything.”

  “Nonsense. Vanderain was just shocked, that’s all, he’s hardly gonna hate you, is he? Yes, if people believe what this Selina might be saying about you, it’s a problem. But I think the main reason Vanderain’s taking us to the Republic is because of Kalkavan.”

  “Maybe,” she replied, unconvinced. “Are you okay with all this? Vanderain revealing what we are to the Republic?”

  Evan shrugged. “I’m not sure. All I know is that I wouldn’t want everyone in this Fortress knowing. I get enough stares as it is.”

  “I’m worried how other people will react,” she confessed. “I’m sure not all renowned Realmers are like Vanderain. What if they want to imprison or kill us for being the children of demons?”

  “Vanderain wouldn’t let them,” Evan said confidently. “And I wouldn’t let them either.”

  “C’mon, Ev. We couldn’t stop the most powerful Realmers across the worlds.”

  “With demon magic we could.”

  Brooke looked round at him, frowning. Evan was still just as socially awkward as the day she’d met him, but he’d changed in other ways. He wasn’t as fearful as he used to be, which was a good thing, but she also got the feeling he wanted to use his powers again, which was more than bad.

  “I hope you’re joking.”

  Evan turned to meet her eyes, his expression unreadable. “Do you think we should let Vanderain suppress our demonic sides completely then?”

  “Maybe…if it’s the safest option. We know the magic is uncontrollable. I don’t want to start ripping the souls out of people, do you?”

  “No,” he admitted, to her relief. “It didn’t feel good, even though demons are evil. I couldn’t imagine how bad I’d feel if my powers destroyed someone innocent. But nor do I want to be defenceless when faced with Kalkavan or another Disciple. I’m not going to pick up more scars, or be forced to serve them,” he said fiercely.

  Brooke didn’t know how to reply. The burns across his face had obviously affected Evan even more than she’d thought.

  Their conversation was brought to an end once they entered Vanderain’s quarters.

  The man himself was behind his desk, drinking a potion Evan didn’t recognise.

  “Ah, just on time,” said Vanderain, hastily, stowing away the bottle. “So, what would you like then?” he asked lightly, striding around his desk.

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  “Your disguise of course. Though I shall reveal to the high-council that spawn exist, your identities will be obscured. In case your descriptions leak out to the various Dread Lords or Disciple out there.”

  “You think members of the Republic would betray you?”

  “No, but I can’t deny the chance they won’t be able to keep such huge news a secret. In the unlikely event the council wants to capture or kill you, your disguises will prevent them from finding you in the future.

  “Kill us?” Evan exclaimed.

  “Yes, well.” Vanderain shuffled his feet uncomfortably. She was struck how the eternal looked like a naughty schoolboy. “I forgot to mention. A small few council officials may want to destroy the demon spawn, just in case it stops Ezanathul ever rising again.”

  “And you’re taking us to these people?” Brooke shook her head.

  “I have no other choice.” Vanderain grimaced miserably. “But trust me, the majority of the high-council are good, righteous people, and all on the council are the finest Realmers in all the realms. If it comes to them voting to imprison you…or worse. I will be forced to act against them and assure your safety. I know it’s a lot to handle, but trust me in that I won’t allow either of you to come to harm.”

  She nodded slowly. “I do, I trust you.”

  Evan nodded too, although he said nothing.

  “So, what will it be?” Vanderain clapped his hands together. “What about some red hair Evan, maybe a much larger nose?”

  “I, uh,” Evan faltered. “I didn’t know you were physically changing us, I thought the disguise was-”

  “A hat and a fake moustache?” Vanderain raised one blond eyebrow, smiling faintly. “The change won’t be permanent, just a complex piece of Anatomy magic. I could use an illusion spell, but as we’re going to a place full of really powerful Venators, the illusion would be seen through or broken. Don’t worry, my spell upon you both won’t hurt and will only last for the duration of our stay. The perks of having millennia to hone my magic you see.”

  “Okay, I’ll have blond hair,” Evan said. “And I’ve always had quite pasty skin, could you make it as dark as Brooke’s? Oh, and I’ll have green eyes.”

  “Make my skin as light as Evan’s then,” she shot him a grin. “I’ll go for that ginger hair you mentioned, and freckles too.”

  “Excellent,” Vanderain strode forward and waved his hands in front of her face. She felt her cheeks prickle and her hair suddenly felt as if it had been cut a lot shorter. She turned to glance in the mirror, seeing a girl with curly red hair and ashen skin staring back at her.

  “Wow,” was all she could say.

  Vanderain moved in front of Evan next. After he’d finished the makeover he paused, his expression grim. “I’m afraid I can’t conceal your burn, Umbra. Due to it being inflicted by demonic sorcery. I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s okay, I’m used to it now,” Evan replied. Brooke could tell he was lying.

  “At least it’ll help if we’re put on a most wanted list and everyone starts hunting us down,” Evan said with a false lightness, gazing at his own new reflection.

  “Well that’s a little reassuring,” said Brooke, “although the part that people will want to catch and kill us is more than a bit worrying. Let’s hope no other Venator in Veneseron looked like I do now. They might get snatched on their next mission.”

  “Yes,” Vanderain said gravely. “Let’s make
extra sure nothing remotely like that occurs. I’ll need to add another recognisable detail to your disguise. With Evan, they’ll be looking for a blond boy with a burn mark. With you, they’ll be looking for a girl with only one ear.”

  “You’re going to cut my ear off!” she cried, stepping away from him.

  “No, just the exterior, you’ll still be able to hear perfectly.

  “But what if it doesn’t grow back?”

  “I promise it will, Brooke. If it doesn’t I permit you to kick me in the balls.”

  She didn’t know how to respond to that so merely took in a deep breath as Vanderain’s fingertips lightly brushed her ear. She hurried to the mirror at once, seeing that her ear lobe and the top of her ear were completely missing, yet she didn’t feel a twinge of pain.

  “Bloody hell.” She uttered numbly.

  “So, shall we go the portal chamber?” Evan asked.

  “No need,” Vanderain replied, strolling toward one of the many doors in his room. This one was carved from a bright blue stone, with a silver handle. “After you.”

  Evan passed through the gateway first, leaving this world and entering another, not knowing if he’d find powerful Realmers that would prove to be allies, or Realmers that would prefer to imprison or kill them.

  Chapter 15- What Fools these Mortals Be!

  Jed woke up to find his face resting on wood instead of his comfy bed. After picking his head up off the desk, and removing the paper stuck to his cheek, he realised he’d fallen asleep whilst trying to read the mission brief. He’d got to page five out of fifteen before dozing off. He hastily flipped over to page six and read hurriedly.

  Faerie myths that are false

  There are a number of fallacies attributed to faeries which have been confused from other races. The most important four are as follows.

  Faeries aren’t actually bound to tell the truth.


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